30 resultados para maailma - kartat - 1500-luku
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
PURPOSE: This study aims to characterize the peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in the neonatal period in very low birth weight newborns in 2 institutions that provide neonatal tertiary assistance. METHOD: This was a comparative and observational study in 2 neonatal intensive care units, the Maternity Hospital of Campinas and the "Centro de Atenção Integrada à Saúde da Mulher" of the State University of Campinas, from December 01, 1998 to November 30, 1999. We examined 187 newborns for peri-intraventricular hemorrhages, using transfontanel ultrasound (76 and 11 respectively at the first and second unit), and classified them into 4 grades. We observed their gender, intrauterine growth, weight, and gestational age at birth. RESULTS: We diagnosed 34 cases of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages (13 and 21, respectively), and both groups differed as to the birth weight and the adequacy of weight to the gestational age at birth. There was no difference in the prevalence or extent of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages among cases. There was a statistically significant occurrence of lower birth weight at gestational ages of less than 30 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in our study was compared to that reported in the world literature. Although the cases of the second institution had a smaller mean birth weight, the prevalence of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages was similar to that at the first institution, probably because in the first one, 69% of the gestational ages of the neonates with hemorrhage were less than 30 weeks as compared to 48% in the second one. We stress the importance of the ultrasonographic method for diagnosing peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in very low birth weight newborns.
The present work analyzed the effect of the temperature and type of salt on the phase equilibrium of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) formed by poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) 1500 + potassium phosphate, from (278.15 to 318.15) K, and PEG 1500 + sodium citrate, from (278.15 to 298.15) K. The rise of the temperature normally increased the slope of the tie line (STL). With respect to the influence of the type of salt, sodium citrate showed better capability to induce phase separation, when compared to potassium phosphate.
A síndrome de Alport é caracterizada por comprometimentos auditivos, renal, e visual. Objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar as EOAT e a atividade do SOEM (efeito de supressão) em indivíduos com Síndrome de Alport. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dez indivíduos com diagnóstico de síndrome de Alport. Foi realizado estudo prospectivo. Foi realizado registro das EOAT na ausência e na presença de estimulação acústica contralateral com a utilização do programa de computador ILO 92 - Otodynamics. RESULTADOS: As amplitudes de resposta das EOAT foram presentes para a resposta global (A) e por faixa de freqüência em 1000, 1500, 2000 e 3000 Hz, em 4 (40%) dos indivíduos e ausentes em 6 (60%) dos indivíduos com perda auditiva. Foram ausentes as respostas na freqüência de 4000 Hz, nas orelhas direita e esquerda. Esses achados são compatíveis com o nível de audição (em dBNA) avaliados. Os indivíduos com resposta global presente em EOAT apresentaram supressão dessa resposta na presença de ruído. CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos com síndrome de Alport apresentam resultados de EOAT compatíveis com a perda auditiva. Ocorreu o efeito de supressão, sugerindo que a perda auditiva é predominantemente originada por uma disfunção coclear.
This study describes the concept of corporate reputation and reviews some of the major points that exist when it comes to measuring it. It thus suggests a new index for measurement and its advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. The consistency of the seven key variables for the collecting indicator is described by the results of a factor analysis and correlations. Finally, the indicator is put to test by gathering the perception of corporate reputation of 1500 individuals for 69 companies belonging to 15 different industrial sectors, in Peru. The results indicate that the proposed index variables are not necessarily of greatest interest to the study sample in which companies have a better performance. Also greater memorial companies aren't necessarily those that enjoy a greater corporate reputation. Managerial implications for the organizations in the process of managing and monitoring the dimensions involved of this key asset are also referenced.
In order to investigate whether gentian violet exhibited "in vitro" inhibitory activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the Authors have carried out 20 sensitivity tests according to the microtechnique described by RIECK MANN et al.5. Results have shown inhibition of schizonts'maturation at the following concentration: 1/1000; 1/1500; 1/2000; 1/2500; 1/3000 and 1/4000, thus demonstrating inhibitory activity of the tested dye against asexual blood parasites. The present data suggest gentain violet may be possibly used in the prophylaxis of transfusion-acquired malaria.
UltramicroELISA indirecto para la deteccion de anticuerpos totales a citomegalovirus en suero humano
Se normalizó un ultramicroELISA indirecto para la detección de anticuerpos a Citomegalovirus (CMV) humano (UMELISA CMV). Se determinó la concentración óptima de antígeno en 30 ug/ml, la dilución de los sueros fue de 1:40 y la dilución de trabajo del conjugado fue de 1:1500. El UMELISA CMV fue comparado con las técnicas de aglutinación de latex para anticuerpos anti-CMV (Dupont de Neumors) y la inmunofluorescencia indirecta (EFT). Los resultados mostraron un alto grado de concordancia y elevada copositividad y conegatividad del UMELISA con respecto a estos dos ensayos. El método es válido para el pesquisaje de anticuerpos en banco de sangre asi como para el diagnóstico de la infección mediante sueros pareados.
