35 resultados para Duarte, Infante of Portugal, 1515-1540.


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Some psychological variables of women seem to be in close relationship with the clinical course of pregnancy and delivery outcome. However, about risk factors for preterm birth, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of the psychological risk area to enable more effective prevention. Aim: To relate the result of delivery, with regard to gestational age, mode of delivery and infant characteristics with psychological variables assessed during pregnancy, prenatal maternal attachment, psychopathological symptomatology and coping. Methodology: A prospective, descriptive correlational study; participants were 395 women at the second trimester of pregnancy and at postpartum, who attended antenatal clinics at the center of Portugal. The following instruments were used: Clinical Questionnaire about the Result of Delivery; Sociodemographic and Clinical Questionnaire in Pregnancy; Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale; Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI); Problems’ Resolution Inventory (PRI). Results: Gestational age and birth weight of the baby, on one side, and variables of prenatal attachment, BSI and PRI, on the other side, did not correlate significantly. The quality of prenatal maternal attachment was higher in women who came to have a delivery by forceps or vacuum extraction, compared with those that had caesarean birth (p = .05). The majority of women had a healthy pregnancy (75.7%). Coping strategies like Interpersonal Sensitivity and Help-seeking seem to influence the occurrence of obstetrical pathology. Women with higher scores on Total Prenatal Attachment and Intensity of Preocupation are more likely to have newborns with health problems. There is an association between clinical variables, the newborn´s health at birth and obstetric pathology of the II and III trimesters. Conclusion: Prenatal psychological factors such as prenatal attachment do not seem to influence the obstetric condition or the result of delivery but appear to play an important role about how pregnant women experience pregnancy and labor.


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Tese de mestrado, Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Hidrogeologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofísica), Université de Toulouse, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Humana e Ambiente). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecografia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Este E-Book reúne um conjunto de investigações apresentadas no “I Congresso Internacional Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Perspetivas da Psicologia e Educação” (ICIEAE), organizado no âmbito do “Projeto PTDC/CPE-CED/114362/2009 - Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Diferenciação e Promoção” (EAE-DP), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Formação de Professores), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia da Conservação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Geodinâmica Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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This study seeks to expand our understanding of how the media increase the level of political information, by focusing on an understudied yet important learning outcome: knowledge of the political past. The article explores the factors underlying variation in the recognition of the leading actors in the transitional process in Portugal. The results show that television news and newspaper exposure foster recognition of these actors, but that media use interacts with personal experience of the transition (stronger effects among younger cohorts) and party identification (stronger impact on those who do not feel close to a political party).


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O principal objetivo deste artigo é estudar os indivíduos que intervêm em atividades de mediação cultural. A nossa atenção circunscreve-se a mediadores que trabalham em serviços educativos e em programas promovidos por políticas públicas. O estudo recai sobre percursos de um conjunto de mediadores, tendo sido realizadas entrevistas aprofundadas. A análise salienta dois aspetos: por um lado, constata-se que é diverso o grau de centralidade deste trabalho nas trajetórias, e por outro verifica-se uma convergência nos atributos considerados cruciais para o desempenhar. O artigo ensaia um esboço de diversos perfis, ressaltando a heterogeneidade do trabalho de mediação das artes em Portugal.


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In August 2006, Portugal approved a new quota law, called the parity law. According to this, all candidate lists presented for local, parliamentary, and European elections must guarantee a minimum representation of 33 per cent for each sex. This article analyses the proximate causes that led to the adoption of gender quotas by the Portuguese Parliament. The simple answer is that the law’s passage was a direct consequence of a draft piece of legislation presented by the Socialist Party (PS), which enjoyed a majority. However, the reasons that led the PS to push through a quota law remain unclear. Using open-ended interviews with key women deputies from all the main Portuguese political parties, and national public opinion data, among other sources, the role of four actors/factors that were involved in the law’s adoption are critically examined: notably, civil society actors, state actors, international and transnational actors, and the Portuguese political context.