14 resultados para interim certification

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Biochar has the potential to make a major contribution to the mitigation of climate change, and enhancement of plant production. However, in order for biochar to fulfill this promise, the industry and regulating bodies must take steps to manage potential environmental threats and address negative perceptions. The potential threats to the sustainability of biochar systems, at each stage of the biochar life cycle, were reviewed. We propose that a sustainability framework for biochar could be adapted from existing frameworks developed for bioenergy. Sustainable land use policies, combined with effective regulation of biochar production facilities and incentives for efficient utilization of energy, and improved knowledge of biochar impacts on ecosystem health and productivity could provide a strong framework for the development of a robust sustainable biochar industry. Sustainability certification could be introduced to provide confidence to consumers that sustainable practices have been employed along the production chain, particularly where biochar is traded internationally.


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Biochar has a relatively long half-life in soil and can fundamentally alter soil properties, processes, and ecosystem services. The prospect of global-scale biochar application to soils highlights the importance of a sophisticated and rigorous certification procedure. The objective of this work was to discuss the concept of integrating biochar properties with environmental and socioeconomic factors, in a sustainable biochar certification procedure that optimizes complementarity and compatibility between these factors over relevant time periods. Biochar effects and behavior should also be modelled at temporal scales similar to its expected functional lifetime in soils. Finally, when existing soil data are insufficient, soil sampling and analysis procedures need to be described as part of a biochar certification procedure.


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São apresentados os resultados obtidos mediante as observações sobre o processo de domiciliação triatomínea em região incluída no domínio paisagístico Tropical Atlântico, considerado como centro de dispersão do Panstrongylus megistus. As observações foram levadas a efeito no período de março de 1976 a outubro de 1978, em áreas onde a domiciliação inicial implicou a participação dessa espécie e do Triatoma infestans. Após a realização do expurgo, as pesquisas de vigilância com ritmo trimestral e o levantamento final evidenciaram a ocorrência de novo processo de domiciliação triatomínea, porém restrita ao P. megistus e limitada ao peridomicílio, com coeficientes de positividade de edifícios acentuadamente inferiores aos registrados quando do levantamento inicial. Tal situação perdurou durante todo o período de observação. Após o expurgo, o valor geral do coeficiente de positividade dos edifícios variou do valor mínimo de 0,8% ao máximo de 2,7%, enquanto que foi de 23,4% o observado por ocasião do primeiro levantamento. Essa situação persistiu pelo tempo mínimo de dois anos e quatro meses, o que permite recomendar que a vigilância e a aplicação do expurgo seletivo, se necessário, sejam iniciadas após cerca de três anos decorridos da desinsetização geral. Recomenda-se que, nesse interim, se proceda à motivação dos habitantes locais objetivando obter-lhes a colaboração para a denúncia de novos focos intradomiciliares. No possível mecanismo de transferência da infecção tripanossômica para o ambiente domiciliar, as evidências sugerem a participação de vertebrados domiciliados, em especial modo ratos (Rattus) e gambás (Didelphis), de hábitos ubiquistas. O papel do P. megistus no processo de evolução da nova domiciliação triatomínea foi praticamente exclusivo, tendo o Rhodnius neglectus ocorrido de maneira esporádica. O não reaparecimento do T. infestans pôde ser atribuído à pouca ou mesmo ausente mobilidade da população humana local. Os resultados da participação de P. megistus na reinfestação domiciliar mostrou que esta rapidamente atingiu os níveis de positividade observados para essa espécie na área testemunha, mas sem tendência ao incremento posterior.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze users' reasons for choosing in vitro fertilization treatment in public or private services and to identify their suggestions for improving fertility treatment. METHODS: A qualitative study using an interpretative approach was conducted. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (nine women, one man and five couples) at home or at their workplace in the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto and Lisbon, Portugal, between July 2005 and February 2006. RESULTS: Users evaluated access to in vitro fertilization treatment in public and private services based mainly on their individual experiences and called for more access to less costly, faster and friendlier care with suitable facilities, appropriate time management and caring medical providers. These perceptions were also associated with views on the need for fighting stigmatization of infertility, protecting children's rights and guaranteeing sustainability of health care system. Interviewees sought to balance reduced waiting time and more attentive care with costs involved. The choice of services depended on the users' purchase power and place of residence and availability of attentive care. CONCLUSIONS: Current national policies on in vitro fertilization treatment meet user's demands of promoting access to, and quality, availability and affordability of in vitro fertilization treatment. However, their focus on legal regulation and technical-scientific aspects contrasts with the users' emphasis on reimbursement, insurance coverage and focus on emotional aspects of the treatment. The study showed these policies should ensure insurance coverage, participation of user representatives in the National Council for Assisted Reproductive Technology, promotion of infertility research and certification of fertility laboratories.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze whether the level of institutional and matrix support is associated with better certification of primary healthcare teams.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated two kinds of primary healthcare support – 14,489 teams received institutional support and 14,306 teams received matrix support. Logistic regression models were applied. In the institutional support model, the independent variable was “level of support” (as calculated by the sum of supporting activities for both modalities). In the matrix support model, in turn, the independent variables were the supporting activities. The multivariate analysis has considered variables with p < 0.20. The model was adjusted by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.RESULTS The teams had institutional and matrix supporting activities (84.0% and 85.0%), respectively, with 55.0% of them performing between six and eight activities. For the institutional support, we have observed 1.96 and 3.77 chances for teams who had medium and high levels of support to have very good or good certification, respectively. For the matrix support, the chances of their having very good or good certification were 1.79 and 3.29, respectively. Regarding to the association between institutional support activities and the certification, the very good or good certification was positively associated with self-assessment (OR = 1.95), permanent education (OR = 1.43), shared evaluation (OR = 1.40), and supervision and evaluation of indicators (OR = 1.37). In regards to the matrix support, the very good or good certification was positively associated with permanent education (OR = 1.50), interventions in the territory (OR = 1.30), and discussion in the work processes (OR = 1.23).CONCLUSIONS In Brazil, supporting activities are being incorporated in primary healthcare, and there is an association between the level of support, both matrix and institutional, and the certification result.