The basis for virulence in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is not completely understood. There is a consensus that the sequencial in vitro subcultivation of P. brasiliensis leads to loss of its pathogenicity, which can be reverted by reisolation from animal passage. Attention to morphological and biochemical properties that are regained or demonstrated after animal passage may provide new insights into factors related to the pathogenicity and virulence of P. brasiliensis. We evaluated morphological characters: the percentage of budding cells, number of buds by cell and the diameter of 100 mother cells of yeast-like cells of 30 P. brasiliensis isolates, before and after animal passage. The isolates were obtained from patients with different clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM): acute form (group A, n=15) and chronic form (group C, n=15). The measurement of the yeast cell sizes was carried out with the aid of an Olympus CBB microscope coupled with a micrometer disc. We measured the major transverse and longitudinal axes of 100 viable cells of each preparation. The percentage of budding cells as also the number of buds by cell was not influenced by animal passage, regardless of the source of the strain (acute or chronic groups). The size values of P. brasiliensis isolates from groups A and C, measured before the animal passage exhibited the same behavior. After animal passage, there was a statistically significant difference between the cell sizes of P. brasiliensis isolates recovered from testicles inoculated with strains from groups A and C. The maximum diameter of mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a size of 42.1mm in contrast with 32.9mm exhibited by mother cells from group C (p<0.05). The diameter of 1500 mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a medium size of 16.0mm (SD ± 4.0), a value significantly higher than the 14.1mm (SD = ± 3.3) exhibited by 1500 mother cells from group C isolates (p<0.05). Our results reinforce the polymorphism exhibited by P. brasiliensis in biological material and the need for further investigations to elucidate the role of morphological parameters of the fungus in the natural history of the disease.
Two clinical cases of patients who survived after numerous attacks of Africanized bees (600 and 1500 bee stings, respectively) are reported. Clinical manifestation was characterized by diffuse and widespread edema, a burning sensation in the skin, headache, weakness, dizziness, generalized paresthesia, somnolence and hypotension. Acute renal failure developed and was attributed to hypotension, intravascular hemolysis, myoglobinuria due to rhabdomyolysis and probably to direct toxic effect of the massive quantity of injected venom. They were treated with antihistaminic, corticosteroids and fluid infusion. One of them had severe acute renal failure and dialysis was required. No clinical complication was observed during hospital stay and complete renal function recovery was observed in both patients. In conclusion, acute renal failure after bee stings is probably due to pigment nephropathy associated with hypovolemia. Early recognition of this syndrome is crucial to the successful management of these patients.
Many conditions are associated with hyperglycemia in preterm neonates because they are very susceptible to changes in carbohydrate homeostasis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of hyperglycemia in preterm infants undergoing glucose infusion during the first week of life, and to enumerate the main variables predictive of hyperglycemia. This prospective study (during 1994) included 40 preterm neonates (gestational age <37 weeks); 511 determinations of glycemic status were made in these infants (average 12.8/infant), classified by gestational age, birth weight, glucose infusion rate and clinical status at the time of determination (based on clinical and laboratory parameters). The clinical status was classified as stable or unstable, as an indication of the stability or instability of the mechanisms governing glucose homeostasis at the time of determination of blood glucose; 59 episodes of hyperglycemia (11.5%) were identified. A case-control study was used (case = hyperglycemia; control = normoglycemia) to derive a model for predicting glycemia. The risk factors considered were gestational age (<=31 vs. >31 weeks), birth weight (<=1500 vs. >1500 g), glucose infusion rate (<=6 vs. >6 mg/kg/min) and clinical status (stable vs. unstable). Multivariate analysis by logistic regression gave the following mathematical model for predicting the probability of hyperglycemia: 1/exp{-3.1437 + 0.5819(GA) + 0.9234(GIR) + 1.0978(Clinical status)} The main predictive variables in our study, in increasing order of importance, were gestational age, glucose infusion rate and, the clinical status (stable or unstable) of the preterm newborn infant. The probability of hyperglycemia ranged from 4.1% to 36.9%.
