9 resultados para Perception of Health
em Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp
The scope of this paper is to analyze the self-declared symptoms and state of well-being of participants in the Yoga and Promotion of Health program, which consisted of hatha yoga lessons. It includes body exercises and breathing techniques, as well as ethical and philosophical content, administered to two groups of lecturers, workers and students of a public university in the State of São Paulo from August to December 2011 and March to June 2012. The participants filled out the adapted version of the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile form at the beginning and end of the program. Of the 20 participants in Group 1, eight filled out the form and half of them reported the improvement of self-declared symptoms; as regards the state of well being, three of them felt they had improved. In Group 2, which also had 20 participants, nine completed the program and all of them reported improvements of self-declared symptoms and well-being. In conclusion, yoga is a mind-body practice which exerts an important therapeutic effect on most practitioners and also promotes health for the majority of them, expanding their capacity of self perception and self care. However, it should be noted that it doesn't achieve the same positive effect for all practitioners as some yoga traditions advocate.
Mindfulness is a practice and a form of consciousness which has been the basis for innovative interventions in care and health promotion. This study presents mindfulness, describes and discusses the process of cultural adaptation of The Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI) to Brazilian Portuguese. From the original version of this pioneering instrument for assessing mindfulness two translations and two back-translations were made. These were evaluated by a committee of 14 experts (Buddhists, linguists, health professionals), who helped to create two versions for the first pre-test, based on which suggestions were made by a sample of 41 people of the population through interviews. Considering the difficulties in understanding the concepts that are unfamiliar to the Brazilian culture, a new version was prepared with additional explanations, which underwent a further evaluation of the experts and a second pre-test with 72 people. This process aimed at addressing the limitations and challenges of evaluating mindfulness in a country of western culture through a self-report instrument based on Buddhist psychology. With appropriate levels of clarity and equivalence with the original instrument, the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory adapted for Brazil is presented.
The scope of this paper is to reflect on the theoretical construction in the constitution of the sociology of health, still called medical sociology in some countries. Two main ideas constitute the basis for this: interdisciplinarity and the degree of articulation in the fields of medicine and sociology. We sought to establish a dialogue with some dimensions - macro/micro, structure/action - that constitute the basis for understanding medicine/health in relation to the social/sociological dimension. The main aspects of these dimensions are initially presented. Straus' two medical sociologies and the theory/application impasses are then addressed, as well as the dilemmas of the sociology of medicine in the 1960s and 1970s. From these analyses the theoretical production before 1970 is placed as a counterpoint. Lastly, the sociology of health is seen in the general context of sociology, which underwent a fragmentation process from 1970 with effects in all subfields of the social sciences. This process involves a rethinking of the theoretical issues in a broadened spectrum of possibilities. The 1980s are highlighted when theoretical issues in the sociology of health are reinvigorated and the issue of interdisciplinarity is once again addressed.
This article analyzes the historical, social and cognitive dimensions of the sociology of medicine in the construction of its identity, from Wolf Lepenies' perspective. It is understood that the construction of an identity does not end with the first historical manifestations, but is consolidated when it is institutionalized and structured as a field of knowledge by creating its own forms of cognitive expression. The text is divided into three parts: in the first the precursors are presented, highlighting the role played by some travelers, naturalists and folklore scholars, followed by social physicians-scientists and the first social scientists (1940-1969). In the second part, aspects of the consolidation of the social sciences in health are presented at two significant moments, namely the 1970s and 1980s. In the third part, the issues raised by the field are addressed in general terms. It is considered that once the main structural stages are in place there is still a need for the formation of new generations of social scientists in health. It is also essential to disseminate scientific production and to ensure that the relations are studied in depth and institutionalized with the sociological matrices on the one hand and with the field of health on the other.
Harmony is one of the main objectives in surgical and orthodontic treatment and this harmony must be present in the smile, as well as in the face. The aim of the present study was to assess the perceptions of professionals and laypersons in relation to the harmony of the smile of patients with or without vertical maxillary alterations. Sixty observers (oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists and laypersons) reported the degree of harmony of six smiles using an objective questionnaire and the participants indicated if there was a need for corrective surgery or not. The classification of observers was recorded on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Mixed regression was used to determine differences between the three groups. Statistically significant differences were found only for the harmony of the smile between the oral and maxillofacial surgeons and laypersons, with laypersons being more critical when assessing the smile. There was no statistical difference between the other groups for the harmony of the smile or the indication of corrective surgery. The patterns of greater or lesser harmony determined by observers during the smile were similar to those found in the literature as the ideal standard in relation to vertical maxillary positioning. Laypersons had a tendency to be more critical in relation to facial harmony than surgeons, although no statistical differences were found in the other groups in relation to the harmony of the smile or indication for the corrective surgery. In addition, the patterns of greater or lesser harmony of the smile determined by the participants were similar to those found in the literature as the ideal standard in relation to vertical maxillary positioning. Overall, the present study demonstrates that adequate interaction between surgeons, orthodontists and laypersons is essential in order to achieve facial harmony with orthodontic and/or surgical treatment. Opinion of specialists and laypersons about the smile in relation to the vertical positioning of the maxilla.
