106 resultados para zoonosis.
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
En la República Argentina, la hidatidosis constituye un serio problema que afecta a la salud publica y tiene graves repercusiones socioeconómicas. Las fuertes corrientes urbanisticas han traido consigo el traslado de algunas costumbres rurales hacia los centros poblados. A partir ae ello la hidatidosis en las areas endêmicas ha adquirido importância como zoonosis urbana. Si bien las cifras de infección canina halladas (1.12%) son significativamente inferiores que en las áreas rurales de la misma región, la capacidad potencial de infectar al hombre es muy superior en canes domiciliados en áreas de gran densidad demográfica. Las altas tasas de infección humana halladas son demostrativas de los aspectos señalados.
During the period from 1987 to 1998, 13 cases of human sporotrichosis were recorded at the Research Center Evandro Chagas Hospital (CPqHEC) in Rio de Janeiro. Two of these patients related scratch by a sick cat. During the subsequent period from July 1998 to July 2000, 66 human, 117 cats and 7 dogs with sporotrichosis were diagnosed at the CPqHEC. Fifty-two humans (78.8%) reported contact with cats with sporotrichosis, and 31 (47%) of them reporting a history of a scratch or bite. This epidemic, unprecedented in the literature, involving cats, dogs and human beings may have started insidiously before 1998.
La esporotricosis consiste en micosis profunda, de evolución subaguda o crónica decurrente de infección por el hongo dimorfico Sporothrix schenkii. Consiste en dermatopatia mucho frecuente en nuestro medio, resultante de la penetración de abrojos e de arañazos por espinos de plantas. El S. schenkii ha sido descrito, en S. Paulo, en perros, gatos, aseninos, bovinos, equinos y ratones. Todavía, el carácter de antropozoonosis de la enfermedad pocas veces ha sido descrito tanto en la literatura internacional como en la nacional, existiendo apenas una citación en lo Brasil, de probable transmisión gato/hombre. Se discrebió, en lo presente relato, caso clínico de esporotricosis felina con transmisión através de arañadura en propietario, tratador y médico veterinário. Un gato, sin raza definida, macho, con 3 años, mucho agresivo, con grave cuadro cutáneo (cefálico, torácico y de miembros torácicos) manifestado por lesiones ulceradas, exudativas de alopecia, deposición de crostas hemorrágicas, agraviado por síntomas de lo complejo respiratorio felino, donde por su temperamento agresivo habia arenado en corto espacio de tiempo 5 individuos, donde 3 de los individuos manifestaron sintomas de evolución y gravedad distintas. El diagnostico clínico presuntivo fue confirmado perlo examen histopatológico (H.E., PAS) de fragmentos de piel, linfonodos y amígdalas cogidos, "intra-vitam" y/o "post-morten", per lo aislamiento de lo agente, per la inoculación en testículos de ratas adultas y posterior nuevo aislamiento. Se confirmó la patologia por pruebas suerológicas (F.C., anticuerpos precipitantes) y prueba de intradermoreación (esporotriquina) en los pacientes acometidos.
En este estudio se comprobó que el Instituto Butantan produce antígenos y sueros indicadores que se pueden utilizar con éxito en la prueba de contrainmunoelectroforesis para titular anticuerpos antirrábicos en personas inmunizadas. No se pudieron demostrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados de las pruebas de estandarización realizadas en el Instituto Butantan y las pruebas de control de referencia llevadas a cabo en el Centro Panamericano de Zoonosis. Se propone que el Instituto Butantan produzca y distribuya a nivel nacional los reactivos para que los laboratorios de diagnóstico apliquen la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforesis para la determinación de anticuerpos antirrábicos.
Most of the cases of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in Brazil were reported from the southern States of São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul (RS). A study in 27 cases from RS revealed a distinct local epidemiology. Peasants were usually affected, either adults or children, from the mountainous areas in the north of the Suite. There was a seasonal increase in the number of cases, from late spring to autumn, that does not coincide with the rainy season. Besides the most common clinical features of abdominal pain, fever and cosinophilia in the leucogram, painful relapsing episodes were detected in some patients. The abdominal pain could be either localized or diffuse during the rapid evolution to a surgical abdominal condition, with a letality of 7.4%. The use of a serological test and the greater awareness of physicians working in endemic areas is expected to improve the recognition of uncomplicated and benign courses of the disease. This study confirms the known clinical manifestations of abdominal angiostrongyliasis and demonstrates the diversity of its epidemiology.
