103 resultados para Compreensão textual
The study describes the comprehension of concepts about sexuality by youths diagnosed with intellectual deficiency, during classes on sexual education. The analysis of selected episodes from video transcriptions of five classes (Human Body, Kiss, Flirting, Coitus, Condom/STD) showed: the appropriation and understanding of concepts, partial difficulties of comprehension, and inhibition. The analysis of the transcripts indicated that all students were attentive to the classes, participated in the proposed tasks, and answered the questions. The observed signs of inhibition and the expression of values were similar to those observed in other youngsters, indicating the appropriation of culturally established values. The obtained evidences contrast with mythical visions related to sexuality in these youngsters, and suggest more studies about their competences.
In this paper we present a study of reading comprehension based on a contrastive argumentative-discursive approach. We examine the relationship between linguistic materiality and discursive processes, observing the connection between reading in a foreign language, writing production and textual memories in the mother tongue. In addition to an interest in practical language teaching and learning processes (in this case of Spanish and Portuguese), we investigate the question of politeness and the theoretical relationship between subjectivity, language, and textuality. The latter, being understood as the result of discourse regularities, is unique for each and every production, yet is also conditioned by plural discursive memories resulting from contradictory social relationships in a specific historical context (Foucault, 1986; Pêcheux, 1990). In the experiment presented here, we follow some of the procedures of the methodology applied in the European Galatea Project developed for the study of reading strategies in the inter-comprehension between Romance languages (Dabène, 1996). We use the procedure of simulation and the subjective projection of participants as well as the notion of discursive resonance in the analysis. The results, having to do with directness and indirectness in speech and the question of politeness in two typologically close languages, lead to the conclusion that the concept of politeness goes beyond a pragmatic strategy used to avoid conflicts to be approached as a marker of cultural identity constitution. The relevance of discursive awareness and its theoretical and practical consequences are then emphasized.
This paper aims to discuss the future -- and the proper survival of Textlinguistics this millenium, and the challenges it has to face in order to contribute to the development of Human Sciences in a new era.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The goals of this study are to identify the potencialities avaiable in elementary public schools for the development of an educational process wich includes environmental issues helpping to find its integration with university in order to contribuite raises teaching levels for a better comprehension of regional environmental problems. Research data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with geography teachers analyising theirs activities and perspectives on the environmental crisis and environmental education. The study also offers sugestions for the devellopment of interdisciplinaires programs trying to contibute for the construction of citizenship showing the importance of better comprehension from environmental problems which includes physical, economics, social, political and cultural aspects.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a pedagogical intervention to improve the reading comprehension of fourth grade students of a public primary school. Two classes of 28 students were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The students were assessed during three different moments by means of an informative questionnaire, a Learning Strategies Scale and two cloze tests for reading comprehension. The intervention consisted of seven sessions which included learning strategies instruction, reading strategies instruction, meta-cognition activation, motivational support and study guidance. Results showed improvement in meta-cognition and in reading comprehension in both groups. However, gains were higher and more consistent in the experimental group.
This paper discusses theoretical results of the research project Linguistic Identity and Identification: A Study of Functions of Second Language in Enunciating Subject Constitution. Non-cognitive factors that have a crucial incidence in the degree of success and ways of accomplishment of second language acquisition process are focused. A transdisciplinary perspective is adopted, mobilising categories from Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis. The most relevant ones are: discursive formation, intradiscourse, interdiscourse, forgetting n° 1, forgetting n° 2 (Pêcheux, 1982), identity, identification (Freud, 1966; Lacan, 1977; Nasio, 1995). Revuz s views (1991) are discussed. Her main claim is that during the process of learning a foreign language, the foundations of psychical structure, and consequently first language, are required. After examining how nomination and predication processes work in first and second languages, components of identity and identification processes are focused on, in an attempt to show how second language acquisition strategies depend on them. It is stated that methodological affairs of language teaching, learner s explicit motivation and the like are subordinated to the comprehension of deeper non-cognitive factors that determine the accomplishment of the second language acquisition process. It is also pointed out that those factors are to be approached, questioning the bipolar biological-social conception of subjectivity in the study of language acquisition and use and including in the analysis symbolic and significant dimensions of the discourse constitution process.