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Treatment with indinavir has been shown to result in marked decreases in viral load and increases in CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected individuals. A randomized double-blind study to evaluate the efficacy of indinavir alone (800 mg q8h), zidovidine alone (200 mg q8h) or the combination was performed to evaluate progression to AIDS. 996 antiretroviral therapy-naive patients with CD4 cell counts of 50-250/mm3 were allocated to treatment. During the trial the protocol was amended to add lamivudine to the zidovudine-containing arms. The primary endpoint was time to development of an AIDS-defining illness or death. The study was terminated after a protocol-defined interim analysis demonstrated highly significant reductions in progression to a clinical event in the indinavir-containing arms, compared to the zidovudine arm (p<0.0001). Over a median follow-up of 52 weeks (up to 99 weeks), percent reductions in hazards for the indinavir plus zidovudine and indinavir groups compared to the zidovudine group were 70% and 61%, respectively. Significant reductions in HIV RNA and increases in CD4 cell counts were also seen in the indinavir-containing groups compared to the zidovudine group. Improvement in both CD4 cell count and HIV RNA were associated with reduced risk of disease progression. All three regimens were generally well tolerated.


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Introduction Parenteral antimony-based compounds are still the standard of care for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treatment in many countries, despite their high toxicity. Previous studies showed that oral azithromycin could be an option for CL treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of oral azithromycin (AZ) for CL treatment compared with injectable meglumine antimoniate (MA). Methods This was a randomized, open-label, 2-arm, non-inferiority clinical trial. Treatment-naïve patients with localized CL were treated with MA (15mg/kg/day up to 1,215mg) or AZ (500mg/day) during 20 consecutive days. The primary efficacy end point was a CL cure 90 days after treatment completion. The analysis was performed with intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol (PP) analyses. After an anticipated interim analysis, the study was interrupted due to the high failure rate in the azithromycin group. Results Twenty-four volunteers were included in each group. The MA group had a higher cure rate than the AZ group with the ITT and PP analyses, which were 54.2% versus 20.8% [relative risk (RR) 1.97; 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) 1.13-3.42] and 72.2% versus 23.8% (RR 3.03; 95%CI 1.34-6.87), respectively. No unexpected adverse events were observed. Conclusions Azithromycin is ineffective for CL treatment and does not seem to have a role in the therapeutic arsenal for CL.


