121 resultados para symptoms of boron deficiency

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Mangaba tree) is a fruit tree belonging to the Apocynaceae family and is native to Brazil. The production of seedlings of this species is limited by a lack of technical and nutritional expertise. To address this deficiency, this study aimed to characterize the visual symptoms of micronutrient deficiency and to assess growth and leaf nutrient accumulation in H. speciosa seedlings supplied with nutrient solutions that lack individual micronutrients. H. speciosa plants were grown in nutrient solution in a greenhouse according to a randomized block design, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of a group receiving complete nutrient solution and groups treated with a nutrient solution lacking one of the following micronutrients: boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo). The visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency were generally easy to characterize. Dry matter production was affected by the omission of micronutrients, and the treatment lacking Fe most limited the stem length, stem diameter, root length, and number of leaves in H. speciosa seedlings as well as the dry weight of leaves, the total dry weight, and the relative growth in H. speciosa plants. The micronutrient contents of H. speciosa leaves from plants receiving the complete nutrient solution treatment were, in decreasing order, Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn>B.


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Boron deficiency in coffee is widely spread in Brazilian plantations, but responses to B fertilizer have been erratic, depending on the year, form and time of application and B source. A better understanding of the effects of B on plant physiology and anatomy is important to establish a rational fertilization program since B translocation within the plant may be affected by plant anatomy. In this experiment, coffee plantlets of two varieties were grown in nutrient solutions with B levels of 0.0 (deficient), 5.0 µM (adequate) and 25.0 µM (high). At the first symptoms of deficiency, leaves were evaluated, the cell walls separated and assessed for B and Ca concentrations. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of cuts of young leaves and branch tips. The response of both coffee varieties to B was similar and toxicity symptoms were not observed. Boron concentrations in the cell walls increased with B solution while Ca concentrations were unaffected. The Ca/B ratio decreased with the increase of B in the nutrient solution. In deficiency of B, vascular tissues were disorganized and xylem walls thinner. B-deficient leaves had fewer and deformed stomata.


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Boron deficiency causes large productivity losses in eucalypt stands in extensive areas of the Brazilian Cerrado region, thus understanding B mobility is a key step in selecting genetic materials that will better withstand B limitation. Thus, in this study B mobility was evaluated in two eucalypt clones (68 and 129), under B sufficiency or B deficiency, after foliar application of the 10B isotope tracer to a single mature leaf. Samples of young tissue, mature leaves and roots were collected 0, 1, 5, 12 and 17 days after 10B application. The 10B:11B isotope ratio was determined by HR-ICP-MS. Samples of leaves and xylem sap were collected for the determination of soluble sugars and polyalcohols by ion chromatography. Boron was translocated within eucalypt. Translocation of foliar-applied 10B to the young tissues, mature leaves and roots was higher in clone 129 than in 68. Seventeen days after 10B application to a single mature leaf, between 14 and 18 % of B in the young tissue was originated from foliar B application. In plants with adequate B supply the element was not translocated out of the labeled leaf.


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OBJECTIVE: To diagnose iron deficiency anemia in children. METHODS: The study was conducted with a sample of 301 children aged six to 30 months attending public daycare centers in the city of Recife, Northeast Brazil, in 2004. The diagnoses of anemia were based on a combination of different hematological and biochemical parameters: hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, ferritin, C-reactive protein, transferrin saturation and transferrin receptor. The chi-square test and ANOVA were used in the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Of all children studied, 92.4% had anemia (Hb <110 g/L) and 28.9% had moderate/severe anemia (Hb <90 g/L). Lower levels of hemoglobin were found in children aged 6-17 months. Iron deficiency was found in 51.5% of children using ferritin (<12 μg/L) as parameter. Taking into consideration the combination of hemoglobin level, ferritin and transferrin receptor, 58.1% had anemia with iron deficiency, 34.2% had anemia without iron deficiency and 2.3% had iron deficiency without anemia. Mean ferritin concentration was significantly higher in children with high C-reactive protein when compared with those with normal levels (22.1 vs. 14.8 µg/L). CONCLUSIONS: The use of several biochemical and hematological parameters allowed to diagnosing iron deficiency anemia in two thirds of children, suggesting a need to identify other determinants of anemia without iron deficiency.


