192 resultados para candida krusei
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Thirty-four Candida isolates were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA using the primer OPG-10:24 Candida albicans; 4 Candida tropicalis; 2 Candida parapsilosis; 2 Candida dubliniensis; 1 Candida glabrata and 1 Candida krusei. The UPGMA-Pearson correlation coefficient was used to calculate the genetic distance between the different Candida groupings. Samples were classified as identical (correlation of 100%); highly related samples (90%); moderately related samples (80%) and unrelated samples (< 70%). The results showed that the RAPD proposed was capable of classifying the isolates coherently (such that same species were in the same dendrogram), except for two isolates of Candida parapsilosis and the positive control (Netherlands, 1973), probably because they are now recognized as three different species. Concerning the only fluconazole-resistant Candida tropicalis isolate with a genotype that was different to the others, the data were insufficient to affirm that the only difference was the sensitivity to fluconazole. We concluded that the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA proposed might be used to confirm Candida species identified by microbiological methods.
Avaliou-se, in vitro, a capacidade de crescimento em 39ºC e 42ºC, a produção de enzimas hidrolíticas e a atividade hemolítica de 21 cepas clínicas e de referência de sete espécies de Candida spp, Candida dubliniensis e Candida krusei demonstraram menor potencial de virulência e Candida albicans maior.
INTRODUÇÃO: A candidíase é uma das infecções fúngicas mais frequentes entre os pacientes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. O presente estudo objetivou a caracterização das leveduras do gênero Candida de distintas amostras clínicas, provenientes de pacientes HIV - positivos, assim como a determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade in vitro a cinco drogas antifúngicas. MÉTODOS: A caracterização dos isolados de Candida sp foi realizada através da metodologia clássica, testes bioquímicos (zimograma e auxanograma) e morfológicos (prova do tubo germinativo e microcultivo em lâmina). Também, foram realizadas a técnica genotípica (PCR) e identificação pelo método comercial API 20C AUX (BioMeriéux). Para a determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade in vitro, foram utilizadas cinco drogas antifúngicas (cetoconazol, fluconazol, itraconazol, voriconazol e anfotericina B), através do método comercialmente disponível - Etest. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 105 isolados de leveduras do gênero Candida provenientes de 102 pacientes infectados pelo vírus HIV. Destes, foram caracterizadas 82 (78,1%) Candida albicans, 8 (7,6%) Candida parapsilosis, 8 (7,6%) Candida tropicalis, 4 (3,8%) Candida krusei, 2 (1,9%) Candida glabrata e 1 (1%) Candida guilliermondii. CONCLUSÕES: Considerando o perfil geral de sensibilidade, 60% dos isolados foram suscetíveis a todos os antifúngicos testados, porém as espécies C. tropicalis e C. krusei demonstraram uma tendência a valores mais elevados de CIMs para os azóis do que os encontrados paraC. albicans, sugerindo resistência.
The azoles are the class of medications most commonly used to fight infections caused by Candida sp. Typically, resistance can be attributed to mutations in ERG11 gene (CYP51) which encodes the cytochrome P450 14α-demethylase, the primary target for the activity of azoles. The objective of this study was to identify mutations in the coding region of theERG11 gene in clinical isolates of Candidaspecies known to be resistant to azoles. We identified three new synonymous mutations in the ERG11 gene in the isolates of Candida glabrata (C108G, C423T and A1581G) and two new nonsynonymous mutations in the isolates of Candida krusei - A497C (Y166S) and G1570A (G524R). The functional consequence of these nonsynonymous mutations was predicted using evolutionary conservation scores. The G524R mutation did not have effect on 14α-demethylase functionality, while the Y166S mutation was found to affect the enzyme. This observation suggests a possible link between the mutation and dose-dependent sensitivity to voriconazole in the clinical isolate of C. krusei. Although the presence of the Y166S in phenotype of reduced azole sensitivity observed in isolate C. kruseidemands investigation, it might contribute to the search of new therapeutic agents against resistant Candida isolates.
