3 resultados para Plowing the Dark

em Coffee Science - Universidade Federal de Lavras


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This dissertation examines novels that use terrorism to allegorize the threatened position of the literary author in contemporary culture. Allegory is a term that has been differently understood over time, but which has consistently been used by writers to articulate and construct their roles as authors. In the novels I look at, the terrorist challenge to authorship results in multiple deployments of allegory, each differently illustrating the way that allegory is used and authorship constructed in the contemporary American novel. Don DeLillo’s Mao II (1991), first puts terrorists and authors in an oppositional pairing. The terrorist’s ability to traffic in spectacle is presented as indicative of the author’s fading importance in contemporary culture and it is one way that terrorism allegorizes threats to authorship. In Philip Roth’s Operation Shylock (1993), the allegorical pairing is between the text of the novel and outside texts – newspaper reports, legal cases, etc. – that the novel references and adapts in order to bolster its own narrative authority. Richard Powers’s Plowing the Dark (1999) pairs the story of an imprisoned hostage, craving a single book, with employees of a tech firm who are creating interactive, virtual reality artworks. Focusing on the reader’s experience, Powers’s novel posits a form of authorship that the reader can take into consideration, but which does not seek to control the experience of the text. Finally, I look at two of Paul Auster’s twenty-first century novels, Travels in the Scriptorium (2007) and Man in the Dark (2008), to suggest that the relationship between representations of authors and terrorists changed after 9/11. Auster’s author-figures forward an ethics of authorship whereby novels can use narrative to buffer readers against the portrayal of violent acts in a culture that is suffused with traumatizing imagery.


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This dissertation relates job desires and outcomes to the Dark Personality (Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Low Agreeableness, Low Honesty-Humility) in the United States Army. It purports that individuals high on the Dark Personality desire more power, money, and status, and that they obtain jobs that afford them these luxuries by using manipulation at work. Two pilot studies used samples of United States Army members to create and test index variables: Dark Personality, Total Manipulation in the workplace, Desire for Job Success, and Total Job Success in the Army. Individual personality traits, manipulation tactics, and job desires were examined in secondary analyses. Using a sample of 468 United States Army Members, central analyses indicated that Army members high on the Dark Personality desired Job Success. Likewise, army members higher on the Dark Personality used more Manipulation tactics at work, including the egregious tactics. Yet, using more Manipulation tactics at work predicted lower levels of Job Success in the Army. Most manipulation tactics had a negative impact on Job Success, with the exception of soft tactics like Reason and Responsibility Invocation. Together, these results indicate that selective use of soft manipulation predicted Job Success, but use of more manipulation tactics predicted less Job Success in the Army. Curvilinear results indicated that being either very low or very high on the Dark Personality predicted more Job Success in the Army, whereas having intermediate levels of the Dark Personality predicted less Job Success. Finally, possessing the Dark Personality and using more Manipulation tactics at work, together, predicted less Job Success in the Army. Collectively, the results indicate that army members with intermediate levels of the Dark Personality want more powerful and high paying jobs, yet their strategy of manipulating their coworkers to move up the job ladder does not result in higher ranking, higher paying Army positions. However, Army members highest on the Dark Personality achieved job success, defying the maladaptive influence that antisocial personality traits and manipulative behaviour had on job success for most Army members. Therefore, this dissertation indicates that successful corporate scoundrels exist in the Army, but there are few of them.


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Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.