19 resultados para eclosion

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Oviposition and eclosion periods for Ixodes didelphidis were observed under two temperatures (25ºC and 27ºC) and 90-95% humidity. Although there was a significant increase in the eclosion period (p<0.05) and a tendency to increase the oviposition period at 25ºC, there was neither significant differences in the interval (days), until maximum peak of eclosion nor in the number of emerging larvae during the peak nor the total number of emerged larvae. These temperature values are not critical for embryological development of the species. Because at 27ºC and under high humidity the oviposition and eclosion periods are shorter, and the percentage of emerged larvae is higher, we consider this to be the ideal temperature for laboratory studies.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the temperature and relative humidity influence in the life cycle, mortality and fecundity patterns of Triatoma rubrovaria. Four cohorts with 60 recently laid eggs each were conformed. The cohorts were divided into two groups. In the controlled conditions group insects were maintained in a dark climatic chamber under constant temperature and humidity, whereas triatomines of the ambiental temperature group were maintained at room temperature. Average incubation time was 15.6 days in the controlled conditions group and 19.1 days in the ambiental temperature. In group controlled conditions the time from egg to adult development lasted 10 months while group ambiental temperature took four months longer. Egg eclosion rate was 99.1% and 98.3% in controlled conditions and ambiental temperature, respectively. Total nymphal mortality in controlled conditions was 52.6% whereas in ambiental temperature was 51.8%. Mean number of eggs/female was 817.6 controlled conditions and 837.1 ambiental temperature. Fluctuating temperature and humidity promoted changes in the life cycle duration and in the reproductive performance of this species, although not in the species mortality.


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Biology of Arsenura xanthopus (Walker, 1855) (Lep., Adelocephalidae), a pest of Luehea spp. (Tiliaceae), and notes on its natural enemies. In the beginning of 1950, one of the Authors made some observations about the biology of Arsenura xanthopus (Walker), in Piracicaba, State of S. Paulo, Brazil. From 1951 to 1953, both Authors continued the observations on such an important Adelocephalidae, the caterpillars of which represent a serious pest of Luehea spp. leaves. Actually, in some occasions, the caterpillars can destroy completely the leaves of the trees. The species is efficientely controlled by two natural enemies: an egg parasite (Tetrastichus sp., Hym., Eulophidae) and a fly attacking the last instar caterpillar (Winthemia tricolor (van der Wulp), Dip., Tachinidae). Tetrastichus sp. can destroy 100% of the eggs and the fly, 70 to 100% of the caterpillars. Indeed, facts as such are very interesting because we rarely know of a case of so complete a control of a pest by an insect. A. xanthopus had not yet been mentioned in our literature. Actually neither the systematic bibliography nor the economic one has treated of this species. However, a few other species of Arsenura are already known as living on Luehea spp. According to the Authors' observations, W. tricolor was also unknown by the Brazilian entomological literature. Arsenura xanthopus (Walker, 1855) After giving the sinonimy and a few historical data concerning the species, and its geographical distribution, the Authors discuss its placing in the genus Arsenura Duncan or Rhescyntis Huebner, finishing by considering Arsenura xanthopus as a valid name. The Authors put the species in the family Adelocephalidae, as it has been made by several entomologists. The host plant The species of Tiliaceae plants belonging to the genus Luehea are called "açoita-cavalo" and are well known for the usefulness of their largely utilized wood. The genus comprises exclusively American plants, including about 25 species distributed throughout the Latin America. Luehea divaricata Mart, is the best known species and the most commonly cultivated. Biology of Arsenura xanthopus Our observations show that the species passes by 6 larval stages. Eggs and egg-postures, all the 6 instars of the caterpillars as well as the chrysalid are described. The pupal period is the longest of the cycle, taking from 146 to 256 days. Data on the eclosion and habits of the caterpillars are also presented. A redescription of the adult is also given. Our specimens agreed with BOUVIER's description, except in the dimension between the extremities of the extended wings, which is a little shorter (107 mm according to BOUVlErVs paper against from 80 to 100mm in our individuals). Winthemia tricolor (van der Wulp, 1890) Historical data, geographical distribution and host are first related. W. tricolor had as yet a single known host-; Ar^-senura armida (Cramer). This chapter also contains some observations on the biolcn gy of the fly and on its behaviour when trying to lay eggs on the caterpillars' skin. The female of W. tricolor lays from 1 to 33 eggs on the skin of the last instar caterpillar. The mam region of the body where the eggs are laid are the membranous legs. Eggs are also very numerous oh the ventral surface of the thorax and abdomen. The. preference for such regions is easily cleared up considering the position assumed by the caterpillar when fixed motionless in a branch. In such an occasion, the fly approaches, the victim, puts the ovipositor out and lays the eggs on different parts of the body, mainly on the mentioned regions, which are much more easily reached. The eggs of the fly are firmly attached to the host's skin, being almost impossible to detach them, without having them broken. The minute larvae of the fly enter the body of, the host when it transforms into chrysalid. Chrysalids recentely formed and collected in nature f requentely show a few small larvae walking on its skin and looking for an adequate place to get into the body. A few larvae die by remaining in the skin of the caterpillar which is pushed away to some distance by the active movements of the chrysalid recentely formed. From 1 to 10 larvae completely grown may emerge from the attacked chrysalid about 8 days after their penetrating into the caterpillars' body and soon begin to look for an adequate substratum where they can transform themselves into pupae. In natural conditions, the metamorphosis occurs in the soil. The flies appear within 15 days. Tetrastichus sp. This microhymenoptera is economically the most interesting parasite, being commonly able to destroy the whole pos^ ture of the moth. Indeed, some days after the beginning of the infestation of the trees, it is almost impossible to obtain postures completely free of parasites. The active wasp introduces the ovipositor into the egg of the moth, laying its egg inside, from 80 to 120 seconds after having introduced it. A single adult wasp emerges from each egg. Sarcophaga lambens Wiedemann, 1830 During the observations carried out, the Authors obtained 10 flies from a chysalid that were recognized as belonging to the species above. S. lambens is a widely distributed Sarcophagidae, having a long list of hosts. It is commonly obtained from weak or died invertebrates, having no importance as one of their natural enemies. Sinonimy, list of hosts and distribution are presented in this paper. Control of Arsenura xanthopus A test has been carefully made in the laboratory just to find out the best insecticide for controlling A. xanthopus caterpillars. Four different products were experimented (DDT, Pa-rathion, BHC and Fenatox), the best results having been obtained with DDT at 0,25%. However, the Authors believe in spite of the initial damages of the trees, that the application of an insecticide may be harmful by destroying the natural agents of control. A biological desiquilibrium may in this way take place. The introduction of the parasites studied (Tetrastichus sp. and Winthemia tricolor) seems to be the most desirable measure to fight A. xanthopus.


