19 resultados para indoor location

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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A relation between a rice irrigation system and mosquito breeding was established in a study undertaken at the Ribeira Valley Experimental Station, from January through December 1992. Flooding favoured Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) and Culex (Melanoconion) species, while empty paddies condition were propitious to Aedes scapularis and Culex (Culex) species. Compared with a more primitive area of the same region, several species showed high a degree of adaptation to the anthropic environment. Among them, Anopheles albitarsis, a potential malaria vector that breeds in the irrigation system, has shown immature stage production thirteen times higher than at the natural breeding sites. In addition, Ae. scapularis, An. oswaldoi, Cx. bastagarius, and Cx. chidesteri presented high levels of synanthropy.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o nível de ruído no ambiente de trabalho do professor de educação física durante as aulas de ciclismo indoor e sua associação com alguns aspectos da saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal conduzido com 15 professores de educação física de diferentes academias de ginástica, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), em 2007. As características do processo e da organização do trabalho e as queixas de saúde relatadas pelos professores foram coletadas por meio de questionário padronizado. Para verificação dos transtornos psiquiátricos menores foi usado o SRQ-20 (Self-Report Questionnaire). As medidas de pressão sonora foram realizadas em um aparelho portátil. O nível de pressão foi medido em dB(A) no nível equivalente de energia em diferentes pontos da sala e momentos da aula. As análises estatísticas utilizadas foram a ANOVA, o qui-quadrado e a correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de pressão sonora variaram entre 74,4 dB(A) e 101,6 dB(A). Os valores médios encontrados durante as aulas foram: a) aquecimento (média= 88,45 dB(A)); b) parte principal (média= 95,86 dB(A)); e, fechamento (média= 85,12 dB(A)). O ruído de fundo apresentou o valor médio de 66,89 dB(A). Houve diferenças significativas (p<0,001) entre os valores médios de ruído de fundo e as fases da aula. O ruído não se correlacionou aos transtornos psiquiátricos menores. CONCLUSÕES: Os profissionais de educação física que trabalham com ciclismo indoor estão sujeitos a níveis elevados de pressão sonora em suas aulas. Este agente físico tem sido associado a diversos problemas de saúde e, portanto, requerer um controle mais amplo.


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FUNDAMENTO: O ciclismo indoor é um exercício aeróbico no qual se utiliza grandes grupamentos musculares dos membros inferiores, carente de impacto osteoarticular e de elevado gasto calórico, o que o torna interessante para se gerar uma estratégia não farmacológica. OBJETIVO: Analisar a composição corporal e o perfil lipídico sérico de mulheres com sobrepeso após doze semanas de dieta hipocalórica e treinamento de ciclismo indoor. MÉTODOS: Foram randomizadas 40 mulheres (23,90 ± 3,10 anos), subdivididas em quatro grupos: controle (C), ciclismo indoor (CI), ciclismo indoor associado a dieta hipocalórica (CD) e dieta hipocalórica (D). As variáveis analisadas foram: estatura e massa corporal, IMC, percentual de gordura, massa magra, triglicerídeos, colesterol e lipoproteinas (HDL,LDL,VLDL). O treinamento de ciclismo indoor consistiu em três sessões semanais de 45 minutos cada e a uma restrição energética de aproximadamente 1.200 kcal. O estudo teve duração de 12 semanas. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva (média e desvio padrão) e inferencial (test t de Student). O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos CI, CD e D reduziram significativamente as médias das variáveis antropométricas após as 12 semanas de intervenção (massa corporal, percentual de gordura e índice de massa corporal), além dos níveis séricos de colesterol total e triglicerídios. Em relação ao HDL colesterol, houve aumento significativo para os grupos CI e CD. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com os resultados, o ciclismo indoor e a dieta hipocalórica contribuíram no combate ao sobrepeso bem como no controle do nível sérico dos lipídeos.


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The principal vector of malaria in eastern Venezuela, Anopheles aquasalis, is exophagic and exophilic. Control using indoor insecticide house sprays has failed to lower the number of malaria cases. Therefore, studies were initiated in two villages of the eastern coastal state of Sucre to better understand this vector's biology and develop a more integrated control program. An. aquasalis was found to have a crepuscular biting behavior with a major peak at dusk and a minor peak at dawn. Mosquitos were collected more outdoors than indoors. Forty-seven percent of the biting took place before people went to bed (22:30 hr) and 69% of the mosquitos biting during this time period bite outdoors. Outdoor biting could be the reason why indoor spraying alone did not lower malaria cases. Seasonal abundance was greater in the rainy season compared to the dry season. Seasonal parous rates were high (78.3%-100%) and similar indoors and outdoors and between dry and wet season in Santa F e. In Guayana, the seasonal parity was lower (34.6%-42.2%) than Santa F e with indoor parity slightly higher than outdoors. Malaria cases were higher in Santa F e, but adult mosquito density was much lower than in Guayana. This difference could have been due to higher parity in Santa F e compared to Guayana. The greater distance to the nearest breeding site and presence of alternative hosts in Guayana can not be discounted as factors which contributed to the difference in malaria transmission between locations. We concluded that knowledge on seasonal occurrence, biting activity, resting behavior and breeding site location can be used to design a new control strategy for this vector.


