987 resultados para 387.007


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La Universidad del Rosario es una de las universidades más antiguas de Colombia, fundada en 1653 y, desde entonces, caracterizada como una universidad tradicional. Existe al interior de la Universidad una Facultades ha desarrollado fuertemente un cambio cultural transformando la naturaleza y desempeño de la Universidad. Esta investigación explora este cambio utilizando un modelo que estudia la cultura como una realidad compleja. El resultado de este trabajo es interesante desde el punto de vista teórica dado que es un ejemplo de “cambio de los agentes” en como una institución antigua y tradicional en términos académicos puede transformarse y cómo puede estudiarse dicho caso.


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The Cardiac Access-Remoteness Index of Australia (Cardiac ARIA) used geographic information systems (GIS) to model population level, road network accessibility to cardiac services before and after a cardiac event for all (20,387) population localities in Australia., The index ranged from 1A (access to all cardiac services within 1 h driving time) to 8E (limited or no access). The methodology derived an objective geographic measure of accessibility to required cardiac services across Australia. Approximately 71% of the 2006 Australian population had very good access to acute hospital services and services after hospital discharge. This GIS model could be applied to other regions or health conditions where spatially enabled data were available.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team and other international Entrepreneurship researchers. In this vignette, we summarise the findings from a paper written by Mirjam van Praag and Peter Versloot that examines the research relating to the value of entrepreneurship.


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Ken Talbot was one of Australian mining’s most successful entrepreneurs and rose to the top of his industry to become one of Australia’s wealthiest men. Although the nation’s resources industry is synonymous with global names such as Xstrata, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, Ken was an individual who made a big impact on the development and growth of the sector. This case study examines Ken’s achievements, his transition from employee to entrepreneur, and the qualities that enabled him to succeed at such a high level. In particular, it focuses on his Jellinbah and Coppabella mining developments that directly led to the creation of Macarthur Coal and the Talbot Group. By the time of his premature death in an African plane crash in 2010, Ken had amassed a fortune estimated at almost $1 billion and was aged just 59. The last publically available Talbot Group annual report for calendar year 2009 showed that the investment portfolio of the group returned 113 per cent that year. Even throughout the global financial crisis the portfolio made a positive return on investment of no less than 10 per cent. Ken’s sense of mateship and his tremendous people skills were keys to his success in the mining industry and the wider community. In addition to excelling in business, he is also remembered for his philanthropy and leaving 30 per cent of his estate to charity through the Talbot Family Foundation.


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Background The role of human adenoviruses (HAdVs) in chronic respiratory disease pathogenesis is recognized. However, no studies have performed molecular sequencing of HAdVs from the lower airways of children with chronic endobronchial suppuration. We thus examined the major HAdV genotypes/species, and relationships to bacterial coinfection, in children with protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) and mild bronchiectasis (BE). Methods Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples of 245 children with PBB or mild (cylindrical) BE were included in this prospective cohort study. HAdVs were genotyped (when possible) in those whose BAL had HAdV detected (HAdV+). Presence of bacterial infection (defined as ≥104 colony-forming units/mL) was compared between BAL HAdV+ and HAdV negative (HAdV−) groups. Immune function tests were performed including blood lymphocyte subsets in a random subgroup. Results Species C HAdVs were identified in 23 of 24 (96%) HAdV+ children; 13 (57%) were HAdV-1 and 10 (43%) were HAdV-2. An HAdV+ BAL was significantly associated with bacterial coinfection with Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or Streptococcus pneumoniae (odds ratio [OR], 3.27; 95% confidence interval, 1.38–7.75; P = .007) and negatively associated with Staphylococcus aureus infection (P = .03). Young age was related to increased rates of HAdV+. Blood CD16 and CD56 natural killer cells were significantly more likely to be elevated in those with HAdV (80%) compared with those without (56.1%) (P = .027). Conclusions HAdV-C is the major HAdV species detected in the lower airways of children with PBB and BE. Younger age appears to be an important risk factor for HAdV+ of the lower airways and influences the likelihood of bacterial coinfection


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Researchers have argued that the creative industries have significant effects on the wider economy, with early agendas focused on urban regeneration, job creation, and economic value-added. Later work extended to new firm creation, the growth of new markets, and regional clustering and development. This chapter reviews the evolution of thinking on classifying the creative industries as a ‘sector’, or group of sectors, and outlines contributions on economic ‘spillovers’ regarding knowledge, innovation, and graduate talent. Work on creative clusters has highlighted the widespread adoption of forms of organization and contracting developed in such clusters. Later work by the authors has contributed a ‘creative trident’ model, and shifted focus to employment and the position of creative workers in the economy, showing that there are more creatives working outside the creative industries than within them. The chapter reflects on the specific role of design and the relationship between the creative industries and innovation.


