979 resultados para 117-728
Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments of the Oman margin and Owen Ridge are characterized by continuous alternation of light and dark layers of nannofossil ooze and marly nannofossil ooze and cyclic variation of wet-bulk density. Origin of the wet-bulk density and color cycles was examined at Ocean Drilling Program Site 722 on the Owen Ridge and Site 728 on the Oman margin using 3.4-m.y.-long GRAPE (gamma ray attenuation) wet-bulk density records and records of sediment color represented as changes in gray level on black-and-white core photographs. At Sites 722 and 728 sediments display a weak correlation of decreasing wet-bulk density with increasing darkness of sediment color. Wet-bulk density is inversely related to organic carbon concentration and displays little relation to calcium carbonate concentration, which varies inversely with the abundance of terrigenous sediment components. Sediment color darkens with increasing terrigenous sediment abundance (decreasing carbonate content) and with increasing organic carbon concentration. Upper Pleistocene sediments at Site 722 display a regular pattern of dark colored intervals coinciding with glacial periods, whereas at Site 728 the pattern of color variation is more irregular. There is not a consistent relationship between the dark intervals and their relative wet-bulk density in the upper Pleistocene sections at Sites 722 and 728, suggesting that dominance of organic matter or terrigenous sediment as primary coloring agents varies. Spectra of wet-bulk density and optical density time series display concentration of variance at orbital periodicities of 100, 41, 23, and 19 k.y. A strong 41-k.y. periodicity characterizes wet-bulk density and optical density variation at both sites throughout most of the past 3.4 m.y. Cyclicity at the 41-k.y. periodicity is characterized by a lack of coherence between wet-bulk density and optical density suggesting that the bulk density and color cycles reflect the mixed influence of varying abundance of terrigenous sediments and organic matter. The 23-k.y. periodicity in wet-bulk density and sediment color cycles is generally characterized by significant coherence between wet-bulk density and optical density, which reflects an inverse relationship between these parameters. Varying organic matter abundance, associated with changes in productivity or preservation, is inferred to more strongly influence changes in wet-bulk density and sediment color at this periodicity.
Interstitial water analyses made at 12 sites during Leg 117 are used to define the nature of diagenetic reactions in organic-rich sediments on the Owen Ridge and Oman Margin. Minor variations in chloride concentration profiles are ascribed to past changes in bottom water salinity at two mid-depth margin sites and to upward migration of low salinity water at another. There is no evidence for subsurface brine movement, unlike the case on the Peru Margin. Dolomitization is widespread and accounts for the depletions of magnesium observed in pore waters at variable depths at nearly all sites. The mineral occurs both as disseminated euhedral limpid crystals and, in at least one location, in massive stringers. Formation of the latter is suggested to reflect precipitation during sea level transgressions when the sedimentation rate was low, but when productivity was high. Authigenic carbonate fluorapatite is also widespread, the phosphorus being derived from the breakdown of organic matter. Sulfate is quantitatively depleted at depth at most locations but the rate of depletion is markedly less than that observed on the Peru Margin where sedimentation is also similarly influenced by high rates of upwelling. The reason for this contrast is not clear and merits further investigation.
Abundances of organic carbon, sulfur, and reactive iron in sediments of three upwelling environments (Peru, Oman and Benguela) suggest that organic carbon/reduced sulfur ratios (C/S-ratios) in this category of marine sediments deviate considerably from previously established empirical ratios in normal marine sediments. To clarify the discrepancies, we investigated those components of the diagenetic system that limit the formation of pyrite: sulfate concentrations and reduction rates in pore waters, availability of reactive iron, and the quantity and quality of organic matter. All three limitations are evident in our sample pools. The results suggest that C/S-ratios in recent and fossil marine sediments rich in organic matter may be unsuitable as paleoenvironmental indicators.
O teor de N disponível em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto é um dos fatores restritivos à aplicação do resíduo em grandes volumes na agricultura, e deve ser utilizado nas normas que regulamentam seu uso agrícola com o fim de evitar a contaminação ambiental do solo e corpos d?água com nitrato. Quando se aplica o resíduo pela primeira vez em um solo, a disponibilização de N mineral a partir de compostos orgânicos naturais do solo não é diretamente considerada no cálculo da taxa de aplicação máxima, e este procedimento é comum também nas recomendações de adubação mineral. Porém, a aplicação continuada desses resíduos pode causar efeitos residuais acumulativos na geração de N mineral, o que implicaria recomendações específicas para reaplicações em uma mesma área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a disponibilidade potencial de N mineral em um Latossolo previamente tratado com lodos de esgoto e com quatro cultivos sucessivos de milho. Amostras de solo da camada de 0?20 cm foram coletadas em subparcelas de um experimento realizado em campo, entre 1999 e 2002, em Jaguariúna (SP), onde foram aplicados 0, 14.716, 29.432, 58.864 e 117.728 kg ha-1 de lodo de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e 0, 22.700, 45.400, 90.800 e 181.600 kg ha-1 de lodo produzido a partir de esgotos urbanos e industriais (Barueri, SP). As doses foram parceladas em quatro aplicações anuais consecutivas. Em laboratório, essas amostras foram incubadas durante 15 semanas. As análises iniciais dos solos evidenciaram que houve efeito residual das aplicações prévias dos lodos sobre o acúmulo de N orgânico e de nitrato. No final da incubação, houve acúmulo de N inorgânico no solo e diminuição do pH em função da maior geração de nitrato com as doses crescentes dos lodos de esgoto. O potencial de mineralização estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples foi de 28 mg kg-1 de N no tratamento sem lodo, e crescente, de 28 para 100 mg kg-1 de N, nos tratamentos com lodo de Franca, e de 40 para 113 mg kg-1 de N tratamentos com lodo de Barueri. Concluiu-se que os efeitos residuais acumulados no solo devem ser considerados quando se pretender fazer novas aplicações de lodos de esgoto num mesmo local. Os potenciais de mineralização de compostos de N do solo e do lodo que será utilizado, além do acúmulo de nitrato no perfil do solo, devem ser determinados e considerados para o cálculo da dose da próxima aplicação.