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Fluorescence in situ hybridization of Anopheles darlingi and A. nuneztovari demonstrated nucleolar organizer region activity at the end of the fourth larval instar, when the nucleolar organizer regions underwent gradual condensation. The heteromorphic sex chromosomes showed intraindividual size variation in the rDNA blocks located in the pericentromeric region and this coincided with the location of constitutive heterochromatin (C-banding).


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This study aimed at identifying the best ovitrap installation sites for gravid Aedes aegypti in Mirassol, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Ovitraps were installed in ten houses per block over ten blocks. Four ovitraps were placed per residence, one in the bedroom, one in the living room, and two outdoors with one in a sheltered area and one in an outside site. Each week for eleven weeks, visits were made to examine the ovitraps and to change the paddles used for egg-laying. Eggs were analyzed according to the trap location. The results showed that the outdoor sites received significantly more oviposition than indoor sites. Additionally, in respect to the outdoor sites, the outside site received significantly more oviposition than the sheltered site. A b correlation was observed between positive traps and egg numbers. The results are discussed with respect to the best installation site of the traps and their implications in surveillance and control of dengue vectors.


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In this study it was compared the MAS-100 and the Andersen air samplers' performances and a similar trend in both instruments was observed. It was also evaluated the microbial contamination levels in 3060 samples of offices, hospitals, industries, and shopping centers, in the period of 1998 to 2002, in Rio de Janeiro city. Considering each environment, 94.3 to 99.4% of the samples were the allowed limit in Brazil (750 CFU/m³). The industries' results showed more important similarity among fungi and total heterotrophs distributions, with the majority of the results between zero and 100 CFU/m³. The offices' results showed dispersion around 300 CFU/m³. The hospitals' results presented the same trend, with an average of 200 CFU/m³. Shopping centers' environments showed an average of 300 CFU/m³ for fungi, but presented a larger dispersion pattern for the total heterotrophs, with the highest average (1000 CFU/m³). It was also investigated the correlation of the sampling period with the number of airborne microorganisms and with the environmental parameters (temperature and air humidity) through the principal components analysis. All indoor air samples distributions were very similar. The temperature and air humidity had no significant influence on the samples dispersion patterns.


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In this study, we used fluorescence in situ hybridisation to determine the chromosomal location of 45S rDNA clusters in 10 species of the tribe Rhodniini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae). The results showed striking inter and intraspecific variability, with the location of the rDNA clusters restricted to sex chromosomes with two patterns: either on one (X chromosome) or both sex chromosomes (X and Y chromosomes). This variation occurs within a genus that has an unchanging diploid chromosome number (2n = 22, including 20 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes) and a similar chromosome size and genomic DNA content, reflecting a genome dynamic not revealed by these chromosome traits. The rDNA variation in closely related species and the intraspecific polymorphism in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis suggested that the chromosomal position of rDNA clusters might be a useful marker to identify recently diverged species or populations. We discuss the ancestral position of ribosomal genes in the tribe Rhodniini and the possible mechanisms involved in the variation of the rDNA clusters, including the loss of rDNA loci on the Y chromosome, transposition and ectopic pairing. The last two processes involve chromosomal exchanges between both sex chromosomes, in contrast to the widely accepted idea that the achiasmatic sex chromosomes of Heteroptera do not interchange sequences.


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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a promising pest control method in terms of efficacy and environmental compatibility. In this study, we determined the efficacy of thiotepa-sterilised males in reducing the target Aedes aegypti populations. Treated male pupae were released weekly into large laboratory cages at a constant ratio of either 5:1 or 2:1 sterile-to-fertile males. A two-to-one release ratio reduced the hatch rate of eggs laid in the cage by approximately a third and reduced the adult catch rate by approximately a quarter, but a 5:1 release drove the population to elimination after 15 weeks of release. These results indicate that thiotepa exposure is an effective means of sterilising Ae. aegypti and males thus treated are able to reduce the reproductive capacity of a stable population under laboratory conditions. Further testing of the method in semi-field enclosures is required to evaluate the mating competitiveness of sterile males when exposed to natural environmental conditions. If proven effective, SIT using thiotepa-sterilised males may be incorporated into an integrated programme of vector control to combat dengue in Cuba.


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Preliminary study of insects associated to indoor body decay in Colombia. This is the first report studying insects associated to indoor body decay process of a white pig (Sus scrofa) (Artiodactyla, Suidae) in a controlled indoor environment in an urban area of Florencia city, Amazonia Piedmont, Colombia. For a period of 54 days, 9,220 individuals (immature and adults), distributed in 3 orders, 5 families, 10 genera, and 10 species were collected using entomological nets and tweezers. Five decaying stages are described (fresh, bloated, active decay, advanced decay and remains). During the fresh stage we recorded Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius, 1775), Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830), Oxysarcodexia sp., Lepidodexia sp. and Lasiophanes sp.; during the bloating stage C. macellaria, C. albiceps, Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819), Hemilucillia semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850), Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758, O. aenescens, Oxysarcodexia sp., Lepidodexia sp., Dermestes maculatus De Geer, 1774 and Lasiphanes sp.; during the active decay C. macellaria, C. albiceps, L. eximia, M. domestica, O. aenescens, Lepidodexia sp. D. maculatus and Lasiophanes sp.; during the advanced decay C. macellaria, C. albiceps, M. domestica, Lepidodexia sp. and Lasiophanes sp.; and during the remains stage C. albiceps, D. maculatus and Lasiophanes sp. The insects were sorted out in 3 ecological categories; necrophagous, predators and parasites and sarco-saprophagous. According to Chao and Jack estimators, total richness was observed on day 20, with 100% of the expected species.


