79 resultados para multiple-scattering
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of multiple centroids to study the adaptability of alfalfa genotypes (Medicago sativa L.). In this method, the genotypes are compared with ideotypes defined by the bissegmented regression model, according to the researcher's interest. Thus, genotype classification is carried out as determined by the objective of the researcher and the proposed recommendation strategy. Despite the great potential of the method, it needs to be evaluated under the biological context (with real data). In this context, we used data on the evaluation of dry matter production of 92 alfalfa cultivars, with 20 cuttings, from an experiment in randomized blocks with two repetitions carried out from November 2004 to June 2006. The multiple centroid method proved efficient for classifying alfalfa genotypes. Moreover, it showed no unambiguous indications and provided that ideotypes were defined according to the researcher's interest, facilitating data interpretation.
OBJECTIVE To describe the trend for malignant skin neoplasms in subjects under 40 years of age in a region with high ultraviolet radiation indices.METHODS A descriptive epidemiological study on melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers that was conducted in Goiania, Midwest Brazil, with 1,688 people under 40 years of age, between 1988 and 2009. Cases were obtained fromRegistro de Câncer de Base Populacional de Goiânia(Goiania’s Population-Based Cancer File). Frequency, trends, and incidence of cases with single and multiple lesions were analyzed; transplants and genetic skin diseases were found in cases with multiple lesions.RESULTS Over the period, 1,995 skin cancer cases were observed to found, of which 1,524 (90.3%) cases had single lesions and 164 (9.7%) had multiple lesions. Regarding single lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 2.4 to 3.1/100,000 inhabitants; it differed significantly for women, shifting from 2.3 to 5.3/100,000 (Annual percentage change – [APC] 3.0%, p = 0.006). Regarding multiple lesions, incidence on men was observed to have risen from 0.30 to 0.98/100,000 inhabitants; for women, it rose from 0.43 to 1.16/100,000 (APC 8.6%, p = 0.003). Genetic skin diseases or transplants were found to have been correlated with 10.0% of cases with multiple lesions – an average of 5.1 lesions per patient. The average was 2.5 in cases without that correlation.CONCLUSIONS Skin cancer on women under 40 years of age has been observed to be increasing for both cases with single and multiple lesions. It is not unusual to find multiple tumors in young people – in most cases, they are not associated with genetic skin diseases or transplants. It is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from childhood.
In an attempt to be as close as possible to the infected and treated patients of the endemic areas of schistosomiasis (S. mansoni) and in order to achieve a long period of follow-up, mice were repeatedly infected with a low number of cercariae. Survival data and histological variables such as schistosomal granuloma, portal changes, hepatocellular necrosis, hepatocellular regeneration, schistosomotic pigment, periductal fibrosis and chiefly bile ducts changes were analysed in the infected treated and non treated mice. Oxamniquine chemotherapy in repeatedly infected mice prolonged survival significantly when compared to non-treated animals (chi-square 9.24, p = 0.0024), thus confirming previous results with a similar experimental model but with a shorter term follow-up. Furthermore, mortality decreased rapidly after treatment suggesting an abrupt reduction in the severity of hepatic lesions. A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the liver was carried out. Portal fibrosis, with a pattern resembling human Symmers fibrosis was present at a late phase in the infected animals. Bile duct lesions were quite close to those described in human Mansonian schistosomiasis. Schistosomal antigen was observed in one isolated altered bile duct cell. The pathogenesis of the bile duct changes and its relation to the parasite infection and/or their antigens are discussed.
A thirty three year-old, male patient was admitted at the Hospital of the São Paulo University School of Medicine, at the city of São Paulo, Brazil, with complaint of pains, tingling and decreased sensibility in the right hand for the last four months. This had progressed to the left hand, left foot and right foot, in addition to a difficulty of flexing and stretching in the left foot. Tests were positive for HBeAg, IgM anti-HBc and HBsAg, thus characterizing the condition of acute hepatitis B. The ALT serum level was 15 times above the upper normal limit. Blood glucose, cerebral spinal fluid, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-HIV and anti-HCV serum tests were either normal or negative. Electroneuromyography disclosed severe peripheral neuropathy with an axon prevalence and signs of denervation; nerve biopsy disclosed intense vasculitis. The diagnosis of multiple confluent mononeuropathy associated to acute hepatitis B was done. This association is not often reported in international literature and its probable cause is the direct action of the hepatitis B virus on the nerves or a vasculitis of the vasa nervorum brought about by deposits of immune complexes.