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In modern society, thiamine deficiency (TD) remains an important medical condition linked to altered cardiac function. There have been contradictory reports about the impact of TD on heart physiology, especially in the context of cardiac excitability. In order to address this particular question, we used a TD rat model and patch-clamp technique to investigate the electrical properties of isolated cardiomyocytes from epicardium and endocardium. Neither cell type showed substantial differences on the action potential waveform and transient outward potassium current. Based on our results we can conclude that TD does not induce major electrical remodeling in isolated cardiac myocytes in either endocardium or epicardium cells.


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Nine cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were grown in nutrient solution to study the effect of boron on growth and mineral composition. Data obtained in thie study allowed for the following conclusions: (1) high levels of boron affected plant height, root length, dry weight of tops, dry weight of root, and total dry weight; (2) regression analysis was used to point out differential behaviour among cultivars in relation to boron concentration in nutrient solution; (3) the best mineral concentration in the plant tissue was obtained with application of 0,5 ppm of boron in the nutrient solution.


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The response to B in agricultural systems of sugar cane is still an unexplored issue; B application has however recently been widely publicized and used with a certain degree of frequency. The use of 10B-labeled fertilizers may further contribute to clarify this practice. With the objective of evaluating sugar cane use of B (10B) derived from fertilizer (boric acid), an experiment was conducted under field conditions in the 2005/2006 growing season. The experiment consisted of the installation of microplots (2 x 1.5 m) where 4 kg ha-1 B (boric acid with 85.95 % in 10B atoms) dissolved in water was applied 90 days after planting (May 2005). The solution was applied to the soil on both sides of the plant row at a distance of 20 cm. After harvest (June 2006) the B content and 10B abundance in % atoms in all parts of the sugar cane plants (stalks, dry leaves, tips and roots) were determined. Results showed that the total B accumulated was 471 g ha-1 in the entire plant (35 % in the stalks, 22 % in the dry leaves, 9 % in the tips and 34 % in the roots). The sugar cane plants used on average 14 % of the total accumulated B in the above-ground part (44 g ha-1) and 11 % in the roots (19 g ha-1), totaling 13 % in the entire plant (63 g ha-1). The recovery of 10B-fertilizer by sugar cane plants was low, around 2 % of the total applied amount.


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Low and high molecular weight kininogens (LK and HK), containing 409 and 626 amino acids with masses of ~65 and 120 kDa after glycosylation, respectively, are coded by a single gene mapped to the human chromosome 3 by alternative splicing of the transcribed mRNA. The NH2-termini Glu1-Thr383 region, identical in LK and HK, contains bradykinin (BK) moieties Arg363-Arg371. LK, HK and their kinin products Lys-BK and BK are involved in several biologic processes. They are evolutionarily conserved and only 7 patients, all apparently normal, have been reported to lack them. In one of these patients (Williams' trait), a codon mutation (Arg178 ® stop) has been blamed for the absence of LK and HK. However, using Western blots with 2 monoclonal anti-HK antibodies, one that recognizes the region common to LK and HK and the other that recognizes only HK, I detected ~110-kDa bands in the plasma of this LK/HK-deficient patient vs ~120-kDa bands in normal human and ape plasmas. With polyclonal anti-Lys-BK antibody, which strongly detects BK cleaved at its COOH-terminus in purified HK, I detected ~110-kDa bands in the normal and the deficient plasmas. Western blots with a monoclonal anti-prekallikrein (PK) antibody showed that surface activation of PK and distribution of PK activation products, both dependent on HK, were similar in these plasmas. These findings suggest that a mutant gene yielded a kininogen-like species possibly involving aberrant mRNA splicing - structurally different from normal HK, but apparently with the capacity to carry out seemingly vital HK functions.


