961 resultados para 1964 Military Coup
This article examines the relation between President Janio Quadros and the National Congress during the early 1960`s. Based on the analysis of the discourse of these figures, it proposes that Quadros maneuvered to diminish the legitimacy of the Congress in the public opinion, thus disrespecting its constitutional competencies. Consequently, it shows that not only did the Congress structure political mechanisms in an attempt to recover its credibility with society, but also that this dispute and its results had important effects on President Joao Goulart`s administration and even on the 1964 military coup.
Os anos entre 1956 a 1961 foram pródigos para o desenvolvimento do Brasil. O governo JK consolidou a industrialização brasileira, criou Brasília e foi considerado um caso singular na política contemporânea, por ser o único governo civil que começou e terminou seu mandato segundo as regras constitucionais, até o período da ditadura militar. Através da rememoração, lembramos de fatos históricos, que através da narrativa da revista Manchete, contribuíram para a criação de uma imagem positiva de Juscelino Kubitschek e de seu governo. As edições constantes de sua imagem de grande estadista justificam a existência, na memória coletiva, do mito político. Sua trajetória foi caracterizada por sua simpatia, seu poder de persuasão e pela força de sua oratória durante o seu governo e posteriormente calada pela ditadura militar, implantada no Brasil em 1964. Manchete deu forma, através de suas fotorreportagens, aos acontecimentos de um país em acelerado processo de desenvolvimento, contribuindo desta maneira, com a criação do mito dos anos dourados.
The main goal of this work is analyze the way which the Natal City Prefecture was constructed as a place of subversion by those we call defenders of the order, in the period right after the outbreak of military coup in 1964. To reach it, the main resource of search was the Relatório Subversão no Rio Grande do Norte , document produced from the investigations realized in Natal City Prefecture as a result of the Commission of Inquiry s work, established by the governor Aluízio Alves to determine the subversion in Rio Grande do Norte s society. Based on the anti-comunist speech. That document introduces other image of the Prefecture, which activities developed by de second Djalma Maranhão administration (1961-1964), specially those developed in the educational area, as the campaign De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler , were considered subversive , communist , dangerous , threatening , names that served as backing to embed Natal City Prefecture in the general view about subversion existing in Rio Grande do Norte, according to the repression speech in this initial period of military regime. Key-words: 1964 Military Coup Natal City Prefecture
The present work treats the movements dedicated to reinvidication per land and social rights for the field works, among 1960 and 1964. Trying to understand this question in the Rio Grande do Norte it is necessary to consider the connection between the catholic church and the rural syndicates besides the influence of the Brazilian communist party, and still other social movements and the state. The structures politics local, national and international, had considerable importance to the organization rural potiguares workers. The rural potiguares syndicate appear in 1961 - after a hard organization work starting of the Service of Rural Assistance - and expand itself through state until the middle of 1962. Soon the first big conflicts an important manifestation are perceive, indirectly referring to a increasing movement's performance. The Favoring Progresses chains co quested a biggest influence in the politics destiny of the Rio Grande do Norte, in front of integration among syndicates, educational projects, and favoring progress's politics. But the military coup hired that the hope overflow the field
Este artigo, inserido nos debates historiográficos sobre a ditadura civil-militar no Brasil (1964-1985), pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da história política do estado do Pará antes, durante e após o golpe de estado de 1964. Examinamos preferencialmente a participação dos militares e o apoio de setores da sociedade civil ao golpe militar, e a repressão que sofreram os estudantes e organizações de esquerda e políticos "populistas". Na perspectiva metodológica dos estudos de história local e regional, as principais fontes utilizadas foram os jornais de Belém, livros de memórias, trabalhos acadêmicos e fontes orais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho analisa um período de crise vivido pelo protestantismo brasileiro (simbolizado aqui pela Igreja Metodista e pela Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil) durante a época da Ditadura Civil e Militar, focando o olhar mais especificamente no intervalo entre os anos de 1964 e 1974. Influenciadas pelo ambiente político e ideológico da época, essas duas denominações protestantes foram palco de uma disputa entre suas alas conservadoras e progressistas. Como resultado, estabeleceu-se um clima interno de “caça às bruxas”, marcado por atitudes autoritá-rias e de apoio ao regime imposto. Seguindo uma proposta advinda de trabalhos anteriores, a pesquisa procura levantar os fundamentos que embasaram as atitudes das alas conservadoras do protestantismo nesse conflito, um aspecto pouco considerado pela historiografia sobre o tema. A principal suspeita é a de que as posturas conservadoras decorreram do contato do pro-testantismo importado do mundo anglo saxão com a herança cultural patriarcal autoritária e católica presente no Brasil desde seu período fundacional. Essa mescla de elementos teológi-cos importados somada à herança cultural tipicamente brasileira acabou moldando a mentali-dade dos setores conservadores do protestantismo nacional entre o final do século XIX e me-ados do XX, que acabou aflorando quando novos agentes surgiram no cenário religioso duran-te o período do Golpe Civil e Militar.
