995 resultados para 69-504B
A detailed study of physical properties was made on core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B. The measured properties are density, porosity, sonic velocity, electrical resistivity, and fluid permeability. Basalts from this young oceanic crust have higher density and sonic velocity than the average DSDP basalts. Porosity (and temperature) dependences of physical properties are given by V = Vo - a-phi; roo = roo-0 exp(E*/RT)phi**-q; k = k0' phi**2q-1; where V is the sonic velocity (km/s), Vo = 6.45 (km/s), a = 0.111 (km/s %), phi is the porosity (%), roo is the electrical resistivity (ohm m), roo-0 = 0.002 (ohm m), E* = 2.7 (Kcal/mol) for fresh basalts, RT has its usual meaning, q = 1.67 ± 0.27, k is the permeability, k0' = (1 to about 10) x 10**-12 (cm**2). Porosity distribution in the crust in this area is estimated by combining the seismic velocity distribution and velocity-porosity relation. Because of the rapid decrease in porosity with depth, resistivity increases and permeability decreases rapidly with depth. The decreasing rate of permeability with increasing depth is approximately given by k(cm**2) = 2 x 10**-10 exp(-z (km)/0.3).
About 150 basalt samples from Hole 504B, near the Costa Rica Rift were analyzed for sulfur content and sulfur-isotope composition. The basement in Hole 504B can be divided into an upper part, which has oxidative alteration (274.5-550 m below sea floor), and a lower part, which has nonoxidative alteration (550-835 m below sea floor) (the interval from 540 to 585 meters actually is transitional). This division is reflected in both the sulfur content and the sulfurisotope composition. Oxidative alteration of basalts by sea water at low temperatures has resulted in a depletion in sulfur in the upper part of the hole (mostly less than 600 ppm S) as compared to fresh sulfur-saturated oceanic tholeiites (900-1200 ppm S). High amounts of sulfur in the lower part of the hole are a result of precipitation of secondary pyrite under non-oxidative or weakly oxidative conditions from solutions which dissolved igneous sulfides. The average sulfur-isotope composition of the primary igneous sulfides is d34S = -0.01 per mil, which is close to the assumed mantle sulfur composition (d34S = 0 per mil. Pyrite and sulfate sulfur extracted together in a separate preparation step (as "pyrite-sulfate" sulfur) indicate addition of sea-water sulfate to the upper part of the basalts. The d34S of secondary pyrite isolated by hand-picking varies between -8.0 and +5.8 per mil; the "pyrite-sulfate" sulfur (d34S = -4.8 to +10.5 per mil), as well as that of the isolated pyrite, may have originated in the precipitation of pyrite from solutions containing sulfur from the dissolution of igneous sulfides, but addition of sulfur transported by hydrothermal solutions cannot be excluded.
Cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 501, 504B and 505B have an unusual near-vein zonation in basalts. Megascopically, zonation occurs as differently colored strips and zones whose typical thickness does not exceed 6 to 7 cm. Microscopically, the color of zones depends on variably colored clay minerals which are the products of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration in basalt. These differently colored zones form the so called "oxidative" type of alteration of basalts. Another "background," or, less precisely termed, "non-oxidative," type of alteration in basalts is characterized by large-scale, homogeneous replacement of olivine, and filling of vesicles and cracks by an olive-brown or olive-green clay mineral. The compositions of clay minerals of the "background" type of alteration, as well as the composition of co-existing titanomagnetites, were determined with an electron microprobe. There are sharp maxima in potassium and iron content, and minima in alumina, silica, and magnesia in clay minerals in the colored zones near veins. Coloring of clay and rock-forming minerals by iron hydroxides and a decrease of the amount of titanomagnetite, which apparently was the source of redeposited iron, occur frequently in colored zones. We assume that the large-scale "background" alteration in the basalts occurred under the effect of pore waters slowly penetrating through bottom sediments. Faulting can facilitate access of fresh sea water to basalts; thus above the general homogeneous background arise zones of "oxidative" alteration along fractures in basalts. The main factors controlling these processes are time (age of basalt), grain size, temperature, thickness of sedimentary cover, and heat flow.