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Clinical studies have demonstrated an impairment of glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-mediated negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in patients with major depression (GR resistance), and its resolution by antidepressant treatment. Recently, we showed that this impairment is indeed due to a dysfunction of GR in depressed patients (Carvalho et al., 2009), and that the ability of the antidepressant clomipramine to decrease GR function in peripheral blood cells is impaired in patients with major depression who are clinically resistant to treatment (Carvalho et al. 2008). To further investigate the effect of antidepressants on GR function in humans, we have compared the effect of the antidepressants clomipramine, amytriptiline, sertraline, paroxetine and venlafaxine, and of the antipsychotics, haloperidol and risperidone, on GR function in peripheral blood cells from healthy volunteers (n=33). GR function was measured by glucocorticoid inhibition of lypopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. Compared to vehicle-treated cells, all antidepressants inhibited dexamethasone (DEX, 10-100nM) inhibition of LPS-stimulated IL-6 levels (p values ranging from 0.007 to 0.1). This effect was specific to antidepressants, as antipsychotics had no effect on DEX-inhibition of LPS-stimulated IL-6 levels. The phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 4 inhibitor, rolipram, potentiated the effect of antidepressants on GR function, while the GR antagonist, RU-486, inhibited the effect of antidepressants on GR function. These findings indicate that the effect of antidepressants on GR function are specific for this class of psychotropic drugs, and involve second messenger pathways relevant to GR function and inflammation. Furthermore, it also points towards a possible mechanism by which one maybe able to overcome treatment-resistant depression. Research in this field will lead to new insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of affective disorders.


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A Comissão da Família, de Educação, Cultura, Esporte, Comunicação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) composta pelo Senador Marcondes Gadelha (PFL-PB), presidente e pelo relator Deputado Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ). O Deputado Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ) relata sobre importantes temas a serem debatidos na comissão como o aborto e a concessão de rádio e televisão. O Senador Marcondes Gadelha (PFL-PB) aborda em entrevista a questão da indústria nacional de computadores.


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Já estão prontas as emendas que a liderança do PMDB vai apresentar ao projeto de Constituição. São ao todo 50 emendas sobre os seguintes pontos: mandato - o partido defende 4 anos para o Presidente Sarney, Sistema de Governo - Parlamentarismo, Estabilidade - garantia de emprego contra as demissões imotivadas, saúde - defende o sistema único, meio ambiente - mantém o texto da Sistematização que protege o meio ambiente, Empresa Nacional - empresa com sede no Brasil e com controle de pessoas que residam no país, Questão Indígena - quer ampliar o texto do projeto para garantir aos índios a posse e a demarcação das suas terras, Estabilidade do Servidor Público- não concorda com o artigo que dá estabilidade a todos os servidores com mais de 5 anos de serviço. Já estão prontas também as Emendas do Centrão, que são ao todo 10, em torno da Ordem Social e da Ordem Econômica. O Centrão começou a negociar as emenda com o Grupo dos 32. Os dois grupos poderão apresentar emendas em conjunto. O presidente da Constituinte está só esperando o fim do prazo de entrega de emendas para tentar um novo acordo com os líderes políticos. Ele quer aprovar os artigos do projeto de Constituição que não foram emendados. O senador Mansueto de Lavor procura Ulisses Guimarães para denunciar a falsificação da sua assinatura na emenda que prevê 5 anos para o mandato do Presidente Sarney. O senador declara que ele é favorável aos 4 anos do mandato.


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Because fish bioaccumulate* certain chemicals, levels of chemical contaminants in their edible portion must be closely monitored. In recent years, FDA has conducted several surveys designed to determine the occurrence and levels of selected chemicals or groups of chemicals in fish. Previous fish surveillance programs included the Mercury in Wholesale Fish Survey (FY 71), the FY 73 and 74 Comprehensive Fish Surveys, the Canned Tuna Program (FY 75), the Kepone and Mirex Contamination Program (FY 77), and the FY 77 Mercury in Swordfish Program. In addition, recent Compliance Programs for Pesticides and Metals in Foods and Pesticides, Metals, and Industrial Chemicals in Animal Feed have specified coverage of fish and fish products. Because of previous findings and the sustained high level of fish imported into the United States, a separate compliance program dealing solely with chemical contaminants in fish was initiated by the FDA Bureau of Foods in FY 78. The program includes all domestic and imported fish coverage except that directed by the Bureau of Veterinary Medicine for animal feed components derived from fishery products. The earlier surveys indicated that "bottom feeder" species such as catfish generally had the highest levels of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). For this reason, coverage at these species has been emphasized. Similarly, tuna has received special attention because it is the most prevalent fish in the U.S. diet and because of potential problems with mercury. Halibut, swordfish, and snapper also were emphasized in the sampling because of potential problems with mercury levels determined in previous years. The findings in this program were used in detecting emerging problems in fish and directing FDA efforts to deal with them. Care must be exercised in drawing conclusions about trends from the data because this Compliance Program was not statistically designed. Sampling objectives and sources may vary from year to year; thus the results are not directly comparable.


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Contient : 1° Traité du noble office d'armes de « SICILLE, herault, marischal d'armes du pays de Hainau » ; 2° « Le Traittié que fist ung tres sollemnel et notable chevalier, nommé maistre JEAN HERARD, touchant l'office d'armes », intercalé aux folios 25-27 ; 3° Sur un des feuillets de garde du commencement, une lettre de « JACQUES LE BOUCQ », de Valenciennes, novembre 1571


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