1 resultado para Xenomai, Xbee, control loop, PID, BeagleBone
em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Positioning and orientation precision of a multirotor aerial robot can be increased by using additional control loops for each of the driving units. As a result, one can eliminate lack of balance between true thrust forces. A control performance comparison of two proposed thrust controllers, namely robust controller designed with coefficient diagram method (CDM) and proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller tuned with pole-placement law, is presented in the paper. The research has been conducted with respect to model/plant matching uncertainty and with the use of antiwindup compensators for a simple motor-rotor model approximated by first-order inertia plus delay. From the obtained simulation results one concludes that appropriate choice of AWC compensator improves tracking performance and increases robustness against parametric uncertainty.