991 resultados para 184-1144


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Sedimentological, geochemical and paleomagnetic records were employed to reconstruct the history of East Asian Monsoon variability in the South China Sea (SCS) on orbital- and millennial-to-sub-decadal time scales. A detailed magnetostratigraphy for the southern central SCS was established as well as a stable isotope stratigraphy for ODP Site 1144 for the last 1.2 million years in the northern South China Sea. Furthermore a volcanic tephra layer from the southern central SCS could be identified as the Youngest Toba Ash, which thus re-presents an important age marker and was used to reconstruct paleo wind directions during the eruption 74 ka. Special attention was paid to the high- and ultrahigh-frequency variability in the last glacial-interglacial cycle and the Holocene, and to a precise age control of climate changes in general.


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A high-resolution pollen record (sampling interval averages 820 years) has been obtained from ODP Site 1144 (water depth 2037 m), northern South China Sea. The 504-m sequence (in composition length) covers the last 1.03 million years according to micropaleontological and isotopic stratigraphy. The pollen assemblages are characterized by high proportions of Pinus and herb pollen, and by their frequent alternations. Based on these alternations, 29 pollen zones have been recognized that are closely correlated to the Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-29. Pinus- dominant pollen zones correspond to interglacial periods with lighter delta18O values, while herb-marked ones relate to the heavier delta18O stages assigned to glacials. Judging from the pollen data, the exposed northern continental shelf of the South China Sea during the glacials was covered by grassland, and the extensive northern shelf has formed only since MIS 6 (ca. 150 ka), probably as a result of tectonic subsidence. Tree pollen influx values are indicative of winter monsoon which began to intensify 600 ka ago. The summer monsoon variations can be approximated by the fern percentage within the total pollen and spore abundance, and the result shows high values in general occurring at interglacials, with the maxima at MIS 15, 5e and 1. The relatively high fern percentage with smaller amplitude in variations before 600 ka might suggest more stable humid conditions before the intensification of winter monsoon.


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Monsoon climate is an important component of the global climatic system. A comprehensive understanding of its variability over glacial-interglacial time scales as well as of its effects on the continent and in the ocean is required to decipher links between climate, continental weathering and productivity. A detailed multiproxy study, including bulk and clay mineralogy, grain-size analysis, phosphorus geochemistry (SEDEX extraction), organic matter characterization, and nitrogen stable isotopes, was carried out on samples from ODP Sites 1143 and 1144 (Leg 184, South China Sea), covering the past 140 000 years. We tentatively reconstruct the complex sedimentation and climatic history of the region during the last glacial-interglacial cycle, when sea-level variations, linked to the growth and melting of ice caps, interact with monsoon variability. During interglacial periods of high sea level, summer monsoon was strong, and humid and warm climate characterized the adjacent continent and islands. Clay minerals bear signals of chemical weathering during these intervals. High calcite and reactive phosphorus mass accumulation rates (MARs) indicate high productivity, especially in the southern region of the basin. During glacial intervals, strong winter monsoon provided enhanced detrital input from the continent, as indicated by high detrital MAR. Glacial low sea level resulted in erosion of sediments from the exposed Sunda shelf to the south, and clay mineral variations indicate that warm and humid conditions still prevailed in the southern tropical areas. Enhanced supply of nutrients from the continent, both by river and eolian input, maintained high primary productivity. Reduced circulation during these periods possibly induced active remobilization of nutrients, such as phosphorus, from the sediments. Intense and short cold periods recorded during glacial and interglacial stages correlate with loess records in China and marine climatic records in the North Atlantic, confirming a teleconnection between low- and high-latitude climate variability.


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Narrow-spaced oxygen and carbon stable isotope records of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) were obtained at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Site 1144 to establish a first record of high-resolution Pleistocene monsoon variability on orbital to centennial timescales in the northern South China Sea. The new records extend from the Holocene back to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 34 (1.1 Ma). Sedimentation rates average 0.56 m/k.y. for the upper Matuyama and Brunhes Chrons and increase to 1.8 m/k.y. over the last 100 k.y. Stable isotope records thus reach an average time resolution of 270-500 yr for the last 375 k.y. and 570 yr further back to 700 ka. On the other hand, major stratigraphic gaps were identified for peak warm Stages 5.5, 7.5 (down to 8.4), 11.3, and 15.5. These gaps probably resulted from short-lasting events of contour current erosion induced by short-term enhanced incursions of Upper Pacific Deep Water near the end of glacial terminations. A further major hiatus extends from MIS 34 to MIS 73(?). The long-term variations in monsoon climate were largely dominated by the 100-k.y. eccentricity cycle. Planktonic delta13C values culminated near 30, 480, and 1035 ka and reflect an overlying 450-k.y. eccentricity cycle of minimum nutrient concentrations in the surface ocean. Superimposed on the orbital variations, millennial-scale cycles were prominent throughout the last 700 k.y., mainly controlled by short-term changes in monsoon-driven precipitation and freshwater input from mainland China. During the last 110 k.y. these short-lasting oscillations closely match the record of 1500-yr Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles in the Greenland ice core record.


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