6 resultados para sweater dance
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) causes a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms, including urogenital manifestations. Transmission control and disability/morbidity management/control are the two pillars of the overall elimination strategy for LF. Lymph scrotum is an unusual urological clinical presentation of LF with important medical, psychological, social and economic repercussions. A retrospective case series study was conducted on outpatients attended at the National Reference Service for Filariasis, in an endemic area for filariasis (Recife, Brazil), between 2000 and 2007. Over this period, 6,361 patients were attended and seven cases with lymph scrotum were identified. Mean patient age was 45 years (range, 26 to 64 years). Mean disease duration was 8.5 years (range, two to 15 years). All patients had evidence of filarial infection from at least one laboratory test (parasitological, antigen investigation or "filarial dance sign" on ultrasound). Six patients presented histories of urological surgery. The authors highlight the importance of the association between filarial infection and the inadequate surgical and clinical management of hydrocele in an endemic area, as risk factors for lymph scrotum. Thus, filarial infection should be routinely investigated in all individuals presenting urological morbidity within endemic areas, in order to identify likely links in the transmission chain.
Youngsters are increasingly using 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, known as ecstasy, because it is wrongly believed that it does not induce harm. However, there are many reports of adverse effects, including acute intoxication, abuse potential, and possible neurotoxic effects. Therefore, health care providers need to promptly recognize the symptoms of systemic intoxication in order to initiate early treatment. The drug is used by the oral route for long hours during crowded dance parties. Acutely, ecstasy increases the release of serotonin and decreases its reuptake, leading to hypertension, hyperthermia, trismus, and vomiting. There is debate on whether recreational doses of ecstasy cause permanent damage to human serotonergic neurons. Ecstasy users showed a high risk of developing psychopathological disturbances. The prolonged use of ecstasy might induce dependence, characterized by tolerance and hangover. Acute ecstasy intoxication needs emergency-type treatment to avoid the dose-dependent increase in adverse reactions and in severity of complications. There are no specific antidotes to be used during acute intoxication. Supportive measures and medical treatment for each one of the complications should be implemented, keeping in mind that symptoms originate mainly from the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
During the schistosomiasis infection there is a [quot ]dance of the cells[quot ], varying from site to site and related to the time of infection. 1 - Eosinophil levels exhibit a bimodal pattern, with the first peak related to the egg deposition and maturation and increased Kupfferian hyperplasia; the second peak precedes the death of some adult worms; 2 - The peritoneal eosinophilic levels are inversely proportional to the blood eosinophilic levels; 3 - Eosinopoiesis in the bone marrow begins at day 40, reaching the highest levels at day 50 and coincides with hepatic eosinophilic and neutrophilic metaplasia; 4 - Peritoneal mast cell levels present a bimodal pattern similar to the blood eosinophils, and inverse to the peritoneal eosinophils. They also show a cyclic behaviour within the hepatic and intestinal granulomas. Integral analysis of the events related to the eosinophils in the blood, bone marrow, peritoneal cavity and hepatic and intestinal granulomas allows the detection of two important eosinophilic phases: the first is due to mobilization and redistribution of the marginal pool and the second originates from eosinophilic production in the bone marrow and liver. The productive phase is characterized by an increase in the number of eosinophils and monocyte/macrophages, and a decrease in neutrophils and stabilization of megakariocytes and erithroid lineages.
The purpose of this study was to examine the circulating filarial antigen (CFA) detected by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) Og4C3-ELISA in paired samples of serum and hydrocele fluid from 104 men with hydrocele, living in an endemic area of Wuchereria bancrofti. Nocturnal blood specimens were filtered and examined for microfilariae (MF) and ultrasound was used in order to identify the presence of adult worms (the filaria dance sign - FDS) in the lymphatic vessels of the scrotal area. Four groups were selected according to their parasitological status: group I - 71 MF- and FDS-; group II - 21 MF+ and FDS+; group III - 10 MF- and FDS+ and group IV- 2 MF+ and FDS-. CFA was identified simultaneously (fluid and serum) in 11 (15.5%), 21 (100%), 3 (30%), and 1 (50%) in groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. In despite of high CFA+ level (antigen Og4C3) units/ml, the Geometrical Mean (GM) = 2696) in the sera of these 36/104 paired samples, when compared to the hydrocele fluid, (GM = 1079), showed a very good correlation between the CFA level in the serum and CFA level in the fluid (r = 0.731). CFA level in the serum of the 23 microfilaremics (groups II and IV) was extremely high (GM = 4189) and was correlated with MF density (r = 0.442). These findings report for the first time the potential alternative use of the hydrocele fluid to investigate CFA using the mAb Og4C3-ELISA.
