34 resultados para Sandra Marcus
The SLC8A1 gene, which encodes the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, plays a key role in calcium homeostasis. Our previous gene expression oligoarray data revealed SLC8A1 underexpression in penile carcinoma (PeCa). The aim of this study was to investigate whether the dysregulation of SLC8A1 expression is associated with apoptosis and cell proliferation in PeCa, via modulation of calcium concentration. The underlying mechanisms of SLC8A1 underexpression were also explored, focusing on copy number alteration and microRNA. Transcript levels of SLC8A1 gene and miR-223 were evaluated by quantitative PCR, comparing PeCa samples with normal glans tissues. SLC8A1 copy number was evaluated by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH). Caspase-3 and Ki-67 immunostaining, as well as calcium distribution by Laser Ablation Imaging Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry [LA(i)-ICP-MS], were investigated in both normal and tumor samples. Confirming our previous data, SLC8A1 underexpression was detected in PeCa samples (P=0.001) and was not associated with gene copy number loss. In contrast, overexpression of miR-223 (P=0.002) was inversely correlated with SLC8A1 (P=0.015, r=-0.426), its putative repressor. In addition, SLC8A1 underexpression was associated with decreased calcium distribution, high Ki-67 and low caspase-3 immunoexpression in PeCa when compared with normal tissues. Down-regulation of the SLC8A1 gene, most likely mediated by its regulator miR-223, can lead to reduced calcium levels in PeCa and, consequently, to suppression of apoptosis and increased tumor cell proliferation. These data suggest that the miR-223-NCX1-calcium-signaling axis may represent a potential therapeutic approach in PeCa.
The 2005 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference proposed new criteria for diagnosing and scoring the severity of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The 2014 NIH consensus maintains the framework of the prior consensus with further refinement based on new evidence. Revisions have been made to address areas of controversy or confusion, such as the overlap chronic GVHD subcategory and the distinction between active disease and past tissue damage. Diagnostic criteria for involvement of mouth, eyes, genitalia, and lungs have been revised. Categories of chronic GVHD should be defined in ways that indicate prognosis, guide treatment, and define eligibility for clinical trials. Revisions have been made to focus attention on the causes of organ-specific abnormalities. Attribution of organ-specific abnormalities to chronic GVHD has been addressed. This paradigm shift provides greater specificity and more accurately measures the global burden of disease attributed to GVHD, and it will facilitate biomarker association studies.
Endurance exercise training as well as leucine supplementation modulates glucose homeostasis and protein turnover in mammals. Here, we analyze whether leucine supplementation alters the effects of endurance exercise on these parameters in healthy mice. Mice were distributed into sedentary (C) and exercise (T) groups. The exercise group performed a 12-week swimming protocol. Half of the C and T mice, designated as the CL and TL groups, were supplemented with leucine (1.5 % dissolved in the drinking water) throughout the experiment. As well known, endurance exercise training reduced body weight and the retroperitoneal fat pad, increased soleus mass, increased VO2max, decreased muscle proteolysis, and ameliorated peripheral insulin sensitivity. Leucine supplementation had no effect on any of these parameters and worsened glucose tolerance in both CL and TL mice. In the soleus muscle of the T group, AS-160(Thr-642) (AKT substrate of 160 kDa) and AMPK(Thr-172) (AMP-Activated Protein Kinase) phosphorylation was increased by exercise in both basal and insulin-stimulated conditions, but it was reduced in TL mice with insulin stimulation compared with the T group. Akt phosphorylation was not affected by exercise but was lower in the CL group compared with the other groups. Leucine supplementation increased mTOR phosphorylation at basal conditions, whereas exercise reduced it in the presence of insulin, despite no alterations in protein synthesis. In trained groups, the total FoxO3a protein content and the mRNA for the specific isoforms E2 and E3 ligases were reduced. In conclusion, leucine supplementation did not potentiate the effects of endurance training on protein turnover, and it also reduced its positive effects on glucose homeostasis.
