41 resultados para mobil IT-tjänst
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Existe uma grande dificuldade para determinar precocemente crianças que se beneficiariam ou não com o implante coclear, até porque devido à pouca idade são muito sutis as respostas apresentadas. OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados obtidos através da vídeo-gravação de situações de interação de crianças candidatas ao implante coclear com os resultados obtidos através de protocolos de avaliação. MÉTODO: Fizeram parte da amostra 7 crianças com idade média de 39,7 meses, portadores de perda auditiva neurossensorial profunda. Foram aplicados os questionários IT-MAIS e MUSS aos pais e os resultados foram comparados com a observação da vídeo-gravação destas crianças. RESULTADOS: Foi possível observar que os dados são compatíveis no que se refere às etapas auditivas. No entanto, no que se refere ao questionário MUSS, os dados obtidos na observação lúdica são bastante diferentes. O questionário leva em consideração apenas a uso da linguagem oral e, portanto, a maioria das crianças apresentou um escore muito baixo. CONCLUSÃO: A observação lúdica permitiu traçar um perfil mais amplo do comportamento lingüístico e de aspectos relativos à linguagem apresentando diferenças do questionário.
ABSTRACTEnvironmental sustainability has become increasingly important to businesses as a response to the rapid depletion of natural resources. Information Technology (IT) in particular represents a meaningful part of the environmental issues that society has been facing. Therefore, Green IT emerges as a way of combining available resources and sustainable and economic policies, thus, generating benefits for both the environment and businesses. The purpose of this paper, hence, is to explain the dynamics of Green IT implementation in organizations in light of the structurationist view of technology. We conducted a case study research based on the cases of three Brazilian companies interested in this movement. Results provide a better understanding of the relationship among technology, individuals, and organization institutional properties, thus enhancing the role played by IT teams in institutionalizing the environmental dimension of sustainability in organizations.
O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar, por meio de um estudo de caso único, o funcionamento da Câmara de Animação Econômica da Subprefeitura do Itaim Paulista (CAE-IT), mecanismo pelo qual se buscou fomentar trabalho e geração de renda. A região tem cerca de 380 mil habitantes, um alto índice de violência e um grande número de jovens sem acesso à educação básica e sem oferta de emprego. Diante disso, em 2005, a Subprefeitura articulou-se com uma série de parceiros com quem desenvolveu a ideia da CAE-IT. Inicialmente, buscou compreender a realidade local, através da análise de dados secundários. Em seguida, houve consulta a agentes comunitárias de saúde para compreender quais eram as vocações econômicas da região e em qual público-alvo a política deveria focar esforços. A decisão final foi dar ênfase à promoção de arranjos produtivos locais envolvidos com reciclagem de lixo.
The rise in ischemic heart disease(IHD) mortality occurring mostly during the first half of the 20th century is usually associated with economic development and its consequences for people's lifestyles. On the basis of historical evidence, it is postulated that a previous IHD epidemic cycle may have occurred in England and Wales towards the turn of the nineteenth century. The implications of this on causal theories and current etiological research on atherosclerosis are discussed.
O diagnóstico da malária é realizado rotineiramente pelo exame da gota espessa, entretanto, esta técnica requer o treinamento de microscopistas e pode consumir muito tempo. Foi realizado um estudo de concordância de dois testes rápidos (Optimal-IT® e ICT P.f./P.v.®) com a gota espessa, na atenção básica de saúde, em Manaus.
INTRODUCTION: Debates about the quality of medical education have become more evident in the recent past, and as a result several different assessment methods have been refined for that purpose. The use of questionnaires filled out by medical students to assess the quality of lectures is one of the most common methods employed in our milieu. However, the reliability of this investigation method has not yet been systematically tested. The authors present the reliability of a specific form applied to the fourth grade medical students during the clinical psychiatry course. METHOD: Eighty-one fourth grade medical students were instructed to complete a form immediately after each clinical psychiatry lecture. Thirty-four students (42%) failed to turn in the forms after the final lecture. These students were given an identical form to assess the lectures in a retrospective fashion. The grades given by both groups of students for each performed lecture and the number of students who have graded an unperformed lecture were compared. Statistical significance for both groups was determined by means of the chi-square test (p< 0.05). RESULTS: Eighteen out of the 34 students who filled out the forms retrospectively (53%) rated the unperformed lecture, whereas only 5 out of the 47 students who filled out the forms during the course (11%) did so. This is statistically significant (p< 0.05). There was no statistical difference for the grades given to the lectures that were actually performed. DISCUSSION: The authors concluded the low reliability rate of the retrospective evaluation warrant a continuous assessment method during the course.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of stress on teaching medical emergencies in an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course and to verify this influence on learning, and the efficiency of emergency care training. METHODS: Seventeen physicians signed up for an ACLS course. Their pulses were taken and blood pressure (BP) verified on the first day, before the beginning of the course, and on the second day, during the theoretical and practical test (TPT). Variations in pulse rates and BP were compared with students' test grades. Then, students answered a questionnaire of variables (QV) about the amount of sleep they had during the course, the quantity of study material and the time spent studying for the course, and a stress scale graphic. RESULTS: Seven students had a pulse variation less than 10% between the 2 periods and 10 had a 10% or more variation. Grades on TPT were, respectively, 91.4±2.4 and 87.3±5.2 (p<0.05). Six students had a BP variation less than 20 mmHg, and in 11 it varied more than 21 mmHg. Grades on the TPT were 92.3±3.3 and 86.2± 8.1, respectively (p<0.05). The QV dates did not significantly influence grades. CONCLUSION: Stress, as an isolated variable, had a negative influence on the learning process and on the efficiency of emergency training in this situation.
We studied life history traits of females of the lizard Eurolophosaurus nanuzae (Rodrigues, 1981), an endemic species of rock outcrop habitats in southeastern Brazil. During October 2002 and 2003 we sampled three populations in sites that encompass the meridional portion of the geographic range of the species. Clutch size varied from one to three eggs, with most females carrying two eggs. Clutch size did not vary among populations, but was correlated to female body size. Only larger females produced clutches of three eggs. Females of the small-sized E. nanuzae produce eggs as large as those of medium-sized tropidurids, thus investing a considerable amount of energy to produce clutches resulting in high values of relative clutch mass.