3 resultados para Prematuridade : Interacao mae-bebe

em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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O aumento de consumo de cogumelos tem-se verificado em todo o mundo, não só pelo seu valor nutricional, sabor apurado e textura, mas também pelas suas propriedades medicinais. Existem vários estudos científicos que descrevem os benefícios do consumo de cogumelos, que advêm da sua riqueza em compostos bioativos, tais como micosteróis, em particular, ergosterol. Agaricus bisporus L. é o cogumelo mais consumido em todo o mundo, sendo a sua fração de esteróis constituída essencialmente por ergosterol (90%) [1], tornando a sua extração um tópico de elevado interesse já que esta molécula apresenta elevado valor comercial e inúmeras aplicações nas indústrias alimentar, farmacêutica e cosmética. Segundo a literatura, o teor de ergosterol pode variar entre 3 e 9 mg por g de cogumelo seco. Atualmente, os métodos tradicionais tais como a maceração e a extração em Soxhlet estão a ser substituídos por metodologias emergentes, nomeadamente a extração assistida por microondas, visando diminuir a quantidade de solvente utilizado e o tempo de extração e, naturalmente, aumentar o rendimento da mesma. No presente trabalho, utilizou-se A. bisporus como fonte de ergosterol, tendo-se otimizado as seguintes variáveis relevantes para a sua extração pela tecnologia de microondas (MAE): tempo (0-20 min), temperatura (60-210 ºC) e razão sólido-líquido (1-20 g/L). O solvente utilizado foi o etanol tendo-se aplicado a técnica estatística de superfície de resposta por forma a gerar modelos matemáticos que permitissem maximizar a resposta e otimizar as variáveis que afetam a extração de ergosterol. O conteúdo em ergosterol foi monitorizado por HPLC-UV. Os resultados demonstraram que a técnica MAE é promissora para a extração de ergosterol, tendo-se obtido, para as condições ótimas (20,4 min, 121,5ºC e 1,6 g/L), 569,4 mg ergosterol/100 g de massa seca, valor similar ao obtido com extração convencional por Soxhlet (671,5±0,5 mg/100 g de massa seca). Em síntese, a extração assistida por microondas demonstrou ser uma tecnologia eficiente para maximizar o rendimento de extração em ergosterol.


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There is scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of mushrooms ingestion due to their richness in bioactive compounds such as mycosterols, in particular ergosterol [I]. Agaricus bisporus L. is the most consumed mushroom worldwide presenting 90% of ergosterol in its sterol fraction [2]. Thus, it is an interesting matrix to obtain ergosterol, a molecule with a high commercial value. According to literature, ergosterol concentration can vary between 3 to 9 mg per g of dried mushroom. Nowadays, traditional methods such as maceration and Soxhlet extraction are being replaced by emerging methodologies such as ultrasound (UAE) and microwave assisted extraction (MAE) in order to decrease the used solvent amount, extraction time and, of course, increasing the extraction yield [2]. In the present work, A. bisporus was extracted varying several parameters relevant to UAE and MAE: UAE: solvent type (hexane and ethanol), ultrasound amplitude (50 - 100 %) and sonication time (5 min-15 min); MAE: solvent was fixed as ethanol, time (0-20 min), temperature (60-210 •c) and solid-liquid ratio (1-20 g!L). Moreover, in order to decrease the process complexity, the pertinence to apply a saponification step was evaluated. Response surface methodology was applied to generate mathematical models which allow maximizing and optimizing the response variables that influence the extraction of ergosterol. Concerning the UAE, ethanol proved to be the best solvent to achieve higher levels of ergosterol (671.5 ± 0.5 mg/100 g dw, at 75% amplitude for 15 min), once hexane was only able to extract 152.2 ± 0.2 mg/100 g dw, in the same conditions. Nevertheless, the hexane extract showed higher purity (11%) when compared with the ethanol counterpart ( 4% ). Furthermore, in the case of the ethanolic extract, the saponification step increased its purity to 21%, while for the hexane extract the purity was similar; in fact, hexane presents higher selectivity for the lipophilic compounds comparatively with ethanol. Regarding the MAE technique, the results showed that the optimal conditions (19 ± 3 min, 133 ± 12 •c and 1.6 ± 0.5 g!L) allowed higher ergosterol extraction levels (556 ± 26 mg/100 g dw). The values obtained with MAE are close to the ones obtained with conventional Soxhlet extraction (676 ± 3 mg/100 g dw) and UAE. Overall, UAE and MAE proved to he efficient technologies to maximize ergosterol extraction yields.


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The production of natural extracts requires suitable processing conditions to maximize the preservation of the bioactive ingredients. Herein, a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) process was optimized, by means of response surface methodology (RSM), to maximize the recovery of phenolic acids and flavonoids and obtain antioxidant ingredients from tomato. A 5-level full factorial Box-Behnken design was successfully implemented for MAE optimization, in which the processing time (t), temperature (T), ethanol concentration (Et) and solid/liquid ratio (S/L) were relevant independent variables. The proposed model was validated based on the high values of the adjusted coefficient of determination and on the non-significant differences between experimental and predicted values. The global optimum processing conditions (t=20 min; T=180 ºC; Et=0 %; and S/L=45 g/L) provided tomato extracts with high potential as nutraceuticals or as active ingredients in the design of functional foods. Additionally, the round tomato variety was highlighted as a source of added-value phenolic acids and flavonoids.