Otite externa aguda é a inflamação do conduto auditivo externo, e plantas medicinais podem ser utilizadas, na cultura popular, para seu tratamento. OBJETIVO: Avaliar atividade antimicrobiana in vitro de Aleolanthus suaveolens, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Cymbopogon citratus, Matricaria chamomila, Pithecellobium avaremotemo, Plectranthus amboinicus e Ruta graveolens sobre agentes etiológicos de otite externa. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: A concentração inibitória mínima de extratos e óleos destas plantas foi obtida em amostras de otite externa. RESULTADOS: Staphylococcus aureus em 10 culturas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa em 8, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus, em associação, em 5 culturas e Candida albicans e Candida krusei em 4 culturas. P. aeruginosa foi resistente a todos os extratos e óleos essenciais testados; os extratos de A. suaveolens, P. avaremotemo e de R. graveolens foram inativos, o óleo essencial de C. aromaticus e M. chamomila foram ativos contra 3 cepas de S. aureus e as cepas de Candida; Sete das cepas de S. aureus foram sensíveis ao extrato de P. amboinicus, mas o óleo não mostrou atividade, 4 cepas de S.aureus e as cepas de Candida foram sensíveis ao óleo essencial de R. graveolens. CONCLUSÃO: Algumas plantas apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, dependendo do agente etiológico, porém se faz necessário estudos mais detalhados, para melhorar o aproveitamento destas plantas.
São apresentados os resultados de estudo transversal e observacional sobre candidemia realizado no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná. No período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2004, foram analisados 100 episódios de candidemia. A incidência foi de 1,27 por 1.000 internações, sendo Candida spp o oitavo agente mais isolado nas infecções da corrente sanguínea. A idade variou de 5 dias a 89 anos com uma média de 32 anos, 60% dos casos ocorreram em adultos (66% > 50 anos) e 40% em crianças (52% < 1 ano). Cinqüenta e nove pacientes estavam internados em enfermarias e 41 em unidade de terapia intensiva. Candida albicans foi a espécie mais (59%) freqüente, seguida por Candida tropicalis (15%), Candida parapsilosis (9%). As condições associadas mais (97%) freqüentes foram uso de antibióticos, cateter venoso central (77%), bloqueador H2 (57%), nutrição parenteral total (49%) internamento em unidade de terapia intensiva (41%). Dos 51 isolados testados, 3 de Candida glabrata apresentaram suscetibilidade dose-dependente ao fluconazol e eram resistentes ao itraconazol. Uma amostra de Candida krusei apresentou suscetibilidade dose-dependente ao fluconazol, e uma de Candida pelliculosa suscetibilidade dose-dependente ao itraconazol. Na população de estudo, 68% receberam tratamento antifúngico, no entanto a mortalidade foi de 56%.
Infecções por leveduras são freqüentes em imunocomprometidos, contudo espécies emergentes têm alterado o perfil epidemiológico. A habilidade de secretar proteases tem sido associada à patogenicidade do gênero Candida. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos diagnosticar leveduroses em pacientes imunocomprometidos e avaliar a virulência dos agentes etiológicos baseado em teste de secreção de protease utilizando soro de albumina bovina como substrato. Do total de 104 pacientes estudados, 19 apresentaram episódios de leveduroses. O trato respiratório (63,2%), seguido pelo trato urinário (10,5%) foram os locais mais comuns de infecção. Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis e espécies emergentes como Candida krusei e Candida guilliermondii foram isoladas. Cinco isolados de Candida parapsilosis e um de Candida albicans e Candida guilliermondii exibiram alta atividade enzimática. Concluímos que a caracterização enzimática de isolados de Candida pode ser um útil marcador prognóstico, especialmente em imunocomprometidos, uma vez que leveduroses nestes pacientes são geralmente graves.
Natural products have long been providing important drug leads for infectious diseases. Leishmaniasis is a protozoan parasitic disease found mainly in developing countries, and it has toxic therapies with few alternatives. Fungal infections have been the main cause of death in immunocompromised patients and new drugs are urgently needed. In this work, a total of 16 plant species belonging to 11 families, selected on an ethnopharmacological basis, were analyzed in vitro against Leishmania (L.) chagasi, Leishmania (L.) amazonensis, Candida krusei, and C. parapsilosis. Of these plant species, seven showed antifungal activity against C. krusei, five showed antileishmanial activity against L. chagasi and four against L. amazonensis, among them species of genus Plectranthus. Our findings confirm the traditional therapeutic use of these plants in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory disorders and also offer insights into the isolation of active and novel drug prototypes, especially those used against neglected diseases as Leishmaniasis.