The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.
This paper is a comparative study of the variation in 10Be content of different late Cenozoic sedimentary environments recovered during ODP Leg 117. The Oman Margin site, Hole 728A, with overlying high-productivity cells, the pelagic Owen Ridge site, Hole 722A, and the Indus Fan site, Hole 720A, each display a specific 10Be distribution with time. Differences in scavenging intensity and upwelling in the water column, must account for the variations in the initial 10Be input into the sediments from Holes 728A and 722A, whereas differences in sediment character and sedimentation rate can explain the variances between Holes 722A, 728A, and 720A.
Magnetic measurements were made on discrete samples from the Neogene pelagic and hemipelagic sediments recovered during ODP Leg 117. Polarity zones, usually identified for uppermost 200 m, were correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale referring to biostratigraphic datums. Quality and resolution of the magnetostratigraphy was partly limited by the weak and relatively soft magnetic character of almost all intervals, and core disturbance by gas expansion at some Oman Margin sites. Clear polarity records of the Brunhes and Matuyama chrons (C1 to C2r) were observed at Sites 724 and 727 on the Oman continental margin. Extended reversal records of the Pliocene were found at Site 722 on the Owen Ridge and Site 728 on the Oman Margin, and correlated to the Gauss to Gilbert chrons (C2A to C3).
The fabric of sediments recovered at sites drilled on the Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, and Oman margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 117 was examined by scanning electron microscopy to document changes that accompany sediment burial. Two sediment types were studied: (1) biogenic sediments consisting of a variety of marly nannofossil and nannofossil oozes and chalks and (2) terrigenous sediments consisting of fine-grained turbidites deposited in association with the Indus Fan. Biogenic sediments were examined with samples from the seafloor to depths of 306 m below seafloor (mbsf) on the Owen Ridge (Site 722) and 368 mbsf on the Oman margin (Sites 723 and 728). Over these depth ranges the biogenic sediments are characterized by a random arrangement of microfossils and display little chemical diagenetic alteration. The microfossils are dispersed within a fine-grained matrix that is predominantly microcrystalline carbonate particles on the Owen Ridge and clay and organic matter on the Oman margin. Sediments with abundant siliceous microfossils display distinct, open fabrics with high porosity. Porosity reduction resulting from gravitational compaction appears to be the primary process affecting fabric change in the biogenic sediment sections. Fabric of illite-rich clayey silts and silty claystones from the Indus Fan (Site 720) and Owen Ridge (Sites 722 and 731) was examined for a composite section extending from 45 to 985 mbsf. In this section fabric of the fine-grained turbidites changes from one with small flocculated clay domains, random particle arrangement, and high porosity to a fabric with larger domains, strong preferred particle orientation roughly parallel to bedding, and lower porosity. These changes are accomplished by a growth in domain size, primarily through increasing face-to-face contacts, and by particle reorientation which is characterized by a sharp increase in alignment with bedding between 200 and 400 mbsf. Despite extensive particle reorientation, flocculated clay fabric persists in the deepest samples examined, particularly adjacent to silt grains, and the sediments lack fissility. Fabric changes over the 45-985 mbsf interval occur in response to gravitational compaction. Porosity reduction and development of preferred particle orientation in the Indus Fan and Owen Ridge sections occur at greater depths than outlined in previous fabric models for terrigenous sediments as a consequence of a greater abundance of silt and a greater abundance of illite and chlorite clays.
The solvent-extractable organic fractions of sediment samples from six Ocean Drilling Program Leg 117 sites were investigated by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sediments deposited in the Indus Fan (Site 720) as well as Miocene sediments from the Owen Ridge (Sites 722 and 731) contain almost exclusively organic matter of terrigenous origin. The organic matter in sediments from the Oman Margin (Sites 723, 725, and 728) and in the Pliocene/Pleistocene sections from the Owen Ridge is mainly of a marine origin with variable admixtures of terrigenous material. In these latter samples strong variations of the lipid composition and distribution are noted. However, the interpretation of the relation to potential biological sources is hampered by a lack of information on the possible lipid composition of appropriate organisms.