1000 resultados para 398.8


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Yhdyskuntien vedenhankinnan kannalta runsaimmat ja laadukkaimmat pohjavesivarat sijaitsevat pääosin sora- ja hiekkamuodostumissa. Samoille alueille on usein keskittynyt myös paljon ihmistoimintaa. Pohjavesialueilla voikin sijaita runsaasti erilaisia riskiä aiheuttavia toimintoja ja alueille on usein tyypillistä moniongelmaisuus, vaikkakin varsinaiset pohjaveden pilaantumistapaukset ovat Suomessa olleet kuitenkin suhteellisen harvinaisia ja paikallisia. Vesipolitiikan puitedirektiiviin (2000/60/EY) pohjautuvan vesienhoitotyön tavoitteena on vesien hyvän tilan saavuttaminen vuoteen 2015 mennessä ja vesien hyvän tilan ylläpitäminen. Suomessa direktiivi on pantu täytäntöön lailla vesienhoidon järjestämisestä (1299/2004) ja siihen liittyvillä asetuksilla vesienhoitoalueista (1303/2004) ja vesienhoidon järjestämisestä (1040/2006). Tämä pohjavesien toimenpideohjelma on osa vesienhoidon järjestämistä Oulujoen - Iijoen vesienhoitoalueella käsittäen Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Kainuun maakunnat sekä suppeahkoja alueita Lapin maakunnan eteläosasta. Toimenpideohjelma on laadittu alueellisena yhteistyönä ja käsitelty alueellisissa vesienhoidon yhteistyöryhmissä. Myös kansalaispalaute on soveltuvasti otettu huomioon. Toimenpideohjelma sisältää kattavan selvityksen vesienhoitoalueen pohjavesistä, niiden tilasta ja suojelutarpeista. Se muodostaa vesienhoitosuunnitelman ohella tärkeimmän pohjavesien vesienhoitotyötä tukevan ja ohjaavan asiakirjan. Toimenpideohjelmassa on käsitelty kokonaisuutena kaikki vesienhoitoalueella sijaitsevat vedenhankintaa varten tärkeät ja vedenhankintaan soveltuvat pohjavesialueet, sekä yksilöidymmin alueet, joilla ihmistoiminnan on arvioitu tai todettu aiheuttavan riskiä pohjaveden hyvälle tilalle. Oulujoen - Iijoen vesienhoitoalueella pohjaveden tilaa uhkaavat mm.vanhat kunnostamattomat maa-ainesten ottoalueet, pilaantuneet maa-alueet, liukkaudentorjunta-aineiden sekä öljytuotteiden ja muiden kemikaalienkäyttö. Ohjelma sisältää toimenpide-ehdotukset vesienhoidon tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi useiden eri sektoreiden osalta kustannusarvioineen. Tärkeimpiin toimenpiteisiin kuuluvat pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelmien laatiminen ja päivittäminen, mahdollisesti pilaantuneiden maa-alueiden tutkiminen, pohjaveden tilan seurannan ja pohjavesiselvitysten lisääminen, maanottoalueiden ja pilaantuneiden maa-alueiden kunnostaminen, pohjavesisuojausten rakentaminen sekä neuvonnan ja valvonnan tehostaminen.


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This book explains why it was possible for the Worker’s Party (PT) in Brazil and the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa to pursue a developmental state trade policy, in spite of neoliberal constraints. The major theoretical lenses are three-fold. It applies state theory (macrolevel), policy network analysis (meso-level) and theories on political parties with emphasis on factional politics (micro-level). This book highlights the socio-political relevance of comparatively progressive policy frameworks and expands the debate on how to re-gain national policy space for progressive reform policies even under neoliberal constraints.


