139 resultados para Rodrigo Barros de Senna


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Descriptors in multivariate image analysis applied to quantitative structure-activity relationship (MIA-QSAR) are pixels of bidimensional images of chemical structures (drawings), which were used to model the trichomonicidal activities of a series of benzimidazole derivatives. The MIA-QSAR model showed good predictive ability, with r², q² and r val. ext.² of 0.853, 0.519 and 0.778, respectively, which are comparable to the best values obtained by CoMFA e CoMSIA for the same series. A MIA-based analysis was also performed by using images of alphabetic letters with the corresponding numeric ordering as dependent variables, but no correlation was found, supporting that MIA-QSAR is not arbitrary.


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The Orchidaceae is one of the largest flowering plants family and with a great importance to conservation. However, no survey on orchid flowers can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. Thus, the objective of this work was to make a survey of the Orchidaceae species and of its ecology features in a riparian forest in a fragment of Floresta Estacional Semi-Decidual that belongs to the riparian forest of the Dourados River. The inventory was made by using a sweeping method for collection, and in addition to this the vertical and horizontal position of epiphytes were assessed on the hosts. For characterization of microclimate, it was used a thermohygrometer and luximeter. It was identified 17 species of 13 genera. Of the listed genera, the most abundant ones were: Acianthera, Macradenia and Capanemia. It was also noted a vertical and horizontal distribution of the Orchidaceae in relation to inverse gradient of water and light availability. Some species tended to be sensitive to height level categorization, whereas others seemed to occur with similar frequency along the host. In relation to the cardinal orientation, the apparent preferential response for south and east directions was associated to the low sampling effort and lower water availability, which could occur because the north face is opposed to the water body.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the horizontal and vertical structures of tree community in regeneration in a fragment of a secondary riparian forest at approximately 30 years of age and to identify the most abundant species in each fragment of the forest to determine the sucessional stage. An area of 800 m² was subdivided into 16 samples of 10 x 5 m and all individuals with DBH ≥ 1 cm were sampled and identified for the following analyzes: horizontal parameters (DR, FR, DoR, IVC and IVI), vertical parameters (PSR and RNR) and mixed parameters, from of value of increased importance index (IVIa). The survey measured 689 individuals, belonging to 38 families, 74 genus and 109 species. The total density was 8,614 individuals/ha. The index of Shannon´s diversity was 3.99 and the index of Pielou´s equability was 0.85. Tibouchina pulchra, Psychotria suterella and Endlicheria paniculata obtained high values of IVIa. Guarea macrophylla, Gomidesia anacardiaefolia, Xylopia langsdorffiana and Endlicheria paniculata achieved high values of RNT, indicating adequate natural regeneration in the plot. The initial secondary and umbrophylous species showed the highest ecological importance in this fragment of the forest, with the highest values of sociologic position and importance index. Furthermore, the presence of late secondary species in all layers suggest that the studied fragment is in intermediate succession degree.


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One of the problems found in mechanical harvest of sugar cane is the lack of synchronism between the harvest machine and the infield wagon, causing crop losses as well as operational capacity. The objective of the present research was to design a system capable of helping to synchronize the sugar cane harvest machine with the wagon. The communication between tractor and harvest machine is wireless. Two ultrasound sensors coupled to the elevator and a microprocessor manage such information, generating a correct synchronization among the machines. The system was tested in laboratory and on field performing its function adequately, maintaining the two machines in synchronization, indicating and alerting the operators their relative positions. The developed system reduced the sugar cane lost in 60 kg ha-1 comparing to the harvest with the system turned off.


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We estimated the prevalence of chronic diseases and other health problems reported by adolescents in relation to social and demographic variables and nutritional status. This cross-sectional population-based survey analyzed data from the Health Survey in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, 2008. We used descriptive statistics and associations between variables with the chisquare test. Prevalence of chronic diseases among adolescents was 19.17%, with asthma showing the highest prevalence (7.59%), followed by heart disease (1.96%), hypertension (1.07%), and diabetes 0.21%. Prevalence rates were 61.53% for health problems, 40.39% for allergy, and 24.83% for frequent headache or migraine. After multivariate analysis using Poisson regression, the factors associated with chronic disease were age 15 to 19 years (PR = 1.38), not attending school (PR = 1.46), having children (PR = 1.84), and obesity (PR = 1.54). Female gender (PR = 1.12) was statistically associated with health problems. The study illustrates that adolescence is a life stage in which chronic disease and health problems can occur.