This article presents a characterization of the lexical competence (vocabulary knowledge and use) of students learning to read in EFL in a public university in São Paulo state. Although vocabulary has been consistently cited as one of the EFL reader´s main source of difficulty, there is no data in the literature which shows the extent of the difficulties. The data for this study is part of a previous research, which investigates, from the perspective of an interactive model of reading, the relationship between lexical competence and EFL reading comprehension. Quantitative as well as qualitative data was considered. For this study, the quantitative data is the product of vocabulary tests of 49 subjects while the qualitative data comprises pause protocols of three subjects, with levels of reading ability ranging from good to poor, selected upon their performance in the quantitative study. A rich concept of vocabulary knowledge was adapted and used for the development of vocabulary tests and analysis of protocols. The results on both studies show, with a few exceptions, the lexical competence of the group to be vague and imprecise in two dimensions: quantitative (number of known words or vocabulary size) and qualitative (depth or width of this knowledge). Implications for the teaching of reading in a foreign context are discussed.
The aim of this paper is to verify the level of text comprehension (reading and translation) in Portuguese, by native speakers of Spanish and vice-versa. The subjects are freshmen, from different fields (300 native speakers of Portuguese and 300 of Spanish), who have never studied the other language neither as a second (L2) nor as a foreign language (FL). The results show that, in each group of subjects, there is a high level of comprehension of the foreign language, which varies from 58% to 94%, depending on the context and on the lexical/semantic similarity (or difference) between the key-words in the texts used in this research.
In this article, I review the concept of delocutive derivation, conceived for the first time by Benveniste, who exemplified it prototypically through the Latin verb salutare (to greet) as a derivation from the noun salus (health). I advocate that it might be interesting not to limit this concept to verb derivation and that an enlarged concept of the delocutive process may be useful to explain many derivations in ancient and modern Portuguese. In addition I present some of the problems that the understanding of the delocutive process may bring to a semantics that wishes to consider only the meaning and the reference of linguistic expressions.
This paper reports some exemplary data related to a research project on the role of translation in foreign language teaching-learning. The data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 47 Brazilian ESL learners. Specifically, the points of the analysis are: how the translation process is conceived by the students; why and when the translation is used by the learners in classroom situations; mother tongue/foreign language relationships in this specific context, among other aspects. The findings reveal that translation, when used a mediating resource for foreign language teaching-learning, can promote target language management.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this pilot study was to determine whether glugagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) secretion relates to insulin sensitivity (IS) in obese subjects. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty four obese subjects [body mass index (BMI) 40.0 ± 3.0 kg/m² (mean ± standard deviation)] were included, nine of which were male, age 43 ± 8 years. Twelve subjects had type 2 diabetes, all treated with oral anti-diabetic agents only. The subjects were submitted to standard meal tolerance test (MTT) for dosage of the curves: glucose, insulin, and GLP-2. Insulin sensitivity was measured by HOMA-IR, and OGIS was derived from the MTT. Spearman linear correlations and partial correlations were obtained. RESULTS: There was an inverse relationship between the GLP-2 secretion and IS: HOMA-IR correlated with GLP-2 AUC (R = 0.504; p = 0.012), and OGIS correlated with GLP-2 incremental AUC (R = -0.54; p = 0.054). The correlation persisted after controlling for BMI. CONCLUSION: We found an association of GLP-2 secretion and insulin resistance (IR). The understanding of the underlying mechanisms may provide future directions in the pharmacological manipulation of incretins, and in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the knowledge glaucoma patients have about their disease and its treatment. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-three patients were interviewed at the Glaucoma Service of Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia, USA, Group 1) and 100 at the Glaucoma Service of University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil, Group 2). An informal, relaxed atmosphere was created by the interviewer before asking a list of 18 open-ended questions. RESULTS: In Group 1, 44% of the 183 patients did not have an acceptable idea about what glaucoma is, 30% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 47% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 45% did not understand why visual fields were examined. In Group 2, 54% gave unsatisfactory answers to the question What is glaucoma?, 54% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 80% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 94% did not understand why visual fields were examined (p<0.001). Linear regression analysis demonstrated that level of education was positively correlated to knowledge about glaucoma in both groups (r=0.65, p=0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed that patients' knowledge about glaucoma varies greatly, and that in an urban, American setting, around one third of the patients have minimal understanding, whereas in an urban setting in Brazil around two thirds of patients were lacking basic information about glaucoma. Innovative and effective methods are needed to correct this situation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física