122 resultados para average mcat


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OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the impact that trochanteric hip fractures produce on life quality of elderly patients, treated surgically, during one year of monitoring. METHODS: Were selected 73 elderly with transtrochanteric femur fracture, aged equal or over than 65 years and of both sexes. All participants underwent a standardized questionnaire which obtained information on lifestyle habits, functionality, physical activity, ambulation and cognitive state. Were excluded patients who died, not walking, with neurological diseases and pathological fractures. RESULTS: The average age was 80.17 ± 7.2 years and 75% was female. When comparing the summation of activities of daily living (p = 0.04) and instrumental daily living (p = 0.004) obtained before and after fracture, the patients become more dependent after fracture. Activities of daily living that worsened after fracture were bathing (p = 0.04), toileting (p = 0.02) and dressing (p = 0.04). All instrumental activities of daily living showed a significant difference, with functional dependence after fracture, increased need for walking aid (p = 0.00002), aged (p = 0.01) and not doing housework (p = 0.01). The low score on the test Minimental was associated with a greater dependence to perform activities of daily living before (p = 0.00002) and after (p = 0.01) fracture. CONCLUSION: After a year, activities of daily living that depended on the lower limbs worsened significantly, all instrumental activities of daily living were significantly worse in more than 50% of patients and more than half of patients who walked without support lost this ability.


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Losses of horticulture product in Brazil are significant and among the main causes are the use of inappropriate boxes and the absence of a cold chain. A project for boxes is proposed, based on computer simulations, optimization and experimental validation, trying to minimize the amount of wood associated with structural and ergonomic aspects and the effective area of the openings. Three box prototypes were designed and built using straight laths with different configurations and areas of openings (54% and 36%). The cooling efficiency of Tommy Atkins mango (Mangifera Indica L.) was evaluated by determining the cooling time for fruit packed in the wood models and packed in the commercially used cardboard boxes, submitted to cooling in a forced-air system, at a temperature of 6ºC and average relative humidity of 85.4±2.1%. The Finite Element Method was applied, for the dimensioning and structural optimization of the model with the best behavior in relation to cooling. All wooden boxes with fruit underwent vibration testing for two hours (20 Hz). There was no significant difference in average cooling time in the wooden boxes (36.08±1.44 min); however, the difference was significant in comparison to the cardboard boxes (82.63±29.64 min). In the model chosen for structural optimization (36% effective area of openings and two side laths), the reduction in total volume of material was 60% and 83% in the cross section of the columns. There was no indication of mechanical damage in the fruit after undergoing the vibration test. Computer simulations and structural study may be used as a support tool for developing projects for boxes, with geometric, ergonomic and thermal criteria.


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The aim of this study was to compare two methods of surface roughness analysis, perfilometry and spectrophotometry, applied to the surface of ionomeric materials (Chelon Fil, Vitremer and Dyract), submitted to different surface finishing treatments. For the perfilometric analysis, sixty specimens of each material were made and randomly separated into three experimental groups. The average surface roughness (Ra, mm) was measured on each specimen by a surface perfilometer (Mitutoyo Surftest 211). The spectrophotometric analysis consisted in quantifying the dye impregnated in the samples. The dyes used were 0.5% fuchsin and 0.5% erythrosin. Data were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) and t-Student test at a 0.05 significance level. There was no linear correlation between average roughness and superficial deposition of dye. Perfilometric analysis revealed that 12- and 30-bladed carbide burs caused the roughest surface of Chelon Fil, followed by Sof-Lex discs and mylar band. There were no significant differences between the specimens submitted to finishing and polishing with Sof-Lex discs and the control group (mylar band) for Vitremer, nevertheless, the highest Ra values were obtained when 12- and 30-bladed burs were used. For Dyract, there was no significant difference between the three treatments. The mean values of superficial deposition of dye for Chelon Fil, Vitremer and Dyract were: 1.7261, 1.4759, 1.3318, respectively. There were no significant differences between the restorative materials when different finishing and polishing systems were used.