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This study aimed to check for any significant differences in perceived quality of life, specifically aspects of a physical nature, among volunteers who are more physically active and those less physically active in a university community. The sample consisted of 1,966 volunteers in a university community in Brazil. To assess physical activity levels, volunteers responded to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and to analyse the perception of quality of life they responded to WHOQOL-bref, which is classified into three groups according to level of physical activity, taking into account the metabolic equivalent index (MET) over a full week. For comparison, consideration was given to the first and third tertiles, respectively, namely groups of more and less active students. The results indicated that individuals who engaged in more physical activity had a more positive perception of quality of life compared to those who were less active in physical aspects related to the ability to work, energy for day-to-day activities and locomotion.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of hypertension and control practices among the elderly. The survey analyzed data from 872 elderly people in São Paulo, Brazil, through a cluster sampling, stratified according to education and income. A Poisson multiple regression model checked for the existence of factors associated with hypertension. The prevalence of self-reported hypertension among the elderly was 46.9%. Variables associated with hypertension were self-rated health, alcohol consumption, gender, and hospitalization in the last year, regardless of age. The three most common measures taken to control hypertension, but only rarely, are oral medication, routine salt-free diet and physical activity. Lifestyle and socioeconomic status did not affect the practice of control, but knowledge about the importance of physical activity was higher among those older people with higher education and greater income. The research suggests that health policies that focus on primary care to encourage lifestyle changes among the elderly are necessary.


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This work aims to describe, illustrate and compare the seedling morphology of five tree species of the genera Bowdichia, Cyclolobium, Diplotropis, Ormosia, and Poecilanthe, which belong to the genistoid clade (Leguminosae Papilionoideae). Phanero-epigeal-foliaceous seedlings are found in Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth, Cyclolobium brasiliense Benth. has phanero-epigeal-reserve seedlings, while Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms, Diplotropis martiusii Benth., and Poecilanthe parviflora Benth. possess crypto-hypogeal-reserve seedlings. Some other relevant seedling morphological characters are discussed and compared with those of previously studied species in these genera.


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A cytotaxonomic analysis of species of Acosmium Schott e Leptolobium Vogel was carried out, by determining their chromosome numbers. The three species of Acosmium and five species of Leptolobium (representing 50% of the genus) were studied from seeds obtained from different regions of Brazil. Chromosome counts were new for all Acosmium species and for four Leptolobium species. For Acosmium cardenasii, 2n = 18 was constantly observed, while occurring at the same meristem were found 2n = 18, 24 e 32 in A. diffusissimum and 2n = 18 e 32 in A. lentiscifolium. For Leptolobium, all studied species had 2n = 18, confirming a previous count for L. dasycarpum. The results showed that chromosome numbers of Acosmium and Leptolobium species are homogeneous, confirming the basic number x = 9 for both genera. Therefore, chromosome numbers do not provide a useful taxonomic character distinguishing Acosmium from Leptolobium.


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This survey aimed at describing the interactions of floral visitors and Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil. as well as characteristics of its reproductive biology in Itacoatiara, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Tests of the breeding system were performed. The guild of visitors was described according to richness, abundance, relative frequency and constancy. The breeding system tests indicated that D. kunthii is self-compatible. The pollination system was characterized as generalist, with 39 visitor species, from three different orders. Bees were the main group of pollinators, thus some behavioural aspects were described. Th e period of highest foraging activity was between 7 and 10 am. Some species presented agonistic and monopolistic behaviour. Given the behaviour and destructive potential, the Curculionidae seem to have a greater impact as seed predators than pollinators.


