982 resultados para 364-M0077A
Foi feito um inventário de seis hectares de floresta de. terra firme na área de influência da Estrada Cuiabá-Porto Velho (BR-364). Destes seis hectares, dois foram feitos no Município de Jaru, vicinal 605 e quatro na área do Projeto Machadinho, vicinais MC-2, MA-9. A flonesta apresenta uma altura média de 15m e um total de 278 espécies diferentes, representadas por 2.235 indivíduos e 57 famílias nos seis hectares estudados. Os hectares I e II do Município de Jaru apresentaram, respectivamente, uma diversidade florística de 113 e 136 espécies de 10cm ou mais de diâmetro (DAP), enquanto que os hectares III, IV, V e VI da área do Projeto Machadinho apresentaram respectivamente, 103, 115, 122 e. 121 espécies. A espécie mais importante no hectare I é o breu manga (Tetragastris altíssima (Aubl.) Swartz) com o IVI (Índice de Valor de Importância) de 12,07, o que representa 4,0%do total; no hectare II, muiraquatiara (Astronium lecointelDucke) com o IVI 28,94, ou se,ja 9,6% do total; no hectare III, Macrolobiumsp., com o IVI de 28,94, representando 9,6% do total; no hectare IV, pau d'alho (Gallesia integrifolia(Sprenq.) Harms), com IVI de 39,41, representando 13,1% do total; no hectare V, tauari (Couratari macrospermaA.S. Smith), com IVI de 11,32, ou seja, 3,8% do total; no hectare VI, violeta Peltogyne catingae Ducke subsp. glabra(W. Rodr.) M.F. da Silva), com o IVI de 11,68, representando 3,9% do total. As seis famílias mais importantes em ordem de importância são: Leguminosae, Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae, Bursenaceae e Pal mae. Os dados quantitativos da regeneração natural indicaram que as espécies que apre-sentaram maior número de indivíduos regenerando, foram: Duguetia flagellaresHuber e Maquirasp. no Município de Jaru e Coussareasp. e. Micrandrasp. na área do Projeto Macha dinho, em Ariquemes.
A large percentage of bridges in the state of Iowa are classified as structurally or fiinctionally deficient. These bridges annually compete for a share of Iowa's limited transportation budget. To avoid an increase in the number of deficient bridges, the state of Iowa decided to implement a comprehensive Bridge Management System (BMS) and selected the Pontis BMS software as a bridge management tool. This program will be used to provide a selection of maintenance, repair, and replacement strategies for the bridge networks to achieve an efficient and possibly optimal allocation of resources. The Pontis BMS software uses a new rating system to evaluate extensive and detailed inspection data gathered for all bridge elements. To manually collect these data would be a highly time-consuming job. The objective of this work was to develop an automated-computerized methodology for an integrated data base that includes the rating conditions as defined in the Pontis program. Several of the available techniques that can be used to capture inspection data were reviewed, and the most suitable method was selected. To accomplish the objectives of this work, two userfriendly programs were developed. One program is used in the field to collect inspection data following a step-by-step procedure without the need to refer to the Pontis user's manuals. The other program is used in the office to read the inspection data and prepare input files for the Pontis BMS software. These two programs require users to have very limited knowledge of computers. On-line help screens as well as options for preparing, viewing, and printing inspection reports are also available. The developed data collection software will improve and expedite the process of conducting bridge inspections and preparing the required input files for the Pontis program. In addition, it will eliminate the need for large storage areas and will simplify retrieval of inspection data. Furthermore, the approach developed herein will facilitate transferring these captured data electronically between offices within the Iowa DOT and across the state.
Dark grey sediment with clasts that are large in size. The shape of the clasts range from angular to sub-rounded. Grain stacking can be seen throughout the sample. Minor amounts of rotation structures can also be seen.
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Comentari del llibre de Fernando Collantes Gutiérrez, 'El declive demográfico de la montaña española (1850-2000) : ¿Un drama rural?', publicat l'any 2004 pel Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
u.a.: Buchhändler Johann David Sauerländer;
1 Brief von Alexander Mitscherlich an Georg August Zinn (Ministerpräsident), 1961; 9 Briefe zwischen Prof. Tobias Brocher und Max Horkheimer; beteiligt: Alexander Mitscherlich, 1964-1968;