122 resultados para esophageal atresia
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Esophageal atresia (EA) is characterized by esophageal and gastric motility changes secondary to developmental and postsurgical damage. This study evaluated the in vitro contractile profile of the distal esophagus and gastric fundus in an experimental model of EA induced by doxorubicin (DOXO). Wistar pregnant rats received DOXO 2.2 mg/kg on the 8th and 9th gestational days. On day 21.5, fetuses were collected, sacrificed, and divided into groups: control, DOXO without EA (DOXO-EA), and DOXO with EA (DOXO+EA). Strips from the distal esophagus and gastric fundus were mounted on a wire myograph and isolated organ-bath system, respectively, and subjected to increasing concentrations of carbamylcholine chloride (carbachol, CCh). The isolated esophagus was also stimulated with increasing concentrations of KCl. In esophagus, the concentration-effect curves were reduced in response to CCh in the DOXO+EA and DOXO-EA groups compared to the control group (P<0.05). The maximum effect values (Emax) for DOXO+EA and DOXO-EA were significantly lower than control (P<0.05), but the half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) values were not significantly different when the three groups were compared (P>0.05). In response to KCl, the distal esophagus samples in the three groups were not statistically different with regard to Emax or EC50 values (P>0.05). No significant difference was noted for EC50 or Emax values in fundic strips stimulated with CCh (P>0.05). In conclusion, exposure of dams to DOXO during gestation inhibited the contractile behavior of esophageal strips from offspring in response to CCh but not KCl, regardless of EA induction. The gastric fundus of DOXO-exposed offspring did not have altered contractile responsiveness to cholinergic stimulation.
For esophageal reconstruction in newborns with esophageal atresia, esophageal reunion with an end-to-end anastomosis is the ideal procedure, although it may result in leaks and strictures due to tension on the suture line, mainly in cases with a wide gap between the ends. Circular myotomy (Livaditis' procedure) is the best method to elongate the proximal esophageal pouch and reduce anastomotic tension. This experimental investigation in dogs was undertaken to attempt to verify that circular myotomy decreases the anastomotic leak rate in newborns with wide gap esophageal atresia, and to analyze whether the technique promotes morphologic changes in the anastomotic scar. A pilot study demonstrated that it is necessary to resect more than 8 cm (40% of the total esophageal length) in order to obtain high leak rates. In the experimental project, such resection was performed in dogs divided into two groups (control group, anastomosis only, and experimental group, anastomosis plus circular myotomy in the proximal esophageal segment). The animals were killed in the 14th postoperative day, submitted to autopsy, and were evaluated as to the presence of leaks and strictures, as well as to the features (macroscopic and microscopic aspects) of the anastomosis. Leak rates were the same in both groups. Morphometric analysis revealed that in animals in the experimental group, the anastomotic scar was thinner than the control animals, and the isolated muscular manchette distal to the site of myotomy was replaced by fibrous tissue. Correspondingly, a decreased number of newly formed small vessels were noted in the experimental animals, compared to control animals. We concluded that circular myotomy does not decrease the incidence of anastomotic leaks, and it also promotes deleterious changes in anastomotic healing.
A Síndrome de Treacher Collins ou disostose mandibulofacial apresenta-se com deformidades crânio-faciais, tendo expressão e severidade variável. É uma malformação congênita que envolve o primeiro e segundo arcos branquiais. A Síndrome de Treacher Collins é rara e sua incidência está estimada em uma faixa de 1:40000 a 1:70000 nascidos vivos. Esta síndrome é caracterizada por anormalidades dos pavilhões auriculares, hipoplasia dos ossos da face, obliqüidade antimongolóide das fendas palpebrais com coloboma palpebral inferior e fissura palatina. A Síndrome de Treacher Collins raramente está associada com atresia coanal. Estes pacientes são apropriadamente acompanhados por uma equipe multidisciplinar que inclui cirurgiões crânio-faciais, oftalmologistas, fonoaudiologistas, cirurgiões dentistas e otorrinolaringologistas. Relatamos neste artigo um caso raro de Síndrome de Treacher Collins com atresia coanal, uma revisão da patologia e intervenção multidisciplinar.
Atresia de coanas é uma patologia rara cuja incidência varia de 1:5.000-8.000 nascidos vivos, sendo mais comum no sexo feminino e associada a outras malformações. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico retrospectivo. Quando unilateral, tem seu diagnóstico retardado pela carência de sintomas, porém, quando bilateral, necessita de tratamento imediato devido à insuficiência respiratória e à incapacidade de o recém nascido realizar respiração oral. Neste artigo relatamos a incidência e a experiência do HRAC-USP.
