12 resultados para spiritual morality

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Este estudo objetivou adaptar culturalmente e analisar as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da Underwood's Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES). A adaptação seguiu as etapas internacionalmente recomendadas e a versão adaptada manteve equivalência com a original, após ajustes na redação de cinco itens. Na aplicação a 179 pacientes médico-cirúrgicos mostrou evidências de consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach=0,91), estabilidade temporal (ICC=0,94 no teste e reteste) e validade de construto convergente, na correlação com a subescala Religiosidade Intrínseca do instrumento DUREL (r=0,56; p<0,001). A análise fatorial exploratória extraiu três componentes, explicando 60,5% da variância do total. A versão brasileira da DSES apresenta evidências de confiabilidade e validade junto a pacientes hospitalizados. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar a sua composição fatorial e testar a sua aplicabilidade em diferentes populações.


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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar uma área específica do conhecimento indígena, os sarode ou cantos de cura dos Ayoreo do Gran Chaco, para poder esclarecer algumas das bases metafísicas da epistemologia ayoreo. O estudo se fundamenta no enfoque que Joanna Overing propõe na introdução de sua obra Reason and Morality (1985) e sugere que, apesar de serem simples e repetitivos, os cantos de cura pertencem a um corpus mais amplo de conhecimentos "míticos" e derivam sua eficácia e poder não tanto da sugestão ou da metáfora, mas sim de sua capacidade de captar o poder do mundo mítico dos jnani bajade, os "seres originários", que são ao mesmo tempo Ayoreo e os antepassados ou donos dos que hoje em dia são animais, plantas e minerais.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the quality of life, life satisfaction, happiness and demands of work in workers with different work schedules. METHODS: The survey was carried out on professional workers in social care. Some were shiftworkers whose schedule included night shifts (N=311), some were shiftworkers without night shifts (N=207) and some were non-shiftworkers (N=1,210). Surveys were mailed and the response rate was 86%. For the purpose of this study several variables were selected from the Survey: The Quality of Life Profile, which measures importance, satisfaction, control and opportunities in nine domains of life plus measures of happiness, life satisfaction and demands of work. RESULTS: While both groups of shiftworkers, compared to non-shiftworkers, reported needing more physical effort to complete their work, and reported 'being' more physically tired, no differences were found in reports of overall happiness, life satisfaction or total quality of life. However, night-shiftworkers reported greater percentage of time unhappy than the other two groups of workers. In analyses of the quality of life, night-shiftworkers were less satisfied with domains of spiritual 'being' and physical and community 'belonging' than day-shiftworkers and non-shiftworkers. They also reported having fewer opportunities to improve their physical 'being', leisure, and personal growth than the other two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Quality of life in specific domains in night-shiftworkers was rated worse than in other groups of workers. Domain-based quality of life assessment gives more information regarding the particular needs of workers than overall or global measures of well-being.


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OBJETIVO: Testar a Escala de Bem-Estar Espiritual (EBE), a versão em português da Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWB), em uma amostra de universitários matriculados em cursos de pós-graduação da área da saúde, avaliando suas qualidades psicométricas. Entre os diferentes instrumentos que objetivam mensurar a espiritualidade, encontra-se a SWB, adaptada recentemente para a língua portuguesa. Os 20 itens desse instrumento originalmente dividem-se em duas dimensões: bem-estar religioso (BER) e bem-estar existencial (BEE). MÉTODOS: A consistência interna dessas dimensões foi avaliada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Foi utilizada análise fatorial com rotação oblíqua para avaliar a estrutura fatorial latente. Quatrocentos e quarenta e um indivíduos responderam ao instrumento. RESULTADOS: O instrumento apresenta satisfatória consistência interna, mas a análise fatorial sugere que os itens da dimensão BEE distribuem-se em dois fatores distintos, o que chama a atenção para a complexidade da estrutura fatorial do instrumento. CONCLUSÃO: A estrutura fatorial da escala EBE não é clara, e a presença de um efeito teto em grupos religiosos específicos pode prejudicar os estudos que buscam associações entre espiritualidade e aspectos relacionados à saúde. O uso do instrumento exige cautela, e posteriores estudos de revisão da escala são necessários.


