12 resultados para migratory movements

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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A nationwide seroepidemiologic survey of human T. cruzi infection was carried out in Brazil from 1975 to 1980 as a joint programme of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and the Superintendência de Campanhas (SUGAM), Ministry of Health, of Brazil. Due to the marked heterogeneity of urban populations as result of wide migratory movements in the country and since triatomine transmission of the disease occurs mostly in rural areas, the survey was limited to rural populations. The survey was based on a large cluster sampling of complete households, from randomly selected localities comprised of 10 to 500 houses, or up to 200 houses in the Amazon region. Random selection of localities and houses was permitted by a detailed mapping of every locality in the country, as performed and continuously adjusted, by SUCAM. In the selected houses duplicate samples on filter paper were collected from every resistent 1 year or older. Samples were tested in one of 14 laboratories scattered in the country by the indirect anti-IgG immunofluorescence test, with reagents produced and standardized by a central laboratory located at the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. A continuous quality control was performed at this laboratory, which tested duplicates of 10% to 15% of all samples examined by the collaborating laboratories. Data regarding number of sera collected, patients'age, sex, place of residence, place of birth and test result were computerized at the Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Serologic prevalence indices were estimated for each Municipality and mapped according to States and Territories in Brazil. Since data were already available for the State of São Paulo and the Federal District, these unities were not included in the survey.


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The main purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of articulating Political Discourse Theory (PDT) together with Organizational Studies (OS), while using the opportunity to introduce PDT to those OS scholars who have not yet come across it. The bulk of this paper introduces the main concepts of PDT, discussing how they have been applied to concrete, empirical studies of resistance movements. In recent years, PDT has been increasingly appropriated by OS scholars to problematize and analyze resistances and other forms of social antagonisms within organizational settings, taking the relational and contingent aspects of struggles into consideration. While the paper supports the idea of a joint articulation of PDT and OS, it raises a number of critical questions of how PDT concepts have been empirically used to explain the organization of resistance movements. The paper sets out a research agenda for how both PDT and OS can together contribute to our understanding of new, emerging organizational forms of resistance movements.


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Experimental inoculations of approximately 100,000 infective Toxocara cati larval eggs were done in twelve pigs. The T. cati eggs used for inoculation were collected from cat's feces. Another group of three pigs served as an uninfected control. Groups of infected pigs were euthanized at seven, 14, 21, and 28 days post-inoculation (dpi). Tissue samples were taken for digestion and histopathology changes in early phase. The number of larvae recovered from the lungs peaked at seven and 14 dpi and were also present at 21, and 28 dpi. Larvae of T. cati were present in the lymph nodes of the small and large intestine at seven, 14, and 28 dpi and at seven, 14, 21, and 28 dpi respectively. In other studied tissues, no larvae or less than one larva per gram was detected. The pathological response observed in the liver and lungs at seven and 14 dpi, showed white spots on the liver surface and areas of consolidation were observed in the lungs. The lungs showed an inflammatory reaction with larvae in center at 28 dpi. In the liver we observed periportal and perilobular hepatitis. The lymph nodes of the intestines displayed eosinophil lymphadenitis with reactive centers containing parasitic forms in some of them. The granulomatous reaction was not observed in any tissues. The role of the other examined tissues had less significance. The relevance of this parasite as an etiological agent that leads to disease in paratenic hosts is evident.


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Necrolytic migratory erythema is a rare skin condition that consists of migrating areas of erythema with blisters that heal with hyperpigmentation. It usually occurs in patients with an alpha islet cell tumor of the pancreas-or glucagonoma-and when associated with glucose intolerance, anemia, hyperglucagonemia, and weight loss defines the glucagonoma syndrome. We describe a 52-year-old female patient with necrolytic migratory erythema associated with glucagonoma syndrome who had metastatic disease at presentation and passed away one week after her admission. The autopsy showed a tumor in the body of the pancreas, which was diagnosed as a neuroendocrine tumor and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The diagnosis of necrolytic migratory erythema is a matter of great importance, since it might be an auxiliary tool for the early detection of glucagonoma.