This article analyses the teacher strikes that took place in the state of Sao Paulo ( Brazil). These strikes produced new representations of the profession and gave a particular visibility to its interest aggregation processes. These same strikes appeared as major incentives for the organisation of teachers in Brazil. The October 1963 strike - about six months before the military coup of 1964 - was the first to mobilise the whole of the teaching profession of the Sao Paulo state: primary and secondary education, public and private schools were all involved. The two other strikes, organised by teachers in the public schools in 1978 and 1979, took place under the dictatorship. As such, they had a particular significance in the process of recovering civil liberties in the final stages of the military regime in the 1980s. This article is based on an analysis of the front-page covering of these teacher strikes by the two major journals of the state, O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo. With Chartier`s concept collective representations in mind, this approach allows us to grasp how large-circulation journals diffuse images of the profession and its organisational configurations. These press pictures are analysed by dint of the analytical frame Roland Barthes advanced in the 1960s, i.e. by reading their denoted, connoted and symbolic messages.
Essays that became known as ""interpretations of Brazil"" appeared mostly between the proclamation of the Republic in 1889 and the spurt in academic life in the 1930s and later. These essays sought an overall analysis of Brazil. However, as universities developed, works of this kind began to lose ground to monographs with more circumscribed aims. The sociologist Florestan Fernandes greatly influenced this development, but his last important work, A revolucao burguesa no Brasil (The Bourgeois Revolution in Brazil), written after the military coup of 1964, differs from his other works, as is indicated by its subtitle, ""an essay of sociological interpretation."" On the one hand lies the ""essay,"" on the other the ""sociological interpretation."" The former allows him to ""interpret Brazil,"" but he does so with the eyes of a sociologist. Establishing a dialogue between A revolucao burguesa no Brasil and other interpretations of Brazil such as those of Prado Junior, Vianna, Buarque, and Freyre reveals the significance of this distinction.
A thesis presented on the political history of Fiji from cession to Britain in 1874 compares and analyses the country’s four political coups. A military coup occurred in 1987 by Lt. Col Sitiveni Rabuka. Six months later he staged a self-coup. In 2000 George Speight staged an armed civilian coup or putsch, and in 2006 Commodore Frank Bainimarama, head of Fiji’s military forces, overthrew the government of Laisenia Qarase. This paper is an internal comparison of the four coups of which the aim is to examine why coups occur in Fiji. The conclusion is that the level of influence of the country’s traditional paramount chiefs is a strong causal factor in events leading to the political overthrows. Issues such as ethnicity, constitutionalism, democracy, traditionalism, and modernity make the study of the Fiji coups complex. All of the major actors involved have been present or have been somehow linked to each coup. Questions of leadership arise as do issues regarding pluralism and multiculturalism. These issues are discussed in this paper. The end result is that if the question of traditional leadership is not addressed within a democratic framework then Fiji will continue to have coups.
In 1964, year of the military coup, the Brazilian government established a housing finance system with the intention of reducing the housing shortage that had been going on for decades. In order to reach this goal, the government created the Housing Finance System (acronym in Portuguese ¿ SFH), a set of rules which intended to set up a regulated market through standardized contracts and compulsory sources of funds. The system survived for some time, due to the state control of prices and salaries in the authoritarian regime. However, the increasing inflationary pressure obliged the government to adopt a populist subsidy policy, which left as a consequence outstanding balances at the end of the contracts that very often exceeded the value of the financed units. The solution adopted was to create a fund to settle these residual balances. Such fund should be capitalized by the government and by compulsory contributions from borrowers and financial institutions. Since the government did not make such contributions, the debt of this fund increased on a yearly basis, reaching around 3,5 % of Brazil¿s GDP in December 31, 2006. Due to the decline of private investments in the housing finance system, this debt concentrated mostly on public and state-owned companies, government agencies and public funds. The outcome of this policy was the Salary Variations Compensation Fund (acronym in Portuguese ¿ FCVS), which has a negative net equity of 76 billion reais and costs 100 million reais per year to be managed, and whose main creditor is the Federal Government itself.