988 resultados para óleo de girassol


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the modifications in milkfat properties with the addition of sunflower oil (SO) and phytosterol esters (PE) and chemical interesterification. Fatty acid composition, softening point and consistency were determined. The saturation degree of milkfat decreased with the addition of SO and PE. Consequently, milkfat presented lower softening point and consistency. Chemical interesterification caused an increase in softening point due to the formation of higher amounts of trissaturated triacylglycerols with rearrangement. The incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids from SO and PE by milkfat triacylglycerols after chemical reaction caused linearization of consistency curves.


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Biodiesel can contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are susceptible to oxidation, being able to change into polymerized compounds. In this work biodiesel was characterized according to physical-chemistry parameters and the antioxidant activity of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) added to biofuel was analyzed. Biodiesel was submitted to accelerate oxidation in the Schaal oven test, and peroxide value was analyzed.The absorptivity values at 232 nm and 270 nm and oxidative stability in Rancimat®were determined. It was observed that TBHQ presented superior antioxidant activity than BHT and BHA.


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The development of analytical procedures to evaluate transesterification process is still a challenge in biodiesel production. Then, this paper shows an electroanalytical methodology to transesterification process assessment, proposing the application of nanostructured TiO2 electrodes. The results showed, for sunflower oil - methanol reaction catalyzed by KOH, a reduction peak in - 1050 mV and the gradual appearance of a second peak at - 1160 mV. This peak was observed as originated by the transesterification process and is probably related to intermediates. By measuring the intensity of this peak a kinetic profile was determined, showing that the conversion is almost finished in 2 h.


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Commercial and synthetic mesoporous aluminas impregnated with potassium carbonate were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen physisorption, infrared spectroscopy and 27Al MAS NMR. The activities in the transesterification reaction of sunflower oil with methanol for biodiesel production were evaluated. 27Al MAS NMR spectra evidenced the presence of AlIV and AlVI in the samples, and also of AlV sites in the mesoporous synthesized alumina, which disappeared after impregnation with potassium salt followed by calcination. All aluminas containing potassium were active for biodiesel production from sunflower seed oil, with high conversions by both conventional heating and microwave irradiation.


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Óleos de sementes de girassol com diferentes níveis de ácido oléico foram utilizados sob condições de termoxidação e fritura para avaliar o comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quanto ao seu grau de insaturação quando comparado com o óleo de girassol convencional. Os métodos analíticos aplicados incluíram a determinação de compostos polares totais, quantificação de compostos glicerídicos menores, quantificação da composição triglicerídica, período de indução a 100oC e níveis de a -tocoferol. Os resultados para compostos polares totais apresentaram menores valores em óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quando comparados com óleo de girassol convencional. Quanto à distribuição dos compostos glicerídicos menores, verificou-se, de modo geral, que o aumento dos compostos polares totais estava relacionado essencialmente aos compostos de maior peso molecular, isto é, polímeros, dímeros e triglicerídios oxidados, os quais são representantes das alterações térmica e oxidativa. Já os diglicerídios e ácidos graxos, indicativos da alteração hidrolítica, permaneceram praticamente nos níveis originais; uma vez que a umidade não se encontrava presente no meio. A perda quantitativa da composição triglicerídica dependeu do grau de insaturação do triglicerídio, sendo mais elevada em triglicerídios que contêm duas ou três moléculas de ácido linoléico. Em todos os casos, o óleo de girassol convencional teve uma maior tendência à polimerização, um maior grau de alteração total e uma maior perda de triglicerídios majoritários que o óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico. Assim, dentre os óleos utilizados neste estudo, os resultados mostraram um excelente comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico em relação à termoxidação, independente do tipo de aquecimento e à fritura descontínua. Tais resultados demonstraram que sua resistência à alteração termoxidativa estava relacionada com seu baixo teor em ácidos graxos polinsaturados e alto teor em ácido oléico e trioleína.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos, isolado e sinergista, dos antioxidantes, extrato de coentro e palmitato de ascorbila, em óleo de girassol submetido ao teste acelerado em estufa. Desta forma, o óleo de girassol isolado e adicionado de 1.600 mg.kg-1 de extrato de coentro, 500 mg.kg-1 de palmitato de ascorbila e da mistura destes antioxidantes foi submetido ao teste acelerado em estufa a 60 °C por 10 dias, cujas amostras foram tomadas nos intervalos de tempo de 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 dias e analisadas quanto ao índice de peróxidos e dienos conjugados. Os resultados obtidos das determinações analíticas foram submetidos às análises de variância e aos testes de Tukey para as médias a 5%, em esquema fatorial, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado. A partir dos resultados, verificou-se que os antioxidantes extrato de coentro, palmitato de ascorbila e a mistura dos antioxidantes quando adicionados no óleo de girassol apresentaram capacidade em retardar a formação de peróxidos em 16,4, 77,5 e 84,0% e dienos conjugados em 11,2, 56,9 e 60,9%, respectivamente. A mistura dos antioxidantes adicionada ao óleo de girassol apresentou um poder antioxidante maior que os antioxidantes aplicados isolados, comprovando o efeito sinergístico dos antioxidantes estudados.


