152 resultados para adventitious roots
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Establishment of the water layer in an irrigated rice crop leads to consumption of free oxygen in the soil which enters in a chemical reduction process mediated by anaerobic microorganisms, changing the crop environment. To maintain optimal growth in an environment without O2, rice plants develop pore spaces (aerenchyma) that allow O2 transport from air to the roots. Carrying capacity is determined by the rice genome and it may vary among cultivars. Plants that have higher capacity for formation of aerenchyma should theoretically carry more O2 to the roots. However, part of the O2 that reaches the roots is lost due to permeability of the roots and the O2 gradient created between the soil and roots. The O2 that is lost to the outside medium can react with chemically reduced elements present in the soil; one of them is iron, which reacts with oxygen and forms an iron plaque on the outer root surface. Therefore, evaluation of the iron plaque and of the formation of pore spaces on the root can serve as a parameter to differentiate rice cultivars in regard to the volume of O2 transported via aerenchyma. An experiment was thus carried out in a greenhouse with the aim of comparing aerenchyma and iron plaque formation in 13 rice cultivars grown in flooded soils to their formation under growing conditions similar to a normal field, without free oxygen. The results indicated significant differences in the volume of pore spaces in the roots among cultivars and along the root segment in each cultivar, indicating that under flooded conditions the genetic potential of the plant is crucial in induction of cell death and formation of aerenchyma in response to lack of O2. In addition, the amount of Fe accumulated on the root surface was different among genotypes and along the roots. Thus, we concluded that the rice genotypes exhibit different responses for aerenchyma formation, oxygen release by the roots and iron plaque formation, and that there is a direct relationship between porosity and the amount of iron oxidized on the root surface.
The meristematic endodermis in adventitious roots of Richterago species originates in one of the fundamental meristem cells, which undergo sucessive anticlinal and periclinal divisions to build the inner cortex. The meristematic endodermis or proendodermis remains as a meristematic layer until its differentiation into endodermis, with Casparian strip. When sieve elements differentiate, endodermic secretory canals of esquizogenous origin are present at the region adjacent to primary phloem. Articulated laticifers, with cells perforated at both terminal and transversal walls, also occur during initial phases of secondary development. Presence of inulin as reserve carbohydrate in the inner cortex and vascular tissue may be related to abiotic factors, as an adaptive strategy of these species.
Insect galls of restinga areas of Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study carried out an insect gall inventory in restinga areas of Ilha da Marambaia, in the municipality of Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly from April 2010 to March 2011 along the full extension of seven beaches. A total number of 147 gall morphotypes associated with 70 plant species were found, distributed in 33 plant families, and at least 54 genera. Myrtaceae was the botanical family with the highest richness of gall morphotypes and host species, followed by Bignoniaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, and Malpighiaceae. Most of the gall morphotypes occurred in leaves (78 morphotypes), 38 in stems, 14 in flowers, eight in buds and fruits, and one in adventitious roots. The galling insects belong to the five orders: Diptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, and Thysanoptera. Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) was the most common galling taxon (78 morphotypes), represented by 87 species, being 78 gallers, seven inquilines and two predators. In addition to the gallers, parasitoids, inquilines, and predators were also found.
Some physiological and morphological responses of five Brachiaria brizantha accessions (BRA000591 cultivar Marandu, BRA003441, BRA002844, BRA004308 and BRA004391) were compared for plants grown in pots under flooding and well-drained conditions for 14 days. Flooding caused a significant reduction in leaf dry mass production in all accessions, but, for root biomass, no differences between treatments could be detected in BRA003441 and BRA004391. No adventitious root production was observed in flooded BRA003441; all other accessions produced adventitious roots when flooded. Relative growth rate was reduced by flooding only in BRA000591 and BRA004308. Leaf elongation rate was reduced by flooding in all accessions, however, more severely in BRA003441. Net photosynthesis was reduced by flooding in all accessions, but with less intensity in BRA004391. For all accessions, there was a close relationship between net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance under flooding. The five accessions tested differed in tolerance to flooding. BRA004391 was the most tolerant. Accession BRA003441 was the most sensitive, followed by BRA000591 cultivar Marandu. Accessions BRA002844 and BRA004308 were classified as intermediate in flooding tolerance.
A study on the vegetative organ anatomy of Ianthopappus corymbosus was conducted in order to provide a basis for comparison with the genus Richterago, since this species had been previously included in that genus. The anatomical characters of I. corymbosus that support its exclusion from the genus Richteragon are: epithelial cell organization of adventitious root secretory canals, non-glandular trichomes, and presence of cortical vascular bundles in the stem. In Ianthopappus corymbosus, the underground system consists of rhizophore from which adventitious roots branch off. The subapical meristem of the adventitious root revealed that the ground meristem forms the inner layer which in a meristematic phase, forms 2/3 of the cortex. This layer will differentiate in the endodermis, with Casparian strips, and is referred to as meristematic endodermis. Endodermic secretory canals, limited by four epithelial cells, appear in the region adjacent to the primary phloem.
