986 resultados para Actinolite-albite-epidoto-chlorite assemblage
Metamafic orthoderivate rocks, characterized by MORB signatures and paleoproterozoic ages occur in Cajamar region central east part of São Paulo State, Brazil. They are associated to philites, metasandstones and metalimestones of São Roque Group volcanosedimentary sequence, Southeastern portion of the Ribeira Belt. For the metamafic rocks the assemblage of metamorphic peak is represented by actinolitealbite- epidote-chlorite typical of regional metamorphism, greenschist facies. For a good characterization of P and T parameters of metamorphism microprobe analyses of main minerals were performed. Metamorphism did not destroy completely the primary mineralogy of original basalt and microgabbro, and augite crystals are registered in many samples, preserved together with metamorphic assemblage, and possibly indicate that the igneous temperatures of crystallization are between 900 and 1.100°C. Textures of mineral equilibrium for the peak paragenesis are not always present in the studied samples. It may be partially caused by the superposition of retrometamorphic events that is a consequence of regional shearing process. Where the equilibrium is reached, chiefly in the occurrences in the south of the area temperature and pressure determinations indicate values close to 487 ± 42°C and 8,2 ± 2.0 kbar, respectively. Other values for P and T lower than that of the peak were also obtained in central and north portion of the area and they are: 450 ± 68°C for T e 4.7 kbar for P and 315 ± 26°C for T and 3.0 kbar for P and may indicate that the mineral equilibrium was not reached in these samples or that they represent the retrometamorphic event. As a concluding remark considering the metamorphic P-T path now obtained one can say that the exhumation process in this area occurred by isothermal decompression.
O depósito cupro-aurífero Visconde está localizado na Província Mineral de Carajás, a cerca de 15 km a leste do depósito congênere de classe mundial Sossego. Encontra-se em uma zona de cisalhamento de direção WNW-ESE, que marca o contato das rochas metavulcanossedimentares da Bacia Carajás com o embasamento. Nessa zona ocorrem outros depósitos hidrotermais cupro-auríferos com características similares (Alvo 118, Cristalino, Jatobá, Bacaba, Bacuri, Castanha), que têm sido enquadrados na classe IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold), embora muitas dúvidas ainda existam quanto a sua gênese, principalmente no que diz respeito à idade da mineralização e fontes dos fluidos, ligantes e metais. O depósito Visconde está hospedado em rochas arqueanas variavelmente cisalhadas e alteradas hidrotermalmente, as principais sendo metavulcânicas félsicas (2968 ± 15 Ma), o Granito Serra Dourada (2860 ± 22 Ma) e gabros/dioritos. Elas registram diversos tipos de alteração hidrotermal com forte controle estrutural, destacando-se as alterações sódica (albita + escapolita) e sódico-cálcica (albita + actinolita ± turmalina ± quartzo ± magnetita ± escapolita), mais precoces, que promoveram a substituição ubíqua de minerais primários das rochas e a disseminação de calcopirita, pirita, molibdenita e pentlandita. Dados isotópicos de oxigênio e hidrogênio de minerais representativos desses tipos de alteração mostram que os fluidos hidrotermais foram quentes (410 – 355°C) e ricos em 18O (δ18OH2O= +4,2 a 9,4‰). Sobreveio a alteração potássica, caracterizada pela intensa biotitização das rochas, a qual ocorreu concomitantemente ao desenvolvimento de foliação milonítica, notavelmente desenhada pela orientação de palhetas de biotita, que precipitaram de fluidos com assinatura isotópica de oxigênio similar à dos estágios anteriores (δ18OH2O entre +4,8 e +7,2‰, a 355°C). Microclina e alanita são outras fases características desse estágio, além da calcopirita precipitada nos planos da foliação. A temperaturas mais baixas (230 ± 11°C), fluidos empobrecidos em 18O (δ18OH2O = -1,3 a +3,7‰) geraram associações de minerais cálcico-magnesianos (albita + epidoto + clorita ± calcita ± actinolita) que são contemporâneas à mineralização. Valores de δ18DH2O e δOH2O indicam que os fluidos hidrotermais foram inicialmente formados por águas metamórficas e formacionais, a que se misturou alguma água de fonte magmática. Nos estágios tardios, houve considerável influxo de águas superficiais. Diluição e queda da temperatura provocaram a precipitação de abundantes sulfetos (calcopirita ± bornita ± calcocita ± digenita), os quais se concentraram principalmente em brechas tectônicas - os principais corpos de minério - que chegam a conter até cerca de 60% de sulfetos. Veios constituídos por