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INTRODUCTION: Control strategies to eliminate the transmission of Chagas disease by insect vectors have significantly decreased the number of reported acute cases in Brazil. However, data regarding the incidence and distribution of acute Chagas disease cases in the State of Pernambuco are unavailable in the literature. METHODS: A geographical information system was used to delineate the spatiotemporal distribution profile of the cases from 2002 to 2013 in 185 municipalities of Pernambuco based on the municipality where notification occurred. The results were presented in digital maps generated by the TerraView software (INPE). RESULTS: A total of 302 cases of acute disease were recorded in 37.8% of the municipalities, for a total of 0.13 cases per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year. Out of the 302 cases, 99.3% were reported between 2002 and 2006. The most affected municipalities were Carnaubeira da Penha, Mirandiba and Terra Nova. The risk maps showed a significant decrease in the number of notifications and a concentration of cases in the Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights a significant decrease in new cases of acute Chagas disease in Pernambuco starting in 2006 when Brazil received an international certification for the interruption of vectorial transmission by Triatoma infestans. However, control strategies should still be encouraged because other triatomine species can also transmit the parasite; moreover, other transmission modes must not be neglected.


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Foram determinados diversos parâmetros da biologia de Conotrachelus hutneropictus Fiedler, importante praga do cacaueiro, Theobroma cacao L. e do cupuaçuzeiro, T. grandiflorum (Will, ex Spreng.) Schum na Amazônia brasileira. A pesquisa foi realizada em laboratório, com fotofase natural de 12 horas, sob condições controladas de temperatura (27 ± 2eC) e umidade relativa (80 ± 10%). C. hutneropictus alimentado com folhas novas e frutos novos de cacueiros, apresentou em média, um ciclo de ovo a emergência do adulto do solo de 79 a 151 dias e em média, 108,80 ± 9,44 dias (Χ ±Εχ95) para machos e 156,87 ±16,19 dias para fêmeas. O período de pré-oviposição foi de 16,20 ± 0,49 dias. O periodo de oviposição foi de 80,50 ± 5,58 dias, colocando cada fêmea, de 55 a 153 ovos, em média 108,45 ± 6,21 ovos, sendo as posturas diárias e constituídas em média por 1,29 ± 0,03 ovos. No interior dos frutos de cacau, o inseto necessitou de 4,73 ± 0,06 dias e 26,64 ±0,17 dias, para o desenvolvimento embrionário e larval, respectivamente. Após esse período, um total de 20,25 ± 1,50 dias se passaram no solo, para o desenvolvimento das fases de pré-pupa (6,07 ± 0,06 dias), pupa (9,62 ±0,10 dias) e completa formação fisiológica do adulto (4,56 ±0,11 dias). Neste interim, C. humeropictus torna-se mais vulnerável ao ataque de seus inimigos naturais, principalmente fungos, dentre os quais Metarhiziutn anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. e Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., únicos inimigos constatados para a espécie no decorrer da pesquisa.


