361 resultados para cultivar resistance

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The objective of this work was the transformation of tobacco and 'Valencia' sweet orange with the GUS gene driven by the citrus phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) gene promoter (CsPP). Transformation was accomplished by co-cultivation of tobacco and 'Valência' sweet orange explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the binary vector CsPP-GUS/2201. After plant transformation and regeneration, histochemical analyses using GUS staining revealed that CsPP promoter preferentially, but not exclusively, conferred gene expression in xylem tissues of tobacco. Weaker GUS staining was also detected throughout the petiole region in tobacco and citrus CsPP transgenic plants.


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The objective of this work was to identify major and minor-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resistance QTLs for these races; and to check for the existence of epistatic interactions between QTLs. Cultivar Hartwig is an important resistance source to SCN. Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) obtained from a cross between 'Hartwig' (resistant) and Y23 (susceptible) were evaluated regarding resistance to the three races. New genomic regions for resistance to SCN were identified by microsatellites. Four QTLs, which explained between 12 and 34% of phenotypic variance, were detected for resistance to race 3 in linkage groups (LG) A2, G, J, and M. The QTL in LG G is also important for resistance to race 9. Epistatic interactions were detected between loci, which indicate resistance to races 9 and 14. There are high and low-effect resistance QTLs to SCN.


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The gene Pi-ar confers resistance to Pyricularia grisea race IB-45 in a somaclone derived from immature panicles of the susceptible rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Araguaia. RAPD technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to this gene utilizing bulked segregant analysis. Initially, the two parental DNAs from the resistant donor SC09 and 'Araguaia' were analyzed using random primers. Of the 240 primers tested, 203 produced amplification products. The two parental DNAs along with the resistant and susceptible bulks of F2 population were screened using 48 primers that differentiated resistant and susceptible parents. Even though eight primers differentiated the resistant bulk from the susceptible bulk, as well as somaclone SC09 and 'Araguaia', only one primer, OPC02 ('GTGAGGCGTC'), was found to be tightly linked (1.7cM) to the resistance gene of somaclone SC09.


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The degree of blast resistance of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Araguaia has decreased over time causing significant yield losses. The major objective of this study was to obtain blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistant somaclones, adapting greenhouse and field selection procedures. Rice blast resistance and agronomic traits were assessed in R2 to R6 generations derived from regenerant plants (R1) from immature panicles of Araguaia. The evaluation and selection procedures include testing of early segregating populations and fixed lines in the advanced generations, under natural field conditions, and artificial inoculations in the greenhouse, with prevalent races IB-1 and IB-9 of P. grisea. Somaclones with both vertical resistance and slow blasting resistance were obtained. Twenty of 31 somaclones developed with a high degree of vertical resistance and fan shaped plant type maintained resistance in field and blast nursery tests in the R6 generation. Greenhouse selection with two specific physiologic races yielded 44 somaclones with slow blasting resistance, similar plant type and yield potential as that of Araguaia.


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An in vitro system for studying the resistance response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum was investigated. Cell suspension cultures, established from hypocotyl-derived callus of cotton cultivar 101-102B, were treated with bacterial extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) extracted from the incompatible race 18 of X. campestris pv. malvacearum. EPS at 600 mug/mL caused pronounced darkening of the suspension cultures, as indicative of cell death, 48 hours after incubation. Protein electrophoresis analysis of the time course of EPS-treated cells showed differential accumulation of several protein bands after 12-24 hours. The time course of protein accumulation and cell death was consistent with an elicitor-mediated hypersensitive response.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance spectra of six elite breeding lines of rice, developed for improved yield and grain quality, in inoculation tests in the greenhouse and in the field. Forty-six isolates of Pyricularia grisea collected from the cultivar Primavera, 31 from the cultivar Maravilha and 19 from six elite breeding lines, totaling 96 were utilized for inoculations. Out of 11 international and 15 Brazilian pathotypes, IC-1, IB-9, and BD-16, respectively, were identified as most frequent isolates collected from the cultivar Primavera. The isolates retrieved from Maravilha belong to four international and 11 Brazilian pathotypes, the predominant ones being IB-9 and IB-49 and BB-1 and BB-21, respectively. Lines CNAs 8711 and CNAs 8983 showed resistant reaction to all test isolates from Maravilha, while CNAs 8983 was susceptible to three isolates of Primavera pertaining to the pathotype IC-1. A majority of isolates exhibiting compatible reaction to Primavera were incompatible to Maravilha and vice-versa.Field assessment of rice blast utilizing the area under disease progress curve as a criterion for measuring disease severity showed significant differences among the six breeding lines. The isolates of P. grisea exhibiting differential reaction on breeding lines can be utilized in pyramiding resistance genes in new upland rice cultivars.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the reactions of three peanut breeding lines (IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388) to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) by mechanical and thrips inoculation, under greenhouse conditions, and compare them to the reactions of cultivars SunOleic, Georgia Green, and the breeding line C11-2-39. TSWV infection by mechanical inoculation was visually assessed using an index ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 4 (apical death). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to confirm TSWV infection from both mechanical and thrips inoculations. IC-10, IC-34, ICGV 86388, and C11-2-39 were more resistant than the cultivars SunOleic and Georgia Green based on mechanical inoculation. Upon thrips inoculation only IC-34 and ICGV-86388 were infected by TSWV, as demonstrated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), although no symptoms of infection were observed. The peanut breeding lines IC-10, IC-34, and ICGV 86388 show higher level of resistance to TSWV than cultivar Georgia Green considered a standard for TSWV resistance.


