996 resultados para ABT-510
Bound photocopies of various documents, describing the estate of Solomon Abt in the town of Melsungen in Hesse, Germany. Included are the copies of a marriage contract between Solomon Abt and Vogel Tebler; extensive lists of all of Solomon Abt’s possession when he died in 1829; correspondence of his heirs and the guardians of his children, as well as various court documents.
El frijol es uno de los cultivos mas importantes en Nicaragua. Datos estadísticos indican que este cultivo ocupa el segundo lugar en importancia como alimento básico y el quinto lugar en cuanto al valor nutricional. Durante los últimos años se han obtenido bajos rendimientos y para 70-71 se obtuvo un rendimiento promedio de 537.2 kilogramos por hectárea (5). Como se puede observar el rendimiento promedio nacional es muy bajo. Para incrementar este rendimiento ademas de sembrar con variedades mejoradas se debe hacer necesario buscar los niveles mas adecuados de Fertilización. Se ha observado en la zona de Masatepe una aparente deficiencia de ciertos elementos menores y en especial del Zinc manifestándose con síntomas de necrosis general y deformaciones semejantes a rosetas en las yemas foliar en el cultivo de frijol (13). Este ensayo se llevo a efecto el 4 de octubre de 1973 en la Estación Regional de Diversificación Agrícola Campos Azules. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Zinc respectivamente. En la evaluación de los datos de rendimiento se empleo el diseño Guadalupe y Bloque al azar con dos repeticiones. De acuerdo a los resultados para altura de planta, el efecto de los tratamientos fue estadisticamente significativo al nivel de 1 por ciento de probabilidad correspondiendo las mayores alturas para las dosis de 75-125-9, 75-150-9 y 150-150-18 kg/ha, de N-P-Zn respectivamente. El análisis de numero de vainas por planta muestra diferencias significativas entre tratamientos lo mismo que para el rendimiento de grano siendo los niveles adecuados para rendimiento en la zona de Masatepe el 150-150-0 y 75-75-0 kg/ha, de N-P-Zn con 1 101 y 1 044 kg/ha respectivamente.
Seminário discute como a futura Constituição deverá ser adaptada às Cartas estaduais. Cada estado terá um prazo de seis meses para reescrever sua Constituição. Esta adaptação terá de ser feita pelos deputados estaduais. Oradores aconselham que as Assembleias Legislativas partam de um texto básico para facilitar o trabalho. O último capítulo a ser votado pela Constituinte se refere ao Ministério Público. O Ministério Público passa a apenas fiscalizar o cumprimento das leis. A Advocacia Geral da União passa a defender o Governo. A sessão foi suspensa por não chegarem a um acordo.
This partial translation of the original paper provides morphological observations on the fungus Spirospora paradoxa. Illustrations are included here.
The simultaneous delivery of multiple cancer drugs in combination therapies to achieve optimal therapeutic effects in patients can be challenging. This study investigated whether co-encapsulation of the BH3-mimetic ABT-737 and the topoisomerase I inhibitor camptothecin (CPT) in PEGylated polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) was a viable strategy for overcoming their clinical limitations and to deliver both compounds at optimal ratios. We found that thrombocytopenia induced by exposure to ABT-737 was diminished through its encapsulation in NPs. Similarly, CPT-associated leukopenia and gastrointestinal toxicity were reduced compared with the administration of free CPT. In addition to the reduction of dose-limiting side effects, the co-encapsulation of both anticancer compounds in a single NP produced synergistic induction of apoptosis in both in vitro and in vivo colorectal cancer models. This strategy may widen the therapeutic window of these and other drugs and may enhance the clinical efficacy of synergistic drug combinations.
La crisis financiera de mediados de 1982 debilitó en extremo la confianza publica en elsector financiero, poniendo en peligro su estabilidad. Por ello el gobierno de la épocacrea la ¨ La comisión asesora de alto nivel para el estudio de la reforma al sectorfinanciero, a quien se le confió mediante decreto 3153 de noviembre de 1982 el diseñode un seguro de depósitos y la creación de un fondo de garantías.
La actividad financiera, aseguradora y bursátil, por los intereses generales que ella misma involucra y por su importancia dentro del entorno económico y social de nuestro país, merece un especial control y una minuciosa vigilancia
Objective: A morphological and ultra-structural study of copper vapor laser (λ = 510.6 nm) effects on enamel and dentine was performed to show the effects of this radiation. Methods: A total of 15 human molars were cut in half; 15 pieces were separated for irradiation on enamel and 15 for dentine. These two groups were further divided into five experimental groups, including a control group, comprised of three half-sections each, irradiated by a CVL laser with a power of 7 W, a repetition rate of 15,000 pulses/sec and exposed at 500, 600, and 800 msec and 1 sec irradiation times with a 5-sec interval between irradiations. Results: In an ultra-structural SEM exam, we observed that on the enamel surfaces irradiated for 1 sec there was morphological alteration that consisted of catering, flaking, and melting on the surfaces. There was no alteration for the other exposure times. On the dentine teeth irradiated for 1 sec, we observed an evident ultra-structural alteration of melted tissue and loss of morphological characteristics. In the dentine group irradiated by 800 msec, we observed ablation and a partial loss of morphological characteristics. In the dentine groups irradiated by 500 and 600 msec, no alteration was observed. Conclusions: The results showed that irradiation with CVL promoted morphologic changes in the enamel as well as in the dentine and demonstrated a need for future studies in order to establish a safe protocol for further use in the odontological practice.