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INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance


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Quality traits of boneless rib cut (L. dorsi muscle) from Nelore young bulls. To study the meat quality traits of Nelore breed young bulls, and the effect of age (690-780 days) on them, 113 animals were slaughtered after 109 days of intensive feeding with 20% concentrate and 80% roughage. All the carcasses were graded at the slaughter floor by the Federal Inspection and chilled for 24 hours (Tinitial=5°C, Tfinal=2°C). Fifty one half carcasses (right side), type B - B R A S I L `s grading system - from animals of 23 to 26 months were boned and separated into commercial cuts. Two steaks (2.5cm thick) were removed from each boneless rib cut (m. L. dorsi), vacuum packaged and aged for 7 days (0-2°C). The pH varied from 5.44 to 5.83 and only two samples had pH ³ 5.70. The L* (brightness) average value was 34.85. The water and fat content were 75.65% and 1.71%, respectively. The average WB shear force was 6.70kg, and it was not affected by age (690-734 days), but presented a trend (t test, p=0.22) for increasing values between 735 and 780 days. Animal age did not affect other quality traits (t test, p>0.20). It was concluded that the rib cut from Nelore young bulls may not have a good acceptability in exigent markets, and that carcasses graded B, presumed to be the best grade, do not necessarily present the best meat quality characteristics.


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INTRODUCTION: Data is scarce regarding adverse events (AE) of biological therapy used in the management of Crohn's Disease (CD) among Brazilian patients. OBJECTIVES: To analyse AE prevalence and profile in patients with CD treated with Infliximab (IFX) or Adalimumab (ADA) and to verify whether there are differences between the two drugs. METHOD: Retrospective observational single-centre study of CD patients on biological therapy. Variables analysed: Demographic data, Montreal classification, biological agent administered, treatment duration, presence and type of AE and the need for treatment interruption. RESULTS: Forty-nine patients were analysed, 25 treated with ADA and 24 with IFX. The groups were homogeneous in relation to the variables studied. The average follow-up period for the group treated with ADA was 19.3 months and 21.8 months for the IFX group (p = 0.585). Overall, 40% (n = 10) of patients taking ADA had AE compared with 50% (n = 12) of IFX users (p = 0.571). There was a tendency towards higher incidence of cutaneous and infusion reactions in the IFX group and higher incidence of infections in the ADA treated group, although without significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: No difference was found in the AE prevalence and profile between ADA and IFX CD patients in the population studied.


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Purpose: A survey was carried out on one hundred patients of the Emergency Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in order to analyze the personal characteristics and the barriers against getting resolving ophthalmologic assistance. Variables, were the following: sex, age, home town, average distance between the place of initial symptoms and first visit to the hospital, time spent between the first examination (if performed in any other service) and the examination performed at the Hospital das Clinicas of University of Campinas, diagnosis, veracity of emergency, need to refer patients previously seen in other services to our Service and possibility of assistance and treatment at a secondary level. Methods: The sample showed the following characteristics: distances between 20 and 100 kilometers covered by 50.0% of the patients to be seen at University of Campinas. 75.0% of those patients needed someone to stay with them and 67.0% came from other municipalities. The long distances covered meant additional expenses for the treatment of diseases which should be treated locally. Results: Among the patients referred to University of Campinas by ophthalmologists of other services, 87.5% could have their diseases treated at a secondary level of assistance and 66.7% of real emergencies and 60% of false emergencies took longer than 7 days to reach the emergency room of University of Campinas. This shows the poor infrastructure of secondary services regarding excellence of emergency care and education of patients. Conclusions: We recommend education of general physicians and ophthalmologists for emergency eye care and also the supply of both secondary and tertiary public services or medicare, strategically setup in the whole state of Sao Paulo.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the knowledge glaucoma patients have about their disease and its treatment. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-three patients were interviewed at the Glaucoma Service of Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia, USA, Group 1) and 100 at the Glaucoma Service of University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil, Group 2). An informal, relaxed atmosphere was created by the interviewer before asking a list of 18 open-ended questions. RESULTS: In Group 1, 44% of the 183 patients did not have an acceptable idea about what glaucoma is, 30% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 47% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 45% did not understand why visual fields were examined. In Group 2, 54% gave unsatisfactory answers to the question What is glaucoma?, 54% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 80% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 94% did not understand why visual fields were examined (p<0.001). Linear regression analysis demonstrated that level of education was positively correlated to knowledge about glaucoma in both groups (r=0.65, p=0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed that patients' knowledge about glaucoma varies greatly, and that in an urban, American setting, around one third of the patients have minimal understanding, whereas in an urban setting in Brazil around two thirds of patients were lacking basic information about glaucoma. Innovative and effective methods are needed to correct this situation.


