7 resultados para guyed tower
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
In this study, we concentrate on modelling gross primary productivity using two simple approaches to simulate canopy photosynthesis: "big leaf" and "sun/shade" models. Two approaches for calibration are used: scaling up of canopy photosynthetic parameters from the leaf to the canopy level and fitting canopy biochemistry to eddy covariance fluxes. Validation of the models is achieved by using eddy covariance data from the LBA site C14. Comparing the performance of both models we conclude that numerically (in terms of goodness of fit) and qualitatively, (in terms of residual response to different environmental variables) sun/shade does a better job. Compared to the sun/shade model, the big leaf model shows a lower goodness of fit and fails to respond to variations in the diffuse fraction, also having skewed responses to temperature and VPD. The separate treatment of sun and shade leaves in combination with the separation of the incoming light into direct beam and diffuse make sun/shade a strong modelling tool that catches more of the observed variability in canopy fluxes as measured by eddy covariance. In conclusion, the sun/shade approach is a relatively simple and effective tool for modelling photosynthetic carbon uptake that could be easily included in many terrestrial carbon models.
ABSTRACT: Despite the reduction in deforestation rate in recent years, the impact of global warming by itself can cause changes in vegetation cover. The objective of this work was to investigate the possible changes on the major Brazilian biome, the Amazon Rainforest, under different climate change scenarios. The dynamic vegetation models may simulate changes in vegetation distribution and the biogeochemical processes due to climate change. Initially, the Inland dynamic vegetation model was forced with initial and boundary conditions provided by CFSR and the Eta regional climate model driven by the historical simulation of HadGEM2-ES. These simulations were validated using the Santarém tower data. In the second part, we assess the impact of a future climate change on the Amazon biome by applying the Inland model forced with regional climate change projections. The projections show that some areas of rainforest in the Amazon region are replaced by deciduous forest type and grassland in RCP4.5 scenario and only by grassland in RCP8.5 scenario at the end of this century. The model indicates a reduction of approximately 9% in the area of tropical forest in RCP4.5 scenario and a further reduction in the RCP8.5 scenario of about 50% in the eastern region of Amazon. Although the increase of CO2 atmospheric concentration may favour the growth of trees, the projections of Eta-HadGEM2-ES show increase of temperature and reduction of rainfall in the Amazon region, which caused the forest degradation in these simulations.
This study was conducted in a meteorological tower located in the Caxiuanã Forest (municipality of Melgaço, Pará, Brazil) with the aim of assessing the vertical stratification of species of Haemagogus and Sabethes, potential vectors of the yellow fever virus. To investigate the role of microclimates in mosquito stratification, bimonthly collections were conducted at ground level (0 m), 8 m, 16 m and 30 m (canopy level), with the aid of entomological nets and suction tubes, from July 2005-April 2006. A total of 25,498 mosquitoes were collected; specimens of Sabethes sp. and Haemagogus janthinomyswere found mostly at heights of 16 m and 30 m while Hg. leucocelaenus was most frequently observed at ground level. The largest number of vector species was collected during the rainiest months, but this difference between seasons was not statistically significant. However, the number of Hg. janthinomys was positively correlated with variations in temperature and relative humidity.
A alface é uma das mais importantes hortaliças folhosas cultivadas no Brasil. Porém, com a intensificação da produção, a dificuldade em se cultivar essa hortaliça tem aumentado principalmente pela infestação das áreas de produção pelo fitopatógeno Bremia lactucae Regel, agente causador do míldio, uma das principais doenças da alface. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar raças de Bremia lactucae nos anos de 2010 e 2011 nos principais municípios produtores de alface do Estado de São Paulo. Para isso, coletaram-se folhas com esporângios de B. lactucae em municípios produtores de alface, sendo que cada amostra foi considerada um isolado, totalizando 56 e 96 nos anos de 2010 e 2011, respectivamente. Os esporângios coletados foram multiplicados na cultivar suscetível Solaris, com posterior inoculação nas cultivares diferenciadoras, realizando-se as avaliações no mesmo dia do aparecimento da primeira esporulação na cultivar suscetível 'Green Tower' (DM 0). No ano de 2010, identificou-se um novo código de B. lactucae em alface (63/31/03/00), correspondente a uma nova raça na qual se propôs a denominação de SPBl:07. No ano de 2011, outros dois códigos de B. lactucae foram identificados (31/63/51/00 e 31/63/9/00), aos quais se propôs as denominações de SPBl:08 e SPBl:09, respectivamente.
