14 resultados para heritage places

em Archive of European Integration


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'Common places', as argued in this paper, may at times fulfil a persuasive function. This is the case of messages enshrined in Europe 2020. In the aftermath of an unprecedented economic and financial crisis they may sound like common places. European institutions have given precedence to measures on financial and budgetary stability, thus marginalising social and employment policies. The only promising developments, the 'new places' in labour law, must be searched in the new synergies among employment and cohesion policies. National and subnational levels of decison-making should be favoured in order to attain the delivery of new partnership agreements, supported by European structural funds.

1. Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, EC, Euratom) amending Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities, and the other regulations applicable to them with regard to the establishment of renumeration, pensions and other financial entitlements in Euros (Presented by the Commission in accordance with Article 24 of the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities); 2. Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, EC, Euratom) amending Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 260/68 laying down the conditions and procedure for applying the tax for the benefit of the European Communities (Presented by the Commission in accordance with Article 13 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities); 3. Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, EC, Euratom) amending Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 122/66/EEC of the Councils laying down the list of places for which a transport allowance may be granted (Presented by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 65 (3) of the Staff Regulations); 4. Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, EC, Euratom) amending Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 300/76 determining the categories of officials entitled to allowances for shiftwork, and the rates and conditions thereof (Presented by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 56a of the Staff Regulations). COM (1998) 324 final, 20 May 1998


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Motion for a Resolution tabled by the following Members: van Aerssen, Adonnino, Aigner, Alber, Albers, von Alemann, Almirante, Ansquer, Antoniozzi, Arndt, Baduel-Glorioso, Bangemann, Barbagli, Barbi, Battersby, Baudis, Berkhouwer, Bersani, Lord Bethell, Bettiza, Beumer, Beyer de Ryke, von Bismarck, Bocklet, Bombard, Bonaccini, Boot, Bord, Bournias, Boyes, Brok, Calvez, Cerettoni Romagnoli, Casanmagnano-Cerretti, Sir Fred Catherwood, Cecovini, Chanterie, Clinton, Colleselli, Collins, Collomb, Costanzo, Couste, Cronin, Croux, Curry, Dalsass, D'Angelosante, Davern, De Gucht, Delatte, Del Duca, Deleau, Delorozoy, Deschamps, Diana, Diligent, Lord Douro, Dury, Eisma, Lady Elles, Enright, Estgen, Ewing, Fellermaier, Fergusson, de Ferranti, Ferrero, Ferri, Fich, Filippi, Fischbach, Flanagan, Focke, Franz, Ingo Friedrich, Fruh, Karl Fuchs, Fuillet, Gabert, Gaiotti de Biase, Gallacher, Awronski, Gerokostopoulos, Geursten, Ghergo, Giavazzi, Glinne, de Goede, Gontikas, Goppel, Gouthier, Gredal, Haagerup, Habsburg, Hansch, Hahn, Lord Harmar-Nicholls, von Hassel, Helms, Herklotz, Herman, van den Heuvel, Hoff, K.H. Hoffmann, Hooper, Hopper, Hord, Hume, Ippolito, Irmer, Israel, Robert Jackson, Jakobsen, Janssen van Raay, Johnson, Jonker, Jurgens, Kallias, Kaloyannis, Katzer, Kazazis, Kellett-Bowman, M. Elaine Kellett-Bowman, Key, Klepsch, Klinkenborg, Kuhn, Lagakos, Langes, Lecanuet, Lega, Lemmer, Lentz-Cornette, Lenz, Leonardi, Ligios, Louwes, Lucker, Luster, Macario, McCartin, Maher, Maij-Weggen, Majonica, Malangre, de la Malene, Marck, Mart, Simone Martin, Mertens, Michel, van Minnen, Modiano, Moller, Mommersteeg, Moorhouse, Jacques Moreau, Moreland, Mouchel, Muller-Hermann, Muntingh, Narducci, Newton Dunn, J.B. Nielsen, Calliopi Nikolaou, Konstantinos Nikolaou, Nord, Normanton, Notenboom, Nyborg, O'Donnel, Lord O'Hagan, d'Ormesson, Paisley, Pennella, Papaefstratiou, Patterson, Paulhan, Pauwelyn, Decaestecker, Pearce, Pedini, Pelikan, Penders, Pery, Pesmazoglou, Peters, Pfennig, Pflimlin, Phlix, Plaskovitis, Pottering, Poniatowski, Price, Protopapadakis, Pruvot, Purvis, Rabbethge, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, Rieger, Rinsche, Ripa di Meana, Roberts, Rogalla, Rogers, Ruffolo, Rumor, Ryan, Salzer, Sassano, Prinz Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Schall, Schieler, Schinzel, Schleicher, Schmid, Schnitker, Karl Schon, Konrad Schon, Schwencke, Sir James Scott-Hopkins, Scrivener, Seal, Seefeld, Seeler, Segre, Seibel-Emmerling, Seitlinger, Seligmann, Sherlock, Sieglerschmidt, Simmonds, Simonnet, Simpson, Spencer, Spicer, Spinelli, Squarcialupi, Stella, Sir John Stewart-Clark, Sutra, Tolman, Travaglini, Tuckman, Turner, Tyrrell, Vandewiele, Sir Peter Vanneck, van Rompuy, Vergeer, Veronesi, Verroken, Vetter, von der Vring, Walz, Sir Fred Warner, Wawrzik, Weber, Wedekind, Welsh, Wieczorek-Zeul, von Wogau and Zecchino, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the foundation of a Euro-Arab University for postgraduate students at one of the traditional meeting places of Islamic and European culture on Spanish Soil, Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-515/82, 16 July 1982


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Romania and Moldova have developed very strong ties, resulting mainly from many years of common history (including joint statehood), language and cultural heritage. On the one hand, this closeness fosters bilateral relations, but on the other hand it places a serious burden upon them. This is because Moldovan statehood and identity has in some way been built in opposition to Romanian statehood and identity. Part of Moldovan society (especially the Russian-speaking minority) fears closer cooperation with Bucharest, seeing it as threatening a loss of independence and the declaration of unification with its western neighbour. Historic sentiment is also reflected in Bucharest’s policy towards Moldova. Officially, relations with Chisinau are considered as exceptional, and representatives of the Romanian political class are full of declarations of assistance and support for their eastern neighbour, appealing to the national, cultural and linguistic community. In practice, however, Romanian policy towards Moldova (and hence also the two countries’ bilateral relations) is most often shaped not by sentiment but by political pragmatism, resulting among others from a desire to win the support of the Romanian electorate.