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PURPOSE: To determine the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty indications at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP (January, 1999 to December, 2003). METHODS: A non-comparative, retrospective series of case studies. The authors reviewed the files of 857 patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP between 1999-2003 and classified them into different categories according to diagnostic indication for surgery. RESULTS: The age range was between 0-88 years (average 44 years ±1.2). The main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were: keratoconus in 427 cases (49.82%); 152 cases (17.74%) of corneal ulceration (perforated or not); corneal graft failure in 87 cases (10.15%); bullous keratopathy, 72 cases (8.40%); Fuchs dystrophy in 59 cases (6.88%); trachoma complications in 28 cases (3.27%); other causes, 32 (3.74%). In children under 10 years of age, the main cause of penetrating keratoplasty indications was infectious ulcer (77.78%) and between 11-50 years of age, keratoconus was the main cause (71.65%). CONCLUSION: This study was composed of a young population, and the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were keratoconus and therapeutic keratoplasty.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the learning effect, short-term fluctuation and long-term fluctuation in healthy subjects undergoing frequency doubling perimetry (FDP). METHODS: Twenty healthy young subjects underwent FDT (program N30, full threshold) in one eye (right). Each subject was tested once in the first three sessions and three times in the fourth session. Both short- and long-term fluctuations were studied as the average fluctuation of all the tested points or as a point-to-point fluctuation. To study the learning effect, the MDs values of the first session were compared to the second, third and fourth sessions. RESULTS: In the short-term analysis (3 examination done in the last session), the total mean sensitivity was 31.91 ± 1.20 dB and the mean MD and PSD were 0.84 ± 1.85 and 3.73 ± 1.55 dB, respectively. The average short-term fluctuation was 1.72 ± 0.38 dB. When the four examination, performed at different visits, were compared, the average mean sensitivity of all sessions and the average long-term fluctuation were 31.75 ± 1.11 and 2.16 ± 0.26 dB, respectively. The MD averages of the first, second, third and fourth tests were 0.11 ± 2.14 dB, 0.47 ± 1.64 dB, 1.16 ± 1.62 dB and 0.98 ± 1.92 dB respectively. The MD difference between the first and the third and between the first and the fourth examinations were statistically significant (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The threshold sensitivity detected by FDP is influenced by both short- and long-term fluctuations. We observed a mild learning effect that shoud be taken into account whenever a patient undergoes this test for the first time.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence of pterygium in a population-based sample at Botucatu City - São Paulo State, Brazil. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study with randomized clustered sampling of households was conducted in the urban area of the Botucatu City -São Paulo State, Brazil and 85.1% of the intended sample was evaluated. All participants were submitted to ophthalmologic examination and the data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The prevalence of pterygium lesion in Botucatu City was 8.12% (7.0% < CI < 9.2%), affecting mainly males (10.4% males X 6.5% females - 8.5% < CI < 12.3% for males and 5.1% < CI < 7.8% for females) with 49.6 ± 14.9 years old in average; 32.18% of the pterygium carriers aged between 40 and 50 years. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of pterygium at Botucatu is 8.12%, affecting most frequently 40-50 year-old males.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física