999 resultados para 364.151
En el marco de la reparación a las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia, se han desarrollado iniciativas de carácter simbólico como la construcción de memoria histórica, en donde confluyen elementos de carácter artístico y cultural que buscan relatar lo sucedido y restaurar los lazos sociales quebrantados. A continuación, se analiza la manera en que estas iniciativas de construcción de memoria histórica a partir del arte, en el municipio de El Salado, se pueden considerar como un acto estético que configura la sensibilidad de los espacios y los tiempos para generar la visualización y reconocimiento de quienes se han visto vulnerados por la violencia. Se utilizan las teorías de Paul Ricoeur y Jaques Rancière como herramienta fundamental de análisis, así como las manifestaciones artísticas realizadas por los colectivos de víctimas y el CMH, con el fin de explicar la funcionalidad política y las relaciones que se establecen entre las dos variables fundamentales del trabajo, el arte y la memoria.
Objectivo: Analisar e caracterizar uma amostra de doentes de uma consulta de inflamação ocular. Material e Métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 503 consultas realizadas por um clínico entre 1 de Agosto de 2012 e 31 de Agosto de 2013 no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central com recurso aos respectivos processos clínicos. Na análise da casuística da consulta foram incluídos 151 doentes. Desses, 24 padeciam de doenças auto-imunes em seguimento para monitorização de toxicidade a fármacos mas sem registo de qualquer episódio de uveíte, pelo que foram excluídos da avaliação estatística referente às uveítes. Dos 127 doentes com uveíte foram incluídos 197 olhos. Resultados: A média de idades foi de 53,8±16,5 anos, sendo 60% do sexo feminino e 40% masculino. A inflamação foi bilateral em 70 e unilateral em 57 doentes. O tipo de uveíte mais frequente foi a anterior (51,2%), seguida da panuveíte (21,3%), posterior (19,7%), intermédia (3,9%), episclerite (3,2%) e esclerite (0,8%). As etiologias foram agrupadas em: doenças sistémicas (34%), doenças infecciosas (30%), idiopáticas (27%) e patologias oculares específicas (9%). A acuidade visual média nos olhos com uveíte anterior foi 0.8, panuveíte 0.2, uveíte posterior 0.2, uveíte intermédia 0.7, episclerite e esclerite 1.0. Dos 197 olhos com uveíte, 27 (13,7%) foram submetidos a cirurgia de catarata e 5 (2,5%) a cirurgia de glaucoma. Conclusões: Apesar de se tratar de uma amostra relativamente pequena, reveste-se de importância dado ser fundamental conhecer a realidade em cada centro de referência de forma a optimizar os recursos disponíveis e a melhorar a abordagem clínica.
We retrospectively analyzed a series of 151 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis treated between 1967 and 1982. One-hundred-and-thirty-nine (92%) patients presented with active lesions and were treated with daily doses of meglumine antimoniate: 81 adults received a 5-ml vial IM and 58 children received 1 to 5ml. Forty-five (32.4%) patients underwent continuous treatment with meglumine antimoniate for 25 to 116 days without rest intervals, and 94 (67.6%) intermittent treatment with 2 to 5 series of meglumine antimoniate. Intermittent series could include schedules of daily IM applications for 10 to 25 days each and intervals varying from 10 to 60 days. Antimony dose was calculated for 66 (47.5%) patients and ranged from 3.9 to 28.7 Sb5+/kg/day. Of these, 35 patients received >10mg and 31 patients <10mg Sb5+/kg/day. Median time of healing was longer for lesions on the legs and feet - 67.5 days versus 48.7 days (p < 0.001) for other sites. However, there were no significant differences in the median time of healing between adults and children, intermittent and continuous regimens or high and low antimony doses. Fifty-one patients were reassessed 5 to 14 years after treatment and showed no evidence of disease. These results support further investigation (clinical trials) on treatment using low doses of antimony.
Foi feito um inventário de seis hectares de floresta de. terra firme na área de influência da Estrada Cuiabá-Porto Velho (BR-364). Destes seis hectares, dois foram feitos no Município de Jaru, vicinal 605 e quatro na área do Projeto Machadinho, vicinais MC-2, MA-9. A flonesta apresenta uma altura média de 15m e um total de 278 espécies diferentes, representadas por 2.235 indivíduos e 57 famílias nos seis hectares estudados. Os hectares I e II do Município de Jaru apresentaram, respectivamente, uma diversidade florística de 113 e 136 espécies de 10cm ou mais de diâmetro (DAP), enquanto que os hectares III, IV, V e VI da área do Projeto Machadinho apresentaram respectivamente, 103, 115, 122 e. 121 espécies. A espécie mais importante no hectare I é o breu manga (Tetragastris altíssima (Aubl.) Swartz) com o IVI (Índice de Valor de Importância) de 12,07, o que representa 4,0%do total; no hectare II, muiraquatiara (Astronium lecointelDucke) com o IVI 28,94, ou se,ja 9,6% do total; no hectare III, Macrolobiumsp., com o IVI de 28,94, representando 9,6% do total; no hectare IV, pau d'alho (Gallesia integrifolia(Sprenq.) Harms), com IVI de 39,41, representando 13,1% do total; no hectare V, tauari (Couratari macrospermaA.S. Smith), com IVI de 11,32, ou seja, 3,8% do total; no hectare VI, violeta Peltogyne catingae Ducke subsp. glabra(W. Rodr.) M.F. da Silva), com o IVI de 11,68, representando 3,9% do total. As seis famílias mais importantes em ordem de importância são: Leguminosae, Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae, Bursenaceae e Pal mae. Os dados quantitativos da regeneração natural indicaram que as espécies que apre-sentaram maior número de indivíduos regenerando, foram: Duguetia flagellaresHuber e Maquirasp. no Município de Jaru e Coussareasp. e. Micrandrasp. na área do Projeto Macha dinho, em Ariquemes.