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The protective effect of cations, especially Ca and Mg, against aluminum (Al) rhizotoxicity has been extensively investigated in the last decades. The mechanisms by which the process occurs are however only beginning to be elucidated. Six experiments were carried out here to characterize the protective effect of Mg application in relation to timing, location and crop specificity: Experiment 1 - Protective effect of Mg compared to Ca; Experiment 2 - Protective effect of Mg on distinct root classes of 15 soybean genotypes; Experiment 3 - Effect of timing of Mg supply on the response of soybean cvs. to Al; Experiment 4 - Investigating whether the Mg protective effect is apoplastic or simplastic using a split-root system; Experiment 5 - Protective effect of Mg supplied in solution or foliar spraying, and Experiment 6 - Protective effect of Mg on Al rhizotoxicity in other crops. It was found that the addition of 50 mmol L-1 Mg to solutions containing toxic Al increased Al tolerance in 15 soybean cultivars. This caused soybean cultivars known as Al-sensitive to behave as if they were tolerant. The protective action of Mg seems to require constant Mg supply in the external medium. Supplying Mg up to 6 h after root exposition to Al was sufficient to maintain normal soybean root growth, but root growth was not recovered by Mg addition 12 h after Al treatments. Mg application to half of the root system not exposed to Al was not sufficient to prevent Al toxicity on the other half exposed to Al without Mg in rooting medium, indicating the existence of an external protection mechanism of Mg. Foliar spraying with Mg also failed to decrease Al toxicity, indicating a possible apoplastic role of Mg. The protective effect of Mg appeared to be soybean-specific since Mg supply did not substantially improve root elongation in sorghum, wheat, corn, cotton, rice, or snap bean when grown in the presence of toxic Al concentrations.


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This work compared the behaviour of pre-parturient sows housed in intensive confined and outdoor systems, during the morning and afternoon prior to delivery. Eight sows were kept individually in farrowing crates or in paddocks with access to fresh pasture from 8 to 10 days before expected parturition. All outdoor sows built a nest within 24 hours before farrowing. On the morning and afternoon before farrowing they spent 6.5% of the time collecting grass and 7.5% of the time organizing the nest. Outdoor sows were observed more often than confined sows rooting (4.60% vs. 0.25%), feeding (10.2% vs. 3.0%), standing (51% vs. 13%) and walking (8% vs. 0%). Indoor sows redirected the nesting behaviour to other behaviours like attempts to dig the ground, nosing, biting and rooting parts of the crate, feeder or drinker, during 4.7% of the time. They also spent more time than outdoor sows inactive (85% vs. 60%), lying (72% vs. 41%), drinking (2.1% vs. 0.5%) and vacuum chewing (3.7% vs. 0.1%). The pre-parturient behaviour of sows was considerably affected by the husbandry system. The outdoor system appears to be more appropriate for the sows' welfare than the conventional confinement.


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Aerosol size distributions from 6 to 700 nm were measured simultaneously at an urban background site and a roadside station in Oporto. The particle number concentration was higher at the traffic exposed site, where up to 90% of the size spectrum was dominated by the nucleation mode. Larger aerosol mode diameters were observed in the urban background site possibly due to the coagulation processes or uptake of gases during transport. Factor analysis has shown that road traffic and the neighbour stationary sources localised upwind affect the urban area thought intra-regional pollutant transport.


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Simultaneous measurements of outdoor and indoor pollution were performed at three schools in Lisbon. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and NO2 were passively monitored over a two-week period. Bacterial and fungal colony-forming units and comfort parameters were also monitored at classrooms and playgrounds. The highest indoor levels of CO2 (2666 μg/m³), NO2 (40.3 μg/m³), VOCs (10.3 μg/m³), formaldehyde (1.03 μg/m³) and bioaerosols (1634 CFU/m³), and some indoor/outdoor ratios greater than unity, suggest that indoor sources and building conditions might have negative effects on air indoors. Increasing ventilation rates and use of low-emission materials would contribute towards improving indoor air quality.


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Atmospheric pollutants can have serious impacts on the preservation of São Paulo's tangible cultural heritage. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a monitoring campaign focussed on particulate matter (PM) that was conducted in three of the most important museums of the São Paulo megacity (Brazil): the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE-USP), the Museu Paulista (MP-USP), and the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (PE). These museums exhibit indoor PM and black carbon (BC) concentrations consistent with their urban locations and their specific methods for managing the indoor environment.