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The main wild doves of the region of Piracicaba (State of S. Paulo, Brazil) are Columba cayennensis sylvestris Vieillot, Oreopeleia montana montana (L.), Leptotila verreauxi decipiens Salvadori, Columbigallina talpacoti talpacoti. (Temminck) and Scardafella squammata squammata (Lesson). The last one is well known for the beauty of the coloration of its feathers and for the characteristic sounds produced when flying up. Of common occurrence around the local farms, that species can easily be recognized not only for the mentioned peculiarities as for the voice of the adults, which was translated into the Brazilian onomatopoeia by the expression "fogo-apagou". S. squammata's biology being not well known, the Author presents some notes on its nidification, behaviour of both sexes and of the young birds. The data were gotten in nature and with specimens kept in captivity, where the reproduction took place. In such a situation, the male dove used thin and small wooden shavings to build the nest, an artificial material unknown by him when in nature. This fact may be considered as another proof of the plasticity of the instinctive conduct of birds, not so marked as the one given by SCHIRCH (1931) concerning Synallaxis sp. (Furnariidae), which made use of wire pieces and also barbed wires in confectioning the nest. The copulation was sometimes verified, being preceded by the phenomena well known in other Columbidae species. The nest had its building ready just on the day in which the first egg was laid. As it generally happens amongst doves, the nest was not carefully made - a simple and shallow bowl (diameter = 10 cm), where two entirely white eggs were put.. .. ..(22,5-24,5 x 18,0-19,0 mm). The eclosion took place 14 days after the laying of the last egg. As soon as the young doves (at least the male one) can feed by themselves, they try to produce the characteristic species sounds. "Pararu", a common name oly applied to another species - Claravis godefrida (Temminck) - is reported, which is preferably used by people in this region to call the studied dove. No differences between the coloration of the fathers of the two sexes were observed. The female dove seemed to be a little thinner than the male. In addition, the slight differences between the sounds produced by the male and female are pointed out.


