993 resultados para 1995_12250831 Optics-25


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An optical system which performs the multiplication of binary numbers is described and proof-of-principle experiments are performed. The simultaneous generation of all partial products, optical regrouping of bit products, and optical carry look-ahead addition are novel features of the proposed scheme which takes advantage of the parallel operations capability of optical computers. The proposed processor uses liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs). By space-sharing the LCLVs one such system could function as an array of multipliers. Together with the optical carry look-ahead adders described, this would constitute an optical matrix-vector multiplier.


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Dichromated gelatin is thought to be a good substitute for photographic emulsions in some uses. The results of a systematic study of the effect of the pH of the developer on the diffraction efficiency of volume holographic gratings recorded in dye sensitized dichromated gelatin are presented.


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Road transport and shipping are copious sources of aerosols, which exert a 9 significant radiative forcing, compared to, for example, the CO2 emitted by these sectors. An 10 advanced atmospheric general circulation model, coupled to a mixed-layer ocean, is used to 11 calculate the climate response to the direct radiative forcing from such aerosols. The cases 12 considered include imposed distributions of black carbon and sulphate aerosols from road 13 transport, and sulphate aerosols from shipping; these are compared to the climate response 14 due to CO2 increases. The difficulties in calculating the climate response due to small 15 forcings are discussed, as the actual forcings have to be scaled by large amounts to enable a 16 climate response to be easily detected. Despite the much greater geographical inhomogeneity 17 in the sulphate forcing, the patterns of zonal and annual-mean surface temperature response 18 (although opposite in sign) closely resembles that resulting from homogeneous changes in 19 CO2. The surface temperature response to black carbon aerosols from road transport is shown 20 to be notably non-linear in scaling applied, probably due to the semi-direct response of clouds 21 to these aerosols. For the aerosol forcings considered here, the most widespread method of 22 calculating radiative forcing significantly overestimates their effect, relative to CO2, 23 compared to surface temperature changes calculated using the climate model.


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The role of oxidation in the development of age-related eye disease has prompted interest in the use of nutritional supplementation for prevention of onset and progression. Our aim is to highlight possible contraindications and adverse reactions of isolated or high dose ocular nutritional supplements. Web of Science and PubMed database searches were carried out, followed by a manual search of the bibliographies of retrieved articles. Vitamin A should be avoided in women who may become pregnant, in those with liver disease, and in people who drink heavily. Relationships have been found between vitamin A and reduced bone mineral density, and beta-carotene and increased risk of lung cancer in smoking males. Vitamin E and Ginkgo biloba have anticoagulant and anti-platelet effects respectively, and high doses are contraindicated in those being treated for vascular disorders. Those patients with contraindications or who are considered at risk of adverse reactions should be advised to seek specialist dietary advice via their medical practitioner. © 2005 The College of Optometrists.


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We describe a non-invasive phakometric method for determining corneal axis rotation relative to the visual axis (β) together with crystalline lens axis tilt (α) and decentration (d) relative to the corneal axis. This does not require corneal contact A-scan ultrasonography for the measurement of intraocular surface separations. Theoretical inherent errors of the method, evaluated by ray tracing through schematic eyes incorporating the full range of human ocular component variations, were found to be larger than the measurement errors (β < 0.67°, α < 0.72° and d < 0.08 mm) observed in nine human eyes with known ocular component dimensions. Intersubject variations (mean ± S.D.: β = 6.2 ± 3.4° temporal, α = 0.2 ± 1.8° temporal and d = 0.1 ± 0.1 mm temporal) and repeatability (1.96 × S.D. of difference between repeat readings: β ± 2.0°, α ± 1.8° and d ± 0.2 mm) were studied by measuring the left eyes of 45 subjects (aged 18-42 years, 29 females and 16 males, 15 Caucasians, 29 Indian Asians, one African, refractive error range -7.25 to +1.25 D mean spherical equivalent) on two occasions. © 2005 The College of Optometrists.