After a long incubation period, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is now underway. Underpinning all its activities is the IPBES Conceptual Framework (CF), a simplified model of the interactions between nature and people. Drawing on the legacy of previous large-scale environmental assessments, the CF goes further in explicitly embracing different disciplines and knowledge systems (including indigenous and local knowledge) in the co-construction of assessments of the state of the world's biodiversity and the benefits it provides to humans. The CF can be thought of as a kind of Rosetta Stone that highlights commonalities between diverse value sets and seeks to facilitate crossdisciplinary and crosscultural understanding. We argue that the CF will contribute to the increasing trend towards interdisciplinarity in understanding and managing the environment. Rather than displacing disciplinary science, however, we believe that the CF will provide new contexts of discovery and policy applications for it.
Infections of the central nervous systems (CNS) present a diagnostic problem for which an accurate laboratory diagnosis is essential. Invasive practices, such as cerebral biopsy, have been replaced by obtaining a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis using cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) as a reference method. Tests on DNA extracted from plasma are noninvasive, thus avoiding all of the collateral effects and patient risks associated with CSF collection. This study aimed to determine whether plasma can replace CSF in nested PCR analysis for the detection of CNS human herpesvirus (HHV) diseases by analysing the proportion of patients whose CSF nested PCR results were positive for CNS HHV who also had the same organism identified by plasma nested PCR. In this study, CSF DNA was used as the gold standard, and nested PCR was performed on both types of samples. Fifty-two patients with symptoms of nervous system infection were submitted to CSF and blood collection. For the eight HHV, one positive DNA result-in plasma and/or CSF nested PCR-was considered an active HHV infection, whereas the occurrence of two or more HHVs in the same sample was considered a coinfection. HHV infections were positively detected in 27/52 (51.9%) of the CSF and in 32/52 (61.5%) of the plasma, difference not significant, thus nested PCR can be performed on plasma instead of CSF. In conclusion, this findings suggest that plasma as a useful material for the diagnosis of cases where there is any difficulty to perform a CSF puncture.
The present review addresses certain important aspects regarding nanoparticles and the environment, with an emphasis on plant science. The production and characterization of nanoparticles is the focus of this review, providing an idea of the range and the consolidation of these aspects in the literature, with modifications on the routes of synthesis and the application of the analytical techniques for characterization of the nanoparticles (NPs). Additionally, aspects related to the interaction between the NPs and plants, their toxicities, and the phytoremediation process, among others, are also discussed. Future trends are also presented, supplying evidence for certain possibilities regarding new research involving nanoparticles and plants.
The aim of this work is to obtain, purify and characterize biochemically a peroxidase from Copaifera langsdorffii leaves (COP). COP was obtained by acetone precipitation followed by ion-exchange chromatography. Purification yielded 3.5% of peroxidase with the purification factor of 46.86. The COP optimum pH is 6.0 and the temperature is 35 ºC. COP was stable in the pH range of 4.5 to 9.3 and at temperatures below 50.0 ºC. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constants (Km) for guaiacol and H2O2 were 0.04 mM and 0.39 mM respectively. Enzyme turnover was 0.075 s-1 for guaiacol and 0.28 s-1 for hydrogen peroxide. Copaifera langsdorffii leaves showed to be a rich source of active peroxidase (COP) during the whole year. COP could replace HRP, the most used peroxidase, in analytical determinations and treatment of industrial effluents at low cost.
We review here the chemistry of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, their biological sources and targets; particularly, biomolecules implicated in the redox balance of the human blood, and appraise the analytical methods available for their detection and quantification. Those biomolecules are represented by the enzymatic antioxidant defense machinery, whereas coadjutant reducing protection is provided by several low molecular weight molecules. Biomolecules can be injured by RONS yielding a large repertoire of oxidized products, some of which can be taken as biomarkers of oxidative damage. Their reliable determination is of utmost interest for their potentiality in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of maladies.
