46 resultados para Mecanismos de competição
em Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp
In insects that utilize patchy and ephemeral resources for feeding and egg laying, the outcome of larval competition for food resources depends on the amount of resources and the spatial distribution of immatures among patches of food. In the present study, the results of larval competition for food in Chrysomya megacephala, in traits such as female weight, fecundity and reproductive investment, were different in situations where the level of larval aggregation (proportion of competitors per amount of food) was the same, but with densities of competitors and amounts of food proportionally different. These results are indicative that the larval competition may depend both on the larval density and the amount of food, in different situations with the same proportion of larvae per gram of food.
Glass-ceramics are prepared by controlled separation of crystal phases in glasses, leading to uniform and dense grain structures. On the other hand, chemical leaching of soluble crystal phases yields porous glass-ceramics with important applications. Here, glass/ceramic interfaces of niobo-, vanado- and titano-phosphate glasses were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy, whose spatial resolution revealed the multiphase structures. Phase-separation mechanisms were also determined by this technique, revealing that interface composition remained unchanged as the crystallization front advanced for niobo- and vanadophosphate glasses (interface-controlled crystallization). For titanophosphate glasses, phase composition changed continuously with time up to the equilibrium composition, indicating a spinodal-type phase separation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
CONTEXT: Intestinal constipation - a common symptom among the general population - is more frequent in women. It may be secondary to an improper diet or organic or functional disturbances, such as dyskinesia of the pelvic floor. This is basically characterized by the absence of relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the pelvic floor and anal sphincter during evacuation. OBJECTIVE: To analyze, by manometric data, the anal pressure variation at rest, during evacuation effort by using the Valsalva maneuver and forced post-expiratory apnea in subjects with secondary constipation. METHODS: Twenty-one patients (19 females - 90.4%) with a mean age of 47.5 years old (23-72) were studied. The diagnosis was performed using anorectal manometry, with a catheter containing eight channels disposed at the axial axis, measuring the proximal (1) and distal (2) portions of the anal orifice. The elevation of the pressure values in relation to the resting with the evacuation effort was present in all patients. The Agachan score was used for clinical evaluation of constipation. The variables studied were: mean anal pressure of the anal orifice for 20 seconds at rest, the effort of evacuation using Valsalva maneuver and the effort of evacuation during apnea after forced expiration, as well as the area under the curve of the manometric tracing at moments Valsalva and apnea. RESULTS: The analysis of the mean values of the anal pressure variation at rest evidenced difference between proximal and distal channels (P = 0.007), independent of the moment and tendency to differ during moments Valsalva and apnea (P = 0.06). The mean of values of the area under the manometric tracing curve showed differences between moments Valsalva and apnea (P = 0.0008), either at the proximal portion or at the distal portion of the anal orifice. CONCLUSION: The effort of evacuation associated with postexpiratory apnea, when compared with the effort associated with the Valsalva maneuver, provides lower elevation of anal pressure at rest by the parameter area under the curve.
Brain death results in the breakdown of effective central regulatory mechanisms of cardiocirculatory stability, even in patients with artificial mechanical ventilation, correction of electrolytic and acid-basic disorders and maximal conventional pharmacological support of the circulation. Recent evidences have shown that the fall of vasopressin levels in the blood circulation significantly influences the cardiocirculatory stability of patients with brain death, and its exogenous administration is defended by many authors for the management of multiorgan donor patients. In this brief review we analyse and discuss some experimental and clinical relevant studies about the role of vasopressin in the control of cardiocirculatory stability in brain death, and its potential usefulness in the management of multiorgan donor. We conclude that the role of vasopressin in the pathophysiology of brain death and its usefulness as a pharmacological agent in the management of multiorgan donor are not well elucidated, deserving further investigations.
This paper studies complex sentences with temporal hypotatic clauses and with conditional hypotatic clauses in order to investigate the degree of grammaticalization shown by these two kinds of utterances. Our hypothesis is that the more the hypotatic clause is integrated to the nuclear clause, the greater is the degree of grammaticalization. Such degree of integration was measured according to three groups of factors, and the results show that, regarding two of the variables evaluated, the conditional clauses are the most integrated to their nucleus, but, in another rank of evaluation, the temporal clauses are the most integrated ones. Considering that this study is based on a functionalist view, the results may be interpreted according to the principle that there is a competition of motivations in the use of language, so that each utterance reflects the balance of such forces.
One of the effects of the globalized world is a strong tendency to eliminate differences, promoting a planetary culture. Education systems are particularly affected, undergoing strong pressure from international studies and evaluations, inevitably comparative, and sadly competitive. As a result, one observes the gradual elimination of cultural components in the definition of education systems. The constitution of new social imaginaries becomes clear; imaginaries empty of historical, geographical and temporal referents, characterized by a strong presence of the culture of the image. The criteria of classification establish an inappropriate reference that has as its consequence the definition of practices and even of education systems. On the other hand, resistance mechanisms, often unconscious, are activated seeking to safeguard and recover the identifying features of a culture, such as its traditions, cuisine, languages, artistic manifestations in general, and, in doing so, to contribute to cultural diversity, an essential factor to encourage creativity. In this article, the sociocultural basis of mathematics and of its teaching are examined, and also the consequences of globalization and its effects on multicultural education. The concept of culture is discussed, as well as issues related to culture dynamics, resulting in the proposition of a theory of transdisciplinar and transcultural knowledge. Upon such basis the Ethnomathematics Program is presented. A critique is also made of the curriculum presently used, which is in its conception and detailing, obsolete, uninteresting and of little use. A different concept of curriculum is proposed, based on the communicative (literacy), analytical (matheracy), and material (technoracy) instruments.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this pilot study was to determine whether glugagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) secretion relates to insulin sensitivity (IS) in obese subjects. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty four obese subjects [body mass index (BMI) 40.0 ± 3.0 kg/m² (mean ± standard deviation)] were included, nine of which were male, age 43 ± 8 years. Twelve subjects had type 2 diabetes, all treated with oral anti-diabetic agents only. The subjects were submitted to standard meal tolerance test (MTT) for dosage of the curves: glucose, insulin, and GLP-2. Insulin sensitivity was measured by HOMA-IR, and OGIS was derived from the MTT. Spearman linear correlations and partial correlations were obtained. RESULTS: There was an inverse relationship between the GLP-2 secretion and IS: HOMA-IR correlated with GLP-2 AUC (R = 0.504; p = 0.012), and OGIS correlated with GLP-2 incremental AUC (R = -0.54; p = 0.054). The correlation persisted after controlling for BMI. CONCLUSION: We found an association of GLP-2 secretion and insulin resistance (IR). The understanding of the underlying mechanisms may provide future directions in the pharmacological manipulation of incretins, and in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders.
Dry eye disease and ocular surface disorders may be caused or worsened by viral agents. There are several known and suspected virus associated to ocular surface diseases. The possible pathogenic mechanisms for virus-related dry eye disease are presented herein. This review serves to reinforce the importance of ophthalmologists as one of the healthcare professional able to diagnose a potentially large number of infected patients with high prevalent viral agents.