130 resultados para gel drying
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Construção de uma câmara para monitoramento in situ do processo de secagem de geis e sólidos porosos
The present work deals with the design and construction of an equipment for studying the drying process of gels and solids. The equipment was built using mainly a commercial oven and others peripherals for programmed control of temperature, humidity and data acquisition. The system allows the in situ monitoring of the gel drying, registering the weight loss, and the shrinkage of sample and the oven temperatures. This set of allowed parameters makes possible to establish the main steps involved in the drying of meso and nanostructured porous materials.
Titanium dioxide was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of titanium tetraisopropoxide. TiO2 films were obtained by spin coating of the precursor solution on ITO substractes (glass covered with indium doped tin oxide). Films were prepared using different temperatures and hydrochloric acid contents. The effect of the drying temperature of the films (100 or 400ºC) was also investigated. TiO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, ultraviolete-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractrometry.
In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.
Given the necessity of developing jatropha cultivation equipment, this work adjusted different mathematical models to experimental data obtained from the drying of jatropha seeds submitted to different drying conditions and selected the best model to describe the drying process. The experiment was carried out at the Federal Institute of Goiás - Rio Verde Campus. Seeds with initial moisture content of approximately 0.50 (kg water/kg dry matter) were dried in a forced air-ventilated oven, at temperatures of 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105°C to moisture content of 0.10 ± 0.005 (kg water/kg dry matter). The experimental data were adjusted to 11 mathematical models to represent the drying process of agricultural products. The models were compared using the coefficient of determination, chi-square test, relative mean error, estimated mean error and residual distribution. It was found that the increase in the air temperature caused a reduction in the drying time of seeds. The models Midilli and Two Terms were suitable to represent the drying process of Jatropha seeds and between them the use of the Midili model is recommended due to its greater simplicity.
This study was carried out to study the physical properties of the jatropha beans over the drying under six air conditions, based on measurements of roundness, sphericity, volume, superficial area, projected area and surface/volume ratio. Jatropha beans with moisture content around 0.61 (decimal d.b.) were subjected to thin-layer drying in oven with forced-air circulation under six temperature conditions (36, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 °C) and relative humidity of 31.7; 19.6; 9.4; 4.8; 2.6 and 1.5% respectively, until reaching the moisture content of 0.11 ± 0.006 (decimal d. b.). The results showed that the necessary time for jatropha beans to reach the moisture content of 0.11 ± 0.006 (decimal d.b.) were 1.5; 2.25; 3.0; 4.75; 6.75 and 12.0 h for the drying temperatures of 105, 90, 75, 60, 45 and 36 °C, respectively; and the reduction in the moisture content as well as the drying conditions promoted changes in the shape and reduced the size of the jatropha beans.
Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes excrete-secrete a complex mixture of antigenic molecules. This antigenic mixture denominated trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens contains a 150-160 kDa band that shows excellent performance in Chagas' disease diagnosis by immunoblotting. The present study partially characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the immunoreactivity against the 150-160kDa protein using sera samples from chagasic patients in different phases of the disease. Trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen preparations were subjected to high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with sera from chagasic and non-chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa protein presented four isoforms with isoelectric focusing ranging from 6.2 to 6.7. The four isoforms were recognized by IgM from acute phase and IgG from chronic phase sera of chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa isoform with IF of approximately 6.4 became the immunodominant spot with the progression of the disease. No cross-reactivity was observed with non-chagasic or patients infected with Leishmania sp. In this study we provide basic knowledge that supports the validation of trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens for serological diagnosis of Chagas' disease.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. As infectious diseases can cause DNA damage, the authors aimed at analyzing DNA breakage in peripheral blood cells of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis by using the comet assay. The results suggested that paracoccidioidomycosis does not cause genotoxicity.
INTRODUÇÃO: A leptospirose é uma zoonose endêmica, mundialmente distribuída, causada por bactérias do gênero Leptospira. Este gênero compreende espécies patogênicas e saprofíticas, com mais de 200 sorovares distintos, dificultando sua caracterização. A técnica de pulsed field gel electrophoresis tem sido empregada como uma ferramenta para auxiliar nesta caracterização. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram padronizar a técnica de PFGE, determinar os perfis moleculares das cepas de referência utilizadas pelo Laboratório de Referência Nacional para Leptospirose/Centro Colaborador da Organização Mundial de Saúde para Leptospirose e criar um banco de dados com estes perfis. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, por PFGE, dezenove cepas utilizando a enzima de restrição NotI. RESULTADOS: Cada cepa apresentou um perfil único que pode ser considerado como uma identidade genômica específica, com exceção dos sorovares Icterohaemorrhagiae e Copenhageni, cujos perfis foram indistinguíveis. CONCLUSÕES: Dessa forma, foi possível a criação de um banco de perfis moleculares que está sendo utilizado no Laboratório para a comparação e identificação de cepas isoladas de quadros clínicos.