The NRM intensity, AF demagnetization characteristics, hysteresis parameters, initial susceptibility, and thermomagnetic characteristics of 18 basalt specimens from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B were determined. In six samples, the grain size was large enough to allow microprobe analysis. We conclude (1) that the dominant magnetic mineral is titanomagnetite/titanomaghemite; (2) that, except for the upper few meters of the core where the grains are in the stable monodomain state, the grain size of the magnetic mineral lies in the pseudo-single-domain range (< 10 µm); (3) that maghemitization (i.e., low-temperature (< 350°C) oxidation) has taken place. We discuss possible geological histories.
Primary sulfide mineralization in basalts of the Costa Rica Rift occurs mainly in chrome-spinel-bearing olivine tholeiites. Primary sulfides form both globules, consisting of quenched single-phase solid solutions, and irregular polymineralic segregations of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, and pentlandite. Two types of sulfide solid solutions - iron-nickel (Mss) and iron-copper (Iss) - were found among sulfide globules. These types appear to have formed because of sulfide-sulfide liquid immiscibility in the host magmas; as proved by the presence of globules with a distinct phase boundary between Mss and Iss. Such two-phase globules are associated with large olivine phenocrysts. Inhomogeneties among the globule composition likewise are caused by sulfide-sulfide immiscibility. Secondary sulfides form irregular segregations and veins consisting of pyrite, marcasite, and chalcopyrite.
From laboratory tests under simulated downhole conditions we tentatively conclude that the higher the triaxial-compressive strength, the lower the drilling rate of basalts from DSDP Hole 504B. Because strength is roughly proportional to Young's modulus of elasticity, which is related in turn to seismic-wave velocities, one may be able to estimate drilling rates from routine shipboard measurements. However, further research is needed to verify that P-wave velocity is a generally useful predictor of relative drilling rate.
Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25- to 50-meter intervals from 5 to 560 meters sub-basement in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and rubidium and strontium concentrations. Ten of these samples also were analyzed for Pb-isotope composition. Strontium-isotope ratios for eight samples from the upper 260 meters of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the interval 330 to 560 meters, five samples have a restricted range of 0.70259 to 0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, almost identical to the average value of fresh mid-ocean-ridge basalts. In the interval 260 to 330 meters, approximately intermediate strontium- isotope ratios are found. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted in terms of strontium-isotope alteration during basalt-sea-water interaction. Relative to average fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts, the upper 260 meters of basalts are enriched by an average of about 9% in sea-water strontium 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091). This Sr presumably is located in the smectites, which, as the main secondary minerals throughout the hole, replace olivine and matrix glass and locally fill vesicles (analyzed samples contained no veins). The strontium-isotope data strongly suggest that the integrated flux of sea water through the upper part of the Hole 504B crust has been greater than through the lower part. This is also suggested by (1) the common occurrence of Feoxide- hydroxide minerals as alteration products above 270 meters, but their near absence below 320 meters, (2) the presence of vein calcite above 320 meters, but its near absence below this level, and (3) the occurrence of vein pyrite only below a depth of 270 meters. Sea-water circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below 230 meters sub-basement. Although sufficient sea water was present within the lower part of the hole to produce smectitic alteration products, the overall water /rock ratio was low enough to prevent significant modification of strontium-isotope ratios. Lead-isotope ratios of Hole 504B basalts form approximately linear arrays in plots of 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb. The arrays are similar to those reported for basalts from other mid-ocean ridges. There is no trend in Hole 504B lead-isotope ratios with vertical position in the basement. The arrays indicate that the lead-isotope composition of the upper mantle from which the Hole 504B basaltic melts were derived was inhomogeneous.