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The objective of this work was to determine soybean resistance inheritance to Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (soybean cyst nematode - SCN) races 3 and 9, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of direct and indirect selection in a soybean population of 112 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from the resistant cultivar Hartwig. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The estimated narrow-sense heritabilities for resistance to races 3 and 9 were 80.67 and 77.97%. The genetic correlation coefficient (r g = 0.17; p<0.01) shows that some genetic components of resistance to these two races are inherited together. The greatest genetic gain by indirect selection was obtained to race 9, selecting to race 3 due to simpler inheritance of resistance to race 9 and not because these two races share common resistance genes. The resistance of cultivar Hartwig to races 3 and 9 is determined by 4 and 2 genes, respectively. One of these genes confers resistance to both races, explaining a fraction of the significant genetic correlation found between resistance to these SCN races. The inheritance pattern described indicates that selection for resistance to SCN must be performed for each race individually.


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The objective of this work was to assess root traits of 19 common bean genotypes, used in breeding programs for disease resistance. Genotypes DOR 364 and G 19833 were used as deep and shallow basal root checks, respectively. The number of whorls and basal roots were assessed on five-day old seedlings grown in germination paper. Growth pouch studies were conducted to evaluate basal root gravitropism and lateral root length from primary roots, in seven-day old seedlings. The following root gravitropic traits were estimated: basal growth angle, shallow basal root length (localized in the top 2 cm), and relative shallow basal root growth. Number of whorls varied from 1.47 to 3.07, and number of basal roots ranged from 5.67 (genotype TO) to 12.07 (cultivar Jalo MG-65). Cultivars BRS MG Talismã, Carioca, BRS Pioneiro, and Diamante Negro exhibited shallow basal roots, while genotypes Vi-10-2-1, TU, AB 136, and México 54 showed deep basal roots. Cultivar Jalo MG-65 showed more lateral roots from the primary root than the other genotypes. Genotypes used on common bean breeding programs for disease resistance have great variability on basal and primary root traits.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the agronomic performance and chromosomal stability of transgenic homozygous progenies of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill.], and to confirm the resistance of these plants against Anticarsia gemmatalis. Eleven progenies expressing cry1Ac, hpt and gusA genes were evaluated for agronomic characteristics in relation to the nontransformed parent IAS 5 cultivar. Cytogenetical analysis was carried out on transgenic and nontransgenic plants. Two out of the 11 transgenic progenies were also evaluated, in vitro and in vivo, for resistance to A. gemmatalis. Two negative controls were used in resistance bioassays: a transgenic homozygous line, containing only the gusA reporter gene, and nontransgenic 'IAS 5' plants. The presence of cry1Ac transgene affected neither the development nor the yield of plants. Cytogenetical analysis showed that transgenic plants presented normal karyotype. In detached-leaf bioassay, cry1Ac plants exhibited complete efficacy against A. gemmatalis, whereas negative controls were significantly damaged. Whole-plant feeding assay confirmed a very high protection of cry1Ac against velvetbean caterpillar, while nontransgenic 'IAS 5' plants and homozygous gusA line exhibited 56.5 and 71.5% defoliation, respectively. The presence of cry1Ac transgene doesn't affect the majority of agronomic traits (including yield) of soybean and grants high protection against A. gemmatalis.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance of genetically modified clones of potato to Potato virus Y (PVY) under field conditions. Genetically modified plants were compared with nontransformed plants of the same cultivar. The plots were flanked with potato plants infected with both PVYº and PVY N strains (spread lines), in order to provide the experimental area with the source of virus, which was naturally spread by the native aphid population. The experiment was weekly monitored by visual inspections and by DAS-Elisa in the plants produced from the harvested tubers, in order to evaluate the resistance of transgenic plants throughout the plant growth cycle. By the end of the third year, no infection symptoms were observed in the 1P clone; clone 63P showed 1% of infection, in contrast to about 90% of nontransformed plants infected. The stable expression of resistance to PVY provided by the coat protein gene was obtained in genetically modified clones of potato plants cultivar Achat under field conditions, during three consecutive years.


