7 resultados para Non-government organization

em Archive of European Integration

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the common organization of the market in wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down special provisions relating to quality wines produced in specified regions; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for fixing the reference price and levying the countervailing charge for wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) defining certain products falling within headings Nos 20.07, 22.04 and 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in non-member countries; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on general rules for the classification of vine varieties; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the addition of alcohol to products in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the description and presentation of wines and grape musts; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on sparkling wines produced in the Community and defined in item 13 of Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No --- ; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on measures designed to adjust wine-growing potential to market requirements; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the granting of a conversion premium in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules governing the distillation of wines provided for in Articles 11,12, 39 and 40 of Regulation (EEC) (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (78) 387 final, 2 October 1979


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The research team reviewed numerous several multi- sectoral entities and identified nine GGNs that became the subject of our case studies. The research team conducted semi-structured interviews with executives and staff from each of these GNNs and prepared a profile, including a description of the unique evolution of the organization, goals and objectives, organizational structure and governance arrangements for each GGN. The following list provides an overview of the nine GGNs profiled: 1. Every Woman Every Child is an unprecedented global effort that mobilizes and amplifies action by governments, multilaterals, the private sector, research centers, academia and civil society to address life-threatening health challenges facing women and children globally. 2. HERproject catalyzes global partnerships and local Networks to improve female workers’ general and reproductive health in eight emerging economies. 3. R4 Rural Resilience Initiative is a cutting-edge, strategic, large-scale partnership between the public and private sectors to innovate and develop better tools to help the world’s most vulnerable people build resilient livelihoods. 4. Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organizations that aims to improve transparency and accountability in the extractives sector. 5. Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases works with international partners at the highest level of government, business and society to break down the logistical and financial barriers to delivering existing treatments for the seven most common neglected tropical diseases. 6. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is an alliance that supports public-private partnerships to increase access to the missing nutrients in diets necessary for people, communities and economies to be stronger and healthier. 7. Inter-Agency Network For Education in Emergencies is a global Network of individuals and representatives from NGOs, United Nations and donor agencies, governments, academic institutions, schools and affected populations working to ensure all persons have the right to a quality and safe education in emergencies and post- crisis recovery. 8. mHealth Alliance works with diverse partners to advance mobile-based or mobile-enhanced solutions that deliver health through research, advocacy, support for the development of interoperable solutions and sustainable deployment models. 9. The Rainforest Alliance is a global non-profit that focuses on environmental conservation and sustainable development and works through collaborative partnerships with various stakeholders.

Report drawn up on behalf of the Committeeon Agriculture on A. the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-893/83-COM(83) 548 final) for: I. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68 on the common organization of the markets in milk and milk products. II. a regulation laying down general rules applying to the milk sector levy specified in Article 5(c) of Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68. III. a regulation laying down general rules applying to the milk sector levy specified in Article 5(d) of Regulation (EEC) No. 804/68. B. the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-996/83-COM(83) 611 final) for: I. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC No. 1723/81 as regards the possibility of granting aids for the use of butter in the manufacture of certain food-stuffs. II. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1411/71 as regards the fat content of drinking milk. III. a regulation laying down general rules on the granting of aid for concentrated skimmed milk and concentrated milk for use as animal feed. IV. a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1269/79 with regard to the terms for the disposal of butter at a reduced price for direct consumption. C. the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-1113/83)-COM(83) 644 final) for a regulation amending Regulations (EEC) No. 1078/77 introducing a system of premiums for the non-marketing of milk and milk products and for the conversion of dairy herds.


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Introduction. Regional government in contemporary western Europe corresponds to a type of society and economy variously labeled "post-industrial", "post-bourgeois" or merely "the New Europe."l This New Europe evolved historically from the interconnected strands of capitalism; industrialism and pluralistic democracy. It resembles in many respects the type of economy and society familiar to us in North America. Regional government in such a society is thus merely an adaptation on the scale of half a continent of forms of social and economic organization which evolved historically at the national level. Regional government in the New Europe is the institutional and political recognition that societies have changed dramatically since 1945, so dramatically that they cannot be adequately described in the doctrines and ideologies made familiar by nineteenth and early twentieth century political thought. Hence the New Europe and its regional government is the future of that part of history which has also been aptly described as "the end of ideology."


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This study gives an overview of the theoretical foundations, empirical procedures and derived results of the literature identifying determinants of land prices. Special attention is given to the effects of different government support policies on land prices. Since almost all empirical studies on the determination of land prices refer either to the net present value method or the hedonic pricing approach as a theoretical basis, a short review of these models is provided. While the two approaches have different theoretical bases, their empirical implementation converges. Empirical studies use a broad range of variables to explain land values and we systematise those into six categories. In order to investigate the influence of different measures of government support on land prices, a meta-regression analysis is carried out. Our results reveal a significantly higher rate of capitalisation for decoupled direct payments and a significantly lower rate of capitalisation for agri-environmental payments, as compared to the rest of government support. Furthermore, the results show that taking theoretically consistent land rents (returns to land) and including non-agricultural variables like urban pressure in the regression implies lower elasticities of capitalisation. In addition, we find a significant influence of the land type, the data type and estimation techniques on the capitalisation rate.


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The situation of the third sector in Russia, i.e. the civil society structures independent from the state, is worsening on a regular basis. The Kremlin’s actions aimed at paralysing and destroying the independent non-governmental sector seen over the past four years have been presented as part of a struggle for the country’s sovereignty. This is above all a consequence of the Russian government’s efforts to take full control of the socio-political situation in the country while it also needs to deal with the geopolitical confrontation with the West and the worsening economic crisis. The policy aimed against non-governmental organisations is depriving the public of structures for self-organisation, protection of civil rights and the means of controlling the ever more authoritarian government. At the same time, the Kremlin has been depriving itself of channels of co-operation and communication with the public and antagonising the most active citizens. The restrictive measures the Kremlin has taken over the past few years with regard to NGOs prove that Russian decision-makers believe that any social initiative independent of the government may give rise to unrest, which is dangerous for the regime, and – given the economic slump – any unrest brings unnecessary political risk.