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This investigation was performed to verify the effect of specific chemotherapy (Benznidazole or MK-346) on the inflammatory and fibrotic cardiac alterations in mice chronically infected with the strains 21 SF (Type II) and Colombian (Type III) of Trypanosoma cruzi. To obtain chronically infected mice, two groups of 100 Swiss mice each, were infected with either the 21 SF or the Colombian strain (2x 10 [raised to the power of] 4 and 5x 10 [raised to the power of] 4 blood forms respectively). The rate of morality in the acute phase was of 80% for both groups. Twenty surviving mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain and 20 with the Colombian strain were then divided in treated and untreated groups. Excluding those that died during the course of treatment, 14 mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain and 15 with the Colombian strain were evaluated in the present study. Chemotherapy was performed with Benznidazole (N-benzil-2-nitro-1-imidazolacetamide) in the dose of 100mg/k.b.w/day, for 60 days, or with the MK-436(3(1-methyl-5 nitroimidazol-2-yl) in two daily doses of 250 mg/k.b.w, for 20 days. Parasitological cure tests were performed (xenodiagnosis, haemoculture, subinovulation of the blood into newborn mice), and serological indirect immunofluorescence test. The treated and untreated mice as well as intact controls were killed at different periods after treatment and the heart were submitted to histopathological study with hematoxilineosin and picrosirius staining; ultrastructural study; collagen immunotyping, fibronectin and laminin identification by immunofluorescence tests. Results: the untreated controls either infected with 21 SF or Colombian strain, showed inflammatory and fibrotic alterations that were mild to moderate with the 21 SF strain and intense with the Colombian strain. Redpicrosirius staining showed bundles of collagen in the interstitial space and around cardiac fibers. Increased deposits of mitritial components and collagen fibers, macrophages and fibroblasts appeared at the ultra structural examination. Deposits of fibronectin, laminin, pro-III and IV collagens were seen, most intense in those infected with the Colombian strain. Treated nice, parasitologically cured, presented clear-cut regression of the inflammatory lesions and of the interstitial matrix thickening. Mice infected with the Colombian strain and treated with MK-436, was parasitologically cured in 5/6 cases and showed mild inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis. The mice treated with Benznidazole (Colombian strain) did not cure and showed moderate fibrosis and inflammation. Treatment of the nice infected with the 21 SF with Benznidazole determined parasitological cure of all animals, that showed mild inflammation and fibrosis of the myocardium. The cured mice of all groups and treated but uncured showed collagen degradation at electronmicroscopy and decrease of immunofluorescence pattern of the matrix.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) e o bem-estar espiritual (BEE) de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e analisar as relações entre QVRS e BEE. As versões em português do Seattle Obstructive Lung Disease Questionnaire (SOLDQ) e do Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) foram aplicadas por entrevista a 70 pacientes com DPOC em tratamento ambulatorial. Os domínios do SOLDQ com menor e maior escores foram: Função Física (37,29±17,19) e Satisfação com o Tratamento (68,75±28,05). O escore médio de 94,87±13,56 indica um nível moderado de BEE. O escore total do SWBS e o da subescala Bem-Estar Religioso correlacionaram-se positivamente com o domínio Satisfação com o Tratamento (p=0,007 e p=0,002, respectivamente). Correlação negativa foi encontrada entre Bem-Estar Religioso e Função Física (p=0,05). Pacientes com maior bem-estar religioso estavam mais satisfeitos com o tratamento e tinham pior funcionamento físico.


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This was a methodological study conducted to describe the process and results of the development of an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) Catalogue for Cancer Pain. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), this catalogue contains a subset of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions to document the implementation of the nursing process in cancer patients. This catalogue was developed in several steps according to the guidelines recommended by the ICN. As a result, 68 statements on nursing diagnoses/outcomes were obtained, which were classified according to the theoretical model for nursing care related to cancer pain into physical (28), psychological (29), and sociocultural and spiritual (11) aspects. A total of 116 corresponding nursing interventions were obtained. The proposed ICNP® Catalogue for Cancer Pain aims to provide safe and systematic orientation to nurses who work in this field, thus improving the quality of patient care and facilitating the performance of the nursing process.