Two essential oils of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown (Verbenacea), the carvone and citral chemotypes and 15 of their compounds were evaluated to determine cytotoxicity and antifungal activity. Cytotoxicity assays for both the citral and carvone chemotypes were carried out with tetrazolium-dye, which showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect against HeLa cells. Interestingly, this effect on the evaluated cells (HeLa and the non-tumoural cell line, Vero) was lower than that of commercial citral alone. Commercial citral showed the highest cytotoxic activity on HeLa cells. The antifungal activity was evaluated against Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus strains following the standard protocols, Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Subcommittee of the European Committee on Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing and CLSI M38-A. Results demonstrated that the most active essential oil was the citral chemotype, with geometric means-minimal inhibitory concentration (GM-MIC) values of 78.7 and 270.8 μg/mL for A. fumigatus and C. krusei, respectively. Commercial citral showed an antifungal activity similar to that of the citral chemotype (GM-MIC values of 62.5 μg/mL for A. fumigatus and 39.7 μg/mL for C. krusei). Although the citronellal and geraniol were found in lower concentrations in the citral chemotype, they had significant antifungal activity, with GM-MIC values of 49.6 μg/mL for C. krusei and 176.8 μg/mL for A. fumigatus.
A mastite é a principal afecção do gado leiteiro, possui alta prevalência, e constitui um fator limitante em muitas propriedades rurais do país, devido às perdas econômicas. Considerando-se a complexidade etiológica das mastites o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os agentes de etiológicos desta enfermidade e a sua influência na qualidade do leite bovino. Para tanto, foram avaliados um total de 1090 tetos de animais de dez propriedades rurais localizadas no estado de São Paulo. A análise microbiológica do leite consistiu em cultivar uma alíquota de 0,1mL de leite de cada amostra positiva ao CMT, ou com mastite clínica, em meio de ágar base adicionado de 5% de sangue ovino e em agar Mac Conkey, incubando-se as placas a 37°C com observação do desenvolvimento microbiano a cada 24 horas durante três dias. Os microrganismos com maior frequência na mastite foram Corynebacterium bovis(29,52%), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (11,9%) e Staphylococcus aureus (10,48%). Houve ainda o isolamento em ágar Sabouraud dextrose de Candida krusei e Trichosporum spp. As médias de CCS e UFC dos animais foram variáveis e oito (80%) propriedades encontram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos para CCS pela Instrução Normativa n° 51 do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, e todas as propriedades se encontram dentro dos limites para UFC. Houve correlação positiva entre UFC e CCS de leite em duas propriedades entre as seis analisadas estatisticamente. Conclui-se que a mastite é um dos fatores que não permitem que o produtor atinja a qualidade exigida pelo governo. Falhas de manejo e higiene existem e devem ser corrigidas com treinamento dos produtores para aplicação de boas práticas de produção. Finalmente, o monitoramento das mastites e da qualidade do leite nos rebanhos deve ser realizado, e técnicas acessíveis como a CCS composta podem ser utilizadas.
Although Candida albicans is the main cause of fungal esophagitis, other species such as C. tropicalis, C. krusei and C. stellatoidea have also been implicated. Several studies have identified risk factors for C. albicans esophagitis. However, data for non-C. albicans species is still sparse. The aim of this study was to determine the etiology of Candida esophagitis in our medical centre over an 18-month period. Additionally, we aimed to investigate predisposing conditions for esophageal candidosis caused by different Candida species. A total of 21,248 upper gastroscopies were performed in Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar between January 2005 and July 2006. The prevalence of Candida esophagitis was 0.74% (n = 158). C. albicans caused the vast majority of infections (96.2%), followed by C. tropicalis (2.5%), C. lusitaniae (0.6%) and C. glabrata (0.6%). There were 81 women (51.3%) and 77 men (48.7%). No case of mixed infection occurred. Concomitant oral candidosis was documented for 10.8% (n = 17). Most of cases (55.1%) involved outpatients. Around one fifth of patients in our cohort had no identifiable risk factors for esophageal candidosis (20.8%). Since nearly all infections were caused by C. albicans we were not able to determine risk factors for esophagitis caused by other Candida species.