We present a case of central nervous system (CNS) infection by a member of the Penicillium genera in a HIV-negative man in Brazil. The patient was admitted complaining of loss of visual fields and speech disturbances. CT scan revealed multiple brain abscesses. Stereothacic biopsies revealed fungal infection and amphotericin B treatment begun with initial improvement. The patient died few days later as a consequence of massive gastrointestinal bleeding due to ruptured esophageal varices. The necropsy and final microbiologic analyses disclosed infection by Penicillium sp. There are thousands of fungal species of the Penicillium genera. Systemic penicilliosis is caused by the P. marneffei and was formerly a rare disease, but now is one of the most common opportunistic infection of AIDS patients in Southeast Asia. The clinical presentation usually involves the respiratory system and the skin, besides general symptoms like fever and weight loss. Penicillium spp infection caused by species other than P. marneffei normally cause only superficial or allergic disease but rare cases of invasive disease do occur. We report the fourth case of Penicillium spp CNS infection.
The main serological marker for the diagnosis of recent toxoplasmosis is the specific IgM antibody, along with IgG antibodies of low avidity. However, in some patients these antibodies may persist long after the acute/recent phase, contributing to misdiagnosis in suspected cases of toxoplasmosis. In the present study, the diagnostic efficiency of ELISA was evaluated, with the use of peptides derived from T. gondii ESA antigens, named SAG-1, GRA-1 and GRA-7. In the assay referred to, we studied each of these peptides individually, as well as in four different combinations, as Multiple Antigen Peptides (MAP), aiming to establish a reliable profile for the acute/recent toxoplasmosis with only one patient serum sample. The diagnostic performance of the assay using MAP1, with the combination of SAG-1, GRA-1 and GRA-7 peptides, demonstrated better discrimination of the acute/recent phase from non acute/recent phase of toxoplasmosis. Our results show that IgM antibodies to MAP1 may be useful as a serological marker, enhancing the diagnostic efficiency of the assay for acute/recent phase of toxoplasmosis.
We present a case of histoplasmosis with multiple pulmonary nodules in a patient with a history of melanoma. This case closely simulated malignancy, including the presence of feeding vessel sign, which occurs in pulmonary metastasis. We emphasize the need to be aware of this infection in areas where histoplasmosis is endemic.
SUMMARYReport of a 45-year-old male farmer, a resident in the forest zone of Pernambuco, who was diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 1999 and treated using antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. In 2005, the first episode of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), as assessed by parasitological diagnosis of bone marrow aspirate, was recorded. When admitted to the hospital, the patient presented fever, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss, and diarrhea. Since then, six additional episodes of VL occurred, with a frequency rate of one per year (2005-2012, except in 2008). In 2011, the patient presented a disseminated skin lesion caused by the amastigotes of Leishmania, as identified by histopathological assessment of skin biopsy samples. In 2005, he was treated with N-methyl-glucamine-antimony and amphotericin B deoxycholate. However, since 2006 because of a reported toxicity, the drug of choice was liposomal amphotericin B. As recommended by the Ministry of Health, this report emphasizes the need for HIV patients living in VL endemic areas to include this parasitosis in their follow-up protocol, particularly after the first infection of VL.
Nondiphtherial corynebacteria are ubiquitous in nature and commonly colonize the skin and mucous membranes of humans, however they rarely account for clinical infection. We present the first reported case of multiple pulmonary nodules caused by Corynebacterium striatum. The infection occurred in a 72-year-old immunocompetent female, and the diagnosis was obtained by Gram's stain and culture of lung biopsy. C. striatumshould be recognized as a potential pathogen in both immunocompromised and normal hosts in the appropriate circumstances.