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The relationship between the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and food intolerance is not clear. We studied the cutaneous response to food antigens in 43 volunteers who were students and employees of the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal Fluminense. Subjects were divided into 3 groups after evaluation for Roma II criteria for functional disease of the gastrointestinal tract: group I, 14 volunteers with IBS; group II, 15 volunteers with functional dyspepsia; group III, 14 volunteers without habitual gastrointestinal symptoms. The subjects were submitted to the skin prick test with 9 food antigen extracts, for a total of 387 skin tests (9 per volunteer). Of the 126 tests applied to group I, 24 (19.4%) were positive (a 3-mm wider papule than the negative control) and of the 135 tests applied to group II, 3 (2.3%) were positive. Of the 126 tests applied to group III, 6 (4%) were positive. The number of positive responses obtained in group I (IBS) differed significantly from the other 2 groups (P < 0.01). None of the volunteers with IBS reported intolerance to any isolated food. The higher reactivity to food antigens in group I compared to groups II and III suggests that intestinal permeability may be increased in patients with IBS.


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A 42-year-old male complaining of thoracic spine pain was admitted to the hospital for evaluation. An X-ray and computer tomography of the thoracic spine showed spondylodiscitis of the L3 lumbar and L2-L3 intervertebral disk. The tuberculin skin test (PPD) was strongly positive. A radioscopy-guided fine needle aspirate of the affected area was cultured but did not reveal the cause of the disease. Two biopsy attempts failed to reveal the cause of the disease by culturing or by acid-fast-resistant staining (Ziehl Neelsen) of the specimens. A third biopsy also failed to detect the infectious agent by using microbiological procedures, but revealed the presence of a 245-bp amplicon characteristic of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex after PCR of the sample. The result demonstrates the efficacy of PCR for the identification of M. tuberculosis in situations in which conventional diagnosis by culturing techniques or direct microscopy is unable to detect the microorganism. Following this result the patient was treated with the antituberculous cocktail composed by rifampicin, pirazinamide and isoniazid during a six-month period. At the end of the treatment the dorsalgia symptoms had disappeared.


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In several cotton crops areas of the State of S. Paulo it was observed, during the years of 1948, 1949, and 1951, the appearance of a purple color of the leaves; the color appears in the opening of the bolls and was correlated with a decrease of production. The opinions concerning the cause of such abnormality were very different and sometimes contradictory; certain investigators attributed the disease to insect attack, others to bad climatic conditions whereas others to a potassium deficiency now called "fome de potássio" (potash hunger); our ideas on the subject is another one. We think that the disease is caused by lack of a suitable supply of magnesium. This opinion is largely based on the syntomatology found in the literature. To study the problem, several experiments were carried out, namely: 1. pot experiments using soil collected in areas where the disorder had appeared; 2. pot experiments controlling the water supply; 3. sand culture experiments omitting either potassium or magnesium; 4. leaf analysis of plant matrial collected troughout the Piracicaba County; 5. plot experiments with the varieties Texas, Express, and I.A. 817 Campinas. The first four experiments were discussed elsewhere. To study the point 5 an experiment was carried out, with the following treatments : 1 - NPKCaMg (no K added) - Mg supplied as MgSO4 (a soluble form); 2 -NPKCa (no Mg added); 3 -NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as MgSO4; 4 - NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as dolomitic limestone (a slightly soluble form) as a rate 2.5 higher than in the treatment 1 and 3. Organic matter as cottonseed meal was applied in the proportion of 500 kg per hectare. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replications and the results can be summarized as follows: 1 the I.A 817 variety was the most strongly affected by the physiological disorder, with severe decrease in yield; 2. the disease occurred more frequently in the minus magnesium treatment; 3. dolomitic limestone is so effective as magnesium sulfate in the control of the disease as well in the raising of the yield; 4. in the minus K treatment it was observed a marked occurrence of the typical symptoms of potassium deficiency (cotton rust); 5. magnesium was actually, in the experimental conditions the responsible for the purple color (vermelhão) of the cotton leaves.