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Seventy-two monoconidial isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were obtained from the States of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná. The isolates were inoculated on seedlings of 20 wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars under greenhouse conditions. The virulence diversity of M. grisea was assessed based on compatible and incompatible reactions of leaf blast on wheat cultivars. Fifty-four distinct virulence patterns were identified on test cultivars among the isolates collected from the two wheat growing States. Sixteen of these isolates corresponding to 22.2% showed similar virulence pattern. None of the wheat cultivars was resistant to all isolates of M. grisea, but the cultivars differed in degree of resistance as measured by the relative spectrum of resistance (RSR) and disease index (DI). Among the cultivars the RSR ranged from 0 to 53.3% and DI from 0.4662 to 0.9662 (0 to 1 scale). The wheat cultivar BR18 exhibited a broad resistance spectrum in relation to the rest of the tested cultivars to the isolates of M. grisea, and can be used in wheat resistance breeding.


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Four cultivars and 21 lines of cotton were evaluated for resistance to ramulose (Colletotrichum gossypii f. sp. cephalosporioides) in a field where the disease is endemic. The seeds of each genotype were planted in 5 x 5 m plots with three replications. The lines CNPA 94-101 and 'CNPA Precoce 2'were used as standard susceptible and resistant references, respectively. The disease incidence (DI) was calculated from the proportion of diseased plants in the plot. The disease index (DIn) was calculated from the disease severity using a 1 to 9 scale, and was evaluated at weekly intervals starting 107 days after emergence. The data collected was used to calculate the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). In general, the DIn increased linearly with time and varied from 20.0 to 57.1 and AUDPC from 567 to 1627 among the genotypes which could be clustered in to two distinct groups. The susceptible group contained two cultivars and nine lines and the resistant group contained one cultivar and 12 lines. The relationship between disease index and evaluation times was linear for the 25 genotypes tested. The line CNPA 94-101, used as susceptible standard, was the most susceptible with an average DI = 83.4, DIn = 57.1 and AUDPC = 1627.7. The line CNPA 96-08 with DI = 37.8, DIn = 20.0 and AUDPC = 567.7 was the most resistant one. Among the commercial cultivars 'IAC 22' was the most susceptible and 'CNPA Precoce 2', used as resistant standard was the most resistant. The variability in virulence of the pathogen was studied by spray inoculating nine genotypes with conidial suspensions (10(5)/mL) of either of the 10 isolates. The disease severity was evaluated 30 days later using a scale of 1 to 5. The virulence of the isolate was expressed by DIn. All the isolates were highly virulent but their virulence avaried for several genotypes and could be clustered in two distinct groups of less and more virulent isolates. The isolate MTRM 14 from Mato Grosso was the least virulent while Minas Gerais was the most virulent, with DIn of 6.36 and 46.47, respectively. In this experiment the line HR 102 and the cultivar 'Antares' were the most resistant ones with DIns of 18.32 and 19.14, respectively.


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Resistance induction through the use of chemical inducers often results in physiological costs to the plant. In this study, induced resistance in cotton plants was evaluated with regard to physiological costs in a cultivar susceptible to Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides (CNPA GO 2002 - 7997). Plants were cultivated in substrates with two levels of nitrogen and received two applications of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), jasmonic acid (JA) and Agro-Mos® (AM) disease resistance inducers. Plant height (H), internodal length (IL), shoot fresh weight (SFW), root fresh weight (RFW), shoot dry weight (SDW) and root dry weight (RDW) were evaluated. The activity of the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POX) was also determined. The plants treated with ASM presented high physiological costs with an accentuated reduction in H, SFW and SDW, whereas those treated with JA exhibited a significant increase in SDW, and did not significantly differ from H and IL. In the potting mix supplemented with nitrogen, all inducers differed from the control treatment regarding to internodal length, whereas only ASM and AM presented a significant difference between one another in the potting mix without the addition of nitrogen. Significant correlations (P=0.05) were found for most of the variables analyzed, with greater correlations observed between SFW and SDW (0.94); IL and H (0.74); SFW and H (0.70); and SDW and H (0.70). ASM induced the least amount of PAL activity, significantly differing from the remaining treatments. Greater POX activity was observed in ASM, which significantly differed from the control. AM and JA, however, presented lower activity than the control with regard to these enzymes, and it was not possible to confirm induction resistance in these two treatments.


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The inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew in the pea cultivar MK-10 and some histological aspects of infection were assessed. For the inheritance study, F1, F2, backcrosses and F3 generations of MK-10 crossed with two susceptible populations were evaluated. Histological evaluations included percentage of germinated conidia, percentage of conidia that formed appresoria, percentage of conidia that established colonies, and number of haustoria per colony. Segregation ratios obtained in the resistance inheritance study were compared by Chi-square (ײ) test and the histological data were analyzed by Tukey's test at 5% probability. It was concluded that resistance of MK-10 to powdery mildew is due to a pair of recessive alleles since it is expressed in the pre-penetration stage and completed by post-penetration localized cellular death, characteristic of the presence of the pair of recessive alleles er1er1.