989 resultados para 240203 Condensed Matter Physics - Electronic and Magnetic Properties


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The electronic structure of yttrium-doped Silicon Carbide Nanotubes has been theoretically investigated using first principles density functional theory (DFT). Yttrium atom is bonded strongly on the surface of the nanotube with a binding energy of 2.37 eV and prefers to stay on the hollow site at a distance of around 2.25 angstrom from the tube. The semi-conducting nanotube with chirality (4, 4) becomes half mettalic with a magnetic moment of 1.0 mu(B) due to influence of Y atom on the surface. There is strong hybridization between d orbital of Y with p orbital of Si and C causing a charge transfer from d orbital of the Y atom to the tube. The Fermi level is shifted towards higher energy with finite Density of States for only upspin channel making the system half metallic and magnetic which may have application in spintronic devices.


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We calculate the electron exchange coupling for a phosphorus donor pair in silicon perturbed by a J-gate potential and the boundary effects of the silicon host geometry. In addition to the electron-electron exchange interaction we also calculate the contact hyperfine interaction between the donor nucleus and electron as a function of the varying experimental conditions. Donor separation, depth of the P nuclei below the silicon oxide layer and J-gate voltage become decisive factors in determining the strength of both the exchange coupling and hyperfine interaction-both crucial components for qubit operations in the Kane quantum computer. These calculations were performed using an anisotropic effective-mass Hamiltonian approach. The behaviour of the donor exchange coupling as a function of the parameters varied in this work provides relevant information for the experimental design of these devices.


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The metallic state of high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors, characterized by unusual and distinct temperature dependences in the transport properties(1-4), is markedly different from that of textbook metals. Despite intense theoretical efforts(5-11), our limited understanding is impaired by our inability to determine experimentally the temperature and momentum dependence of the transport scattering rate. Here, we use a powerful magnetotransport probe to show that the resistivity and the Hall coefficient in highly doped Tl2Ba2CuO6+delta originate from two distinct inelastic scattering channels. One channel is due to conventional electron electron scattering; the other is highly anisotropic, has the same symmetry as the superconducting gap and a magnitude that grows approximately linearly with temperature. The observed form and anisotropy place tight constraints on theories of the metallic state. Moreover, in heavily doped non-superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4, this anisotropic scattering term is absent(12), suggesting an intimate connection between the origin of this scattering and superconductivity itself.


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We present a group theoretical analysis of several classes of organic superconductor. We predict that highly frustrated organic superconductors, such as K-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) (where ET is BEDT-TTF, bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)X, undergo two superconducting phase transitions, the first from the normal state to a d-wave superconductor and the second to a d + id state. We show that the monoclinic distortion of K-(ET)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) means that the symmetry of its superconducting order parameter is different from that of orthorhombic-K-(ET)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)] Br. We propose that beta'' and theta phase organic superconductors have d(xy) + s order parameters.


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Motivated by applications to quantum computer architectures we study the change in the exchange interaction between neighbouring phosphorus donor electrons in silicon due to the application of voltage biases to surface control electrodes. These voltage biases create electro-static fields within the crystal substrate, perturbing the states of the donor electrons and thus altering the strength of the exchange interaction between them. We find that control gates of this kind can be used to either enhance or reduce the strength of the interaction, by an amount that depends both on the magnitude and orientation of the donor separation.


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A quantum circuit implementing 5-qubit quantum-error correction on a linear-nearest-neighbor architecture is described. The canonical decomposition is used to construct fast and simple gates that incorporate the necessary swap operations allowing the circuit to achieve the same depth as the current least depth circuit. Simulations of the circuit's performance when subjected to discrete and continuous errors are presented. The relationship between the error rate of a physical qubit and that of a logical qubit is investigated with emphasis on determining the concatenated error correction threshold.


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We describe a quantum electromechanical system comprising a single quantum dot harmonically bound between two electrodes and facilitating a tunneling current between them. An example of such a system is a fullerene molecule between two metal electrodes [Park et al., Nature 407, 57 (2000)]. The description is based on a quantum master equation for the density operator of the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and thus incorporates the dynamics of both diagonal (population) and off diagonal (coherence) terms. We derive coupled equations of motion for the electron occupation number of the dot and the vibrational degrees of freedom, including damping of the vibration and thermo-mechanical noise. This dynamical description is related to observable features of the system including the stationary current as a function of bias voltage


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In this paper we investigate the effect of dephasing on proposed quantum gates for the solid-state Kane quantum computing architecture. Using a simple model of the decoherence, we find that the typical error in a controlled-NOT gate is 8.3x10(-5). We also compute the fidelities of Z, X, swap, and controlled Z operations under a variety of dephasing rates. We show that these numerical results are comparable with the error threshold required for fault tolerant quantum computation.