The indeterminate form of Chagas' disease is characterized by positive serology for the disease in the absence of clinical findings and in the presence of both normal esophagogram and electrocardiogram. When more sensitive methods were used, abnormalities have been described either in the esophagus or in the heart. The authors have studied simultaneously the esophagus and the heart in the same subjects. In thirteen adults with diagnosis of indeterminate form and nine adult controls, the esophageal manometry both in basal conditions and after stimulus (bethanecol) and vectorcardiogram were performed. In the control group none of the subjects presented concomitant esophageal and cardiac alterations while in the chagasic group 92,3% of the patients presented results simultaneously altered. It is concluded that the studied patients showed indications of parasympathetic denervation manifested by simultaneously esophageal and heart alterations.
PURPOSE: In 1980, operative mortality for esophageal resection was 29%. Over the last 15 years, technical and critical care improvements contributed to the reduction of postoperative mortality rate to 8%. The aim of this study is to analyze retrospectively the role of different factors (surgical procedure, stage of the disease, and anesthetic risk) on the postoperative mortality of 63 patients that underwent esophagectomy with gastric interposition for cancer. METHODS: Seventy-two patients underwent esophagectomy. The stomach was the esophageal substitute in 63 cases. Surgical procedures included transthoracic esophagectomy in 49 patients and transhiatal esophagectomy in 14 cases. Among the 49 transthoracic esophagectomy patients, there were 18 patients with a high anesthetic risk (ASA III). Among the patients that underwent transhiatal esophagectomy, there were 10 patients with a high anesthetic risk (ASA III). RESULTS: The operative mortality rate was 14% (2/14) in transhiatal esophagectomy group and 22% (11/49) in transthoracic esophagectomy group (P = ns). The postoperative mortality of patients with a high anesthetic risk (ASA III) was 47% (8/17) after transthoracic esophagectomy and 10% (1/10) after transhiatal esophagectomy (P <0.05). DISCUSSION: In our experience, the operative mortality was nearly 18% (16.6% after transhiatal esophagectomy and 20.8% after transthoracic esophagectomy). Among the patients with a high anesthetic risk (ASA III) that underwent surgery, the postoperative mortality was significantly lower after transhiatal esophagectomy (10%) compared to transthoracic esophagectomy (47%) (P <0.05).
São descritos os aspectos clínicos, ecocardiográficos e angiográficos de um neonato de sexo masculino, com cinco dias de vida e diagnóstico de atresia pulmonar com septo interventricular íntegro. Tanto o ecocardiograma como a aortografia mostraram ausência da origem das artérias coronárias da aorta. O ecocardiograma bidimensional e, posteriormente, a ventriculografia direita identificaram as artérias coronárias, originando-se no ventrículo direito. Não houve contrastação retrógrada da aorta ou do tronco pulmonar quando contrastadas as artérias coronárias. Este é o primeiro caso relatado com diagnóstico ecocardiográfico pré angiografia, e é um exemplo da necessidade de se avaliar as artérias coronárias em pacientes com atresia pulmonar e septo ventricular íntegro.
We report two cases of congenital atresia of the ostium of the left coronary artery. Case 1: a six-month-old infant presenting with serious cardiac insufficiency. A noninvasive diagnosis of dilated myocardiopathy was established and the clinical picture was pharmacologically compensated. When the patient was nine months of age, a hemodynamic study was performed that revealed congenital atresia of the ostium of the left coronary artery; the infant immediately underwent a successful anastomosis of the internal mammary artery with the left coronary artery. Case 2: an eleven-year-old asymptomatic boy with a history of heart murmur from the age of six months on, was refered for surgery with a diagnosis of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from pulmonary trunk. A definitive diagnosis of atresia of the left coronary ostium was only established during surgery. Successful surgical revascularization with the left internal mammary artery, and left ventricular aneurysmectomy were performed.
A rare association of pulmonary atresia with an intact septum was diagnosed through echocardiography in a fetus 32 weeks of gestational age. The diagnosis was later confirmed by echocardiography of the newborn infant and further on autopsy. The aortic valve was bicuspid with a pressure gradient of 81mmHg, and the right ventricle was hypoplastic, as were the pulmonary trunk and arteries, and the blood flow was totally dependent on the ductus arteriosus.