Candidemia remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the health care environment. The epidemiology of Candida infection is changing, mainly in relation to the number of episodes caused by species C. non-albicans. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of yeasts of the genus Candida, in a four-year period, isolated from blood of pediatric patients hospitalized in a public hospital of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In this period, yeasts from blood of 104 patients were isolated and, the identified species of Candida by phenotypic and genotypic methods were: C. albicans (39/104), C. tropicalis (25/104), C. parapsilosis (23/104), Pichia anomala (6/104), C. guilliermondii (5/104), C. krusei (3/104), C. glabrata (2/104) and C. pararugosa (1/104). During the period of the study, a higher frequency of isolates of C. non-albicans (63.55%) (p = 0.0286) was verified. In this study we verified the increase of the non-albicans species throughout the years (mainly in 2009 and 2010). Thus, considering the peculiarities presented by Candida species, a correct identification of species is recommended to lead to a faster diagnosis and an efficient treatment.
The high mortality rates associated with candidemia episodes and the emergence of resistance to antifungal agents necessitate the monitoring of the susceptibility of fungal isolates to antifungal treatments. The new, recently approved, species-specific clinical breakpoints (SS-CBPs)(M27-S4) for evaluating susceptibility require careful interpretation and comparison with the former proposals made using the M27-A3 breakpoints, both from CLSI. This study evaluated the susceptibility of the different species of Candida that were isolated from candidemias based on these two clinical breakpoints. Four hundred and twenty-two isolates were identified and, among them, C. parapsilosis comprised 46.68%, followed by C. albicans (35.78%), C. tropicalis (9.71%), C. glabrata (3.55%), C. lusitaniae (1.65%), C. guilliermondii (1.65%) and C. krusei (0.94%). In accordance with the M27-A3 criteria, 33 (7.81%) non-susceptible isolates were identified, of which 16 (3.79%) were resistant to antifungal agents. According to SS-CBPs, 80 (18.95%) isolates were non-susceptible, and 10 (2.36%) of these were drug resistant. When the total number of non-susceptible isolates was considered, the new SS-CBPs detected 2.4 times the number of isolates that were detected using the M27-A3 interpretative criteria. In conclusion, the detection of an elevated number of non-susceptible species has highlighted the relevance of evaluating susceptibility tests using new, species-specific clinical breakpoints (SS-CBPs), which could impact the profile of non-susceptible Candida spp. to antifungal agents that require continuous susceptibility monitoring.
Infections by Candida species are a high-impact problem in public health due to their wide incidence in hospitalized patients. The goal of this study was to evaluate frequency, susceptibility to antifungals, and genetic polymorphism of Candida species isolated from clinical specimens of hospitalized patients. The Candida isolates included in this study were obtained from blood cultures, abdominal fluids, and central venous catheters (CVC) of hospitalized patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia during the period of July 2010 - June 2011. Susceptibility tests were conducted by the broth microdilution method. The RAPD-PCR tests used employed initiator oligonucleotides OPA09, OPB11, and OPE06. Of the 63 Candida isolates, 18 (28.5%) were C. albicans, 20 (31.7%) were C. parapsilosis complex species, 14 (22.2%) C. tropicalis, four (6.4%) C. glabrata, four (6.4%) C. krusei, two (3.3%) C. kefyr, and one (1.6%) C. lusitaniae. In vitro resistance to amphotericin B was observed in 12.7% of isolates. In vitroresistance to azoles was not detected, except for C. krusei. The two primers, OPA09 and OPB11, were able to distinguish different species. Isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species presented six and five clusters, respectively, with the OPA09 marker by RAPD-PCR, showing the genetic variability of the isolates of those species. It was concluded that members of the C. parapsilosis complex were the most frequent species found, and most isolates were susceptible to the antifungals amphotericin B, flucozanole, and itraconazole. High genetic polymorphisms were observed for isolates of C. albicans and C. parapsilosis complex species, mainly with the OPA09 marker.
Infecções oportunistas da cavidade bucal são primariamente causadas por fungos do gênero Candida e freqüentemente ocorrem em pacientes com câncer que estão sobtratamento quimioterápico e antibacteriano. De 44 amostras coletadas da mucosa oral de pacientes com câncer, observou-se o isolamento de 25 leveduras do gênero Candida em cultivo realizado em ágar Sabouraud-dextrose. Foram identificados Candida albicans em 24 (96%) isolados e C. krusei em 1 (4%). As características fenotípicas das amostras de Candida albicans mostraram que todos os isolados foram fortemente proteolíticos, capazes de produzir fosfolipases e possuíam os biotipos caracterizados como 811(95,8%) e 511 (4,2%) em relação a susceptibilidade às toxinas killer.