Adventitious rooting of ornamental plants can be accelerated by the application of growth regulators, such as auxin. Humic acids, organic matter in soil and organic compounds also have a biostimulant effect. This work evaluated the rooting in cuttings of croton (Codianeum variegatum L. Rumph) and hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) in response to the application of different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse. Apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions at concentrations of: 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg L-1 IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L-1 HA carbon isolated from vermicomposting. Forty-five days after the applications, the cuttings were removed from the pots containing carbonized rice hull and the following variables were measured: rooting number, length and width of leaves, fresh and dry matter of root and aerial part and root area. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the qualitative and quantitative effects of the treatments were compared by contrast and regression, respectively. Regression equations were used to determine the maximum efficiency level of root dry matter according to IBA and HA. Higher accumulation of root dry matter was recorded for the treatments with the doses 579 mg L-1 IBA and 14 mmol L-1 HA and 970 mg L-1 IBA and 50 mmol L-1 HA for root cuttings of croton and hibiscus, respectively. It was found that the application of eiher IBA or HA at the indicated doses accelerates rooting in cuttings of croton and hibiscus and contributes to the formation of vigorous plants.
Gladiolus is an ornamental species produced for cut flowers and propagated by corms. The early flowering and increase in the number of flower buds, besides the production of commercial corms are constant challenges to be addressed in the crop improvement. Commercial production of ornamentals is technologically accelerated by means of growth regulators. Among them, the auxins stand out for their key role in the adventitious rooting and cell elongation. Alternatively, the humic substances present in the organic matter also have biostimulating effect, which is very similar to the auxinic effect. Therefore, this work aimed to study the growth and development of gladiolus in response to application of different concentrations of humic acids (HA) isolated from vermicompost. Corms were soaked for 24 hours in solutions containing 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mmol L-1 of C from HA. The corms were planted in 10-dm³ plastic bags filled with substrate and kept in a greenhouse. Growth of shoots and roots was evaluated. The results showed that the use of HA accelerates growth, and anticipates and increases flowering of Gladiolus.
The genetic diversity of ten Bradyrhizobium strains was evaluated for tolerance to high temperatures, to different salinity levels and for the efficiency of symbiosis with cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Eight of these strains were isolated from nodules that appeared on cowpea after inoculation with suspensions of soil sampled from around the root system of Sesbania virgata (wand riverhemp) in ecosystems of South Minas Gerais. The other two strains used in our analyses as references, were from the Amazon and are currently recommended as cowpea inoculants. Genetic diversity was analyzed by amplifying repetitive DNA elements with the BOX primer, revealing high genetic diversity with each strain presenting a unique band profile. Leonard jar assays showed that the strains UFLA 03-30 and UFLA 03-38 had the highest N2-fixing potentials in symbiosis with cowpea. These strains had more shoot and nodule dry matter, more shoot N accumulation, and a higher relative efficiency than the strains recommended as inoculants. All strains grew in media of pH levels ranging from 4.0 to 9.0. The strains with the highest N2-fixing efficiencies in symbiosis with cowpea were also tolerant to the greatest number of antibiotics. However, these strains also had the lowest tolerance to high salt concentrations. All strains, with the exceptions of UFLA 03-84 and UFLA 03-37, tolerated temperatures of up to 40 ºC. The genetic and phenotypic characteristics of the eight strains isolated from soils of the same region were highly variable, as well as their symbiotic efficiencies, despite their common origin. This variability highlights the importance of including these tests in the selection of cowpea inoculant strains.
Compatibility between Eucalyptus dunnii and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Hysterangium gardneri and Pisolithus sp. - from Eucalyptus spp. -, Rhizopogon nigrescens and Suillus cothurnatus - from Pinus spp.-, was studied in vitro. Pisolithus sp., H. gardneri and S. cothurnatus colonized the roots. Pisolithus sp. mycorrhizas presented mantle and Hartig net, while H. gardneri and S. cothurnatus mycorrhizas presented only mantle. S. cothurnatus increased phenolics level on roots. Pisolithus sp. and R. nigrescens decreased the level of these substances. The isolates from Eucalyptus seem to be more compatible towards E. dunnii than those from Pinus. The mechanisms involved could be related, at least in the cases of Pisolithus and Suillus, to the concentration of phenolics in roots.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is known to have a high requirement for K and to be very sensitive to low soil pH. Most of K reaches plant roots by diffusion in the soil. As K interacts with Ca and Mg, liming can interfere in K movement in the soil, affecting eventually the plant nutrition. The objective of this work was to study the effect of dolomitic lime and 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 g kg-1 of K on the supply of K to cotton roots. Cotton plants were grown up to 40 days in 5 L pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Typic Haplusthox) with 68% and 16% of sand and clay, respectively. There was an increase in dry matter yields and in K accumulation due to K fertilization. Root interception of soil K was also increased by K application, but was not affected by lime. Mass flow and diffusion increased linearly with K levels up to 60 mg kg-1, in pots with lime. In pots without lime the amount of K reaching the roots by diffusion increased up to 45 mg kg-1, but decreased at the highest K level. Accordingly, there was more K reaching the roots through mass flow at the highest K level. This happened because there were more fine roots in pots without lime, at the highest K level. As the roots grew closer, there was a stronger root competition leading to a decrease in the amount of K diffused to cotton roots.