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This revision of Leptolobium Vogel includes an identification key, descriptions, illustrations, and distribution maps for the taxa. Leptolobium comprises 12 species, and is characterized by its arboreal or shrubby habit, flowers with white, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic corollas, 10 free stamens, a stipitate ovary with many ovules, indehiscent (samara-like or nut-like) fruits, compressed seeds, and a bulbose hypocotyl-radicle axis. Leptolobium is a neotropical genus that occurs from Mexico to northern Argentina. Eleven species are found in Brazil, seven of which are endemic to the country. The lectotype of Sweetia glazioviana Harms is designated in this paper. In addition, information about uses, common names, geographical distribution, and habitats are provided.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the floristic composition, richness, and diversity of the upper and lower strata of a stretch of mixed rain forest near the city of Itaberá, in southeastern Brazil. We also investigated the differences between this conservation area and other stretches of mixed rain forest in southern and southeastern Brazil, as well as other nearby forest formations, in terms of their floristic relationships. For our survey of the upper stratum (diameter at breast height [DBH] > 15 cm), we established 50 permanent plots of 10 × 20 m. Within each of those plots, we designated five, randomly located, 1 × 1 m subplots, in order to survey the lower stratum (total height > 30 cm and DBH < 15 cm). In the upper stratum, we sampled 1429 trees and shrubs, belonging to 134 species, 93 genera, and 47 families. In the lower stratum, we sampled 758 trees and shrubs, belonging to 93 species, 66 genera, and 39 families. In our floristic and phytosociological surveys, we recorded 177 species, belonging to 106 genera and 52 families. The Shannon Diversity Index was 4.12 and 3.5 for the upper and lower strata, respectively. Cluster analysis indicated that nearby forest formations had the strongest floristic influence on the study area, which was therefore distinct from other mixed rain forests in southern Brazil and in the Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range.


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We analyzed the structure of the understory community in the Atlantic Forest sensu lato, for which phytosociological descriptions of the understory are lacking. We delineated 50 plots of 10 × 20 m each at four sites within an Araucaria forest (a subtype of Atlantic Forest), located in the municipalities of Bananal, Campos do Jordão, Itaberá and Barra do Chapéu, all of which are in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To sample the resident species of the understory, we randomly selected five 1 × 1 m subplots within each plot, resulting in a total sampling area of 250 m² at each site. We identified differences among the locations, mostly due to proportional differences in growth forms, in terms of species richness and the importance values within the community. Factors potentially influencing the understory structure include macroclimatic and microclimatic conditions, as well as forest fragmentation, the abundance of deciduous trees in the canopy, the surrounding vegetation and geographic location.


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OBJECTIVE: Study was to translate and culturally adapt the modified Rowe score for overhead athletes. METHODS: The translation and cultural adaptation process initially involved the stages of transla tion, synthesis, back-translation, and revision by the Translation Group. It was than created the pre-final version of the question naire, being the areas function and pain applied to 20 athletes that perform overhead movements and that suffered SLAP lesions in the dominant shoulder and the areas active compression test and anterior apprehension test and motion were applied to 15 health professionals. RESULTS: During the translation process there were made little modifications in the questionnaire in order to adapt it to Brazilian culture, without changing the semantics and the idiomatic concept originally described. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire was easily understood by the subjects of the study, being possible to obtain the Brazilian version of the modified Rowe score for over head athletes that underwent surgical treatment of the SLAP lesion.


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cDNA arrays are a powerful tool for discovering gene expression patterns. Nylon arrays have the advantage that they can be re-used several times. A key issue in high throughput gene expression analysis is sensitivity. In the case of nylon arrays, signal detection can be affected by the plastic bags used to keep membranes humid. In this study, we evaluated the effect of five types of plastics on the radioactive transmittance, number of genes with a signal above the background, and data variability. A polyethylene plastic bag 69 μm thick had a strong shielding effect that blocked 68.7% of the radioactive signal. The shielding effect on transmittance decreased the number of detected genes and increased the data variability. Other plastics which were thinner gave better results. Although plastics made from polyvinylidene chloride, polyvinyl chloride (both 13 μm thick) and polyethylene (29 and 7 μm thick) showed different levels of transmittance, they all gave similarly good performances. Polyvinylidene chloride and polyethylene 29 mm thick were the plastics of choice because of their easy handling. For other types of plastics, it is advisable to run a simple check on their performance in order to obtain the maximum information from nylon cDNA arrays.