39 resultados para AMSR-E


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全球气候变化对人类社会有重要影响,气候变化已经成为当今科学界、各国政府和社会公众普遍关注的环境问题之一,它可能对生态系统和社会经济产生灾难性的影响。海洋约占着地球表面70%的面积,海洋的变化对全球气候的变化起着非常重要的作用,海面气象参数的研究也成为关注的重点之一。卫星遥感技术的发展,为海洋科学提供了广阔的发展空间。通过卫星可以对全球海洋进行连续观测,能够获取长期的大范围的海洋气象资料,进而可以比较全面而深入的研究全球海洋及大气。 本文的主要工作就是利用AMSR-E卫星资料进行瞬时和月平均近海面气象参数反演。利用遗传算法,根据2002年6月-2006年12月的AMSR-E的瞬时海洋产品数据与TAO和NDBC实测数据,反演瞬时近海面气温和比湿,与实测资料相比瞬时近海面气温和比湿的均方根误差分别1.13℃,1.28 g/ kg。根据2002年7月-2007年12月的AMSR-E月平均数据与实测资料,反演月平均近海面气温和比湿,同实测资料相比,均方根误差分别为0.80℃,1.03k/kg。将遗传算法反演的结果同神经网络和线性回归方法进行比较,遗传算法可以较好的反演近海面气象参数,且遗传算法具有客观性和数据适应性,可以不依赖于导数信息或其他辅助信息来进行最优种搜索。并利用2005年一年的AMSR-E位于赤道太平洋区域亮温资料反演近海面气温和比湿,结果同TAO资料进行比较,均方根误差分别为0.71℃和0.91g/kg。


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The AMSR-E satellite data and in-situ data were applied to retrieve sea surface air temperature (Ta) over the Southern Ocean. The in-situ data were obtained from the 24~(th) -26~(th) Chinese Antarctic Expeditions during 2008-2010. First, Ta was used to analyze the relativity with the bright temperature (Tb) from the twelve channels of AMSR-E, and no high relativity was found between Ta and Tb from any of the channels. The highest relativity was 0.38 (with 23.8 GHz). The dataset for the modeling was obtained by using in-situ data to match up with Tb, and two methods were applied to build the retrieval model. In multi-parameters regression method, the Tbs from 12 channels were used to the model and the region was divided into two parts according to the latitude of 50°S. The retrieval results were compared with the in-situ data. The Root Mean Square Error (RMS) and relativity of high latitude zone were 0.96℃and 0.93, respectively. And those of low latitude zone were 1.29 ℃ and 0.96, respectively. Artificial neural network (ANN) method was applied to retrieve Ta.The RMS and relativity were 1.26 ℃ and 0.98, respectively.