120 resultados para Achomosphaera
This is the first report on Dinoflagellata from lowermost Miocene beds in Portugal (Tagus basin, Lisbon region, exposure at Benfica). Some general data about Dinoflagellata are presented. Descriptions are provided for some forms: Gonyaulacysta tenuitabulata, Spiniferites ramosus, Achomosphaera sp., Hystrichokolpoma rigaudae, Homotriblium cf. pallidum, Cordosphaeridium sp, and Lingulodinium machaerophorum. Lithostratigraphical study of an important section along Circular highway at Benfica has shown that there is a hitherto unknown sedimentary cycle in Lisbon's lowermost Miocene (upper Oligocene?). Pollen and Ostracoda point out to an Lower Aquitanian or even Upper Chattian age for the first Neogene marine transgression in Portugal, previously considered as Upper Aquitanian or Lower Burdigalian.
The mid-Pliocene was an episode of prolonged global warmth and strong North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, interrupted briefly at circa 3.30 Ma by a global cooling event corresponding to marine isotope stage (MIS) M2. Paleoceanographic changes in the eastern North Atlantic have been reconstructed between circa 3.35 and 3.24 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 610 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site 1308. Mg/Ca ratios and d18O from Globigerina bulloides are used to reconstruct the temperature and relative salinity of surface waters, and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are used to assess variability in the North Atlantic Current (NAC). Our sea surface temperature data indicate warm waters at both sites before and after MIS M2 but a cooling of ~2-3°C during MIS M2. A dinoflagellate cyst assemblage overturn marked by a decline in Operculodinium centrocarpum reflects a southward shift or slowdown of the NAC between circa 3.330 and 3.283 Ma, reducing northward heat transport 23-35 ka before the global ice volume maximum of MIS M2. This will have established conditions that ultimately allowed the Greenland ice sheet to expand, leading to the global cooling event at MIS M2. Comparison with an ice-rafted debris record excludes fresh water input via icebergs in the northeast Atlantic as a cause of NAC decline. The mechanism causing the temporary disruption of the NAC may be related to a brief reopening of the Panamanian Gateway at about this time.
The early Late Pliocene (3.6 to ~3.0 million years ago) is the last extended interval in Earth's history when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were comparable to today's and global climate was warmer. Yet a severe global glaciation during marine isotope stage (MIS) M2 interrupted this phase of global warmth ~3.30 million years ago, and is seen as a premature attempt of the climate system to establish an ice-age world. Our geochemical and palynological records from five marine sediment cores along a Caribbean to eastern North Atlantic transect show that increased Pacific-to-Atlantic flow via the Central American Seaway weakened the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and attendant northward heat transport prior to MIS M2. The consequent cooling of the northern high latitude oceans permitted expansion of the Greenland ice sheet during MIS M2, despite near-modern atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Before and after MIS M2, heat transport via the NAC was crucial in maintaining warm climates comparable to those predicted for the end of this century.
In an attempt to document the palaeoecological affinities of individual extant and extinct dinoflagellate cysts, Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages have been compared with geochemical data from the same samples. Mg/Ca ratios of Globigerina bulloides were measured to estimate the spring-summer sea-surface temperatures from four North Atlantic IODP/DSDP sites. Currently, our Pliocene-Pleistocene database contains 204 dinoflagellate cyst samples calibrated to geochemical data. This palaeo-database is compared with modern North Atlantic and global datasets. The focus lies in the quantitative relationship between Mg/Ca-based (i.e. spring-summer) sea-surface temperature (SSTMg/Ca) and dinoflagellate cyst distributions. In general, extant species are shown to have comparable spring-summer SST ranges in the past and today, demonstrating that our new approach is valid for inferring spring-summer SST ranges for extinct species. For example, Habibacysta tectata represents SSTMg/Ca values between 10° and 15°C when it exceeds 30% of the assemblage, and Invertocysta lacrymosa exceeds 15% when SSTMg/Ca values are between 18.6° and 23.5°C. However, comparing Pliocene and Pleistocene SSTMg/Ca values with present day summer values for the extant Impagidinium pallidum suggests a greater tolerance of higher temperatures in the past. This species occupies more than 5% of the assemblage at SSTMg/Ca values of 11.6-17.9°C in the Pliocene and Pleistocene, whereas present day summer SSTs are around -1.7 to 6.9°C. This observation questions the value of Impagidinium pallidum as reliable indicator of cold waters in older deposits, and may explain its bipolar distribution.
Drilling at ODP Site 641 (on the western margin of Galicia Bank, off northwestern Spain) revealed a thin, but pronounced, interval of black shale and gray-green claystone. Our high-resolution study combines the sedimentology, micropaleontology (palynomorphs and others), organic and inorganic geochemistry, and isotopic values of this layer to demonstrate the distinct nature of the sediment and prove that the sequence represents the local sedimentary expression of the global Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) of Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976), Arthur and Schlanger (1979), and Jenkyns (1980), also called the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE). The most striking evidence is that the strong positive d13C excursion characterizing the CTBE sequences in shallow areas can be traced into a pronounced deep-sea expression, thus providing a good stratigraphic marker for the CTBE in various paleosettings. The isotopic excursion at Site 641 coincides with an extremely enriched trace metal content, with values that were previously unknown for the Cretaceous Atlantic. Similar to other CTBE occurrences, the organic carbon content is high (up to 11%) and the organic matter is of dominantly marine origin (kerogen type II). The bulk mineralogy of the CTBE sediments does not differ significantly from the general trend of Cretaceous North Atlantic sediments (dominance of smectite and zeolite with minor amounts of illite and scattered palygorskite, kaolinite, and chlorite); thus, no evidence for either increased volcanic activity nor a drastic climatic change in the borderlands was found. Results from Site 641 are compared with the CTBE section found at Site 398, DSDP Leg 47B (Vigo Seamount at the southern end of the Galicia Bank).