minerais sódico-cálcicos também apresentam comumente sulfetos. A associação de minerais de minério e ganga indica uma assinatura de Cu-Au- Fe-Ni-ETRL-B-P para a mineralização. Os valores de δ34S (-1,2 a +3,4‰) de sulfetos sugerem enxofre de origem magmática (proveniente da exsolução de magmas ou da dissolução de sulfetos das rochas ígneas pré-existentes) e precipitação em condições levemente oxidantes. Datação do minério por lixiviação e dissolução total de Pb em calcopirita forneceu idades de 2736 ± 100 Ma e 2729 ± 150 Ma, que indicam ser a mineralização neoarqueana e, a despeito dos altos erros, permite descartar um evento mineralizador paleoproterozoico. A idade de 2746 ± 7 Ma (MSDW=4,9; evaporação de Pb em zircão), obtida em um corpo granítico não mineralizado (correlacionado à Suíte Planalto) que ocorre na área do depósito, foi interpretada como a idade mínima da mineralização. Assim, a formação do depósito Visconde teria relação com o evento transpressivo ocorrido entre 2,76 e 2,74 Ga, reponsável pela inversão da Bacia Carajás e pela geração de magmatismo granítico nos domínios Carajás e de Transição. Esse evento teria desencadeado reações de devolatilização em rochas do Supergrupo Itacaiúnas, ou mesmo, provocado a expulsão de fluidos conatos salinos aprisionados em seus intertícios. Esses fluidos teriam migrado pelas zonas de cisalhamento e reagido com as rochas (da bacia e do embasamento) pelas quais se movimentaram durante a fase dúctil. As concentrações subeconômicas do depósito Visconde devem ser resultado da ausência de grandes estruturas que teriam favorecido maior influxo de fluidos superficiais, tal como ocorreu na formação dos depósitos Sossego e Alvo 118.
Stockwork-like metal sulfide mineralizations were found at 910-928 m below seafloor (BSF) in the pillow/dike transition zone of Hole 504B. This is the same interval where most physical properties of the 5.9-m.y.-old crust of the Costa Rica Rift change from those characteristic of Layer 2B to those of Layer 2C. The pillow lavas, breccias, and veins of the stockwork-like zone were studied by transmitted and reflected light microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. Bulk rock oxygen isotopic analyses as well as isolated mineral oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses and fluid inclusion measurements were carried out. A complex alteration history was reconstructed that includes three generations of fissures, each followed by precipitation of characteristic hydrothermal mineral parageneses: (1) Minor and local deposition of quartz occurred on fissure walls; adjacent wall rocks were silicified, followed by formation of chlorite and minor pyrite I in the veins, whereas albite, sphene, chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, actinolite, and pyrite replaced igneous phases in the host rocks. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for this first stage were probably partially reacted seawater, and their temperatures were at least 200-250° C. (2) Fissures filled during the first stage were reopened and new cracks formed. They were filled with quartz, minor chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, traces of epidote, common pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and minor galena. During the second stage, hydrothermal fluids were relatively evolved metal- and Si-rich solutions whose temperatures ranged from 230 to 340° C. The fluctuating chemical composition and temperature of the solutions produced a complex depositional sequence of sulfides in the veins: chalcopyrite I, ± Fe-rich sphalerite, chalcopyrite II ("disease"), Fe-poor sphalerite, chalcopyrite III, galena, and pyrite II. (3) During the last stage, zeolites and Mg-poor calcite filled up the remaining spaces and newly formed cracks and replaced the host rock plagioclase. Analcite and stilbite were first to form in veins, possibly at temperatures below 200°C; analcite and earlier quartz were replaced by laumontite at 250°C, whereas calcite formation temperature ranged from 135 to 220°C. The last stage hydrothermal fluids were depleted in Mg and enriched in Ca and 18O compared to seawater and contained a mantle carbon component. This complex alteration history paralleling a complex mineral paragenesis can be interpreted as the result of a relatively long-term evolution of a hydrothermal system with superimposed shorter term fluctuations in solution temperature and composition. Hydrothermal activity probably began close to the axis of the Costa Rica Rift with the overall cooling of the system and multiple fracturing stages due to movement of the crust away from the axis and/or cooling of a magmatic heat source.