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A finalidade do estudo foi avaliar o comportamento de cristalização de misturas binárias de gordura do leite e óleo de girassol em diversas proporções, bem como de seus correspondentes lipídios estruturados obtidos por interesterificação química. Foram usados conteúdo de gordura sólida, consistência, ponto de amolecimento e microscopia sob luz polarizada para avaliar as misturas antes e após a interesterificação. A adição de óleo de girassol e a interesterificação modificaram a cristalização da gordura do leite, pelos efeitos de diluição e rearranjo dos triacilgliceróis. Arquivos dedeo em formato WMV foram compilados para estudar a cristalização a 20 ºC. Os vídeos tornaram possível a observação da estrutura cristalina formada e representaram uma ferramenta de grande importância para a pesquisa de cristalização de óleos e gorduras.


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The use of biofuels remotes to the eighteenth century, when Rudolf Diesel made the first trials using peanut oil as fuel in a compression ignition engine. Based on these trials, there was the need for some chemical change to vegetable oil. Among these chemical transformations, we can mention the cracking and transesterification. This work aims at conducting a study using the thermocatalytic and thermal cracking of sunflower oil, using the Al-MCM-41 catalyst. The material type mesoporous Al-MCM-41 was synthesized and characterized by Hydrothermical methods of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, absorption spectroscopy in the infrared and thermal gravimetric analysis (TG / DTG).The study was conducted on the thermogravimetric behavior of sunflower oil on the mesoporous catalyst cited. Activation energy, conversion, and oil degradation as a function of temperature were estimated based on the integral curves of thermogravimetric analysis and the kinetic method of Vyazovkin. The mesoporous material Al-MCM-41 showed one-dimensional hexagonal formation. The study of the kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with the catalyst showed a lower activation energy against the activation energy of pure sunflower oil. Two liquid fractions of sunflower oil were obtained, both in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis. The first fraction obtained was called bio-oil and the second fraction obtained was called acid fraction. The acid fraction collected, in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis, showed very high level of acidity, which is why it was called acid fraction. The first fraction was collected bio-called because it presented results in the range similar to petroleum diesel


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Nowadays, the growing environmental worry leads research the focus the application of alternative materials from renewable resources on the industrial process. The most common vegetable oil extractant using around the world is the hexane, a petroleum derived, toxic and flammable. Based on this fact, the goal of this work was to test vegetable oil extractions from sunflower seeds cultivated on the Rio Grande do Norte State using two extraction process, the mechanical expelling and solvent extraction, this one using hexane and ethanol as a alternative solvent. The solvent extractions were carried out in the Soxhlet extractor in three different extraction times (4, 6, and 8 hours). The effect of solvent and extraction time was evaluated. The mechanical extraction was carried out in a expeller and the sunflower oil obtained was characterized by its physical-chemical properties and compared with sunflower refinery oil. Furthermore this work also explored the pyrolysis reaction carried out by thermogravimetry measurement as alternative route to obtain biofuel. For this purpose the oil samples were heated to ambient temperature until 900°C in heating rate of 5, 10, 20ºC min-1 with the objective evaluated the kinetics parameters such activation energy and isoconversion. The TG/DTG curves show the thermal profile decomposition of triglycerides. The curves also showed that antioxidant presents on the refinery oil not influence on the thermal stability of sunflower oil. The total yield of the extraction s process with hexane and ethanol solvent were compared, and the results indicated that the extraction with ethanol were more efficient. The pyrolysis reaction results indicated that the use of unpurified oil required less energy to obtain the bio-oil