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OBJECTIVE: Compare pattern of exploratory eye movements during visual scanning of the Rorschach and TAT test cards in people with schizophrenia and controls. METHOD: 10 participants with schizophrenia and 10 controls matched by age, schooling and intellectual level participated in the study. Severity of symptoms was evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Test cards were divided into three groups: TAT cards with scenes content, TAT cards with interaction content (TAT-faces), and Rorschach cards with abstract images. Eye movements were analyzed for: total number, duration and location of fixation; and length of saccadic movements. RESULTS: Different pattern of eye movement was found, with schizophrenia participants showing lower number of fixations but longer fixation duration in Rorschach cards and TAT-faces. The biggest difference was observed in Rorschach, followed by TAT-faces and TAT-scene cards. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest alteration in visual exploration mechanisms possibly related to integration of abstract visual information.


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The intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis are terrestrian molluscs, mostly of the family Veronicellidae. The present work aimed at clarifying more accurately the sites of penetration and the migratory routes of A. costaricensis in the tissue slugs and at verifying the pattern of the perilarval reaction at different times of infection. Slugs were individually infected with 5,000 L1, and killed from 30 min to 30 days after infection. From 30 min up to 2 hr after infection, L1 were found within the lumen of different segments of the digestive tube having their number diminished in more advanced times after exposition until complete disappearance. After 30 min of exposition, percutaneous infection occurred, simultaneously to oral infection. Perilarval reaction was observed from 2 hr of infection around larvae in fibromuscular layer, appearing later (after 6 hr) around larvae located in the viscera. A pre-granulomatous reaction was characterized by gradative concentration of amebocytes around larvae, evolving two well-organized granulomas. In this work we confirmed the simultaneous occurrence of oral and percutaneous infections. Perilarval reaction, when very well developed, defined typical granulomatous structure, including epithelioid cell transformation. The infection also caused a systemic mobilization of amebocytes and provoked amebocyte-endothelium interactions.


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis lives in the cecal and mesenteric arteries of its vertebrate hosts, and causes an inflammatory disease in humans. To investigate unknown aspects of the abdominal angiostrogyliasis pathogenesis, infected Sigmodon hispidus were sequentially studied in different times of infection. The study revealed that L3 goes alternatively through two migratory courses during its development into an adult worm: lymphatic/venous-arterial and venous portal pathways. The former is considered the principal one, because it is used by most of the larvae. Like other metastrongylides, A. costaricensis passes over the pulmonary circulation to migrate from the lymphatic system to the arterial circulation, where they circulate during some days before reaching their definitive habitat. The oviposition by mature females began on 15th day. Eggs and L1 were detected mainly in the intestine and stomach, surrounded by inflammatory reaction constituted by macrophages, monocytes, and eosinophils. They were also spread to the lungs, mesenteric lymph nodes, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys. The larvae (L1) exhibited the centripetal capacity to invade the lymphatic and venous vessels of the intestine and mesentery. Adult worms that developed in the venous intrahepatic pathway migrated downstream to reach the mesenteric veins and laid eggs that embolized in the portal hepatic vessels.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the reliability and clinical utility of a Portuguese version of the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS). Videotaped interviews with 16 psychiatric inpatients treated with antipsychotic drugs for at least 5 years were evaluated. Reliability was assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between three raters, two with and one without clinical training in psychopathology. Clinical utility was assessed by the difference between the scores of patients with (N = 11) and without (N = 5) tardive dyskinesia (TD). Patients with TD exhibited a higher severity of global evaluation by the AIMS (sum of scores: 4.2 ± 0.9 vs 0.4 ± 0.2; score on item 8: 2.3 ± 0.3 vs 0.4 ± 0.2, TD vs controls). The ICC for the global evaluation was fair between the two skilled raters (0.58-0.62) and poor between these raters and the rater without clinical experience (0.05-0.29). Thus, we concluded that the Portuguese version of the AIMS shows an acceptable inter-rater reliability, but only between clinically skilled raters, and that it is clinically useful.


