em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Magnetic neat and N-doped carbon nanotubes with different properties have been synthesized by chemical vapour deposiüon and tested in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of 4-nitrophenol solutions (5 g L') at relatively mild operating conditions (atmospheric pressure, T = 50 °C, pH = 3)~using a catalyst load = 2.5 g L-' and [H202]o = 17.8 g L-1. The results demonstrate that the catalyst hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity is a detenninant property in the CWPO reaction, since it affects the rate ofH202 decomposition. The controlled formation ofreactive radicais (HO* and HOO*) at hydrophobic surfaces avoids the formation of non-reactive species (02 and H20), increasing.
The vapor liquid-equilibrium of water + ionic liquids is relevant for a wide range of applications of these compounds. It is usually measured by ebulliometric techniques, but these are time consuming and expensive. In this work it is shown that the activity coefficients of water in a series of cholinium-based ionic liquids can be reliably and quickly estimated at 298.15K using a humidity meter instrument. The cholinium based ionic liquids were chosen to test this experimental methodology since data for water activities of quaternary ammonium salts are available in the literature allowing the validation of the proposed technique. The COSMO-RS method provides a reliable description of the data and was also used to understand the molecular interactions occurring on these binary systems. The estimated excess enthalpies indicate that hydrogen bonding between water and ionic liquid anion is the dominant interaction that governs the behavior of water and cholinium-based ionic liquids systems, while the electrostatic-misfit and van der Walls forces have a minor contribution to the total excess enthalpies.
Probing the interactions between ionic liquids and water: experimental and quantum chemical approach
For an adequate choice or design of ionic liquids, the knowledge of their interaction with other solutes and solvents is an essential feature for predicting the reactivity and selectivity of systems involving these compounds. In this work, the activity coefficient of water in several imidazolium-based ionic liquids with the common cation 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium was measured at 298.2 K. To contribute to a deeper insight into the interaction between ionic liquids and water, COSMO-RS was used to predict the activity coefficient of water in the studied ionic liquids along with the excess enthalpies. The results showed good agreement between experimental and predicted activity coefficient of water in ionic liquids and that the interaction of water and ionic liquids was strongly influenced by the hydrogen bonding of the anion with water. Accordingly, the intensity of interaction of the anions with water can be ranked as the following: [CF3SO3](-) < [SCN](-) < [TFA](-) < Br(-) < [TOS](-) < Cl(-) < [CH3SO3](-) [DMP](-) < [Ac](-). In addition, fluorination and aromatization of anions are shown to reduce their interaction with water. The effect of temperature on the activity coefficient of water at infinite dilution was measured by inverse gas chromatography and predicted by COSMO-RS. Further analysis based on COSMO-RS provided information on the nature of hydrogen bonding between water and anion as well as the possibility of anion-water complex formation.
The activity coefficients at infinite dilution, gamma(infinity)(13), of 55 organic solutes and water in three ionic liquids with the common cation 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium and the polar anions Cl--,Cl- [CH3SO3](-) and [(CH3)(2)PO4](-), were determined by (gas + liquid) chromatography at four temperatures in the range (358.15 to 388.15) K for alcohols and water, and T = (398.15 to 428.15) K for the other organic solutes including alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, cycloalkenes, alkynes, ketones, ethers, cyclic ethers, aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, butyraldehyde, acetonitrile, pyridine, 1-nitropropane and thiophene. From the experimental gamma(infinity)(13) values, the partial molar excess Gibbs free energy, (G) over bar (E infinity)(m), enthalpy (H) over bar (E infinity)(m), and entropy (S) over bar (E infinity)(m), at infinite dilution, were estimated in order to provide more information about the interactions between the solutes and the ILs. Moreover, densities were measured and (gas + liquid) partition coefficients (KL) calculated. Selectivities at infinite dilution for some separation problems such as octane/benzene, cyclohexane/benzene and cyclohexane/thiophene were calculated using the measured gamma(infinity)(13), and compared with literature values for N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP), sulfolane, and other ionic liquids with a common cation or anion of the ILs here studied. From the obtained infinite dilution selectivities and capacities, it can be concluded that the ILs studied may replace conventional entrainers applied for the separation processes of aliphatic/aromatic hydrocarbons.