70 resultados para commercial construction sites

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Strategies to construct the physical map of the Trypanosoma cruzi nuclear genome have to capitalize on three main advantages of the parasite genome, namely (a) its small size, (b) the fact that all chromosomes can be defined, and many of them can be isolated by pulse field gel electrophoresis, and (c) the fact that simple Southern blots of electrophoretic karyotypes can be used to map sequence tagged sites and expressed sequence tags to chromosomal bands. A major drawback to cope with is the complexity of T. cruzi genetics, that hinders the construction of a comprehensive genetic map. As a first step towards physical mapping, we report the construction and partial characterization of a T. cruzi CL-Brener genomic library in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that consists of 2,770 individual YACs with a mean insert size of 365 kb encompassing around 10 genomic equivalents. Two libraries in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) have been constructed, BACI and BACII. Both libraries represent about three genome equivalents. A third BAC library (BAC III) is being constructed. YACs and BACs are invaluable tools for physical mapping. More generally, they have to be considered as a common resource for research in Chagas disease


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This study reports on the construction of a turbidimeter employing light emitting diodes as radiation source at a wavelength of 405 nm, a photodiode as detector, a temperature sensor and a microcontroller used for data acquisition and processing. The turbidimeter was applied to determine sulfate concentrations in natural water employing barium chloride as reagent. Potential interferences and recovery studies were performed and an interference of 3.5 % and a recovery between 97.8 and 108 % were estimated. The analytical performance of in situ turbidimeter for the determination of sulfate was evaluated and compared with two commercial spectrophotometers and a good agreement was obtained.


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Abstract The present work describes setting up a laboratory unit for supercritical fluid extraction. In addition to its construction, a survey of cost was done to compare the cost of the homemade unit with that of commercial units. The equipment was validated using an extraction of annatto seeds’ oil, and the extraction and fractionation of fennel oil were used to validate the two separators; for both systems, the solvent was carbon dioxide. The chemical profiles of annatto and fennel extracts were assessed using thin layer chromatography; the images of the chromatographic plates were processed using the free ImageJ software. The cost survey showed that the homemade equipment has a very low cost (~US$ 16,000) compared to commercial equipment. The extraction curves of annatto were similar to those obtained in the literature (yield of 3.8% oil). The separators were validated, producing both a 2.5% fraction of fennel seed extract rich in essential oils and another extract fraction composed mainly of oleoresins. The ImageJ software proved to be a low-cost tool for obtaining an initial evaluation of the chemical profile of the extracts.


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A rede mundial de computadores (Internet) é, atualmente, fonte de informação sobre saúde para leigos e profissionais da área médica. A Rinite Alérgica é uma doença muito prevalente que chega a atingir mais de 10% da população geral, causando queda da qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os princípios éticos de sites brasileiros que divulgam informações a respeito do tema "rinite alérgica". FORMA DE ESTUDO: revisional. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi feita avaliação de 173 sites brasileiros encontrados através de quatro mecanismos de busca (Google, Yahoo, Altavista e Radar Uol). Os sites foram avaliados de acordo com o Manual de Princípios Éticos para Sites de Medicina e Saúde do CREMESP (Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo), de acordo com os itens transparência, honestidade, qualidade, consentimento livre e esclarecido, privacidade, ética médica, responsabilidade e procedência. RESULTADOS: Entre os sites analisados, 149 (86,1%) não estavam de acordo como Manual de Princípios Éticos para Sites de Medicina e Saúde do CREMESP. As proporções de irregularidades entre os itens avaliados foram: qualidade (84,4%), privacidade (46,2%) honestidade (18,5%), consentimento livre e esclarecido (15,6%), responsabilidade (13,9%), transparência (12,1%), ética médica (2,3%). Havia informações inexatas em 24,3% dos sites analisados. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria dos sites estudados contendo informações sobre rinite alérgica fere os princípios éticos para sites do CREMESP. Tanto a qualidade em geral de grande parte dos sites brasileiros que abordam o tema "rinite alérgica", quanto à qualidade das informações por eles divulgadas, são insuficientes para satisfazer a médicos e pacientes.