PURPOSE: To study quantitatively C cells in the thyroids of non-isogenic rats to determine the possible effects of pinealectomy on the number of these cells, and consequently on the synthesis and secretion of calcitonin. METHODS: Twenty male rats of an outbred strain (200-300 g) were used in the present study. One group of 10 animals was pinealectomized 50 days prior to sacrifice. Thyroid tissue was stained for calcitonin (Dako Corporation) at a 1:1500 dilution. The number of C cells observed was expressed as number of cells/cm². Data were analyzed statistically by Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: The number of C cells in pinealectomized and normal animals ranged from 489 to 2084 per cm² and 227 to 1584 per cm², respectively, a difference that was statistically significant (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results showed consistent differences in the number of C cells after pinealectomy when compared to controls. We believe that pinealectomy increases the number of C cells in the rat thyroid.
This paper reports the study of drug consumption carried out within the population of undergraduate students from 2 colleges of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais state. Both licit and illicit drugs were studied, including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, crack, inhalants, glue, tranquilizers, stimulants, and others. METHODOLOGY: The research included a wide bibliographical search and the application of a questionnaire to approximately 23% of the students (total of 6500 students). RESULTS: A total of 1500 students participated in this investigation. The results demonstrated that there was a significant consumption of both licit and illicit drugs. The pattern of drug consumption in the research sample was similar to other investigations conducted in Brazil and in other countries. DISCUSSION: It was observed that 55% of the university students use drugs. However, the most surprising finding was that most of the students (88%) answered "yes" to the inquiry, "Have you already tried any type of drug, including alcohol and cigarettes?" The students revealed that they had taken drugs even prior to the admission to the university. The results suggest clearly that the university environment does not necessarily represent the starting point for student drug consumption.
Foi estudado o crescimento de matrinchã (Brycon sp.) e jaraqui (Semaprochilodus sp.) em sistema de policultivo em duas pequenas represas de igarapés de terra firme, nos arredores de Manaus, com superfícies de água de aproximadamente 6500 e 1500 m2 . As represas foram povoadas com alevinos capturados na natureza numa taxa de esfocagem de aproximadanente 0,4 - 0,5 peixe/m2 para cada espécie. Os peixes foram alimentados com uma ração comercial para aves poedeiras (18,5% proteína bruto, 5,4% extrato etéreo), sendo a quantidade diária inicial de 4% da biomassa dos matrinchãs até atingirem um peso médio de 250 g e, poste lio rmente, de 3% da biomassa dos mesmos. Mensalmente foi feita amostragem dos peixes e da água, que é quimicamente pobre. Em 307 e 364 dias de experimento nas duas represas foram obtidos, respectivamente, 2035 kg e 506 kg de biomassa total de peixes, o que corresponde a uma produção total calculada de 3,7 t/ha/ano e 3,4 t/ ha/ano.
O regime hidrológico de nível de água baixo e alto torna as várzeas suscetíveis a alterações ecológicas, tanto nos solos quanto nos lagos. No período de nível de água alto, as várzeas são “fertilizadas” pelo sedimento cm suspensão que é depositado, tomando essas áreas as mais férteis da Região Amazônica. O presente trabalho avalia as características de solos e de sedimentos de dois lagos de várzea (Passarinho e Gravetão, situados próximo a Manaus) no que tange às propriedades físicas como a textura c curvas de retenção de água. Os resultados revelam que os solos e os sedimentos têm alta capacidade de reter a água, c consequentemente de água disponível, com valores máximos da ordem de 45 mm/10cm, considerando a água disponível entre os potenciais -10 e -1500 kPa. A fração silte da composição granulométrica foi, na maioria dos resultados, a mais expressiva, variou de 17 a 71%.
Efeitos do tamanho da semente e do recipiente no crescimento de mudas de Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia)
O camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H. B. K.) McVaugh, Myrtaceae) é uma fruteira silvestre dos rios e lagos da Amazônia que está sendo domesticada para cultivo cm solos de terra firme. O seu potencial econômico reside no seu alto teor de ácido ascórbico, que pode ser de até 2950 mg/100g de polpa. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento das mudas de camu-camu provenientes de sementes de diferentes tamanhos, produzidas em diferentes volumes de substrato. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial de 3x4, com quatro repetições. Os fatores foram tamanho da semente (pequena, média e grande, pesando 19, 37 e 67 g/100 sementes, respectivamente) e tamanhos do recipiente (sacos plásticos pretos de 12x23, 16x28, 19x21 e 20,5x33 cm, com 750, 1500, 1750 e 3500 g, respectivamente). As mudas provenientes de sementes grandes c médias tiveram melhor desenvolvimento (altura de 53 e 46 cm, respectivamente) e as mudas cultivadas em sacos de 19x21 cm mostraram uma tendência de maior desenvolvimento (altura de 49 cm), inclusive durante todo o período de cinco meses. Portanto, mudas de camu-camu com 30 cm de altura (pronto para o campo) podem ser obtidas em 60 a 70 dias após o transplante das plântulas provenientes de sementes grandes e médios e usando sacos de mudas com 19x21 cm.