Mother and infant mortality has been the scope of analysis throughout the history of public health in Brazil and various strategies to tackle the issue have been proposed to date. The Ministry of Health has been working on this and the Rede Cegonha strategy is the most recent policy in this context. Given the principle of comprehensive health care and the structure of the Unified Health System in care networks, it is necessary to ensure the integration of health care practices, among which are the sanitary surveillance actions (SSA). Considering that the integration of health care practices and SSA can contribute to reduce mother and infant mortality rates, this article is a result of qualitative research that analyzed the integration of these actions in four cities in the State of São Paulo/Brazil: Campinas, Indaiatuba, Jaguariúna and Santa Bárbara D'Oeste. The research was conducted through interviews with SSA and maternal health managers, and the data were evaluated using thematic analysis. The results converge with other studies, identifying the isolation of health care practices and SSA. The insertion of SSA in collectively-managed areas appears to be a potential strategy for health planning and implementation of actions in the context under scrutiny.
To evaluate the prevalence and associated risk factors for urinary incontinence, as well as its association with multimorbidity among Brazilian women aged 50 or over. This was a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional population-based study including 622 women 50 years or older, conducted in the city of Campinas-SP-Brazil. The dependent variable was Urinary Incontinence (UI), defined as any complaint of urine loss. The independent variables were sociodemographic data, health-related habits, self-perception of health and functional capacity evaluation. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Chi-square test and Poisson regression. The mean age of the women was 64. UI was prevalent in 52.3% of these women: Mixed UI (26.6%), Urge UI (13.2%) and Stress UI (12.4%). Factors associated with a higher prevalence of UI were hypertension (OR 1.21, CI 1:01-1:47, P = 0.004), osteoarthritis (OR 1.24, CI 1:03-1:50, P = 0.022), physical activity ≥3 days/week (OR 1.21, CI 1:01-1:44, P = 0.039), BMI ≥ 25 at the time of the interview (OR 1.25, CI 1:04-1:49, P = 0.018), negative self-perception of health (OR 1.23, CI 1:06-1:44 P = 0.007) and limitations in daily living activities (PR 1:56 CI 1:16-2:10, P = 0.004). The prevalence of UI was high. Mixed incontinence was the most frequent type of UI. Many associated factors can be prevented or improved. Thus, health policies targeted at these combined factors could reduce their prevalence rate and possibly decrease the prevalence of UI. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The 2005 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference proposed new criteria for diagnosing and scoring the severity of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The 2014 NIH consensus maintains the framework of the prior consensus with further refinement based on new evidence. Revisions have been made to address areas of controversy or confusion, such as the overlap chronic GVHD subcategory and the distinction between active disease and past tissue damage. Diagnostic criteria for involvement of mouth, eyes, genitalia, and lungs have been revised. Categories of chronic GVHD should be defined in ways that indicate prognosis, guide treatment, and define eligibility for clinical trials. Revisions have been made to focus attention on the causes of organ-specific abnormalities. Attribution of organ-specific abnormalities to chronic GVHD has been addressed. This paradigm shift provides greater specificity and more accurately measures the global burden of disease attributed to GVHD, and it will facilitate biomarker association studies.
Measurement instruments are an integral part of clinical practice, health evaluation and research. These instruments are only useful and able to present scientifically robust results when they are developed properly and have appropriate psychometric properties. Despite the significant increase of rating scales, the literature suggests that many of them have not been adequately developed and validated. The scope of this study was to conduct a narrative review on the process of developing new measurement instruments and to present some tools which can be used in some stages of the development process. The steps described were: I-The establishment of a conceptual framework, and the definition of the objectives of the instrument and the population involved; II-Development of the items and of the response scales; III-Selection and organization of the items and structuring of the instrument; IV-Content validity, V-Pre-test. This study also included a brief discussion on the evaluation of the psychometric properties due to their importance for the instruments to be accepted and acknowledged in both scientific and clinical environments.