To determine the rabies antibody level of twenty-four hyperimmune equine sera, Standard Mouse Neutralization (SMN) and Couterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) tests were carried out, both at the Instituto Butantan (IB) and Instituto Panamericano de Protección de Alimentos y Zoonosis (INPPAZ). Statistical analysis has shown a correlation (r) of 0.9317 between the SMN and CIE performed at the IB, while at the INPPAZ it scored 0.974. Comparison of CIE data of both laboratories yielded a correlation of 0.845. The CIE technique has shown to be as sensitive and efficient as the SMN in titrating antirabies hyperimmune equine sera. Based on CIE results, a simple, rapid and inexpensive technique, tilers of sera antibody can be reliably estimated in SMN test.
The authors presented a detailed summary of the geographical distribution, clinical and pathological aspects of human pulmonary dirofilariasis. Although benign, this zoonosis, of which Dirofilaria immitis is the major etiological agent, represents a medical problem since it produces symptoms which may be confused with neoplasia and thus may subject patients to unnecessary thoracic surgery. Of 229 cases cited in the literature, only 17 were reported in Brazil, despite the existence of highly favorable conditions for the transmission of this infection in man. Thus it may well be that this parasitic infection remains underdiagnosed. Finally, the importance of a differential diagnosis between dirofilariasis and pulmonary neoplasia is emphasized in cases where there is a solitary subpleural nodule ("coin lesion") present. In addition, the development and improvement of modern immunological diagnostic techniques are essential to distinguish this benign disease from other pathological conditions and thus avoid unneccessary surgery. These techniques may reveal the true prevalence of this parasitic infection in our environment.
From 1950 to 1990 a total of 45,862 strains (31,517 isolates from human sources, and 14,345 of non-human origin) were identified at Instituto Adolfo Lutz. No prevalence of any serovars was seen during the period 1950-66 among human sources isolates. Important changing pattern was seen in 1968, when S. Typhimurim surprisingly increased becoming the prevalent serovar in the following decades. During the period of 1970-76, S. Typhimurium represented 77.7% of all serovars of human origin. Significant rise in S. Agona isolation as well as in the number of different serovars among human sources strains were seen in the late 70' and the 80's. More than one hundred different serovars were identified among non-human origin strains. Among serovars isolated from human sources, 74.9%, 15.5%, and 3.7% were recovered from stool, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures, respectively. The outbreak of meningitis by S. Grumpensis in the 60's, emphasizes the concept that any Salmonella serovars can be a cause of epidemics, mainly of the nosocomial origin. This evaluation covering a long period shows the important role of the Public Health Laboratory in the surveillance of salmonellosis, one of the most frequent zoonosis in the world.
In order to determine Trypanosoma cruzi infection among mammals in Yucatan, Mexico, 372 animals, both wild and synanthropic including carnivores, marsupials and rodents were studied. Serological studies by indirect haemagglutination (IHA) were carried out to detect antibodies to T. cruzi and a parasitological study was also performed (blood smear and histopathology). Of all the animals tested 18.54% were serologically positive, with a significantly higher frequency among the wild ones (33.33%) compared to the synanthropic ones (17.79%). To determine T. cruzi in positive animals, blood was inoculated into a white mouse (webster type) to prove myocardium colonization. The serological and parasitological positivity of these animals, as well as their behavior in the environment, taken together with the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the population, suggest that in Yucatan, Mexico, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis and Rattus rattus act as a link with the wild cycle.
The presence of Bertiella mucronata and Bertiella studeri (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) in humans is reviewed, and international infection rates and a bibliography included. Taxonomic, biological, epidemiological, pathological, diagnostic, control, prevention and therapeutic aspects of the zoonosis are analyzed, and the increase in zoonotic potentiality of the parasitosis is discussed
Cyclospora cayetanensis is a coccidium which has been identified in diarrheal feces or immunocompetent individuals or in AIDS patients. The main aspects related to its epidemiology and pathogeny have not been solved so far, as well as the possibility of human infection by this protozoan being a zoonosis. We describe in this work the first case identifying the Cyclospora in dogs. Our findings, notwithstanding their preliminary characteristics, could suggest that besides untreated water, other transmission means, along with contact with dogs, there could be important factors in the human diarrhea associated with Cyclospora
Ticks were obtained from dogs from February to September of 1999 at weekly intervals, in the County of Piraí, State of Rio de Janeiro. Four hundred seventy four ixodids were taxonomically identified, 103 Amblyomma cajennense, seven Amblyomma ovale, 209 Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and 155 Amblyomma sp. An hemolymph test associated with Giemsa's stain revealed two specimens in 163 ticks tested (R. sanguineus and Amblyomma sp), containing rickettsia-like organisms. Direct immunofluorescence verified the presence of spotted fever group rickettsia in one specimen of R. sanguineus. Considering the limited information on rickettsiosis in Brazil, principally in relation to the vectors involved in perpetuating it in foci, these preliminary results give us an idea on the importance of infection in ticks, allowing to expand our knowledge on this zoonosis.