994 resultados para 14C date


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We here present a compilation of planktic and benthic 14C reservoir ages for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and early deglacial from 11 key sites of global ocean circulation in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Ocean. The ages were obtained by 14C plateau tuning, a robust technique to derive both an absolute chronology for marine sediment records and a high-resolution record of changing reservoir/ventilation ages (Delta14C values) for surface and deep waters by comparing the suite of planktic 14C plateaus of a sediment record with that of the atmospheric 14C record (Sarnthein et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/173GM13). Results published thus far used as atmospheric 14C reference U/Th-dated corals, the Cariaco planktic record, and speleothems (Fairbanks et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.04.007; Hughen et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.03.014; Beck et al., 2001, doi:10.1023/A:1008175728826). We have now used the varve-counted atmospheric 14C record of Lake Suigetsu terrestrial macrofossils (Ramsey et al., 2012, doi:10.1126/science.1226660) to recalibrate the boundary ages and reservoir ages of the seven published records directly to an atmospheric 14C record. In addition, the results for four new cores and further planktic results for four published records are given. Main conclusions from the new compilation are: (1) The Suigetsu atmospheric 14C record on its varve counted time scale reflects all 14C plateaus, their internal structures and relative length previously identified, but implies a rise in the average 14C plateau age by 200-700 14C yr during LGM and early deglacial times. (2) Based on different 14C ages of coeval atmospheric and planktic 14C plateaus, marine surface water Delta14C may have temporarily dropped to an equivalent of ~0 yr in low-latitude lagoon waters, but reached >2500 14C yr both in stratified subpolar waters and in upwelled waters such as in the South China Sea. These values differ significantly from a widely assumed constant global planktic Delta14C value of 400 yr. (3) Suites of deglacial planktic Delta14C values are closely reproducible in 14C records measured at neighboring core sites. (4) Apparent deep-water 14C ventilation ages (equivalents of benthic Delta14C), deduced from the sum of planktic Delta14C and coeval benthic-planktic 14C differences, vary from 500 up to >5000 yr in LGM and deglacial ocean basins.


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Freshwater sponge spicules were analyzed as a paleoenvironmental proxy indicator in five cores of ponds and alluvial fan sediments in the Upper Paraná River's left bank, near Querência do Norte town, northwestern of State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Two optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates were obtained from sediments of ponds and one radiocarbon (14C) date was obtained from the alluvial fan. Microscopic analysis of spicules preserved in the sediments allowed a determination of freshwater sponge species. The species assemblage provides evidence for dominantly dry conditions in the Upper Paraná River during the Late Pleistocene. A wetter climate phase was recognized at 14C 7,540 yrs BP, with alluvial fan formation commencing at the transition of the dry Pleistocene climate to the Early Holocene wet climate. This wet interval was characterized by a sponge assemblage marked by the presence of the Neotropical families and typically associated with lotic environments. Sponge spicules analysis from pond sediments reject the possibility that lotic environments contributed to pond genesis and evolution. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.


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The number of well-dated pollen diagrams in Europe has increased considerably over the last 30 years and many of them have been submitted to the European Pollen Database (EPD). This allows for the construction of increasingly precise maps of Holocene vegetation change across the continent. Chronological information in the EPD has been expressed in uncalibrated radiocarbon years, and most chronologies to date are based on this time scale. Here we present new chronologies for most of the datasets stored in the EPD based on calibrated radiocarbon years. Age information associated with pollen diagrams is often derived from the pollen stratigraphy itself or from other sedimentological information. We reviewed these chronological tie points and assigned uncertainties to them. The steps taken to generate the new chronologies are described and the rationale for a new classification system for age uncertainties is introduced. The resulting chronologies are fit for most continental-scale questions. They may not provide the best age model for particular sites, but may be viewed as general purpose chronologies. Taxonomic particularities of the data stored in the EPD are explained. An example is given of how the database can be queried to select samples with appropriate age control as well as the suitable taxonomic level to answer a specific research question.