O Estado do Pará é o principal produtor brasileiro de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum Link), entretanto a sua produção tem sido bastante afetada pela doença conhecida como fusariose. O Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis é o agente causador desta doença que afeta o sistema radicular da planta, causando o apodrecimento das raízes e a queda das folhas levando à morte da planta. Algumas piperáceas nativas da região amazônica, entre elas a espécie Piper tuberculatum Jacq., têm se mostrado resistentes à infecção pelo F. solani f. sp. piperis, e desta forma têm sido utilizadas em estudos de interação planta-patógeno. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas cinco condições de extração de proteínas com o objetivo de selecionar tampões adequados para a extração de proteínas totais de folhas e raízes de P. tuberculatum. Os tampões utilizados para a extração de proteínas de raízes e folhas foram: tampão salino, tampão sacarose, tampão glicerol, tampão uréia e tampão fosfato de sódio. As análises quantitativas mostraram que os tampões sacarose, glicerol e uréia foram mais eficientes na extração de proteínas de folhas e raízes. Análises de SDS-PAGE mostraram padrões diferenciados de bandas em extratos protéicos de folhas e raízes obtidos com os diferentes tampões. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuem para a identificação de tampões de extração adequados para a obtenção de amostras de proteínas totais em estudos de interação P. tuberculatum - F. solani f. sp. piperis.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer procedimento tecnológico para produção de fruta estruturada a partir de "mix" de polpa de cajá e mamão, procurando unir as propriedades sensoriais de cada uma das frutas e potencializar as características funcionais do produto final. Avaliou-se o efeito da combinação de pectina, gelatina e alginato de sódio, via metodologia de superfície de resposta, nas características do gel de fruta. As polpas de mamão e cajá e os estruturados obtidos foram caracterizados com relação aos compostos funcionais, avaliando-se o teor de taninos e carotenóides totais, além das análises de composição centesimal, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares, atividade de água, carboidratos e valor energético total. Os resultados obtidos através do planejamento experimental indicam que para o estruturado misto de cajá e mamão, somente o aumento da concentração de gelatina afeta a firmeza do produto final. Os estruturados de frutas desenvolvidos apresentaram boa aceitação sensorial para todos os atributos avaliados. Com relação à intenção de compra, 70% dos provadores responderam que provavelmente ou certamente, comprariam o estruturado misto de cajá e mamão se o encontrassem à venda.
O emprego de gel-eletroforese no diagnóstico da varíola, demonstrou ser ao menos trinta vezes (30X) mais sensível que o teste de agar-gel, nas condições descritas (tabela I). Doze (12) espécimes, cujos testes convencionais de inoculação em ovos embrionados e de agar-gel resultaram positivos, foram testados em suas diluições originais congeladas por mais de um ano, sendo seis deles revelados por gel-eletroforese enquanto nenhum o foi por agar-gel (tabela II). Trinta e três (33) amostras isoladas no laboratório, foram testadas com material colhido de membrana cório-alantóica da primeira inoculação para o diagnóstico, conservado em glicerina 50%, resultando 15 positivas em gel-eletroforese e apenas 3 em agar-gel (tabela II). Os últimos 60 espécimes recebidos para diagnóstico, através a Campanha de Erradicação da Varíola, também resultaram negativos em gel-eletroforese, que não mostrou falsos-positivos nas condições descritas.
Quantitative method of viral pollution determination for large volume of water using ferric hydroxide gel impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter. The use of ferric hydroxide gel, impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter enable us to recover 62.5% of virus (Poliomylitis type I, Lsc strain) exsogeneously added to 400 liters of tap-water. The virus concentrator system consists of four cartridge filters, in which the three first one are clarifiers, where the contaminants are removed physically, without significant virus loss at this stage. The last cartridge filter is impregnated with ferric hydroxide gel, where the virus is adsorbed. After the required volume of water has been processed, the last filter is removed from the system and the viruses are recovered from the gel, using 1 liter of glycine/NaOH buffer, at pH 11. Immediately the eluate is clarified through series of cellulose acetate membranes mounted in a 142mm Millipore filter. For the second step of virus concentration, HC1 1N is added slowly to the eluate to achieve pH 3.5-4. MgC1, is added to give a final concentration of 0.05M and the viruses are readsorbed on a 0.45 , porosity (HA) cellulose acetate membrane, mounted in a 90 mm Millipore filter. The viruses are recovered using the same eluent plus 10% of fetal calf serum, to a final volume of 3 ml. In this way, it was possible to concentrate virus from 400 liters of tap-water, into 1 liter in the first stage of virus concentration and just to 3 ml of final volume in a second step. The efficiency, simplicity and low operational cost, provded by the method, make it feasible to study viral pollution of recreational and tap-water sources.
Detection of rotavirus RNA by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) proved to be a highly sensitive and rapid diagnostic test. A comparison of this assay with immuno-electron microscopy (IEM) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in 245 faeces from children with gastroenteritis revealed complete agreement between the three assays in 238 (97.14%) samples. Among 75 samples positive in at least one of the three assays, negative results were observed in 5 (6.48%) by PAGE, in 6 (6.76%) by EIA and in none by IEM. Silver staining greatly increased the sensitivity of the PAGE assay. We conclude that although IEM remains the most sensitive and rapid rotavirus diagnostic assay, the PAGE technique has many advantages in its favour, including the non-requirement of expensive equipment, the use of only chemically defined reagents and the capacity to distinguish virus subgroup and variants and to detect non-crossreactive rotaviruses which are missed in serological assays.
The ID-Chagas test is a particle gel immunoassay (PaGIA). Red coloured particles are sensitised with three different synthetic peptides representing antigen sequences of Trypanosoma cruzi: Ag2, TcD and TcE. When these particles are mixed with serum containing specific antibodies, they agglutinate. The reaction mixture is centrifuged through a gel filtration matrix allowing free agglutinated particles to remain trapped on the top or distributed within the gel. The result can be read visually. In order to investigate the ability of the ID-PaGIA to discriminate negative and positive sera, 111 negative and 119 positive, collected in four different Brazilian institutions, were tested by each of the participants. All sera were previously classified as positive or negative according to results obtained with three conventional tests (indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemaglutination, and enzime linked immunosorbent assay). Sensitivity rates of ID-PaGIA varied from 95.7% to 97.4% with mean sensitivity of 96.8% and specificity rates varied from 93.8 to 98.8% with mean specificity of 94.6%. The overall Kappa test was 0.94. The assay presents as advantages the simplicity of operation and the reaction time of 20 min. In this study, ID-PaGIA showed to be highly sensitive and specific.