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A Internet é aqui considerada uma fonte alternativa do estudo da história, sobretudo história das relações diplomáticas. São analisados os sites dos ministérios das relações exteriores pelo mundo: alguns atribuem grande importância à história, com detalhada visão retrospectiva (Brasil, França, México, Rússia, Alemanha, Estados Unidos), outros têm abordagem seletiva ou restrita a determinados períodos (Espanha, Argentina, Itália, Bélgica, Portugal, China, Japão), uns se voltam para o passado, somente com informações históricas que sejam indispensáveis à imagem nacional (Suíça) e outros mostram sua história voltada para o futuro (Grã-Bretanha).


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Os sites de governo eletrônico (e-gov) têm sido muito analisados do ponto de vista dos aspectos técnicos, existindo poucos estudos que os avaliem do ponto de vista dos usuários dos serviços oferecidos por estes sites. Este estudo propôs um modelo de análise dos serviços de sites de e-gov avaliados com a técnica de análise de conteúdo e identificados os níveis de atendimento dos atributos do modelo. As principais contribuições do estudo são: uma crítica das deficiências verificadas nos principais sites analisados e uma proposição de um modelo abrangente que facilite a orientação para o atendimento das principais dimensões a serem analisadas, quais sejam: eficiência, realização, disponibilidade do sistema, privacidade, site e sinergia. Do ponto de vista gerencial, o estudo contribuiu com um modelo de fácil aplicação que pode auxiliar a identificar os aspectos mais importantes dos serviços de e-gov.


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Este artigo investiga se a acessibilidade, analisada à luz dos direitos das pessoas com deficiência, é valorizada no desenvolvimento do governo eletrônico e se reflete na estrutura dos portais governamentais, contribuindo para a concretização do direito de participação política deste grupo social. Para tanto, com apoio do método dedutivo e da técnica de observação direta, sistemática e não participante, verificou-se a acessibilidade nos portais do Poder Executivo estadual de oito unidades da federação, contrastando-se a realidade destes sites com as determinações de cartilhas governamentais que preveem padrões mínimos sobre o tema. Concluiu-se que a acessibilidade nos sites pesquisados é mínima, dificultando assim o exercício de uma cidadania mais ativa por parte das pessoas com deficiência, uma vez que o acesso é a primeira condição de possibilidade para a participação.


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The percentual distributions of selected sites of cancer cases according to origin, sex and age are compared. Data were obtained from the Registry of Cancer of S. Paulo (School of Public Health of the University of S. Paulo, Brazil). The reference period for inhabitants of Japanese descent was 1969/78 and for those of Brazilian descent, the period was 1969/75. Standardized Proportionate Incidence Ratios (SPIR) with approximate 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) were evaluated using age specific Incidence Ratios of S. Paulo, 1973, as standards. The results agree with findings of previous works on mortality, but show different patterns according to origin. The well known fact that some sub-groups of a population may be different from the overall group is once again brought to the fore. Attention should be drawn to the differences detected for stomach, skin and prostate, in males, and for stomach, skin, cervix and uterus in females.


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Studies have been un dertaken into on the diversity and relative abundance of larvae of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) spp. in 22 permanent or temporary pools in an area of 70 km² in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuela Andes, between the mountains and the plains, an area in which malaria is refractory and A. nuñeztovari is present. Twelve species were identified, the most frequent, abundant and sympatric being A. triannulatus, A. albitarsis, A. nuñeztovari, A. oswaldoi and A. strodei. The samples from the permanent pools showed greater diversity of species and greater numbers of larvae than the samples from the temporary pools. The existence of the same larval associations in pools of other localities in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuelan Andes suggests the possibility of the making an ecological map of the breeding sites of A. nuñeztovari and for these anophelines in a region extending for 430 km.


