995 resultados para 368.4


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The structures of complexes of 1,3-diaminopropane With L- and DL-glutamic acid have been determined. L-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic. P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 5.199 (1), b = 16.832 (1). c = 20.076 (3) angstrom, V = 1756.6 (4) angstrom3, z = 4, D(x) = 1.39 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm-1, F(000) = 792. T = 296 K, R = 0.044 for 1276 observed reflections. DL-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic, Pna2(1), a = 15.219(2), b = 5.169 (1), c 22.457 (4) angstrom, V = 1766.6 (5) angstrom3 Z = 4, D(x) = 1.38 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm F(000) = 792, T = 296 K, R = 0.056 for 993 observed reflections. The conformation of diaminopropane is all-trans in the DL complex but trans-gauche in the L complex. The main packing feature in the L complex is the arrangement of diaminopropane around dimers of antiparallel L-glutamic acid molecules. The diaminopropane in the DL complex is sandwiched between two antiparallel glutamic acid molecules of the same chirality and this forms the basic packing unit. This might be the dominant form of interaction between L-glutamic acid and diaminopropane in solution. The structures reveal the adaptability of the polyamine backbone to different environments and the probable reasons for their choice as biological cations.


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Heterodimerization of integrin Mac-1 (alpha(M) beta(2)) Subunits plays important role on regulating leukocytes adhesion to extracellular matrix or endothelial cells. Here, using total internal reflection microscopy, we investigated the heterodimerization of integrin Mac-1 subunits at the single-molecule level in live cells. Individual alpha(M) subunit fused to the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) was imaged at the basal plasma membrane of live Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Through analysis of mean square displacement (MSD), diffusion coefficient, the size of restricted domain and fraction of molecules undergoing restricted diffusion, we found that as compared with the diffusion in the absence of beta(2) subunit, the diffusion of single-molecule of alpha(M)-YFP was suppressed significantly in the presence of beta(2) subunit. Thus, based on the oligomerization-induced trapping model, we suggested that in the presence of beta(2) subunit, the am subunit may form heterodimer with it. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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En Colombia y en general en todo el mundo un Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud, tiene por objeto garantizar a la persona y a la comunidad una calidad de vida acorde con la dignidad humana, sujeta a los principios de eficiencia, universalidad


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El objetivo de este recurso es ayudar en la enseñanza y en el aprendizaje de la geografía humana en los niveles AS y A, niveles que se cursan después de la etapa secundaria superior general. Consta de dieciocho temas, cada uno de los cuales comprende: unas notas para el profesor que establecen los fines y objetivos de cada lección, así como, las directrices y sugerencias sobre cómo organizar y presentarla y, también, distintas opciones y estrategias de enseñanza. Por su parte, las hojas informativas proporcionan definiciones y resúmenes de los términos clave y de las ideas y, facilitan, los datos pertinentes para la realización de los ejercicios de cada tema ó lección. En cuanto, a las hojas de trabajo consisten en una serie de ejercicios para los alumnos pues han sido diseñadas para desarrollar en ellos unas habilidades geográficas específicas.


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Sphingosine kinases (SK) catalyze the production of sphingosine-1-phosphate which in turn regulates cell responses such as proliferation and migration. Here, we show that exposure of the human endothelial cell line EA.hy 926 to hypoxia stimulates a increased SK-1, but not SK-2, mRNA, protein expression, and activity. This effect was due to stimulated SK-1 promoter activity which contains two putative hypoxia-inducible factor-responsive-elements (HRE). By deletion of one of the two HREs, hypoxia-induced promoter activation was abrogated. Furthermore, hypoxia upregulated the expression of HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha, and both contributed to SK-1 gene transcription as shown by selective depletion of HIF-1alpha or HIF-2alpha by siRNA. The hypoxia-stimulated SK-1 upregulation was functionally coupled to increased migration since the selective depletion of SK-1, but not of SK-2, by siRNAs abolished the migratory response. In summary, these data show that hypoxia upregulates SK-1 activity and results in an accelerated migratory capacity of endothelial cells. SK-1 may thus serve as an attractive therapeutic target to treat diseases associated with increased endothelial migration and angiogenesis such as cancer growth and progression.


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Since the year 2000 when the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, human trafficking has been regarded as one of the egregious violations of human rights, and global efforts have been made to eradicate it. The anti-trafficking framework has multiple dimensions, and the way the anti-trafficking framework is constructed influences its impact on the victims and non-trafficked migrants. This paper will analyze the impact of the anti-trafficking framework on the experiences of Burmese victims and non-trafficked migrants in Thailand. I will question the conventional framework of anti-trafficking, and seek to construct a framework more appropriate for addressing victims' actual needs. In conclusion, the anti-trafficking framework should serve the best interest of the victim; still, it should not be one which might adversely affect the interest of the would-be victim who is not identified as a victim according to the law.