Forty-one samples from the lower section (between approximately 370 and 495.5 mbsf) drilled at ODP Site 738 (southern Kerguelen Plateau) were analyzed for their palynomorph content. The majority proved to be palynologically barren. Twenty-one species and subspecies of dinoflagellate cysts were recorded, however, from the eight samples that proved productive. The irregular distribution of the cysts makes accurate age determinations difficult, particularly for the lower part of the succession. However, species recovered from Cores 119-738C-21R to 119-738C-23R indicate a latest Maastrichtian age.
Site 765 contains a sequence of tropical, middle Miocene to Holocene dinoflagellate cysts. These diverse assemblages are characterized by abundant Polysphaeridium zoharyi and Spiniferites bulloideus. Abundances of Impagidinium spp. and Nematosphaeridium spp. reflect the shelf-to-slope origin of the assemblages. One new genus, Blysmatodinium, and two new species, Nematosphaeridium (?) wrennii sp. nov. and Blysmatodinium argoi, are described.
At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 Sites 1170-1172, the climatologically critical Eocene-Oligocene (E-O) transition is barren of any calcareous microfossils but contains rich marine organic walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) and diatom assemblages, suitable for detailed biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis. The resulting first-ever integrated dinocyst/diatom magnetostratigraphy allows confident correlation of the E-O interval between all Leg 189 sites, including Site 1168. Our correlations indicate that the (deep) opening of the Tasmanian Gateway occurred quasi-synchronously throughout the Tasmanian region, starting at ~35.5 Ma. At Sites 1170-1172, quantitatively, three distinct dinocyst assemblages may be distinguished that reflect the relatively rapid and pronounced stepwise environmental changes associated with the E-O transition in the Tasmanian region, from a pro-deltaic setting to a deep marine pelagic setting. Moreover, synchronous with the deepening of the gateway, at the southern and eastern Sites 1170-1172, typical endemic Antarctic assemblages were replaced by more cosmopolitan dinocyst communities. In marked contrast, at Site 1168 off western Tasmania, endemic Antarctic taxa are virtually absent during the E-O transition. At Sites 1170-1172, the endemic Antarctic dinocyst assemblage (Transantarctic Flora) drastically changes into a more cosmopolitan assemblage at ~35.5 Ma, with a more offshore character, reflecting the arrival of different oceanographic and environmental conditions associated with the deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway. In turn, this assemblage grades at ~34 Ma into one more typical for even more offshore and/or upwelling conditions at Site 1172. In slightly younger deposits at all sites, organic microfossils are virtually absent, reflecting winnowing and oxidation, indicative of a next step of oceanographic development. This phase may be dated as close to the Oceanic Anoxic (Oi)-1 18O (Antarctic glaciation) event (~33.3 Ma). In a single productive sample from the earliest Oligocene the northern Site 1172, a relatively warm-water cosmopolitan assemblage has been recovered. This aspect contrasts findings from coeval deposits from the Ross Sea, where endemic Antarctic species remain dominant. Somewhere between the paleogeographic positions of Site 1172 and the Ross Sea, a strong differentiation of surface waters occurred in the earliest Oligocene, possibly reflecting the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
Fifty-nine samples from the basal 110 m of DSDP Hole 612 (United States Atlantic Margin) were analyzed for palynomorph content. In total, 84 species and subspecies of dinoflagellate cysts were recorded which, on comparison with published data and shipboard analyses, indicate a Campanian to Maestrichtian age for this part of the succession. The Campanian/Maestrichtian contact is taken to occur in the upper part of Core 612-69.
Palynomorphs were studied in samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189, Hole 1168A (slope of the western margin of Tasmania; 2463 m water depth). Besides organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts), broad categories of other palynomorphs were quantified in terms of relative abundance. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the early late Eocene-Quaternary dinocyst distribution and illustrate main trends in palynomorph distribution. Dinocyst species throughout Hole 1168A are largely cosmopolitan with important contributions of typical low-latitude taxa and virtual absence of endemic Antarctic taxa. Dinocyst stratigraphic distribution broadly matches that known from the Northern Hemisphere and equatorial regions, although significant differences are noted. Selected potentially biochronostratigraphically useful events are summarized. The distribution of dinocysts in the middle-upper Miocene interval is rather patchy, probably due to prolonged exposure to oxygen. An important general aspect in the dinocyst assemblages is the near absence of Antarctic endemic species and the apparent influence of relatively warm waters throughout the succession at Site 1168. General palynomorph distribution indicates continued deepening from an initial shallow, even restricted, marine setting from late Eocene-Quaternary times. A curious massive influx of small skolochorate acritarchs is recorded throughout the late early-early middle Miocene; the significance of this signal is not yet understood. A general long-term oligotrophic nature of the surface waters influencing Site 1168 is suggested from the low abundance of (proto) peridinioid, presumably heterotrophic, species. The overall dinocyst distribution pattern corresponds to the long-term existence of a Leeuwin-like current influencing the region, including Site 1168, confirming results of earlier studies on other microfossil groups. The occasional influence of colder surface water conditions is, however, also apparent, notably during the late Pliocene-Quaternary, indicating the potential of high-resolution dinocyst analysis for future paleoceanographic studies.