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The catalytic cracking of triglycerides presents itself as a possible alternative to the production of biofuels with low emission of pollutants. In this work were synthesized the SAPO-5, the catalysts for the cracking reaction of soybean oil is presented. The solids were powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials with high surface area and high acid. The soybean oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. The products obtained in the cracking of soybean oil were analyzed by distillation, acid number, infra-red spectroscopy, density, viscosity, carbon residue, cetane number determination and characterization. The analysis of the products obtained in the presence and in the absence of the SAPO-5 permitted to conclude that all the solids tested presented catalytic activity in the deoxygenation of final products only at the second step of the cracking process


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Microporous materials zeolite type Beta and mesoporous type MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 were synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by methods of X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, scanning electron microscopy, surface acidity, nitrogen adsorption, thermal analysis TG / DTG. Also we performed a kinetic study of sunflower oil on micro and mesoporous catalysts. The microporous material zeolite beta showed a lower crystallinity due to the existence of smaller crystals and a larger number of structural defects. As for the mesoporous materials MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 samples showed formation of hexagonal one-dimensional structure. The study of kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with zeolite beta catalysts, AlMCM-41 and MCM-41 showed a lower activation energy in front of the energy of pure sunflower oil, mainly zeolite beta. In the thermal cracking and thermocatalytic of sunflower oil were obtained two liquid fractions containing an aqueous phase and another organic - organic liquid fraction (FLO). The FLO first collected in both the thermal cracking as the thermocatalytic, showed very high level of acidity, performed characterizations of physicochemical properties of the second fraction in accordance with the specifications of the ANP. The second FLO thermocatalytic collected in cracking of sunflower oil presented results in the range of diesel oil, introducing himself as a promising alternative for use as biofuel liquid similar to diesel, either instead or mixed with it


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Óleos de sementes de girassol com diferentes níveis de ácido oléico foram utilizados sob condições de termoxidação e fritura para avaliar o comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quanto ao seu grau de insaturação quando comparado com o óleo de girassol convencional. Os métodos analíticos aplicados incluíram a determinação de compostos polares totais, quantificação de compostos glicerídicos menores, quantificação da composição triglicerídica, período de indução a 100oC e níveis de a -tocoferol. Os resultados para compostos polares totais apresentaram menores valores em óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico quando comparados com óleo de girassol convencional. Quanto à distribuição dos compostos glicerídicos menores, verificou-se, de modo geral, que o aumento dos compostos polares totais estava relacionado essencialmente aos compostos de maior peso molecular, isto é, polímeros, dímeros e triglicerídios oxidados, os quais são representantes das alterações térmica e oxidativa. Já os diglicerídios e ácidos graxos, indicativos da alteração hidrolítica, permaneceram praticamente nos níveis originais; uma vez que a umidade não se encontrava presente no meio. A perda quantitativa da composição triglicerídica dependeu do grau de insaturação do triglicerídio, sendo mais elevada em triglicerídios que contêm duas ou três moléculas de ácido linoléico. em todos os casos, o óleo de girassol convencional teve uma maior tendência à polimerização, um maior grau de alteração total e uma maior perda de triglicerídios majoritários que o óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico. Assim, dentre os óleos utilizados neste estudo, os resultados mostraram um excelente comportamento do óleo de girassol com alto teor de ácido oléico em relação à termoxidação, independente do tipo de aquecimento e à fritura descontínua. Tais resultados demonstraram que sua resistência à alteração termoxidativa estava relacionada com seu baixo teor em ácidos graxos polinsaturados e alto teor em ácido oléico e trioleína.


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This work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effect of different carbohydrate sources associated with sunflower oil on performance, carcass characteristics and cuts yields of feedlot sheep. Twenty four lambs were assigned to a completely randomized design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two sources of neutral detergent soluble carbohydrate, starch or neutral detergent soluble fiber, with and without the inclusion of 4.2% sunflower oil. The treatments consisted of diets containing high content of soluble fiber (17.14% DM) without adding oil, high in soluble fiber (16.35% DM) with inclusion of 4.2% sunflower oil, high starch (30.14% DM) without adding oil and high starch (28.21% DM) with addition of 4.2% of sunflower oil. The animals were feedlot with average initial of 17.7 kg and when reached 35 kg body weight were slaughtered. The different sources of carbohydrate and oil inclusion in the diet not influence the days on feedlot in the dry matter intake and average daily weight gain, but higher feed conversion was observed for the diet with a high percentage of neutral detergent soluble fiber compared to diet high in starch. The carcass weights and yields as well as the commercial cuts were not affected by diets. The performance and quantitative characteristics and carcass cuts of lamb are not affected by different carbohydrate sources and their association with 4.2% sunflower oil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)