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The radiogenic isotope composition of neodymium (Nd) and strontium (Sr) are useful tools to investigate present and past oceanic circulation or input of terrigenous material. We present Nd and Sr isotope compositions extracted from different sedimentary phases, including early diagenetic Fe-Mn coatings, "unclean" foraminiferal shells, fossil fish teeth, and detritus of marine surface sediments (core-tops) covering the entire midlatitude South Pacific. Comparison of detrital Nd isotope compositions to deep water values from the same locations suggests that "boundary exchange" has little influence on the Nd isotope composition of western South Pacific seawater. Concentrations of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Al/Ca ratios of "unclean" planktonic foraminifera suggest that this phase is a reliable recorder of seawater Nd isotope composition. The signatures obtained from fish teeth and "nondecarbonated" leachates of bulk sediment Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide coatings also agree with "unclean" foraminifera. Direct comparison of Nd isotope compositions extracted using these methods with seawater Nd isotope compositions is complicated by the low accumulation rates yielding radiocarbon ages of up to 24 kyr, thus mixing the signal of different ocean circulation modes. This suggests that different past seawater Nd isotope compositions have been integrated in authigenic sediments from regions with low sedimentation rates. Combined detrital Nd and Sr isotope signatures indicate a dominant role of the Westerly winds transporting lithogenic material from South New Zealand and Southeastern Australia to the open South Pacific. The proportion of this material decreases toward the east, where supply from the Andes increases and contributions from Antarctica cannot be ruled out.


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Greenland ice core records indicate that the last deglaciation (~7-21 ka) was punctuated by numerous abrupt climate reversals involving temperature changes of up to 5°C-10°C within decades. However, the cause behind many of these events is uncertain. A likely candidate may have been the input of deglacial meltwater, from the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS), to the high-latitude North Atlantic, which disrupted ocean circulation and triggered cooling. Yet the direct evidence of meltwater input for many of these events has so far remained undetected. In this study, we use the geochemistry (paired Mg/Ca-d18O) of planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core south of Iceland to reconstruct the input of freshwater to the northern North Atlantic during abrupt deglacial climate change. Our record can be placed on the same timescale as ice cores and therefore provides a direct comparison between the timing of freshwater input and climate variability. Meltwater events coincide with the onset of numerous cold intervals, including the Older Dryas (14.0 ka), two events during the Allerød (at ~13.1 and 13.6 ka), the Younger Dryas (12.9 ka), and the 8.2 ka event, supporting a causal link between these abrupt climate changes and meltwater input. During the Bølling-Allerød warm interval, we find that periods of warming are associated with an increased meltwater flux to the northern North Atlantic, which in turn induces abrupt cooling, a cessation in meltwater input, and eventual climate recovery. This implies that feedback between climate and meltwater input produced a highly variable climate. A comparison to published data sets suggests that this feedback likely included fluctuations in the southern margin of the LIS causing rerouting of LIS meltwater between southern and eastern drainage outlets, as proposed by Clark et al. (2001, doi:10.1126/science.1062517).


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Excavations were carried out in a Late Palaeolithic site in the community of Bad Buchau-Kappel between 2003 and 2007. Archaeological investigations covered a total of more than 200 m**2. This site is the product of what likely were multiple occupations that occurred during the Late Glacial on the Federsee shore in this location. The site is situated on a mineral ridge that projected into the former Late Glacial lake Federsee. This beach ridge consists of deposits of fine to coarse gravel and sand and was surrounded by open water, except for a connection to the solid shore on the south. A lagoon lay between the hook-shaped ridge and the shore of the Federsee. This exposed location provided optimal access to the water of the lake. In addition, the small lagoon may have served as a natural harbor for landing boats or canoes. Sedimentological and palynological investigations document the dynamic history of the location between 14,500 and 11,600 years before present (cal BP). Evidence of the deposition of sands, gravels and muds since the Bølling Interstadial is provided by stratigraphic and palynological analyses. The major occupation occurred in the second half of the Younger Dryas period. Most of the finds were located on or in the sediments of the ridge; fewer finds occurred in the surrounding mud, which was also deposited during the Younger Dryas. Direct dates on some bone fragments, however, demonstrate that intermittent sporadic occupations also took place during the two millennia of the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked during the Younger Dryas and redeposited in the mud. A 14C date from one bone of 11,600 years ago (cal BP) places the Late Palaeolithic occupation of the ridge at the very end of the Younger Dryas, which is in agreement with stratigraphic observations. Stone artifacts, numbering 3,281, comprise the majority of finds from the site. These include typical artifacts of the Late Palaeolithic, such as backed points, short scrapers, and small burins. There are no bipointes or Malaurie-Points, which is in accord with the absolute date of the occupation. A majority of the artifacts are made from a brown chert that is obtainable a few kilometers north of the site in sediments of the Graupensandrinne. Other raw materials include red and green radiolarite that occur in the fluvioglacial gravels of Oberschwaben, as well as quartzite and lydite. The only non-local material present is a few artifacts of tabular chert from the region near Kelheim in Bavaria. A unique find consists of two fragments of a double-barbed harpoon made of red deer antler, which was found in the Younger Dryas mud. It is likely, but not certain, that this find belongs to the same assemblage as the numerous stone artifacts. Although not numerous, animal bones were also found in the excavations. Most of them lay in sediments of the Younger Dryas, but several 14C dates place some of these bones in earlier periods, including the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked by water and redeposited in mud sediments during the Younger Dryas. As a result, it is difficult to attribute individual bones to particular chronological positions without exact dates. Species that could be identified include wild horse (Equus spec.), moose or elk (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), aurochs or bison (Bos spec.), wild boar (Sus scrofa), as well as birds and fish, including pike (Esox Lucius).