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The most practicable assay for measurement of measles IgG (mIgG) in large numbers of sera is an enzyme immunoassay (EIA). To assess how EIA results would agree with those by the gold standard method of plaque reduction neutralization (PRN) we compared the results from the two methods in 43 pairs of maternal and umbilical cord sera, and sera from the corresponding infants when aged 11 - 14 months. In maternal-cord sera, the differences between mean antibody levels by EIA or PRN were not statistically significant, though in individual sera, differences could be large. However, agreement was less good for infants sera, in which levels of mIgG were very low. The conclusions of a study of transplacental transport of mIgG would not be affected by the use of either technique. When studying waning immunity in infants, PRN should be the method of choice, while results from studies using EIA should be interpreted with caution.


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INTRODUCTION: A contribution to the regional epidemiological profile of the most common fungal agents in Public Health Services in Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, including university hospitals and polyclinics. METHODS: Clinical specimens (n = 1,496) from 1,078 patients were collected, submitted to direct mycological exam (potash or stick tape method) and cultured in specific mediums. Dermatophytic and non-dermatophytic agents were identified according to micromorphology (Ridell technique). RESULTS: The majority of the 1,496 specimens were skin (n = 985) and nail exams (n = 472). Of the 800 positive cultures, 246 (30.8%) corresponded to dermatophytes and 336 (42%) to yeasts of the genus Candida, 190 (23.7%) to other yeasts, 27 (3.4%) to non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi and one (0.1%) the agent of subcutaneous mycosis. Lesions considered primary occurred in greater numbers (59.5%) than recurrent lesions (37.4%), with a greater concentration of positivity occurring on the arms and legs. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidities, allergies and diabetes mellitus were conditions associated with greater positivity in direct mycological exams and cultures. Positive culture was considered a definitive diagnosis of fungal infection and confirmed 47.8% of diagnostic hypotheses.


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A ligase chain reaction DNA amplification method for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Abbott LCx MTB) in respiratory specimens was evaluated. Results from LCx MTB Assay were compared with those from acid fast bacilli smear, culture, and final clinical diagnosis for each patient. A total of 297 respiratory specimens (sputum and bronchial lavage) from 193 patients were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of LCx vs culture were 92.7%, 93%, 67.8% and 98.7%, respectively. When compared to the clinical final diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for LCx were 88.9%, 96.8%, 86.5% and 97.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of LCx MTB assay was 75% for smear-negative, culture positive samples. The results indicate that LCx MTB assay is a rapid, simple and valuable technique as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.


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An HIV seroprevalence and molecular study was conducted among 935 subjects: 723 female commercial sex workers, 92 men who have sex with men and 120 HIV-positive volunteers. The reported injection drug use rates were 0.7% in female commercial sex workers and 3% in men who have sex with men. Sexually transmitted infections were reported in 265 (37%) of the female commercial sex workers and 38 (41%) of the men who have sex with men. A total of 20 (2.8%) female commercial sex workers and 12 (13%) men who have sex with men became HIV infected during the study period. A history of sexually transmitted infection increased the risk of subsequent HIV infection twofold (adjusted odds ratio of 2.5) among the female commercial sex workers, while cocaine use had an adjusted odds ratios of 6.61 among men who have sex with men. From 130 samples, and based on heteroduplex mobility assaying for the env gene, with sequencing of part of pol and/or full genomes, subtype B was the predominant subtype identified (66%); followed by subtype F (22%) and subtype C (4%). Recombinant CRF12-BF strains were identified in 6% and CRF17_BF was identified in 2%.


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INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Aedes aegypti in breeding sites located in vacant lots (VLs) and determine the effectiveness of VL cleaning to reduce insect foci. METHODS: Two types of VLs were sampled, the experimental VL, which was cleaned monthly, and the control VL, which was not cleaned. RESULTS: Monthly cleaning of VLs reduced the abundance of immature forms of A. aegypti. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies for combating this vector should include regular cleaning of VLs and educating the public regarding the risks of discarding waste in inappropriate areas.