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During the years 1948, 1949 and 1951 a disease occurred in the cotton crops of the state of S. Paulo Brazil (S. Am.), which caused a severe drop in yields. The abnormality was characterized by a typical reddish - purple color of the leaves, being by this reason, called "vermelhão", that is, reddening of the cotton plant. The disease was associated with a dry season. Among the several hypotheses raised to explain the causes of the disease were: insect attack, potassium deficiency - where from the name "potash hunger" was also given -, and magnesium deficiency: In order to study the problem the Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the College of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo, at Piracicaba, carried out a series of experiments as follows: 1. pot experiments in which soil of one of the affected regions was used ("terra roxa", a red-brownish soil derived from basalt); 2. pot-soil experiments varying the moisture supplied; 3. sand culture experiments omitting certain elements from the nutrient solutions; 4. field plot experiments, conducted on a sandy soil; three different varieties were employed: Texas, Express, and I.A. 817; magnesium was applied either as sulfate or dolomitic limestone. All the experiments were completed with suitable chemical analyses. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first trial, the not properly manured pots (minus Mg), symptoms were registered which were similar to the symptoms observed in the field; it was possible to establish some differences among three different types of reddening: due to lack of K in the mixed fertilizers used, the characteristic cotton rust made its appearance, the red color in the leaves of the minus Mg plants was all alike that described in the current literature as a symptom of Mg-deficiency; in all the treatments ocurred a yellow-reddish color in the leaves associated with the latest stages of maturity; 2. in the second experiment it was verified that when the plants in the pots with soil were kept 75 per cent of the water holding capacity, no symptom of deficiency showed up; was true even for the plants not receiving neither K nor Mg; however, plants supplied with only 25 per cent of the water holding capacity showed, respectively, cotton rust in the minus K treatment and the red purplish color in the minus Mg series; 3. the sand culture experiment confirmed lack of Mg as the cause of "vermelhão", being potash deficiency the responsible for cotton rust; 4. in the field experiment, variety LA. 817 revealed to be the most sensitive to "vermelhão" when Mg was omitted from the fertilizers; symptoms of K deficiency appeared when no K was supplied; both magnesium sulfate and dolomitic limestone proved to be equally effective in the control of "vermelhão"; 5. the analyses of material collected both in the field as well in the pots revealed that leaf petiole in the most reliable part to indicate the K and Mg status of the plant; the variation in Mg content suffered by the plants showing different stages of "vermelhão was, quantitatively, at least as large as that in K content, however when one deals with K deficient plants, that is, plants showing the typical rust, no variation occurred in the Mg content, whereas K in the dry mater dropped from more than 1 per cent to less than half per cent. Then, the following general conclusions can be drawn: 1. Mg deficiency is the cause of "vermelhão" of cotton crops; 2. K deficiency also occurred, but in a lesser degree; 3. the climate conditions - especially the lack of rain influenced the soil dynamic of K, and especially Mg, bringing a severe reduction in their assimilability; 4. the "vermelhão" disease can be easily controlled upon additions either of magnesium sulfate or dolomitic limestone.


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The mobility of boron (B), a commonly deficient micronutrient in cotton, has been shown to be low in the plant phloem. Nevertheless, studies have indicated that cotton cultivars can respond differently to B application. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to compare B absorption and mobility in cotton cultivars grown in nutrient solution. Treatments consisted of three cotton cultivars (FMT 701, DP 604BG and FMX 993), and five B rates (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 µmol L-1). Plant growth and development were monitored for four weeks from the appearance of the first square. The time of onset and severity of B deficiency symptoms varied among cotton cultivars. Initial B uptake of cv. DP 604BG was lower than of the other cultivars, but a greater amount of available B in the nutrient solution was required to prevent deficiency symptoms in this cultivar. Boron deficiency impairs cotton growth, with no differences among cultivars, regardless of the time of appearance and intensity of B deficiency symptoms.


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Few studies in Brazil have addressed the need for micronutrients of physic nut focusing on physiological responses, especially in terms of photosynthesis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of omission of boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) on Jatropha curcas L.. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The treatments were complete solution (control) and solution without B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. We evaluated the chlorophyll content (SPAD units), photosynthetic rate, dry matter production and accumulation of micronutrients in plants, resulting from different treatments. The first signs of deficiency were observed for Fe and B, followed by Mn and Zn, while no symptoms were observed for Cu deficiency. The micronutrient omission reduced the dry matter yield, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of the plants differently for each omitted nutrient. It was, however, the omission of Fe that most affected the development of this species in all parameters evaluated. The treatments negatively affected the chlorophyll content, evaluated in SPAD units, and the photosynthetic rate, except for the omission of B. However this result was probably due to the concentration effect, since there was a significant reduction in the dry matter production of B-deficient plants.