The objective of this work was to perform the screening of soybean genotypes as to their ability to respond to the induction of hairy roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes‑mediated transformation. Four Brazilian soybean cultivars (BRSMG 68 Vencedora, BRS 137, Embrapa 48, and MG/BR 46 Conquista) and two North American ones adapted to Brazilian cropping conditions (Bragg and IAS‑5) were screened for their capacity to respond to A. rhizogenes in protocols for in vitro hairy root culture and ex vitro composite plant production. Four‑day‑old seedlings with uniform size were injected with A. rhizogenes harboring the plasmid p35S‑GFP. Seedlings expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in at least one hairy root were used to determine the transformation frequency. Using an axenic in vitro protocol, excised cotyledons from four‑day‑old seedlings were infected with A. rhizogenes harboring the pCAMBIA1301 plasmid, containing the gusA reporter gene. The transformation frequency and the number of days for hairy root emergence after bacterial infection (DAI) were evaluated. The transformation frequency and DAI varied according to the genotype. Cultivars MG/BR 46 Conquista and BRSMG 68 Vencedora are more susceptible to A. rhizogenes and can be recommended for transformation experiments.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to develop a scale to assess the severity of postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of cassava roots, and to validate this scale for accuracy and reproducibility estimates. A diagrammatic scale (0 to 100%) for the damaged roots was analyzed according to precision, accuracy, and reproducibility. Seven evaluators (four with experience and three without it) quantified the PPD severity, with or without the scale, considering 150 roots with different levels of PPD. Without and with the use of the scale, respectively, the inexperienced evaluators obtained coefficients of determination (R2) from 0.76 to 0.86 and 0.87 to 0.92, and the experienced evaluators obtained R2 from 0.90 to 0.96 and 0.96 to 0.97. The values of the intercept (a) obtained by both the experienced and inexperienced evaluators who did not use the scale were all significant, while after using the scale, only two evaluators got values that were not significantly different from one. Evaluation reproducibility between the evaluators ranged from 0.61 to 0.91 for the inexperienced ones and from 0.83 to 0.95 for the experienced ones. The proposed diagrammatic scale was considered appropriate to estimate the severity of PPD in cassava roots, and can be used to identify sources of tolerance to postharvest deterioration.
In imaging diagnosis, redundant nerve roots of the cauda equina are characterized by the presence of elongated, enlarged and tortuous nerve roots in close relationship with a high-grade lumbar spinal canal stenosis. This is not an independent entity, but it is believed to be a consequence of the chronic compression at the level of the lumbar canal stenosis and thus may be part of the natural history of lumbar spinal stenosis. The present paper is aimed at reviewing the histopathological, electrophysiological and imaging findings, particularly at magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the clinical meaning of this entity. As the current assessment of canal stenosis and root compression is preferably performed by means of magnetic resonance imaging, this is the imaging method by which the condition is identified. The recognition of redundant nerve roots at magnetic resonance imaging is important, particularly to avoid misdiagnosing other conditions such as intradural arteriovenous malformations. The literature approaching the clinical relevance of the presence of redundant nerve roots is controversial. There are articles suggesting that the pathological changes of the nerve roots are irreversible at the moment of diagnosis and therefore neurological symptoms are less likely to improve with surgical decompression, but such concept is not a consensus.
This work presents the use of potentiometric measurements for kinetic studies of biosorption of Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutions on Eichhornia crassipes roots. The open circuit potential of the Cd/Cd2+ electrode of the first kind was measured during the bioadsorption process. The amount of Cd2+ ions accumulated was determined in real time. The data were fit to different models, with the pseudo-second-order model proving to be the best in describing the data. The advantages and limitations of the methodology proposed relative to the traditional method are discussed.
Organic extracts were obtained from roots of Canavalia ensiformis and evaluated for allelopathic potential on the germination of the weed seeds: Mimosa pudica, Cassia tora and Cassia occidentalis showing a strong allelopathic potential. After that, a systematic study of these crude extracts was made using specific protocols developed in capillary electrophoresis (CE) in order to determine some classes of secondary metabolites. Capillary electrophoresis protocols were highly specific, which makes it possible to identify 5 classes of compounds using the same crude extract samples and analyze them fartly. Some of the compounds identified show activity in the inhibition of seeds germination.