OBJETIVO: Comparar dados de dosimetria e fluência de fótons entre diferentes modelos de mama, discutindo as aplicações em testes de constância e estudos dosimétricos aplicados à mamografia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram simulados diferentes modelos homogêneos e um modelo antropomórfico de mama tipo voxel, sendo contabilizadas: a dose total absorvida no modelo, a dose absorvida pelo tecido glandular/material equivalente, e a dose absorvida e a fluência de fótons em diferentes profundidades dos modelos. Uma câmara de ionização simulada coletou o kerma de entrada na pele. As combinações alvo-filtro estudadas foram Mo-30Mo e Mo-25Rh, para diferentes potenciais aceleradores de 26 kVp até 34 kVp. RESULTADOS: A dose glandular normalizada, comparada ao modelo voxel, resultou em diferenças entre -15% até -21% para RMI, -10% para PhantomMama e 10% para os modelos Barts e Keithley. A variação dos valores da camada semirredutora entre modelos foi geralmente inferior a 10% para todos os volumes sensíveis. CONCLUSÃO: Para avaliar a dose glandular normalizada e a dose glandular, em mamas médias, recomenda-se o modelo de Dance. Os modelos homogêneos devem ser utilizados para realizar testes de constância em dosimetria, mas eles não são indicados para estimar a dosimetria em pacientes reais
OBJETIVO: analisar o nível de aptidão funcional de um grupo de mulheres na pós-menopausa da cidade de Presidente Prudente por meio do conjunto de testes de aptidão funcional da American Aliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance e verificar se existe diferença entre grupos de mulheres na quinta e sexta década de vida. MÉTODOS: estudo de característica transversal, com 175 mulheres na pós-menopausa (dosagem de hormônio folículo estimulante>26,72 mIU/L) desenvolvido na cidade de Presidente Prudente no ano de 2013. Os critérios de inclusão foram não ter feito parte de nenhum tipo de intervenção motora sistematizada durante, pelo menos, seis meses do período que antecedeu a coleta de dados da investigação; não apresentar comprometimentos motores ou cognitivos que inviabilizassem a realização dos protocolos de avaliação, não apresentar doença crônica ou degenerativa, lesão musculo-esquelética ou comorbidade que pudessem impedir ou limitar a realização das avaliações. As avaliações foram conduzidas pelos mesmos avaliadores treinados. O grupo 50 a 59 anos apresentou valores médios para idade de 55,3±4,5 anos, FSH de 53,5±21,1 mUI/mL, coordenação 11,4±2,2 segundos, força 20,1±3,9 repetições, flexibilidade 51,7±11,8 centímetros, agilidade 23,2±2,8 segundos e Resistência aeróbia 500±43 segundos e o grupo 60 a 69 anos apresentou idade média de 65,1±4,1 anos com FSH de 54,9±15,9, coordenação 11,6±2,6 segundos, força 20,3±4,7 repetições, flexibilidade 54,6±11,2 centímetros, agilidade 24,7±4,3 segundos e Resistência aeróbia 508±51 segundos. CONCLUSÃO: foi possível analisar a aptidão funcional de mulheres na pós-menopausa por meio do conjunto de testes da American Aliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance não havendo diferenças significativas para as variáveis força, flexibilidade, capacidade aeróbia e coordenação, sendo que apenas a variável agilidade demonstrou diferenças significativas. Recomenda-se outros estudos, buscando formular valores normativos para a população em questão.