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El objetivo de este estudio es establecer si la dexmedetomidina (DEX) es segura y efectiva para el manejo coadyuvante de síndrome de abstinencia a alcohol (SAA) a través de la búsqueda de evidencia científica. Metodología: se realiza una revisión sistemática de literatura publicada y no publicada desde enero de 1989 hasta febrero 2016 en PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Bireme, Cochrane library y en otras bases de datos y portales. Los criterios de inclusión fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y no aleatorizados, estudios cuasi-experimentales, estudios de cohorte, y estudios de casos y controles; que incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años hospitalizados con diagnóstico de SAA y donde se usó DEX como terapia coadyuvante. Resultados: 7 estudios, 477 pacientes, se incluyeron en el análisis final. Se encontraron dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, tres estudios de casos y controles y dos estudios de cohorte retrospectivo. Solo uno de los estudios fue doble ciego y utilizó placebo como comparador. Análisis y conclusiones: en los estudios experimentales se determinan que el uso de DEX como terapia coadyuvante en el manejo de SAA tiene significancia clínica y estadística para disminuir dosis de BZD en las primeras 24 horas de tratamiento; pero no demostraron tener otros beneficios clínicos. En los estudios no aleatorizados existe consenso que relaciona el uso de DEX con menores dosis de BZD de forma temprana. Recomendaciones: no se recomienda el uso de DEX en SAA de forma rutinaria. Se recomienda usar DEX solo en casos en el que exista evidencia fallo terapéutico a BZD.


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We report the effect of InchiGa1-chiAs (0 less than or equal to chi less than or equal to0.4) capping layer on photoluminescence (PL) properties of 1.3 mum wavelength self-assembled InAs quantum islands, which are formed via depositing 3.5 monolayers (ML) InAs on GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Compared with the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer containing a larger In mole fraction chi greater than or equal to0.2 and the GaAs capping layer (chi = 0), the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer show PL with lower emission energy, narrower full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), and quite stronger intensity. The PL peak energy and FWHM become more temperature dependent with the increase of In content in the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer (chi greater than or equal to0.2), while the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer is much less temperature sensitive. In addition, the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As capping layer show room temperature PL wavelength at about 1.3 mum. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Possible conformers for AunPdm (n = 1-4, m = -1, 0, 1) clusters have been presented and studied by use of density functional theory. The results indicate that for n = 2, linear conformer with C-infinityv symmetry is the most stable for anion species, while for cation and neutral species, conformer with C-2v symmetry is the most stable. For n = 3, 4, conformers with C-2v symmetry (kite-shape) are energetically favored. The calculated electron affinities (EAs) and vertical detachment energies (VDEs) are in good agreement with experiments for n = 1-4. It is also interesting to note that for even n (n = 2, 4), the most stable conformers do not give the best agreement between calculated and experimental EA and VDE values, while for odd n (n = 3), the lowest energy conformer also gives the best agreement. The ionization potentials (IPs) of AunPd clusters are calculated as well.


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The liquid structure of 1-methyl-4-cyanopyridinium bis {(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide, a prototypical ionic liquid containing an electron-withdrawing group on the cation, has been investigated at 368 K. Experimental neutron scattering combined with empirical potential structure refinement analysis of the data and classical molecular dynamics simulations have been used to probe the liquid structure in detail. Both techniques generated highly consistent results that provide valuable validation of the force fields and refinement approaches. A significant degree of apparent charge ordering is found in the liquid structure, although the nonspherical shape of the ions results in interpenetration of cations into the first shell of adjacent cations, with much shorter closest contact distances than the averaged center-of-mass cation-cation and cation-anion separations.


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Contient : 1° Partenopex de Blois [de DENIS PIRAMUS] ; 2° « Li Romans d'Alixandre », de « LAMBERT.I. TORT » et « ALIXANDRE DE PARIS » ; 3° Les Voeux du paon ; 4° La première Signification de la mort d'Alexandre ; 5° La deuxième Signification de la mort d'Alexandre [de PIERRE DE SAINT-CLOUD] ; 6° « Li Romains de Guiteclin de Saisoingne », de « JOHAN BORDIAU » [d'Arras] ; 7° La Chanson de Simon de Pouille ; 8° Les Chansons de geste de Guillaume d'Orenge ; Un fragment du Couronnement Loys ; Le Charroi de Nîmes ; « Les Enfances Vivienz » ; « La Chevalerie Vivien » ; « La Batallie d'Arleschans » ; « La Batalie de Loquifer et de Renoart » ; « Le Moniage Renuart », de « G. de Batpaumes » ; « Le Moniage Guillaume » ; 9° Fragment d'Anseïs de Carthage


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