In Brazil, a high prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has been documented. In immunocompetent adults CMV infection is usually asymptomatic and therefore morphologic and immunophenotypic bone marrow changes have rarely been described. The authors report the case of a previously healthy patient who developed fever of undetermined origin. The diagnosis of acute CMV infection was based on serological testing. A computed tomographic scan showed mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A bone marrow biopsy revealed a hypercellular haematopoiesis with eosinophilia and large mixed T- and B-cell lymphoid aggregates. In spite of bcl-2 positivity, their reactive nature was demonstrated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry were unable to detect CMV-DNA in paraffin-embedded bone marrow sections. Much like in other systemic disorders, the lymphoid nodules in this case seemed to be caused by immunological mechanisms, possibly due to cytokines released in response to the systemic infectious process.
We describe a patient with mycetoma or Madura foot, in which histopathological stains of the bone and surface cultures suggested three different organisms including Nocardia species as the cause. Criteria for the diagnosis of the organisms, differentiation between colonizer and pathogen, and significance of mixed infections are discussed.
INTRODUCTION: Human herpesviruses are frequently associated with orofacial diseases in humans (HSV-1, EBV, CMV and HHV-8), some can also cause systemic disease (CMV and HHV-8). The transmission of these viruses occurs by contact with infected secretions, especially saliva. Human immunodeficiency virus infection is associated with an increased risk of HHVs and related diseases. METHODS: This work aimed to detect HSV-1, EBV, CMV and HHV-8 DNA in saliva of HIV-infected patients from Teresina, northeast Brazil, by PCR and compare these findings with age and sex matched HIV-seronegative individuals. RESULTS: No difference in prevalence was verified between HHV detection in the saliva of HIV-seropositive individuals and controls. The individual frequencies of these viruses in these two populations were different. HIV seropositivity correlated positively with the presence of CMV (OR: 18.2, p= 0.00032) and EBV (OR: 3.44, p= 0.0081). No association between CD4 counts and the prevalence of HHVs in the saliva was observed; however, a strong association was determined between seropositivity and the presence of multiple HHV DNAs in saliva (OR: 4.83, p = 0.0028). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the asymptomatic salivary shedding of HHVs is a common event between HIV-seropositive and seronegative individuals from Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, and, especially for HIV-seropositive patients, saliva is a risk factor for the acquisition/transmission of multiple HHVs.
We describe the case of a 41-year-old man with congenital heart disease and infective endocarditis (IE), who presented multiple vegetations attached to the pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves. Three valve replacements were performed, but the patient developed an abscess at the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa and died due to sepsis. We briefly discuss the indications for surgery in IE, emphasizing its role in the treatment of uncontrolled infection.
INTRODUCTION: Chagas' disease is a major public health problem in Brazil and needs extensive and reliable information to support consistent prevention and control actions. This study describes the most common causes of death associated with deaths related to Chagas' disease (underlying or associated cause of death). METHODS: Mortality data were obtained from the Mortality Information System of the Ministry of Health (approximately 9 million deaths). We analyzed all deaths that occurred in Brazil between 1999 and 2007, where Chagas' disease was mentioned on the death certificate as underlying or associated cause (multiple causes of death). RESULTS: There was a total of 53,930 deaths related to Chagas' disease, 44,543 (82.6%) as underlying cause and 9,387 (17.4%) as associated cause. The main diseases and conditions associated with death by Chagas' disease as underlying cause included direct complications of cardiac involvement, such as conduction disorders/arrhythmias (41.4%) and heart failure (37.7%). Cerebrovascular disease (13.2%), ischemic heart disease (13.2%) and hypertensive diseases (9.3%) were the main underlying causes of deaths in which Chagas' disease was identified as an associated cause. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular diseases were often associated with deaths related to Chagas' disease. Information from multiple causes of death recorded on death certificates allows reconstruction of the natural history of Chagas' disease and suggests preventive and therapeutic potential measures more adequate and specifics.