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This integrative literature review aimed to characterize scientific articles on health-related quality of life – HRQoL – among patients with advanced cancer from national and international literature, and summarize those factors evidenced in the literature that contributed to the improvement or worsening of HRQoL among patients with advanced cancer. The search for materials was conducted in the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, SciELO and LILACS. Among the 21 articles in the sample, 13 showed an improvement of HRQoL among patients with advanced cancer related to the development of physical, emotional and spiritual interventions. In eight studies, we identified predictive symptoms of low HRQoL, such as pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, nutritional changes, and others. The results showed that clinical manifestations, which many times were inherent in cancer, such as factors that can lower patients’ HRQoL, while physical, psychological and spiritual benefits resulting from therapeutic interventions may promote its improvement.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of prayer on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quasi-experimental study, with pre and post-intervention. Twenty patients admitted to treatment of continuous intravenous chemotherapy were recruited. The volunteers were evaluated through interviews using a questionnaire of sociodemographic, clinical and spiritual characteristics, the Index of Religiosity Duke University and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Vital signs were measured and collected salivary cortisol. The intervention was applied prayer and data collection occurred in three phases: first collection (baseline), pre and post-intervention. Results: The data found between the pre and post-intervention samples showed different statistically significant for state anxiety (p= <0.00), blood pressure (systolic, p=0.00, diastolic, p=<0.00) and respiratory rate (p=0.04). Conclusion: Prayer, therefore, proved to be an effective strategy in reducing the anxiety of the patient undergoing chemotherapy.


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According to the theory of language of the young Benjamin, the primary task of language isn't the communication of contents, but to express itself as a "spiritual essence" in which also men take part. That conception according to which language would be a medium to signification of something outside it leads to a necessary decrease of its original strength and is thus denominated by Benjamin bürgerlich. The names of human language are remainders of an archaic state, in which things weren't yet mute and had their own language. Benjamin suggests also that all the arts remind the original language of things, as they make objects "speak" in form of sounds, colors, shapes etc. That relationship between arts as reminders of the "language of things" and the possible reconciliation of mankind with itself and with nature has been developed by Theodor Adorno in several of his writings, specially in the Aesthetic Theory, where the artwork is ultimately conceived as a construct pervaded by "language" in the widest meaning - not in the "bourgeois" sense.


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The article discusses how Nietzsche understands the institution of law and morals in distinction to Kant and the Christian tradition. It argues that Nietzsche to a large extent is inspired by the paradigm-shift toward a evolutionary biological thinking introduced by several of his peers in the late 19th century, among else F. A. Lange, who sees this shift as a sobering scientific-materialistic alternative to Kant. In Nietzsche, the Kantian moral imperative is replaced with a notion of a morality emerging thanks to historical, or pre-historical, civilizational processes, imposed on a feebleminded human without any inherent rational dispositions to obey Law. It is also a process, which rather than universalizing the human, splits it in a duality where one part obeys old immediate self-interests and another part obeys new 'commands,' having been shouted 'into the ear' by a so-called 'commander.' The compliance with law takes two radically different forms in Nietzsche: servile and mediocre individuals need to be exposed to discipline and punishment in order to adopt Law; while so-called 'sovereign' individuals are able to impose law upon themselves. The figure of the 'sovereign' has consequently been an issue for vigorous debate in especially the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Nietzsche research, since his apparent 'respect for law' and 'sense of duty' reiterate typical Kantian qualities. Relating to these discussions, I suggest that Nietzsche's 'sovereign' (in one context) is identical his 'commander' (in other contexts). When the 'sovereign' as such imposes law upon himself and others, his act is conventional and arbitrary (like language in Saussure), and is rather irrational than rational as in Kant. His will is not a good will, nor a rational will with a vision of human autonomy. His command of himself and others is a performative, thus without truth-value (like illocutionary speech-acts in Austin and Searle).


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Abstract Why would we argue about taste, norms or morality when we know that these topics are relative to taste preferences, systems of norms or values to which we are committed? Yet, disagreements over these topics are common in our evaluative discourses. I will claim that the motives to discuss rely on our attitudes towards the standard held by the speakers in each domain of discourse, relating different attitudes to different motives -mainly, conviction and correction. These notions of attitudes and motives will allow me to claim that different domains of evaluative discourse have a different distribution of disagreements driven by them.