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Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible given recent advances in the atomic doping of semiconductors. Here we present a charge qubit consisting of two dopant atoms in a semiconductor crystal, one of which is singly ionized. Surface electrodes control the qubit and a radio-frequency single-electron transistor provides fast readout. The calculated single gate times, of order 50 ps or less, are much shorter than the expected decoherence time. We propose universal one- and two-qubit gate operations for this system and discuss prospects for fabrication and scale up.


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A self-consistent theory is derived to describe the BCS-Bose-Einstein-condensate crossover for a strongly interacting Fermi gas with a Feshbach resonance. In the theory the fluctuation of the dressed molecules, consisting of both preformed Cooper pairs and bare Feshbach molecules, has been included within a self-consistent T-matrix approximation, beyond the Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink strategy considered by Ohashi and Griffin. The resulting self-consistent equations are solved numerically to investigate the normal-state properties of the crossover at various resonance widths. It is found that the superfluid transition temperature T-c increases monotonically at all widths as the effective interaction between atoms becomes more attractive. Furthermore, a residue factor Z(m) of the molecule's Green function and a complex effective mass have been determined to characterize the fraction and lifetime of Feshbach molecules at T-c. Our many-body calculations of Z(m) agree qualitatively well with recent measurments of the gas of Li-6 atoms near the broad resonance at 834 G. The crossover from narrow to broad resonances has also been studied.


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We show that the quantum decoherence of Forster resonant energy transfer between two optically active molecules can be described by a spin-boson model. This allows us to give quantitative criteria that are necessary for coherent quantum oscillations of excitations between the chromophores. Experimental tests of our results should be possible with flourescent resonant energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy. Although we focus on the case of protein-pigment complexes our results are also relevant to quantum dots and organic molecules in a dielectric medium. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the critical behavior of the spectral weight of a single quasiparticle, one of the key observables in experiment, for the particular case of the transverse Ising model. Series expansions are calculated for the linear chain and the square and simple cubic lattices. For the chain model, a conjectured exact result is discovered. For the square and simple cubic lattices, series analyses are used to estimate the critical exponents. The results agree with the general predictions of Sachdev [Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1999)].


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We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-(1)/(2) triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas, at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find rotonlike minima at special wave vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [Phys. Rev. B74, 180403(R) (2006)]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a nonlinear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at temperatures < 0.1J. Finally, we review recent NMR measurements on the organic compound kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). We argue that these are inconsistent with long-range order and a description of the low-energy excitations in terms of interacting magnons, and that therefore a Heisenberg model with only nearest-neighbor exchange does not offer an adequate description of this material.


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Based on density functional theory, we systematically studied the electronic and magnetic properties of the real experimental structural phase BiCrO3 with the space group C2/c. It is found that the ground state is a moderately correlated Mott-Hubbard insulator with G-type antiferromagnetic structure, which is in agreement with the experimental observations. The magnetism can be qualitatively understood in terms of the superexchange mechanism via Cr1(t(2g))-O 2p-Cr-2(t(2g)). Moreover, the total energies calculated for various magnetic orderings lead to an estimate of the magnetic interaction constants.


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The electronic and magnetic properties of the transition metal sesqui-oxides Cr(2)O(3), Ti(2)O(3), and Fe(2)O(3) have been calculated using the screened exchange (sX) hybrid density functional. This functional is found to give a band structure, bandgap, and magnetic moment in better agreement with experiment than the local density approximation (LDA) or the LDA+U methods. Ti(2)O(3) is found to be a spin-paired insulator with a bandgap of 0.22 eV in the Ti d orbitals. Cr(2)O(3) in its anti-ferromagnetic phase is an intermediate charge transfer Mott-Hubbard insulator with an indirect bandgap of 3.31 eV. Fe(2)O(3), with anti-ferromagnetic order, is found to be a wide bandgap charge transfer semiconductor with a 2.41 eV gap. Interestingly sX outperforms the HSE functional for the bandgaps of these oxides.