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The present work deals with the systematic, biological and economic problems related to Corythaica cyathicollis (Costa, 1864) (Hemip., Tingidae). In the first part are presented the generic characteristics of Corythaica and is discussed the status of the specific name. The validity of C. cyathicollis, as stated by DRAKE and his collaborators, was denied by MONTE in his last works, he considered the species as C. passiflorae. Even in the modern literature no agreement has been achieved and three names are still used (cyathicollis, passiflorae and planaris) to designate the same insect. In order to resolve definitively this problem, a Neotype is designed to fill the place of the missing type of C. cyathicollis. Also in the first parte is discussed the taxonomic value of both male and female genitalia. The whole male copulator apparatus is studied and are illustrated the genital capsules of 8 species of this genus. Special mention is made of the shape of the basal plates and the proportions of the segmental membrana. The female genitalia is studied based upon the work of FELDMAN & BAILEY (1952). In the second part the biological cycle of C. cyathicollis is carefully studied. Descriptions of the egg are done and the ways of oviposition. The number of eggs laid by the female was observed to be about 350, during a period of more than 45 days. The eclosion of the neanide I is illustrated in some of its phases and the 5 larval instars are described and illustrated. Ending this part are included the lists of parasites and predators observed as well as the plant hosts. The actual geographical distribution is presented, based chiefly on HURD (1945). The economic problems concerning this species are reported in the third part of the work, and the ways of control are discussed. An experiment was carried out involving 4 insecticides: Malathion and Parathion, commonly used against this "lace bug"; Toxaphene and Dimethoate (American Cyanamid 12.880), the last one is an insecticide recently introduced in Brazil and was not previously used for these purposes, but gave the best results and it is quite able to control these insects even on crops showing highly developed infestations.


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In order to widen the present knowledge on the biology of this species, a study on the resistance to starvation was carried out among all nymphal stages and the adult stage (male and female). All evolutive stages were weighed on precision scale in three different nutritional situations: fed, non-fed and death registered after starvation. This procedure has allowed us to calculate the amount of blood taken in each stage and during the whole cycle, the average loss of weight during starvation and its relations with the initial weight. The insects were fed on mice and after eclosion or ecdisis they were isolated for observation of the starving period. Throuhout the whole experiment they were kept in a B. O. D./DOB incubator (28ºC and 90%R.U.). The resistance to starvation of the insects has grown from the first stage on (average of 15.5 days) to the fifth stage (average of 75.64 days); on the adult stage, the resistance period was equal to the third stage with an average of 41.76 for the males and 44.82 for the females. The amount of ingested blood was greater at the fifth stage worth 34.14 mg, corresponding to 2,04 times its initial weight. The average weight loss during the starvation was greater at the adult stage (23.95 mg), corresponding to 61.52% of the total weight.


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Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872 is a silvatic species with a widespread distribution in South America, found in nine Brazilian states, naturally infected by Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli. The individual rearing of this species under laboratory conditions, allowed the following biological aspects to be observed: incubation time, search for first meal after eclosion or moult, time - lapse between presentation of the blood meal and the beginning of feeding, duration of blood meal, time and place of defecation, number of blood meals, duration of each instar and adult longevity, and time required from egg to adult.


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Development of Rhodnius prolixus after eclosion until the adult stage was studied at constant temperatures (T), 15, 20, 25, 28, 35°C, and relative humidities (RH), 75, 86 and 97%, and fluctuating (16/8 hr) temperatures, T I/II, 15/28°C, 20/25°C, 25/28°C and 25/35°C, and relative humidities, RH I/II, 86/75% and 97/75%. Eclosion or molting were not observed at 15°C and 86 or 97% RH, respectively. At 35°C and 75% RH only few insects molted. By alternating T I/II, 15/28°C and 25/35°C, insects developed at high frequency. Cumulating the average lengths of the interphases within independent groups for each instar, R. prolixus reached the adult stage most rapidly (86.7 days) and at highest frequency per instar (mean: 91.8%) at 28°C and 75% RH. Under fluctuating T I/II, development was completed within 100 days or less at 25/28°C and 25/35°C with high rates of hatch and molting. Development was slowest at fluctuating TI/II, 15/28°C and 20/25°C (>185 days), and at constant 20°C (>300 days). Mortality was higher at constant 97% RH or fluctuating RH I, 97%, than at constant or fluctuating 86% RH. Refeeding was minimal at optimal conditions of T and RH for development. The most refeeding was observed at a constant 35°C.


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The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Lymnaea columella, collected in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was reared in our laboratory. The aim of the current study was to standardize a rearing and maintenance technique. Two kinds of diet were tested: fresh lettuce (A) and rodent ration + 10% CaCO3 plus fresh lettuce (B). The age for the beginning of oviposition ranged from 27 to 57 days. Ten days after oviposition at 24.7°C, 100% eclosion occurred. The complete life cycle varied from 37 to 67 days. The average numbers of eggs per egg mass were 26.3 and 31.1 with diets (A) and (B), respectively. The lettuce and ration fed snails presented a increased growth although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mortality rate varied from 40 to 64% after 90 days. The maximum longevity was 183 days, 21.5 mm length and 11 mm wide. The methodology to mass breed and maintain these snails was found to be suitable in the laboratory


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The population biology of three populations of Panstrongylus megistus was compared to determine possible influence on the behaviour and epidemiological importance of this species. The results demonstrated differences in terms of egg eclosion time, nymphal mortality and development rates, and feeding and defaecation rates. These differences appeared to follow a geographical cline, primarily reflecting different degrees of adaptation to domestic habitats.