A large percentage of bridges in the state of Iowa are classified as structurally or fiinctionally deficient. These bridges annually compete for a share of Iowa's limited transportation budget. To avoid an increase in the number of deficient bridges, the state of Iowa decided to implement a comprehensive Bridge Management System (BMS) and selected the Pontis BMS software as a bridge management tool. This program will be used to provide a selection of maintenance, repair, and replacement strategies for the bridge networks to achieve an efficient and possibly optimal allocation of resources. The Pontis BMS software uses a new rating system to evaluate extensive and detailed inspection data gathered for all bridge elements. To manually collect these data would be a highly time-consuming job. The objective of this work was to develop an automated-computerized methodology for an integrated data base that includes the rating conditions as defined in the Pontis program. Several of the available techniques that can be used to capture inspection data were reviewed, and the most suitable method was selected. To accomplish the objectives of this work, two userfriendly programs were developed. One program is used in the field to collect inspection data following a step-by-step procedure without the need to refer to the Pontis user's manuals. The other program is used in the office to read the inspection data and prepare input files for the Pontis BMS software. These two programs require users to have very limited knowledge of computers. On-line help screens as well as options for preparing, viewing, and printing inspection reports are also available. The developed data collection software will improve and expedite the process of conducting bridge inspections and preparing the required input files for the Pontis program. In addition, it will eliminate the need for large storage areas and will simplify retrieval of inspection data. Furthermore, the approach developed herein will facilitate transferring these captured data electronically between offices within the Iowa DOT and across the state.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
A BRS 151 L-7 é uma nova cultivar de amendoim, de sementes de coloração vermelha, de forma oblonga, desenvolvida pela Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA), e destinada ao consumo in natura e à indústria de alimentos. A cultivar é de porte ereto, resultante do cruzamento entre a cultivar produtiva IAC-Tupã (tipo Valência) e a cultivar Senegal 55-437 (tipo Spanish), de ciclo curto. Em ensaios regionais realizados em 27 municípios de quatro estados da Região Nordeste, a cultivar apresentou grande potencial para produtividade de sementes, ciclo vegetativo de 87 dias, tolerância ao estresse hídrico, e grande adaptação ao cultivo em clima semi-árido. Sua produtividade média de vagens em condições experimentais é de 1.850 kg ha-1 em cultivo de sequeiro, e 4.500 kg ha-1 em condições irrigadas, o que corresponde a uma elevação na ordem de 12% e 38%, respectivamente, com relação à produtividade da cultivar tradicional Tatu. No aspecto nutricional, a cultivar BRS 151 L-7 tem baixo teor de óleo (46%), e sua farinha desengordurada contém 55% de proteína; entre os aminoácidos essenciais, é limitante apenas no teor de lisina, em comparação com o padrão da FAO/85.
As of December 31, 1970 there were 57,270 miles of Local Secondary roads and 32,958 miles of Farm to Market roads in the Iowa secondary road system. The Local Secondary system carried a traffic load of 2,714,180 daily vehicle miles, accounting for 32% of all traffic in the secondary system. For all Local Secondary roads having some form of surfacing, 98% were surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. During the 1970 construction year 335 miles of surfaced roads were constructed in the Local Secondary system with 78% being surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. The total maintenance expenditure for all secondary roads in Iowa during 1970 amounted to $40,086,091. Of this, 42%, or $17,020,332, was spent for aggregate replacement on existing gravel or crushed stone roads with an additional 31% ($12,604,456) being spent on maintenance other than resurfacing. This amounts to 73% of the total maintenance budget and are the largest two maintenance expenditure items out of a list of 10 ranging from bridges to drainage assessments. The next largest item was 7%, for maintenance of existing flexible bases. Three concurrent phases of study were included in this project: (1) laboratory screenings studies of various additives thought to have potential for long-lasting dust palliation, soil additive strength, durability, and additive retention potential; (2) test road construction using those additives that indicated promise for performance-serviceability usage; and (3) observations and tests of constructed sections for evaluation of the additive's contribution to performance and serviceability as well as the relationship to initial costs.
A combined study of dust control and low-cost surface improvements of soil and aggregate materials for immediate (and intermediate) use as a treated surface course is being conducted in three concurrent phases: (1) laboratory screening of various additives thought to have potential for long-lasting dust palliation, soil-additive strength, durability, and additive retention potential; (2) test road construction, using those additives from the screening studies that indicate promise for performance and serviceability; and (3) observation and tests of constructed sections for evaluation of the additive's contribution to performance and serviceability as well as relationship to initial costs. A brief review is presented of the problem, some methods of measuring it, previously adopted approaches to it, project field tests and a portion of the results thus far, and portions of the laboratory work accomplished in the screening studies.
US 151 was originally constructed as IA 149 in 1931-1934 and has been rehabilitated several times. The most recent major improvements, which were completed in 2005-2006, consisted of hot mix asphalt resurfacing and partial shoulder paving. Major widening and resurfacing improvements were also completed in 2007 between Fairfax and US 30 in Cedar Rapids. According to a preliminary 2009 estimate, traffic volumes range from about 5,900 vehicles per day (vpd) north of Amana to about 14,400 vpd at the US 30 interchange in Cedar Rapids. In response to high crash densities and medium to medium-high crash rates along the route, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested a road safety audit to examine the roadway and suggest possible mitigation. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, local law enforcement, and state government met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of US 151. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.