4 resultados para B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
em Universidade de Lisboa - Repositório Aberto
«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmäßigkeit vereiniget, scheint mir eigentlich den ganzen Geist seines Systems zu enthalten»: This quotation, which originated the present essay, is solely extracted from a letter sent by Hölderlin to Hegel, and yet, it condensates three different approaches from the three Tübingen friends to the problem of Kant’s philosophy of religion and to its possible resolution between 1795 and 1796. From this epistolary dialogue emerges a simultaneous study of Kant, originated by the growing dissension towards the orthodox thought of the Stift. The turning point – or the maximum cumulative point – of this discordance happens precisely with the discovery of the «spirit of Kant’s system», as a combined explanation of the religious and philosophical phenomena [«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmässigkeit vereiniget»]. This, I think, is something which the three friends discover gradually and not independently from the concept of «providence», which Kant himself, according to Hölderlin, had used to «attenuate his antinomies», which Hegel uses in his first religious writings and the initial formation of his own philosophy and which Schelling will later explore in his System of Transcendental Idealism. In a word, providence is consensually the comprehension axis between man, God and nature and, thus, the explanatory link between the antinomical poles which regulate human existence. On the other hand, however – this being the aspect I would like to stress –, this decisive moment for a whole generation, for the history of philosophy itself, means the consummation of a new revolutionary perspective born in Kant, a new vision of the absolute and the divine and, therefore, a new way to write philosophy about philosophy, less philosophical than before, to the extent that the new situation of man and his reflection within the problem ultimately destined them – as is the case in the three young philosophers – to silence and death. The final aim of this essay is, therefore, to know what this «last step of philosophy is and what dies along with it, what such a step may have meant and what it already foretold in terms of the development of philosophy.
Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Ciência Cognitiva), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Faculdade de Letras, Faculdade de Ciências, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016
Schon vor Friedrich Nietzsche hat Max Stirner mit großem Gestus den Tod Gottes herausgeschrie(b)en und den Schleier des Geisterreiches hinweg gezogen. Religionskritik nach Stirner, die einer abgeklärten Aufklärung folgt, kann danach eigentlich nur zweierlei: Zum einen erklären, wie Der Mensch sich seine Religion und seine Götter erschafft (hat): das erledigt Gunnar Heinsohn. Und zum Zweiten aufzuzeigen: Welche funktionalen Äquivalente sich im Religiösen dem Menschen auftun – frei nach Feuerbach: Die Wahrheit der Religion ist das Bedürfnis nach ihr. Das freie Stirnersche Ich, das rational um die Nichtexistenz Gottes weiß, wählt sich seinen je eigenen Gott oder, ist es stark genug, kann es auch lassen.
This paper aims to provide a systematised overview of the paradigmatic orientations in social psychology in Portugal by identifying the most cited publications. Results show that the eight most cited thematic are: (1) deviance and reactions to deviance, (2) methodology, (3) prejudice and discrimination, (4) gender studies, (5) risk, environment and safety, (6) information processing, social judgment, familiarity and mood, (7) social representations and (8) social justice and belief in a just world. These eight most salient thematics can be sorted into three current paradigmatic orientations in contemporary social psychology: (a) social cognition; (b) the study of collective beliefs, ideologies and social representations; and (c) the study of identity and its impact on intra- and intergroup processes. The paper finishes with a reflection on the future developments of the discipline and the dilemmas that social psychology in Portugal could face.