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Temperature influence on the embryonic development of Anopheles aquasalis and An. albitarsis was investigated. At 26ºC, 75% and 60% of respectively An. aquasalis and An. albitarsis eggs hatched, with one peak of eclosion, between the 2nd and 3rd day after oviposition. At 20 ± 2ºC, around 66-70% of An. aquasalis eggs hatched, with one eclosion peak, on the 5th day. On the other hand, An. albitarsis eclosion at 21 ± 2ºC decreased to 10-22%, with two eclosion peaks, on the 4th-5th day and on the 9th-12th day. These data indicate a stronger temperature influence over An.albitarsis than over An. aquasalis embryos.


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The effect of relative humidity (43%, 75%, 86% and > 98%) on Aedes aegypti eggs treated with Metarhizium anisopliae or water only was tested for up to a six months exposure at 25ºC. Survival of larvae inside eggs was clearly affected by the lowest humidity (43%) tested, and eclosion diminished at all humidities after increasing periods of exposure. M. anisopliae showed to have a strong ovicidal activity only at humidity close to saturation. No difference of activity was found between conidia and hyphal bodies tested. This fungus affected larvae inside eggs and has potential as a control agent of this important vector in breeding sites with high moisture.


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A cohort initiated with 121 eggs, yielding 105 first instar nymphs (eclosion rate: 86.78%), allowed us to observe the entire life cycle of Triatoma ryckmani under laboratory conditions (24ºC and 62% relative humidity), by feeding them on anesthetized hamsters. It was possible to obtain 62 adults and the cycle from egg to adult took a mean of 359.69 days with a range of 176-529 days (mortality rate of nymphs: 40.95%). Mean life span of adults was of 81 days for females and 148 days for males. The developmental periods of 4th and 5th nymphs were longer than those of the other instars. This suggests that young siblings have a better chance of taking a hemolymph meal from older ones, in order to survive during fasting periods during prolonged absences of vertebrate hosts from natural ecotopes. The stomach contents of 37 insects showed blood from rodents (15 cases), lizards (7 cases), birds (6 cases) and insect hemolymph (7 cases). Out of 10 insects fed by xenodiagnosis on a Trypanosoma cruzi infected mouse, all but one became infected with the parasite.


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This study aimed at registering and monitoring the presence of Aedes aegypti in the University Hospital Júlio Muller, Cuiabá-MT, as well as investigating the influence of temperature and rainfall on its temporal distribution and egg densities in ovitraps. The study was performed from April/2007 to March/2008, utilizing ovitraps with 10% of hay infusion and a wood paddle as an oviposition substrate. For surveillance, one ovitrap was placed in each of the 12 points distributed throughout the hospital. Ovitraps were collected monthly at the end of a 5-day installation period. After egg counting, wood paddles were immersed in water to allow larval eclosion for species identification through optical microscopy. Egg Density Index (EDI), Positive Ovitraps Index (POI), and Mean Number of Eggs (MNE) were used for data analysis. The presence of A. aegypti in the hospital was registered throughout the study period, except in July. The MNE was proportionally higher in the internal area (n= 8.47 eggs/paddle) when compared to the external area (n= 5.46 eggs/paddle), and was higher in September/October 2007 and January/February 2008. A significant increase in EDI, POI and MNE was registered in periods where the average temperature was higher, and the increase in POI was also concomitant with an increase in rainfall. The continuous presence of A. aegypti in the hospital throughout the study period, points out the need of including this mosquito in the arthropod control list in this environment. This is particularly important, considering that A. aegypti is an important vector of several arboviroses.


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Development of the immature stages of Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar (Diptera, Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar, 1928 is becoming frequent and abundant in natural and artificial breeding sites in urban and rural areas of Brazil. This study contributes to the knowledge of the biology of a Brazilian strain of C. saltanensis. The development of specimens reared individually or grouped was observed. The study was conducted at a constant temperature of 27 ± 2°C, 14L:10D photoperiod and 80 ± 5% relative humidity. The immature stages were observed every 6 hours until adult emergence, which occurred in 12.29 days among individually reared specimens and in 13.12 days among group-reared specimens. Egg rafts for the experiment were obtained from the laboratory and field. Eggs hatched at a rate of 97.48 ± 2.32%. More eggs per egg raft were obtained from the field than from the laboratory. Males from individually reared specimens emerged in 12.29 ± 1.11 days and females in 13.12 ± 1.58 days. The male-female ratio was 1:1. Larval survival rate was higher than 85% for larvae reared isolated and higher than 95% for group-reared larvae. The Culex saltanensis life cycle was completed within 12 to 14 days, where larval instars I and IV took the most time to develop and the pupae, the shortest.