3 resultados para Flavan-3-ols
em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources.The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC.
Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca L., belongs to Rosaceae family and is commonly found in roadsides and slopes [1]. The most consumed parts of this plant are its sweet small fruits, which constitute a source of vitamins and phenolic compounds, being also used in infusions due to their organoleptic properties and for the treatment of some intestinal disorders [2, 3]. In the present work, F. vesca fruits were evaluated for their nutritional value and further used in the preparation of infusions. The chemical composition of the fruits and corresponding infusions was determined in terms of soluble sugars, organic acids, tocopherols, folates (by HPLC coupled to different detectors), phenolic compounds (by HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS) and mineral elements (atomic absorption spectroscopy). Some of these bioactive compounds were correlated with antioxidant and antibacterial properties evaluated either in infusions as also in hydromethanolic extracts. Carbohydrates were the main macronutrients in the fruits, followed by fat and proteins. Regarding the fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids showed higher prevalence, mainly due to the presence of D-linolenic (Cl8:3n3) and y-linolenic (Cl8:3n6) acids. Sucrose and citric acid were, respectively, the main sugar and organic acid found in the fruits and in its infusions. The microelement found in higher amounts in both samples was manganese, while potassium and calcium were the macroelements present in higher levels in the fruits and infusions, respectively. Both samples presented folates and tocopherols, being ytocopherol the main isoform detected in the fruits, while a-tocopherol was the only isoform quantified in the infusion. The hydromethanolic extract prepared from the fruits gave higher antioxidant and antibacterial activities, namely against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, than the infusion; it also showed capacity to inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilm. Both bioactivities are highly correlated with the presence of phenolic compounds, in which the major are ellagic acid derivatives (sanguiin hlO) followed by tlavan 3-ols ((+)catechin) and anthocyanin compounds (pelargonidin-3-glucoside). Although fruits of wild F. vesca are mainly consumed in fresh, this study also proves the potentiality of their infusions as a source of bioactive molecules and properties.
O morangueiro silvestre (Fragaria vesca L., Rosaceae) está disseminado por toda a Península Ibérica, podendo também ser encontrado na Coreia, América do Norte e Canadá [1]. Apesar dos frutos serem mais consumidos, as partes vegetativas têm sido tradicionalmente usadas devido às suas propriedades tónicas e diuréticas e, em particular as suas decocções são recomendadas no tratamento da hipertensão [2,3]. As propriedades bioativas dos frutos F. vesca têm sido correlacionadas com a presença de compostos fenólicos, nomeadamente ácidos elágicos, procianidinas e flavonóis [4]. No entanto, o perfil fenólico das partes vegetativas é ainda desconhecido. Assim, no presente trabalho foi analisada a composição fenólica de extratos hidrometanólicos e aquosos obtidos a partir de partes vegetativas de amostras comerciais e silvestres de F. Vesca, tendo sido também avaliada a sua atividade antioxidante. Os perfis fenólicos, obtidos por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, das amostras comercial e silvestre foram bastante distintos, no entanto, em termos de derivados de ácido elágico, ambas apresentaram o isómero sanguiin h10 como composto maioritário, bem como trímeros de procianidinas e ramnósido de quercetina na amostra comercial e silvestre, respetivamente. A infusão da amostra silvestre apresentou maior atividade captadora de radicais DPPH (EC50= 86.17 μg/mL) e compostos fenólicos (CF = 134.65 mg/g) comparativamente à amostra comercial. A infusão da amostra silvestre mostrou também maior poder redutor, inibição da descoloração do β- caroteno e inibição da formação de TBARS (EC50= 62.23, 12.34 e 3.12 μg/mL, respetivamente); o poder redutor mostrou maior correlação com F e F3O, enquanto o ensaio TBARS se correlacionou mais com DAE e F. A atividade antioxidante da amostra comercial (especialmente o poder redutor e a inibição da descoloração do β- caroteno) revelou uma elevada correlação com a presença de derivados de ácido elágico (DAE), flavonóis (F), flavan-3-óis (F3O) e CF. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o elevado potencial antioxidante das partes vegetativas do morangueiro silvestre, podendo constituir uma nova fonte de compostos bioativos para aplicação na área alimentar e farmacêutica.