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Aim: Contrast sensitivity (CS) provides important information on visual function. This study aimed to assess differences in clinical expediency of the CS increment-matched new back-lit and original paper versions of the Melbourne Edge Test (MET) to determine the CS of the visually impaired. Methods: The back-lit and paper MET were administered to 75 visually impaired subjects (28-97 years). Two versions of the back-lit MET acetates were used to match the CS increments with the paper-based MET. Measures of CS were repeated after 30 min and again in the presence of a focal light source directed onto the MET. Visual acuity was measured with a Bailey-Lovie chart and subjects rated how much difficulty they had with face and vehicle recognition. Results: The back-lit MET gave a significantly higher CS than the paper-based version (14.2 ± 4.1 dB vs 11.3 ± 4.3 dB, p < 0.001). A significantly higher reading resulted with repetition of the paper-based MET (by 1.0 ± 1.7 dB, p < 0.001), but this was not evident with the back-lit MET (by 0.1 ± 1.4 dB, p = 0.53). The MET readings were increased by a focal light source, in both the back-lit (by 0.3 ± 0.81, p < 0.01) and paper-based (1.2 ± 1.7, p < 0.001) versions. CS as measured by the back-lit and paper-based versions of the MET was significantly correlated to patients' perceived ability to recognise faces (r = 0.71, r = 0.85 respectively; p < 0.001) and vehicles (r = 0.67, r = 0.82 respectively; p < 0.001), and with distance visual acuity (both r =-0.64; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The CS increment-matched back-lit MET gives higher CS values than the old paper-based test by approximately 3 dB and is more repeatable and less affected by external light sources. Clinically, the MET score provides information on patient difficulties with visual tasks, such as recognising faces. © 2005 The College of Optometrists.


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Aim: Systemic hypertension is a silent killer that may have very few warning signs. This study examines detection and management of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) by optometrists in the UK. Method: A survey was sent out to 1402 optometrists who practice in the UK to investigate the nature and knowledge of detection of systemic hypertension. Results: The survey response rate was 37%. Optometrists were neutral to slightly positive towards the use of blood pressure (BP) monitors, but not on a routine basis. The most frequently asked question during history and symptoms concerned the patient's prescribed medication for systemic hypertension, and the least was that of specifying the last BP measurement. The additional test most widely used in the examination of the systemic hypertensive patient was direct ophthalmoscopy with red-free filter. Over one-tenth of optometric practices had a BP monitor, with automated devices being the most popular. Patients most likely to have their BP measured were suspect systemic hypertensives. Retinal haemorrhages are the most important finding in influencing an optometrist's referral criteria for suspected systemic hypertension. Conclusion: Although optometrists monitor the retina for signs of damage from systemic hypertension, further education in this important condition is warranted. © 2005 The College of Optometrists.


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The literature suggests that there may be pupil size and response abnormalities in migraine headache sufferers. We used an infra-red pupillometer to measure dynamic pupil responses to light in 20 migraine sufferers (during non-headache periods) and 16 non-migraine age and gender matched controls. There was a significant increase in the absolute inter-ocular difference of the latency of the pupil light response in the migraine group compared with the controls (0.062 s vs 0.025 s, p = 0.014). There was also a significant correlation between anisocoria and lateralisation of headache such that migraine sufferers with a habitual head pain side have more anisocoria (r= 0.59, p < 0.01), but this was not related to headache laterally. The pupil changes were not correlated with the interval since the last migraine headache, the severity of migraine headache or the number of migraine headaches per annum. We conclude that subtle sympathetic and parasympathetic pupil abnormalities persist in the inter-ictal phase of migraine. © 2005 The College of Optometrists.


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This report contains CTD profiling results from the seventh cruise to the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) site near the Island of Lanai. Data presented here were obtained on the University of Hawaii Research Vessel Moana Wave between 26 and 30 June 1994. Two types of data are reported: vertical profile observations of salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen taken from water samplers at those stations.


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In this paper, we propose a novel method for measuring the coma aberrations of lithographic projection optics based on relative image displacements at multiple illumination settings. The measurement accuracy of coma can be improved because the phase-shifting gratings are more sensitive to the aberrations than the binary gratings used in the TAMIS technique, and the impact of distortion on displacements of aerial image can be eliminated when the relative image displacements are measured. The PROLITH simulation results show that, the measurement accuracy of coma increases by more than 25% under conventional illumination, and the measurement accuracy of primary coma increases by more than 20% under annular illumination, compared with the TAMIS technique. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We have demonstrated stable self-starting passive mode locking in a diode-end-pumped Nd:Gd-0.8-Y0.5VO4 laser by using an In0.25Ga0.75As absorber grown at low temperature (LT In0.25Ga0.75As absorber). An In0.25Ga0.75As single-quantum-well absorber, which was grown directly on the GaAs buffer by use of the metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition technique, acts simultaneously as a passive mode-locking device and as an output coupler. Continuous-wave mode-locked pulses were obtained at 1063.5 nm. We achieved a pulse duration of 2.6 ps and an average output power of 2.15 W at a repetition rate of 96.4 MHz. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.