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The aim of the present study was to determine whether training-related alterations in muscle mechanoreflex activation affect cardiac vagal withdrawal at the onset of exercise. Eighteen male volunteers divided into 9 controls (26 ± 1.9 years) and 9 racket players (25 ± 1.9 years) performed 10 s of voluntary and passive movement characterized by the wrist flexion of their dominant and non-dominant limbs. The respiratory cycle was divided into four phases and the phase 4 R-R interval was measured before and immediately following the initiation of either voluntary or passive movement. At the onset of voluntary exercise, the decrease in R-R interval was similar between dominant and non-dominant forearms in both controls (166 ± 20 vs 180 ± 34 ms, respectively; P > 0.05) and racket players (202 ± 29 vs 201 ± 31 ms, respectively; P > 0.05). Following passive movement, the non-dominant forearm of racket players elicited greater changes than the dominant forearm (129 ± 30 vs 77 ± 17 ms; P < 0.05), as well as both the dominant (54 ± 20 ms; P < 0.05) and non-dominant (59 ± 14 ms; P < 0.05) forearms of control subjects. In contrast, changes in R-R interval elicited by the racket players' dominant forearm were similar to that observed in the control group, indicating that changes in R-R interval at the onset of passive exercise were not attenuated in the dominant forearm of racket players. In summary, cardiac vagal withdrawal induced by muscle mechanoreflex stimulation is well-maintained, despite long-term exposure to training.


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The semipalmated sandpiper Calidris pusilla and the spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia are long- and short-distance migrants, respectively. C. pusilla breeds in the sub-arctic and mid-arctic tundra of Canada and Alaska and winters on the north and east coasts of South America. A. macularia breeds in a broad distribution across most of North America from the treeline to the southern United States. It winters in the southern United States, and Central and South America. The autumn migration route of C. pusilla includes a non-stop flight over the Atlantic Ocean, whereas autumn route of A. macularia is largely over land. Because of this difference in their migratory paths and the visuo-spatial recognition tasks involved, we hypothesized that hippocampal volume and neuronal and glial numbers would differ between these two species. A. macularia did not differ from C. pusilla in the total number of hippocampal neurons, but the species had a larger hippocampal formation and more hippocampal microglia. It remains to be investigated whether these differences indicate interspecies differences or neural specializations associated with different strategies of orientation and navigation.


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The aim of this study was to measure the energy expenditure for locomotor activities usually performed by soccer referees during a match (walking, jogging, and running) under laboratory conditions, and to compare forward with backward movements. The sample was composed by 10 male soccer referees, age 29±7.8 years, body mass 77.5±6.2 kg, stature 1.78±0.07 m and professional experience of 7.33±4.92 years. Referees were evaluated on two separate occasions. On the first day, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was determined by a maximal treadmill test, and on the second day, the oxygen consumption was determined in different speeds of forward and backward movements. The mean VO2max was 41.20±3.60 mL·kg-1·min-1 and the mean heart rate achieved in the last stage of the test was 190.5±7.9 bpm. When results of forward and backward movements were compared at 1.62 m/s (walking speed), we found significant differences in VO2, in metabolic equivalents, and in kcal. However, the same parameters in forward and backward movements at jogging velocities (2.46 m/s) were not significantly different, showing that these motor activities have similar intensity. Backward movements at velocities equivalent to walking and jogging are moderate-intensity activities, with energy expenditure less than 9 kcal. Energy expenditure was overestimated by at least 35% when calculated by mathematical equations. In summary, we observed that backward movements are not high-intensity activities as has been commonly reported, and when calculated using equations available in the literature, energy expenditure was overestimated compared to the values obtained by indirect calorimetry.


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First an overall view is provided of Lacey’s ideas concerning science in its relation with the values of popular movements, and of the World Social Forum. Then, as an exercise in the building of conceptual bridges betweeen philosophical and political discourses about science, an analysis is provided of a speech delivered by Brazil’s new minister for science and technology in the occasion of his taking office.