Broccoli seeds were coated in a conical-cylindrical spouted bed with an aqueous suspension of hydroxy ethyl cellulose aiming to improve the seeds coating technique using a fluid-dynamic process. An experimental design was applied to investigate the effects of the operating variables: gas temperature, atomizing air pressure and suspension flow rate on the germination of the seeds and on the process efficiency. Results indicated that the operating variables affect both the coating process efficiency and the germination ability. However, the analysis didn t identify differences between the germination potential of coated and uncoated seeds. Coated seeds absorbed up to 10 percent less moisture than the uncoated ones, when the environment temperature and humidity were controlled over a period of time.
Mental health problems are common in primary health care, particularly anxiety and depression. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics in primary care in Brazil (Family Health Strategy). It involved a multicenter cross-sectional study with patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza (Ceará State) and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State), assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The rate of mental disorders in patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre were found to be, respectively, 51.9%, 53.3%, 64.3% and 57.7% with significant differences between Porto Alegre and Fortaleza compared to Rio de Janeiro after adjusting for confounders. Prevalence proportions of mental problems were especially common for females, the unemployed, those with less education and those with lower incomes. In the context of the Brazilian government's moves towards developing primary health care and reorganizing mental health policies it is relevant to consider common mental disorders as a priority alongside other chronic health conditions.
We estimate litter production and leaf decomposition rate in a cerradão area, physiognomy little studied and very threatened in São Paulo State. During the period of study, litter production was 5646.9 kg.ha-1.year-1, which the 'leaf' fraction corresponded to 4081.2 kg.ha¹.year¹; the 'branch' fraction, to 1066.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; the 'reproductive structures' fraction, to 434.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; and the 'miscellaneous' fraction to 65.5 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was highly seasonal and negatively correlated with relative humidity and air temperature. Leaf production was negatively correlated with relative humidity, rainfall, and air temperature. There was no significant difference between litter production found in this study and those in two other sites with cerradão and semideciduous forest, but these physiognomies differed significantly from the cerrado sensu stricto. Leaf decomposition rate (K) was 0.56. Half-life of the decomposing material was 1.8 years and turnover time was 2.3 years.
The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.
The aim of this work was to describe the morphology and ontogeny of P. riedelii fruits to aid in taxonomic, ecological and phylogenetic studies in Apocynaceae. Fruits were fixed in FAA, embedded in plastic resin, sectioned at 10 ìm and stained with toluidine blue, for structural analysis. The fruit of P. riedelii is a follicarium, with two follicular fruitlets. The epicarp is one-cell-layered, with trichomes and thick cuticle. The mesocarp, originating from fundamental ovary tissue, is parenchymatous with laticifers, non-lignified fibers and vascular bundles. The endocarp sensu lato is two-celllayered of crossed sclereids, originating from the inner ovary epidermis and from a single layer of parenchyma cells of fundamental ovary tissue. Follicle dehiscence is lateral and the dehiscence process involves anatomical characteristics such as a dehiscence zone with thin-walled cells, non-lignified fibers in the mesocarp and crossed sclereids in the endocarp.
The spouted and fluidized bed technologies are usually employed in operations of drying, coating and granulation of particles by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The use of these techniques in agronomy is limited to the treatment of some species of seeds. In this work, the objective was to analyse the fluid-dynamics of fluidized and spouted beds when broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) seeds are used and also to verify the influence on seed germination after 60 min of seed exposition to spouting or fluidization, at room temperature. The fluid-dynamics was defined by the measurements of the bed pressure drop as a function of the air flow rate for different seeds loads. The experimental conditions were based on the physical properties of the seeds and were limited by the apparatus dimensions. The cone-cylindrical bed was constructed in plexyglass to permit flow visualization. The values of the parameters: maximum pressure drop, minimum spouting flow rate and pressure drop, and stable spout pressure drop were experimentally obtained from the fluid-dynamic analysis and were compared with the values calculated by empirical equations found in the literature. The same procedure was carried out with the fluidized bed and the important parameters for this regime were the air velocity and the bed pressure drop at minimum fluidization. The analysis of seed germination indicated that no damage was caused to the seeds by the spout or fluidization processes.