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XIII Certamen de Premios a la Elaboraci??n de Materiales Did??cticos de la Consejer??a de Educaci??n de la Comunidad de Madrid, primer premio. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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A finite element analysis was used to compare the effect of different designs of implant-retained overdentures and fixed full-arch implant-supported prosthesis on stress distribution in edentulous mandible. Four models of an human mandible were constructed. In the OR (O'ring) group, the mandible was restored with an overdenture retained by four unsplinted implants with O'ring attachment; in the BC (bar-clip) -C and BC groups, the mandibles were restored with overdentures retained by four splinted implants with bar-clip anchor associated or not with two distally placed cantilevers, respectively; in the FD (fixed denture) group, the mandible was restored with a fixed full-arch four-implant-supported prosthesis. Models were supported by the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. A 100-N oblique load was applied on the left first molar. Von Mises (σvM), maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses (in MPa) analyses were obtained. BC-C group exhibited the highest stress values (σvM=398.8, σmax=580.5 and σmin=-455.2) while FD group showed the lowest one (σvM=128.9, σmax=185.9 and σmin=-172.1). Within overdenture groups, the use of unsplinted implants reduced the stress level in the implant/prosthetic components (59.4% for σvM, 66.2% for σmax and 57.7% for σmin versus BC-C group) and supporting tissues (maximum stress reduction of 72% and 79.5% for σmax, and 15.7% and 85.7% for σmin on the cortical and trabecular bones, respectively). Cortical bone exhibited greater stress concentration than the trabecular bone for all groups. The use of fixed implant dentures and removable dentures retained by unsplinted implants to rehabilitate edentulous mandible reduced the stresses in the periimplant bone tissue, mucosa and implant/prosthetic components. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Imprimatur: H. Molander.


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OBJETIVO: A fim de simplificar a utilização das tabelas correspondentes aos fatores de qualidade no TRS-398 da International Atomic Energy Agency na calibração cruzada da câmara de placas paralelas por comparação com uma câmara cilíndrica calibrada em um feixe de elétrons de qualidade Qcross, é introduzida uma energia intermediária e arbitrária Qint na qual a câmara de placas paralelas deverá ser calibrada. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em avaliar a escolha desta energia intermediária. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Uma câmara de placas paralelas da Scanditronix, modelo NACP-02, e uma câmara PTW Markus foram calibradas em dois aceleradores lineares da Varian, Clinac 2100C e Clinac 23EX, nas energias de 16 e 20 MeV, respectivamente. Como câmara de referência foi utilizada uma câmara da Nuclear Enterprises, modelo 2571, previamente calibrada em termos de Dw no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, para um feixe de 60Co. RESULTADOS: Os fatores de calibração N D,w assim obtidos apresentam uma variação de 0,07%, o que pode ser considerado desprezível. Os valores de dose absorvida na água determinados no Clinac 2100C para uma Qint de 16 MeV apresentam uma variação de 0,04% para a menor energia (4 MeV) e de 2,6% para a maior energia (16 MeV), em relação ao protocolo TRS-381. Já para uma Qint de 20 MeV, as variações observadas são de 1,3% e 3,5%. Por outro lado, as doses determinadas no Clinac 23EX para as Qint de 16 MeV e de 20 MeV são de 1,9% e 2,0% e de 2,8% e 3,0%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A escolha de Qint não é tão crítica assim, principalmente quando não de dispõem de feixes de elétrons que tenham na prática um valor de R50 exatamente igual a 7,5 g.cm-2.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of and risk factors for complications associated with casts in horses. DESIGN Multicenter retrospective case series. ANIMALS 398 horses with a half-limb or full-limb cast treated at 1 of 4 hospitals. PROCEDURES Data collected from medical records included age, breed, sex, injury, limb affected, time from injury to hospital admission, surgical procedure performed, type of cast (bandage cast [BC; fiberglass tape applied over a bandage] or traditional cast [TC; fiberglass tape applied over polyurethane resin-impregnated foam]), limb position in cast (flexed, neutral, or extended), and complications. Risk factors for cast complications were identified via multiple logistic regression. RESULTS Cast complications were detected in 197 of 398 (49%) horses (18/53 [34%] horses with a BC and 179/345 [52%] horses with a TC). Of the 197 horses with complications, 152 (77%) had clinical signs of complications prior to cast removal; the most common clinical signs were increased lameness severity and visibly detectable soft tissue damage Cast sores were the most common complication (179/398 [45%] horses). Casts broke for 20 (5%) horses. Three (0.8%) horses developed a bone fracture attributable to casting Median time to detection of complications was 12 days and 8 days for horses with TCs and BCs, respectively. Complications developed in 71%, 48%, and 47% of horses with the casted limb in a flexed, neutral, and extended position, respectively. For horses with TCs, hospital, limb position in the cast, and sex were significant risk factors for development of cast complications. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that 49% of horses with a cast developed cast complications.