DSDP Hole 504B was drilled into 6 Ma crust, about 200 km south of the Costa Rica Rift, Galapagos Spreading Center, penetrating 1.35 km into a section that can be divided into four zones-Zone I: oxic submarine weathering; Zone II: anoxic alteration; Zones III and IV: hydrothermal alteration to greenschist facies. In Zone III there is intense veining of pillow basalts. Zone IV consists of altered sheeted dikes. Isotopic geochemical signatures in relation to the alteration zones are recorded in Hole 504B, as follows: Zone Depth(m) Average87Sr/86Sr Average delta18O (?) Average deltaD (?) I 275-550 0.7032 7.3 -63 II 550-890 0.7029 6.5 -45 III 890-1050 0.7035 5.6 -31 IV 1050-1350 0.7032 5.5 -36 Alteration temperatures are as low as 10°C in Zones I and II based on oxygen isotope fractionation. Strontium isotopic data indicate that a circulation of seawater is much more restricted in Zone II than in Zone I. Fluid inclusion measurements of vein quartz indicate the alteration temperature was mainly 300 +/- 20°C in Zones III and IV, which is consistent with secondary mineral assemblages. The strontium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids which were responsible for the greenschist facies alteration in Zones III and IV are estimated to be 0.7037, 2?, and 3?, respectively. Strontium and oxygen isotope data indicate that completely altered portions of greenstones and vein minerals were in equilibrium with modified seawater under low water/rock ratios (in weight) of about 1.6. This value is close to that of the end-member hydrothermal fluids issuing at 21°N EPR. Basement rocks are not completely hydrothermally altered. About 32% of the greenstones in Zones III and IV have escaped alteration. Thus 1 g of fresh basalt including the 32% unaltered portion are required in order to make 1 g of end-member solution from fresh seawater in water-rock reactions.
Road deposited solids are a mix of pollutants originating from a range of anthropogenic sources common to urban land uses and soil inputs from surrounding areas. These particles accumulate potentially toxic pollutants thereby posing a threat to receiving waters. Reliable estimation of sources of particulate pollutants in build-up and quantification of particle composition is important for the development of best management practices for stormwater quality mitigation. The research study analysed build-up pollutants from sixteen different urban road surfaces and soil from four background locations. The road surfaces were selected from residential, industrial and commercial land uses from four suburbs in Gold Coast, Australia. Collected build-up samples were analysed for solids load, organic matter and mineralogy. The soil samples were analysed for mineralogy. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of mineralogical data, along with multivariate data analysis were employed to identify the relative source contributions to road deposited solids. The build-up load on road surfaces in different suburbs showed significant differences due to the nature of anthropogenic activities, road texture depth and antecedent dry period. Analysis revealed that build-up pollutants consists primarily of soil derived minerals (60%) and the remainder is composed of traffic generated pollutants and organic matter. Major mineral components detected were quartz and potential clay forming minerals such as albite, microline, chlorite and muscovite. An average of 40-50% of build-up pollutants by weight was made up of quartz. Comparison of the mineral component of build-up pollutants with background soil samples indicated that the minerals primarily originate from surrounding soils. About 2.2% of build-up pollutants were organic matter which originates largely from plant matter. Traffic related pollutants which are potentially toxic to the receiving water environment represented about 30% of the build-up pollutants at the study sites.
Road dust contain potentially toxic pollutants originating from a range of anthropogenic sources common to urban land uses and soil inputs from surrounding areas. The research study analysed the mineralogy and morphology of dust samples from road surfaces from different land uses and background soil samples to characterise the relative source contributions to road dust. The road dust consist primarily of soil derived minerals (60%) with quartz averaging 40-50% and remainder being clay forming minerals of albite, microcline, chlorite and muscovite originating from surrounding soils. About 2% was organic matter primarily originating from plant matter. Potentially toxic pollutants represented about 30% of the build-up. These pollutants consist of brake and tire wear, combustion emissions and fly ash from asphalt. Heavy metals such as Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd primarily originate from vehicular traffic while Fe, Al and Mn primarily originate from surrounding soils. The research study confirmed the significant contribution of vehicular traffic to dust deposited on urban road surfaces.