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Fundamento: A Síndrome Metabólica (SM) é uma agregação de fatores de risco que aumenta a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares e Diabete Melito (DM). O envelhecimento da população vem acompanhado de maior prevalência de SM, que varia dependendo da população estudada e do critério diagnóstico utilizado. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de SM em idosos por quatro critérios diagnósticos e a concordância entre esses. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em 243 indivíduos acima de 60 anos (180 mulheres) em Niterói (RJ). Foram avaliados através de exame clínico glicemia jejum, insulinemia jejum, perfil lipídico e medidas antropométricas - peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal e relação cintura/quadril. A prevalência de SM foi estimada utilizando critérios diagnósticos da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) modificado, National Cholesterol Education Program - Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) e Joint Interim Statement (JIS). Resultados: A prevalência foi elevada pelos quatro critérios, OMS (51,9%), NCEP-ATPIII (45,2%), IDF (64,1%) e JIS (69,1%), e a concordância entre os critérios diagnósticos pelo índice kappa foi moderada em quase todas as comparações OMS vs. IDF (k = 0,47; intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%, 0,35 - 0,58); OMS vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0,51; IC 95%, 0,40 - 0,61); OMS vs. JIS (k = 0,45; IC 95%, 0,33 - 0,56); IDF vs. NCEP-ATPIII (k = 0,55, IC 95%, 0,45 - 0,65) e NCEP-ATPIII vs. JIS (k = 0,53; IC 95%, 0,43 - 0,64), exceto entre IDF vs. JIS (K= 0,89; IC 95%, 0,83 - 0,95), considerada boa. Conclusão: A prevalência de SM foi elevada pelos quatro critérios diagnósticos, principalmente pelo JIS. Houve uma boa concordância entre os critérios JIS e IDF e moderada entre os outros.


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Although a disease of great antiquity, scientific studies of schistosomiasis began only 150 years ago. The complete life-cycle was not described until just before the First World War, making it possible at last to plan proper community control programmes. Inadequate tools prevented their effective implementation until well after the Second World War when new tools became available, thanks to the newly formed World Health Organization. Molluscicides spearheaded control programmes until the late 1970s but were then replaced by the newly developed, safe drugs still used today. Whatever the method used, the initial goal of eradication was, in the light of experience and cost, gradually replaced by less ambitious targets; first to stop transmission and then to reduce morbidity. The most successful programmes combined several methods to minimise reinfection after chemotherapy. Comparisons between different programmes are difficult without using appropriate, standardised diagnostic techniques and the correct epidemiological measurements. Some examples will be presented, mainly from our studies on Schistosoma mansoni in Kenya. Drug resistance on a scale comparable with malaria has not occurred in schistosomiasis but the likely withdrawal of all drugs except praziquantel leaves its control extremely vulnerable to this potential problem. An effective, affordable vaccine for use in endemic countries is unlikely to be ready for at least 5 years, and developing strategies for its use could take a further decade or more, judging from experience with drugs and molluscicides. In the interim, by analogy with malaria, the most cost-effective approach would the use of drugs combined with other methods to stop transmission, including molluscicides. The cost of molluscicides needs to be reduced and fears allayed about their supposedly adverse ecological effects.


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Certifying the absence of Chagas disease transmission by native vectors lacks scientific grounds and weakens long-term control-surveillance systems to the detriment of people living under risk conditions. Instead, a regular "certification of good practice" (including vector control-surveillance, case detection/patient care and blood safety) could help achieve sustained disease control.


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In a recent article in the Reader’s Opinion, advantages and disadvantages of the certification processes of interrupted Chagas disease transmission (American trypanosomiasis) by native vector were discussed. Such concept, accepted by those authors for the case of endemic situations with introduced vectors, has been built on a long and laborious process by endemic countries and Subregional Initiatives for Prevention, Control and Treatment of Chagas, with Technical Secretariat of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, to create a horizon target and goal to concentrate priorities and resource allocation and actions. With varying degrees of sucess, which are not replaceable for a certificate of good practice, has allowed during 23 years to safeguard the effective control of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi not to hundreds of thousands, but millions of people at risk conditions, truly “the art of the possible.”


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As an evaluation scheme, we propose certifying for “control”, as alternative to “interruption”, of Chagas disease transmission by native vectors, to project a more achievable and measurable goal and sharing good practices through an “open online platform” rather than “formal certification” to make the key knowledge more accumulable and accessible.