RESUMO A alface é, entre as hortaliças folhosas, a mais importante economicamente para o Brasil. No inverno, com baixas temperaturas e com molhamento foliar, o míldio da alface, doença causada pelo agente etiológico Bremia lactucae, ocorre em praticamente todas as regiões de cultivo desta hortaliça, sendo considerada uma das doenças foliares mais severas da cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as raças de B. lactucae no ano de 2012 e 2013 que ocorreram nas principais regiões produtoras do Estado de São Paulo, como: Ribeirão Preto, Jaboticabal, Pirangi, Catanduva, São José do Rio Preto, Atibaia, Salesópolis, Biritiba Mirim, Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas, Itapira, Mogi Mirim, Cândido Mota, Presidente Prudente, Echaporã, Assis, Marília, Botucatu e Bauru. Durante o mês de julho/agosto de 2012 e 2013, coletaram-se amostras de folhas de alface com sintomas de míldio, sendo que, em cada amostra coletada, as estruturas do patógeno referiram-se a um isolado. Os esporângios foram multiplicados na cultivar suscetível Solaris, com posterior inoculação nas cultivares diferenciadoras, realizando-se as avaliações no 12º dia do aparecimento da primeira esporulação na cultivar suscetível ‘Green Tower’ (Dm-0), conforme o código “Sextet”. Em 2012, foi determinado dois novos códigos, identificando duas novas raças, SPBl:10 (63/31/02/00) e SPBl:11 (63/63/18/00). Em 2013, uma nova codificação foi determinada (63/31/18/00), à qual propôs a denominação de SPBl:12. Os genes Dm-14 e Dm-15, e os fatores de resistência FR-17, FR-18, FR-36, FR-37 e FR-38 conferem resistência a essas novas raças identificadas. Recomenda-se, portanto, em programas de melhoramento genético de alface, a utilização dos fatores FR-17, FR-18 e FR-38 como fontes de resistência para novas cultivares desenvolvidas para cultivo no Estado de São Paulo, por conferirem resistência a todas as 12 raças já identificadas.
Sanitary landfill leachates present high concentrations of carbonaceous and nitrogenous materials. The crucial point is that carbonaceous materials are of difficult biodegradation, what compromises the performance of biological treatment processes, while nitrogenous materials, such as ammonia nitrogen, probably preclude the use of biological treatments. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the desorption process of ammonia nitrogen from sanitary landfill leachate in filling towers. Desorption was carried out in filling towers of 35 L capacity. The leachate was collected from a sanitary landfill located in João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Brazil. Desorption efficiency for the pH values adopted in four treatments was 93% minimum and 95.5% maximum, with aeration mean time ranging from 3 to 6 hours. The limiting factors of ammonia nitrogen desorption from sanitary landfill leachates in filling towers are associated with the use of alkalizer species for pH correction, and electricity costs for aeration.
The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of acute exercise performed at different intensities in relation to the anaerobic threshold (AT) on abilities requiring control of executive functions or alertness in physically active elderly females. Forty-eight physically active elderly females (63.8 ± 4.6 years old) were assigned to one of four groups by drawing lots: control group without exercise or trial groups with exercise performed at 60, 90, or 110% of AT (watts) and submitted to 5 cognitive tests before and after exercise. Following cognitive pretesting, an incremental cycle ergometer test was conducted to determine AT using a fixed blood lactate concentration of 3.5 mmol/L as cutoff. Acute exercise executed at 90% of AT resulted in significant (P < 0.05, ANOVA) improvement in the performance of executive functions when compared to control in 3 of 5 tests (verbal fluency, Tower of Hanoi test (number of movements), and Trail Making test B). Exercising at 60% of AT did not improve results of any tests for executive functions, whereas exercise executed at 110% of AT only improved the performance in one of these tests (verbal fluency) compared to control. Women from all trial groups exhibited a remarkable reduction in the Simple Response Time (alertness) test (P = 0.001). Thus, physical exercise performed close to AT is more effective to improve cognitive processing of older women even if conducted acutely, and using a customized exercise prescription based on the anaerobic threshold should optimize the beneficial effects.