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The Wurmian Glaciation of the Alpine Foreland has been reconstructed in different phases as a result of investigations in the Rhine-Bodan region as well as in the Linth area. The whole High Glacial is divided in four main phases: ice advance into the piedmont basins, building-up of the foreland glaciation, high stages and retreat into the inner Alps. This epoch took up perhaps less than 12,000 years. During the period of building, an average increase of ice thickness of about 12 cm per year was sufficient to form an extensive foreland glacier within 5000-7000 years. The snow lines of the stades of the piedmont glaciation as well as of the local glaciers are calculated. Snow lines at about 1500 m a.s.l. led to an inner alpine ice build-up and an advance of glaciers towards the piedmont basins. To produce the foreland ice sheet, low snow lines of 900-1000 m a.s.l. were necessary. An interstadial phase before the maximum glaciation is evidenced by sediment sequences and a 14C-date of 22,100 BP. The chronology of ice retreat after 18 ka BP is still uncertain.


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14C dating of groundwater depends on the isotopic composition of both the solid carbonate and the soil CO2 and requires the use of 14C age correction models. To better assess the variability of the 14C activity of soil CO2 (A14Csoil-CO2) and the δ13C of soil CO2 (δ13Csoil-CO2), which are two parameters used in 14C age correction models, we studied the different processes involving carbon isotopes in the soil. The approach used experimental data from two sites in France (Fontainebleau sands and Astian sands) and a steady-state transport model. In most cases, the 14C activity (A14C) of atmospheric CO2 is directly used in the 14C age correction models as the A14Csoil-CO2. However, we demonstrate that since 1950, the evolution of the A14Csoil-CO2 reflects the competition between the fluxes of root-derived CO2 and organic matter-derived CO2. Therefore, the A14Csoil-CO2 must be used to date groundwater that is younger than 60 years old. Moreover, the δ13C of soil CO2 (δ13Csoil-CO2) showed large seasonal variations that must be taken into account in selecting the δ13Csoil-CO2 for 14C age correction models.


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In climate research the interest on carbonaceous particles has increased over the last years because of their influence on the radiation balance of the earth. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of available data regarding their concentrations and sources in the past. Such data would be important for a better understanding of their effects and for estimating their influence on future climate. Here, a technique is described to extract carbonaceous particles from ice core samples with subsequent separation of the two main constituents into organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) for analysis of their concentrations in the past. This is combined with further analysis of OC and EC 14C/12C ratios by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), what can be used for source apportionment studies of past emissions. We further present how 14C analysis of the OC fraction could be used in the future to date any ice core extracted from a high-elevation glacier. Described sample preparation steps to final analysis include the combustion of micrograms of water–insoluble carbonaceous particles, primary collected by filtration of melted ice samples, the graphitisation of the obtained CO2 to solid AMS target material and final AMS measurements. Possible fractionation processes were investigated for quality assurance. Procedural blanks were reproducible and resulted in carbon masses of 1.3 ± 0.6 μg OC and 0.3 ± 0.1 μg EC per filter. The determined fraction of modern carbon (fM) for the OC blank was 0.61 ± 0.13. The analysis of processed IAEA-C6 and IAEA-C7 reference material resulted in fM = 1.521 ± 0.011 and δ13C = −10.85 ± 0.19‰, and fM = 0.505 ± 0.011 and δ13C = −14.21 ± 0.19‰, respectively, in agreement with consensus values. Initial carbon contents were thereby recovered with an average yield of 93%.