We report new percutaneous techniques for perforating the pulmonary valve in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, in 3 newborns who had this birth defect. There was mild to moderate hypoplastic right ventricle, a patent infundibulum, and no coronary-cavitary communications. We succeeded in all cases, and no complications related to the procedure occurred. The new coaxial radiofrequency system was easy to handle, which simplified the procedure. Two patients required an additional source of pulmonary flow (Blalock-Taussig shunt) in the first week after catheterization. All patients had a satisfactory short-term clinical evolution and will undergo recatheterization within 1 year to define the next therapeutic strategy. We conclude that this technique may be safely and efficiently performed, especially when the new coaxial radiofrequency system is used, and it may become the initial treatment of choice in select neonates with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the long-term clinical results of the Fontan operation in patients with tricuspid atresia. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul (Institute of Cardiology of Rio Grande do Sul), from August 1980 through January 2000, of 25 patients with a long-term follow-up, out of a series of 36 patients who underwent the Fontan operation or one of its variants due to tricuspid atresia. Their mean age at surgery was 5.4±3.1 years, and their mean weight was 15.8±6.1 kg, the majority of them (63.9%) being males. Four patients underwent the classical Fontan operation, 12 the Kreutzer variant, 6 the Björk variant, 9 total cavopulmonary shunt with a fenestrated tube, and 5 total cavopulmonary shunt with a nonfenestrated tube. RESULTS: The patients were followed-up on an outpatient basis, with a mean long-term survival time of 5.5±4.2 years (50 days to 17.8 years) and a late mortality rate of 8%. Arterial saturation increased from 77.2±18.8% in the preoperative period to 91±6.7% upon the last outpatient visit (p>0.05). At the final check, most (67%) patients were asymptomatic and 87% could tolerate exercise. Ten (40%) patients experienced some kind of complication during the long-term follow-up, such as cardiac arrhythmia, cyanosis, protein-losing enteropathy, neurological events, right heart failure, intolerance to exercise and reoperation. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that, once the immediate postoperative period is over, during which the adaptations to the new circulatory physiology occur, the evolution of patients with tricuspid atresia who underwent the Fontan operation is satisfactory, in spite of a low, yet significant, morbidity.
OBJETIVO: Determinar as alterações morfofuncionais do ventrículo direito na atresia pulmonar com septo íntegro (APSI) para uma avaliação de candidatos aos diversos procedimentos terapêuticos atualmente disponíveis. MÉTODOS: Submetidos ao estudo cineangiocardiográfico utilizando-se projeções axiais, 31 pacientes com idades variando de 1 a 50 dias (x=9,6), sendo que 28 foram estudados no 1º mês de vida. Na análise estatística foram empregados o X² e calculado o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95), o teste de Kruskal-Wallis para a média e desvio padrão e a regressão múltipla. Considerado significativo quando alfa < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com a morfologia angiográfica do ventrículo direito (VD): grupo A - VD tripartide (n=16); grupo B - VD bipartide (n=9) e grupo C - VD unipartide (n=6). O diâmetro da válvula tricúspide foi de 10,28 ± 2,67 mm (A); 7,82 ± 3,41 (B) e 5,27 ± 0,57 (C) (p=0,0005). A atresia pulmonar foi da válvula em todos do grupo A e infundibular em todos do grupo C (p<0,0001). As conexões coronário-cavitárias foram infreqüentes (2/16) no grupo A e em todos do grupo C (p=0,0006), com opacificação retrógrada da aorta (fluxo do VD para a aorta) em 2 pacientes do grupo A e em todos os do grupo C (p=0,0003). Em 3 pacientes (2 do grupo C e 1 do grupo A) observou-se circulação coronariana VD dependente. A regurgitação tricúspide moderada/grave isolada teve tendência de ser mais freqüente no grupo A (p=0,0525). O ângulo que o ductus arteriosus faz com a aorta descendente foi: 104,06 ± 8,98 no grupo A; 79,17 ± 33,08 no grupo B e 39,0 ± 6,52 no grupo C (p=0,0016). A correlação entre o diâmetro da válvula tricúspide e o ângulo entre o ductus arteriosus com a aorta descendente foi 0,6568 (p=0,0002). CONCLUSÃO: Em função da heterogeneidade da morfologia do VD nos pacientes com atresia pulmonar com septo íntegro, torna-se necessário o conhecimento de todas essas informações na seleção de candidatos aos diversos procedimentos terapêuticos.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, avaliando a morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar, procurando estabelecer suas implicações no tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro/1990 e junho/2001, foram estudados 40 pacientes, incluíndo-se os que apresentavam estudo cineangiocardiográfico completo e prévio à primeira intervenção cirúrgica. Analisaram-se as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, assim como a distribuição da irrigação sangüínea nos pulmões. Calcularam-se os índices arterial pulmonar (IAAPP), arterial colateral sistêmico-pulmonar (IACSP) e arterial neopulmonar total (IANPT = IAAPP + IACSP). O tratamento cirúrgico foi considerado paliativo (TP), paliativo definitivo (TPD) e definitivo (TD). RESULTADOS: O TP foi predominante. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os pacientes com TP, TPD e TD, em relação ao IAAPP, IACSP e IANPT. Comparando o IAAPP e o IACSP, não houve diferença entre os índices para o TD (p=0,4309), o IACSP foi maior que o IAAPP para o TP (p=0,0176) e descritivamente também maior para o TPD. O IANPT dos pacientes em TD foi maior que os em TP (p=0,0959). Foram identificados cinco subgrupos morfologicamente semelhantes, denominados: B1, B2, B3, B4 e B5. A mortalidade total foi de 17,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares mostrou-se soberana na orientação do tratamento cirúrgico. Independentemente da divisão didática em subgrupos, o TP foi predominante. A mortalidade não apresentou correlação com as características morfométricas.