Strontium isotopes are useful tracers of fluid-rock interaction in marine hydrothermal systems and provide a potential way to quantify the amount of seawater that passes through these systems. We have determined the whole-rock Sr-isotopic compositions of a section of upper oceanic crust that formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise, now exposed at Hess Deep. This dataset provides the first detailed comparison for the much-studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill core from Site 504B. Whole-rock and mineral Sr concentrations indicate that Sr-exchange between hydrothermal fluids and the oceanic crust is complex, being dependent on the mineralogical reactions occurring; in particular, epidote formation takes up Sr from the fluid increasing the 87Sr/86Sr of the bulk-rock. Calculating the fluid-flux required to shift the Sr-isotopic composition of the Hess Deep sheeted-dike complex, using the approach of Bickle and Teagle (1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90221-G) gives a fluid-flux similar to that determined for ODP Hole 504B. This suggests that the level of isotopic exchange observed in these two regions is probably typical for modern oceanic crust. Unfortunately, uncertainties in the modeling approach do not allow us to determine a fluid-flux that is directly comparable to fluxes calculated by other methods.
Three sites were cored on the landward slope of the Nankai margin of southwest Japan during Leg 190 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sites 1175 and 1176 are located in a trench-slope basin that was constructed during the early Pleistocene (~1 Ma) by frontal offscraping of coarse-grained trench-wedge deposits. Rapid uplift elevated the substrate above the calcite compensation depth and rerouted a transverse canyon-channel system that had delivered most of the trench sediment during the late Pliocene (1.06-1.95 Ma). The basin's depth is now ~3000 to 3020 m below sea level. Clay-sized detritus (<2 µm) did not change significantly in composition during the transition from trench-floor to slope-basin environment. Relative mineral abundances for the two slope-basin sites average 36-37 wt% illite, 25 wt% smectite, 22-24 wt% chlorite, and 15-16 wt% quartz. Site 1178 is located higher up the landward slope at a water depth of 1741 m, ~70 km from the present-day deformation front. There is a pronounced discontinuity ~200 m below seafloor between muddy slope-apron deposits (Quaternary-late Miocene) and sandier trench-wedge deposits (late Miocene; 6.8-9.63 Ma). Clay minerals change downsection from an illite-chlorite assemblage (similar to Sites 1175 and 1176) to one that contains substantial amounts of smectite (average = 45 wt% of the clay-sized fraction; maximum = 76 wt%). Mixing in the water column homogenizes fine-grained suspended sediment eroded from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc, the Izu-Honshu collision zone, and the Outer Zone of Kyushu and Shikoku, but the spatial balance among those contributors has shifted through time. Closure of the Central America Seaway at ~3 Ma was particularly important because it triggered intensification of the Kuroshio Current. With stronger and deeper flow of surface water toward the northeast, the flux of smectite from the Izu-Bonin volcanic arc was dampened and more detrital illite and chlorite were transported into the Shikoku-Nankai system from the Outer Zone of Japan.
We examined small-scale shear zones in drillcore samples of abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These shear zones are associated with veins consisting of chlorite + actinolite/tremolite assemblages, with accessory phases zircon and apatite, and they are interpreted as altered plagiogranite melt impregnations, which originate from hydrous partial melting of gabbroic intrusion in an oceanic detachment fault. Ti-in-zircon thermometry yields temperatures around 820°C for the crystallization of the evolved melt. Reaction path modeling indicates that the alteration assemblage includes serpentine of the adjacent altered peridotites. Based on the model results, we propose that formation of chlorite occurred at higher temperatures than serpentinization, thus leading to strain localization around former plagiogranites during alteration. The detachment fault represents a major pathway for fluids through the oceanic crust, as evidenced by extremely low d18O of altered plagiogranite veins (+3.0-4.2 per mil) and adjacent serpentinites (+ 2.6-3.7 per mil). The uniform oxygen isotope data indicate that fluid flow in the detachment fault system affected veins and adjacent host serpentinites likewise.